A.N. Anonmous wanted: Max getting badly injured trying to hide it from Chloe so she doesn't worry but she finds out anyways and freaks and stuff :)))

This is an AU where the storm never happened.

Max hissed at the pain in her ankle. She kinda slipped and twisted it on her way to Chloe. But she didn't want to cancel her date with her. It's not a date date! Just a date between friends! Although, Max wanted to go on a real date with Chloe...Shaking the thoughts away, Max went out of the bus — and fuck, every step hurt! — and hobbled over to Chloe's house. Once she was there, she knocked on the door and already heard someone running inside. And as expected Chloe opened the door. "Hey, Maxaroni!"

"Hey, Chloe. What did you plan for today?"

"Well, since we don't have to play CSI Arcadia Bay anymore, I thought we could just chill."

"Chilling sounds good. Where?" Max definitely never wanted to go to the junkyard again. Not after what happened there. Finding Rachel there and seeing Chloe shot in the head...This thought still gave her a chill. "Let's just stay here. We can watch some movies 'n shit. Mom and step-douche won't be here for the rest of the day." Max smiled. Nice to know that they can spend some time alone and watch movies. Just like when they were kids. "Sounds good."

"Okay, then get your ass in here, I'll get us some munchies. You can choose the first movie." Said Chloe, before pulling Max in. She stopped, though, when Max hissed in pain. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" Max shook her head and smiled at her. "No. I-it's nothing. Don't worry." Said the brunette, as she slowly went to the living room. "Dude, you can barely walk! What happened?" Just as Max wanted to say it's nothing, Chloe beat her to it. "And don't you dare say it's nothing!"

Sighing, Max decided to just tell her the truth. "I just twisted my ankle a bit. But it's okay. It's nothing serious."

"That's not okay! You should see a doc!" Max just rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe that she couldn't hide it better. "I don't need a doctor. I'm fine. Let's just watch the movies." The moment she saw Chloe glaring at her, Max knew she wouldn't drop it. Without any warning, the bluenette picked her up and carried her bridal style out of the house again and to her truck. "Chloe! What are you doing?"

"I'm carrying you." Was all Chloe said, before putting her in her truck and closing the door. Then she got in herself and drove off. "Chloe, where are you taking me?" Asked Max confused, but she had guess what Chloe's up to. "Aren't you listening, hippie? To a doctor of course." Sighing, Max leaned back. "I told you it's nothing."

"You can barely walk!"

"I can walk." That's when Chloe just stopped talking with her. They both knew she already won. Max just sighed defeated and let her drive to wherever Chloe wanted. Not that she had another choice.

After paying a visit to the hospital, they drove back to Chloe's. Max's ankle wasn't broken — as if Max didn't know that already — but she still got something for it. The brunette still thought it wasn't necessary to see a doctor for something like this. "Are you happy now?" Asked Max irritated as Chloe parked her truck in front of the garage. "I am. At least now I know it's not so bad."

"I told you the whole time it's nothing." Rolling her eyes, Chloe turned to her. "You would tell me 'it's nothing' when you're about to die." With that said, Chloe got out of the truck and went to Max's side. The brunette just wanted to get out, too, but Chloe stood in her way. "Chloe—" Before Max could say anything, the bluenette leaned in suddenly. "Chloe...?" Max's face turned red when she thought Chloe's about to kiss her. She even mentally prepared herself for that. After all it'll be her first kiss — the dare didn't really count much.

But instead of kissing her, Chloe picked her up, got her out of the truck, closed the door with her foot and carried her bridal style inside the house. "Chloe!" Exclaimed Max surprised the second Chloe scooped her up and wrapped her arms around her neck tightly. "Wow, you really like to say my name, huh?" Said the bluenette teasingly, as she carried her best friend to the living room. "And you seem to like to carry me."

"I do. You're lighter than you look." Max frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked and glared at her friend playfully. "Nothing. Let's just match the movies now." Then she put Max on the couch and prepared everything. "I'll take care of everything. You just sit there and look great."

"Chloe, my ankle is not broken!" Said Max and rolled her eyes, hoping that Chloe won't see her blush. "Whatevs, Hippie, just stay there and don't move." Called Chloe from the kitchen as she made them some popcorn. When she came back, Max was glaring at her, but Chloe knew that the brunette liked being spoiled by her.

"I'm not paralyzed or something!" Grumbled Max, trying not to think about the alternate reality where Chloe was paralyzed. "Yeah, good for you, 'cause I wouldn't give ya an overdose." Countered Chloe immediately, making Max feel bad for ever mentioning it. But to be honest, she kinda hoped that Chloe forgot that Max gave her alternative self an overdose because she asked her to. Before Max could say anything about it, Chloe sat down next to her and started the movie. "Movie time!"

"Chloe, I—"

"Stop it, Max." Interrupted the bluenette. "I know you just did it, because I...my other self wanted you to do it. You just did it, because you love me, right?" The brunette blushed and tried to ignore Chloe's shit-eating grin. After a few silent minutes, Max leaned on Chloe and watched the movie with her. "But don't you dare fall asleep on me, Price."

"Tch, be careful that you don't fall asleep on me, Caulfield." But as expected, not even half of the movie later, Max heard her blue haired friend snore softly. Giggling quietly to herself, Max made herself comfortable against her and minutes later she fell asleep as well.