Disclaimer: This is a collaborative story between RockytheEco-pup and I. We do not own any of the characters from Alpha and Omega, we just own our O/C's.

Alpha and Omega: The Bond

Breccan's POV

It was a few days after the talk with Carson at the river and things have been quiet. I've been going about my Alpha duties and hanging out with Carson and the others. Soren has been busy with his other pup-sitting jobs that he got thanks to my dad's recommendation but tonight, he was set to pup-sit Orion while Dad went on a late-night hunt with a few other Alphas.

Not only was Orion happy to have Soren around again. But I found myself secretly happy that I was finally going to be able to spend more time with Soren as well. I haven't gotten to actually have a conversation with him in quite a while and today would give me that chance. It was then I heard a cough coming from the back of the den. My ears perked as I looked back to see Orion laying down in the back of the den coughing.

"Are you okay Orion?" I asked concerned as I ran over to him.

Orion looked up at me with his ears pinned down to his head. His face seemed flushed and when I put my paw to his head, I found it definitely hotter than normal.

"I don't feel so good." Orion replied, putting his head on his paws weakly, his voice considerably lower than normal and much less chipier.

Looking him over, I saw that he was more sullen looking than usual. He also had lost nearly all of his lively luster and let his head hang low. Slowly and gently, I put my paw against his head and sighed when I felt how warm his head was against it.

"You're burning up. Looks like all that playing in the river a few days ago gave you a cold." I replied looking at my little brother lay there in misery. "You need to get some rest."

He whimpered and shook his head. He wanted to spend time with Soren. It was the only thing he could talk about this morning and now he would most likely spend the day resting rather than playing.

"But I wanna play with Soren! He promised to give me another piggyback ride around the den!" Orion said weakly. I feel bad but I want him to get better and I want to avoid Soren getting sick.

I sighed and looked out of the den, Soren wasn't in sight yet and I was trying to decide whether to have him come at all or not. I really wanted to spend some time with him. But if he gets sick, I'll feel terrible.

"Sorry Orion, you really need to rest. I know it stinks being sick but you gotta rest!" I said picking him up and walking him to the back of the den where it was dark enough for him to sleep. As I placed him down, he had a defeated look on his face. It was hard not to feel bad for this little pup, "Just try to get better, the sooner you get better, the sooner you can play with Soren."

Orion whimpered and curled up into a ball of fur that he so often did when he went to sleep. It wasn't long before he was passed out and I stood by him, worrying about his temperature. I didn't have any idea how to get him better and I wasn't exactly sure where to start. Soren might have an idea but I didn't want to risk the chance of him getting sick too. I was most likely going to but I needed Orion to get better.

It was then that I saw Soren approaching the den and my worries suddenly became lighter. I felt that I could trust him and having someone I trusted with me made me breathe a little easier. That and having him around me felt really nice. I met him at the entranceway of the den. Soren used to ask for permission to come in but, upon my father's request, he stopped that habit and took the liberty upon himself.

"Hey Breccan! Where's Orion?" Soren asked looking around for my little brother as he entered the den that was becoming familiar to him.

"In the back, he's not feeling too well and I told him to get some sleep" I replied, looking back to the dimly lit part of the den.

"Poor pup, I'm gonna go check on him." he said attempting to walk to the back of the den before I walked forward and got in his way.

"Uh, yeah. I'm not really sure if it's alright for you to go back there when he's not feeling all that well. You might get sick too." I informed, looking at the other wolf. He was lower to the ground than I was. I found myself tempted to walk forward so that his head was against my chest.

"What? Nonsense! I deal with sick pups all the time! Really, it's no trouble." Soren replied before walking around me and into the den. Following him with my eyes, I smiled as he greeted Orion and my brother seemed to be beaming again.

Soren spoke to him gently as I watched him and slowly pressed his paw against the pup's head. Holding it there for a while, Soren then slowly removed it and made sure Orion was comfortable before walking over to me. He walked around so confident. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"He's got a cold. It's not all that serious but he should get plenty of rest, he'll be back to normal in a few days." Soren assured, "I know a few ways to help him get rid of it, but right now he needs to rest."

So I was right, it was a cold. At least it's not something too serious.

Soren walked back into the light and sat down near the edge of the den. With Orion resting peacefully, Soren just had to wait for him to stir. I took it upon myself to go over to Soren and lay down next to him, our distance just as much as usual. A good foot or so apart that separated the warmth that I craved at night.

"So, how are you Soren?" I asked casually hoping to stir up a conversation. He looked over at me before remembering that I had just asked him a question.

"I'm good. 'Been pretty busy with my pup-sitting jobs but I'm doing what I love!" Soren replied.

I smiled at the idea that Soren was pleased with his line of work. Something that I was thinking I had found. The thrill of the hunt was what got me to be as dedicated an Alpha as I am. If he was happy pup-sitting, then, no matter how difficult it was for me to wrap my head around the fact he liked it, I would support him.

"I'm glad you've found something you love to do," I said smiling at him, "so long as you're happy, you do what you want to do"

He looked up at me a smiled, his tail wagging ever so slightly at my words before turning his attention back to Orion's sleeping form. Watching Orion with as much care as I had when I was looking at Soren.

Serenth's POV

The sun was starting to go down as I left Durango's den. It hurt slightly to walk after spending the night with Durango and all of this morning. I blushed at the memory of last night's events, recalling when he approached me and what he offered me afterwards. I agreed to his offer and now here I was, paying for it. I approached the river and started to wash myself down and wincing slightly in discomfort as I sat down in the water and simply let it wash over me for a while.

As I sat there, a wolf slowly approached me from beyond the forest in front of me. It was that wolf I met briefly that other time I was looking for Durango. I briefly recalled our last conversation when he and I sat together and I found myself noticing his features. My tail wagged slightly as a smile appeared on my face, welcoming the individual in front of me. If only I could remember his name.

"Hey Serenth! Why are you sitting in the river? Isn't that water cold?" the wolf asked. I hope I could figure out his name before I embarrass myself more than I already am.

"I...uh….am taking a bath before I head home. Yeah I fell in a mud puddle earlier" I lied pretty badly. Hopefully he won't pick up on it. He looked at me curiously as if he was inspecting my fur for mud. He seemed to just shake it off.

"Oh, okay. I was wondering if we could hang out for a little bit and talk." the wolf asked.

What was this guy's name again? His face was handsome enough, and his name was slowly returning to me. Carson? Yeah, that was it!

I guess I could hang out with him for a little while. Plus, the longer I stay here, the less sore I'll feel later. I kind of didn't want my dad to figure out where I was all night. Carson sat by the edge of the river as I scooted over so I was sitting next to him. I liked that we were so close but I didn't want him to see me wincing with every movement. Might as well start a conversation with him.

"Nice weather out today!" I said looking up at the clouds as the wind blew through my fur. He looked up at the sky too and then back at me.

"Yeah, it is" He replied, looking at the sky as well.

Small talk. Great. Small talk made me feel uncomfortable and it was a bad way to get to know someone. With a glance at Carson, I found myself admiring his good looks. Finding them on par with Durango's own visage. Which caused me to blush as I tried to imagine what it would be like if I were under Carson rather than Durango. The next moment, I found myself shaking my head to try and get it out of my head.

"So, how are you?" I asked. Hopefully, it will be a much longer answer.

"Fine" he replied. Well this conversation is going nowhere. From the looks of it though, he seems a lot more nervous than me. I wonder if there's something he's hiding from me.

"W-well that's good" I replied, smiling at him.

"Yeah I guess so" he said smiling right back at me. I think I might have spotted a slight blush on his face.

Still going with the small talk. I mentally sighed when I realized it got to the point where I was overly aware of just how much time had passed by since we started talking.

He still looked at me with a loss for words. He was trying to articulate something that seemed to be hard for him to say. I found it kinda cute how he looked when he tried to think of something to say to me. It looked pretty difficult for him too and the more he tried the more cute he looked.

"I...um…." Was all he could manage to say. Why is it so hard to talk to him. I've had better conversations with a den wall than the one I'm having right now.

"Is something wrong, Carson?" I asked, tilting my head. He was acting a lot more strange than when we first met.

He looked at me again and nervously shook his head, trying to come up with the words to respond to that simple question. He was flustered and unable to concentrate and form a response. While I previously thought it was cute, he was kinda worrying me currently. He had a sense of urgency in his movements as his eyes darted from me to the ground and his paws shuffled over each other. It took him a while to form the words he was looking for and they weren't ones that I was expecting.

"It's just that…. I kinda...like you..." he said folding his ears back looking at the ground with a blush on his face.

A cool breeze swept by and with it came the gust that pulled away my calm demeanour. I looked at Carson as he waited for a reaction, his face burning from a blush that stained his cheeks. I realized quickly that a blush of my own was hurting my cheeks and I turned away quickly, wanting to flee this awkward scene.

"Sorry! I uh...gotta go" He got up and started walking away embarrassed. It was sweet that he'd say something like that and I could tell he really didn't have to be anywhere.

"Carson! Wait! You can't just walk off after telling me that!" I shouted, walking with him as he tried to walk away. I tried to get him to look at me but he simply turned his head away and hid his face.

"I'm just afraid of making a fool outta myself!" He said sitting down still refusing to look at me. "I've never liked anyone the way I like you before. I don't want to be rejected…"

I'm surprised he was so worried to tell me this. I'm not one to make a huge scene over something like this. To be honest, despite all the fun I have with Durango, there is something about Carson that makes me wanna kiss him and hold him tight never letting him go.

"Walking off after confessing something like that to me isn't a very good way to do that!" I replied, getting in front of him and sitting there in front of his way, blocking his advance.

"I'm sorry...I'm bad at situations like this…" He said slightly whimpering.

"Are you saying you've confessed to someone else before?" I replied, smirking.

"N...no! You're the only one I've confessed to liking. I did tell my best friend about my feelings for you though" He said nervously trying his best not to bother me. In reality, I wasn't bothered in the slightest.

I was actually quite attracted to him at the moment. He was being nervous and it suited him well. I liked seeing this well known and strong Alpha be nervous around an Omega like me.

"I'm curious about something" I say as I put a paw to my chin and look at him. He just gave me a confused look as if waiting for an explanation.

"Curious about what?" He asked confused

"Curious to what it'll feel like to do this" I replied as I pushed our muzzles together sharing a deep, long kiss with him.

At first, he was hesitant when I pressed my lips against his, he jumped up in surprise but kept our lips connected nevertheless. I smiled in my head when I realized that this was probably his first kiss and I was the one giving it to him. The same way Durango was mine. He was awkward at first but when he got into it….wow! I smirked a little as I pressed against him and kept our kiss going, our lips parting for just a second to get more air before meeting again, a cute whine escaping from his lips when we did so.

It was a while before we broke apart. To be completely honest, I didn't feel like breaking it but we both unfortunately had the need for air. Slowly, I moved away from Carson, our lips being the last thing to touch as we leaned forward to get that last bit of connection to last longer, a slight gasp escaping his lips when we finally separated. We both looked at each other and laughed awkwardly. We didn't know what to do now.

With a sudden jolt after a while, Carson now bore a blush across his cheeks before his ears perked up and he looked around. He looked as though he heard something.

"O-oh, I think I hear my dad calling me! I gotta go Serenth! S-see you around?" Carson said giving me a nervous smile, his ears going down and a blush staining his face.

"Sure thing Carson..." I said smiling. Slowly as to not start him further, I walked towards him and nuzzled him, causing his whole body to become stiff as he watched me rub our pelts together, "I hope I can see you soon…"

He blushed a deeper red before heading back into the forest to find his father or whoever was calling him.

Meanwhile, I sat there pondering the events that just unfolded. After my night with Durango, I'm already kissing another wolf? Well, I mean he is very cute! I could see myself living a happy life with him.

Ugh Why is it so hard to choose between these two? Do I need to mate Carson to compare? Yeah right, I should just listen to my heart. But what is it saying?

Blackwolf4626: Update! We both wanted to say that we're very sorry for not updating this story in a while. We've both been pretty preoccupied with mundane life. I also want to apologize if there was a dissapointment with the length of this chapter. We really wanted to update the story and assure you all that this story has not been forgotten. Please review and leave your thoughts, we hope that you're enjoying the story and as I always say...

Until Next Time!