So I've gotten some criticism on the prior chapter; if you read the prior chapter, feel free to read this quick author's note. If you skipped it due to its nature, please skip to the next emboldened paragraph. Now, addressing who DID read the previous chapter; yes, alcohol and sex were the topics explored. I have a discretion note. THIS STORY IS RATE M, meaning 17+ years in age. If you are younger and reading this, than you do so at your risk. If you are seventeen and older and you are offended by the chapter, THAT'S WHY THERE'S A WARNING! If you are seventeen, and offended by sex and alcohol themes, all I have to say is: really? You're an adult (or one year shy of being an adult) and you can't handle it? There was no rape in my chapter, and even if there was, this is fanfiction, an author can create anything. Adults, like the characters in the previous chapter, drink alcohol and have sex, guys. Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't change the fact that yes, adults drink, and yes, adults can have rough sex. If the chapter offended you, I won't apologize. I gave a warning and rated the story appropriately. If you ignored it and dislike the chapter, it's your fault darling.

For those of you who skipped the chapter: Raven and BB had their first evening together as a couple, and are both asleep in Raven's bed, which is where this chapter begins.

Reality sharpened slowly, and as I looked around the room disoriented, I realized some time must've passed; through my heavy, dark blue, black out drapes, the midday sun was trying to find its way into my dark haven. I stretched, and as my closed fist collided with something harder than pillows and blankets, the event of last night returned to me.

I watched his sleeping face, drool sneaking out of the corner of his mouth as he snored loudly. His nude body was covered with the comforter, but I could remember its perfection from the night before. His hair, a tousled, knotted mess, stuck out about the place. I tenderly tried to smooth in out, my thin, gray fingers working themselves through the tougher knots slowly.

He yawned, and his eyes creaked open, the crust on his eyes trying to keep them cemented together. His eyes alighted on my purple irises, and I watched as recognition, then confusion, then shock crossed his face quickly. He began flailing, trying to sit up beside me, but I pushed him back onto the mattress gently, hushing his protests.

"It's alright," I said, my usually dry voice ever so slightly more sincere. He relaxed against the soft sheets, huffing, looking at me guardedly.

"Raven, what happened last night…I didn't, I mean, I just wanted to make sure, but I-" My lips cut off his words quickly, sweetly, a light drizzle after a scorching summer afternoon.

"It's okay, nothing is wrong. Everything is fine," I whispered tenderly against the smooth green expanse of his broad forehead. His breath was frantic, like he was watching an approaching train wreck, or maybe a hungry lion, circling its prey.

"Raven, I'm so-"

"Seriously, stop." My voice regained its hardened character, and I glared down at him. His eyes traveled down my smooth neck and tried to peer down the blanket that was hiding my naked expanse. His gaze then snapped up, nervously, another apology leaking out of every pore in his body. "Quit apologizing. It makes it sound like you regret what we did."

"What? No!" Beast Boy shrieked, sitting up so quickly this time that I didn't have time to push him back down. "Not at all! I'm just sorry I came here, and I'm sorry that…" as he watched my face, he saw my irritation growing; he was still making apologies. "Are you okay?" he finally mumbled.

"I'm perfect," I said, kissing him on the cheek lightly as I rose from the sheet's shield. He gazed at me with wonder and awe, rubbing his cheek, as I redressed myself for the remainder of the day. When I had finally attached my cape, the finally piece of my outfit, I turned to him, still sitting on my bed, rubbing his cheek. "Getting up at all today?" He scrambled up then quickly, yanked on his jumpsuit, and began trying to comb his hair with his ungloved fingers.

When we were both ready, we left my room and began heading to the main living area. Just before the doors slid open, I grabbed his hand with my own, and dragging him a little behind me, entered the main room of Titan's Tower. Cyborg, who was wolfing down Starfire's home cooking, froze, starring at our encircled palms. Robin turned at the sound of the door opening, and his open mouth spoke volumes to his shock.

I dragged my partner through the room, disregarding the other hero's looks, and passed Starfire on my way to the cupboard. "Friends," Starfire started cautiously, eyeing our held hands, "I am confused as your earthly ways are still sometimes a mystery to me. Please, is today a special occasion? Why do you do the holding of hands?" I looked to Beast Boy to answer, but he just stared at the floor.

"Why are you embarrassed?" I droned, uncaring as to the other's presence. "I'm not ashamed, are you? These people are our family. Do you suggest we hide it?" He looked up at me then, and smiled, for the first time that day, bright and bold. Finally, he puffed out his chest, his obnoxious confidence and usual demeanor making its first appearance since we had gotten together.

"Not at all," he chuckled. "It's just new! We are holding hands, Star, because we are dating." Silence, for one…two…

"GLORIOUS!" The pair of us were swooped up into a painful alien embrace, and cheers and congratulations sounded from the other two male Titans. Cyborg felt particularly happy for his best friend; ever since Terra, Beast Boy had been lonely. Cyborg had always seen the odd pair's attraction, and he was glad that they could finally find happiness in each other.

Time passed, and all my fear's had been for naught. The Titans were growing closer than ever before; the rekma was nowhere to be seen. Yes, we were growing up; Robin became Nightwing, Cyborg shouted "Booyah" less and less. But we weren't going anywhere. Robin and Starfire were even more serious than before in their romantic relationship; from the vibes and emotions I could feel wafting off of our masked leader, a ring was in the near future. Beast Boy and I grew even more opposites, our polar opposite personalities growing even further apart. I was quieter, more reserved than before in my "rowdy" younger years, and my boyfriend seemed to grow younger. He was louder, bolder, goofier. We grew closer together, always near one another. Even when we were across the room from each other, we could sense an invisible rubber band pulling us back together. Those who knew it best also could see the attachment, and thankfully, after suggestive jokes a plenty and many eye brow wagging, the others had dropped the teasing. This was possibly because I shot them the evilest look every time, but I'm not very concerned. The honeymoon phase of our relationship was long over, and everyone began to see our relationship a staple, a regular occurrence. It became the norm.

Crime never stopped; it seems with time, more and more scum and villainous types rise from the gutters of Jump City. Every day, a bank is robbed, or a person kidnapped, or a bus thrown through the front windows of a coffee shop. And, as always, we are always there to stop the evil doers in their tracks. The criminals are ruthless, tireless, and incorrigible; so are we. They can start fires, attack innocents, and do the cruelest, grossest things possible. And, just as always, we will always stop them. This is our city. We may grow older, and the battles might be longer, but the Titans won't be going anywhere for a long, long time. This city? It's ours, and to the villains who want to take it: just try.

Titans, GO!

Thanks for reading, guys! This is the conclusion to this story! If you liked this story, try reading my sequel: To Each Their Poison. A couple months after this story, a new hero (oc) shows up in Jump City, and she isn't a delicate flower. A love story between OC and Cyborg, our poor titanium homie won't be alone much longer.