The world was quiet and peaceful as the citizens of Jump City enjoyed the crisp autumn night. The moon was high in the night sky. A gentle breeze eased the waves along the shore and back again. Everything was serene, a perfect night, so it seemed.

In a large mansion a man with bright red hair was diligently concocting an unknown substance. He reached to and fro grasping multiple chemicals and brewing them together.

"Yes!" He exclaimed in a thick British accent. "Yes, my little Duckies will love this!"

He pushed his wire-rimmed bifocals up the bridge of his nose, laughing menacingly.

The man aligned the products of his experimentations into a row. A ding in the background brought an even broader smile to his lips. He slipped on his British Flag oven mitts and opened the oven revealing five cupcakes baked to perfection.

"Lovely, just lovely!" he cheered.

He picked up one and applied a generous amount of blue frosting on top. He continued this task, bestowing a different color to each cupcake, the first blue, followed by green, purple, and orange. He smiled as he picked up the final cupcake. With an extra generous layer of icing, he applied the red frosting.

"It's high time someone teaches you sprogs a lesson. This time, I won't lose!"

Within the hour of the sun's arrival, all of the Titan's were assembled and awaiting their leader's announcement. Beast Boy yawned noisily and swayed back and forth as he waited with the group. Raven leaned against the couch with her arms folded and hood up. Cyborg was watching Beast Boy swaying dangerously close to Raven, unsure if he should save his friend or watch the comedic scene unfold. With one last sway, Beast Boy fell over just as Raven took a step forward. The poor green Titan fell on the floor noisily.

"OW!" Beast Boy yelped and jumped off the ground. "Dude, why didn't you catch me?!"

Raven shrugged in response, irritating the changeling even further.

"Man, you shoulda seen your face!" Cyborg laughed.

"Not cool, dude! You knew that was gonna happen, didn't you?"

"Maybe," Cyborg smirked.

"Titans, I bet you are all wondering why I called you here this morning," Robin entered the room with Starfire by his side.

"Uh, guys?" Robin raised an eyebrow at the scene of Beast Boy charging at his best friend, fists flailing as Cyborg put out his hand against Beast Boy's head to keep him at a distance while Raven watched impassively.

"Friends!" Starfire exclaimed, "We mustn't fight each other!"

"Cyborg started it!" Beast Boy shouted.

"Did not!" he retaliated.

"You guys are so immature." Raven sighed.

"You're the one that let me fall!"

"Titans!" Robin intervened, "That's enough. We are all friends here, so let's just try to get along, alright?"

"Fine," the three said in unison.

"Right. Now, like I was saying, the reason I called this meeting was to discuss a letter I received from the mayor." Robin smirked. "It seems that we have been doing such an excellent job in Jump City, she would like to reward us with a day off."

"Oh, how joyous!" Starfire beamed.

"So, lemme get this straight," Cyborg spoke, "You got us out here at six in the morning to tell us we don't even gotta work today?"

"You know what this means," Beast Boy grinned mischievously at Cyborg.

"PAYBACK!" They bellowed together as they chased after their leader.

"Wait, guys! No, stop! Stop! Anything but that! Not the stink ball! NO!"

Starfire and Raven watched as Cyborg pinned Robin to the floor, and Beast Boy hurled the stink ball at him.

"Ooh," the girls flinched as it hit him in the face.

An hour later the Titans gathered back into the living room for some well deserved relaxation. Starfire and Robin were chatting about options for the date they had been putting off since they returned from Tokyo nearly two months ago. Cyborg and Beast Boy were finally able to play the new video game they had been saving for a day like this one. Raven decided to join them on the couch to read her favorite book for the umpteenth time.

"C'mon, Rae, it's not that hard, all ya do is push the bottons." Beast Boy pleaded.

Before Raven could decline again, she heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get that." She said as she began phasing through a portal she manifested.

Beast Boy groaned and focused back on the giant HD TV.

"Man, you so want her," Cyborg teased.

"What?!" Beast Boy blushed. "I do not. I just want her to play, that's all."

"Mhmm. So why don't cha ask Star to play, huh?"

Beast Boy's face burned with embarrassment.

"I, just, uh…Well, I mean…" Beast Boy fumbled over his words

"Just admit it."

"Admit what?" Raven asked as she joined them back on the couch.

"Nothing!" Beast Boy shouted. "What's that you got there, Rae?"

"I'm not really sure. It's addressed to all of us, so I brought it in here for everyone to open," Raven explained. "And it's Raven."

"Whatever you say, Rae," Beast Boy smirked.

"Don't call me that," she warned.

"Make me," he challenged.

"Maybe I will."

Raven leaned in closer to him, making his face flare up a brilliant red.

"So are we gonna open this or not?" Cyborg interrupted.

"Sure," Raven lifted up her hood so they wouldn't notice the small blush that had been forming on her cheeks.

Starfire floated over to them, Robin not far behind. All of them surrounded the cream colored box wrapped with brown twine. Robin removed the string and lifted off the top. Inside was an assortment of cupcakes, neatly arranged with a name in front of the holder it was placed in.

"Sweet!" Beast Boy smiled, picking up the green one.

"Why would someone make us cupcakes?" Raven questioned.

"Maybe the Mayor sent them?" Cyborg suggested.

"Whoever made them, they taste great!" Beast Boy exclaimed through a mouthful.

The rest of the Titans froze, watching as he devoured it.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, he didn't die." Raven said, picking up the purple one beside the now vacant holder.

The other Titans followed suit and ate their given dessert.

"Man, BB was right! Those were good!" Cyborg leaned back in his seat.

With each Titan's stomach feeling satisfied, one by one they began to yawn.

"It looks like class is about to be in session!" Mad Mod smirked as he watched each Titan falling into a deep slumber.

Time to get crackin on this alternate universe shiz.

From this point on, the story will be told from Raven's POV or third person, all knowing. Basically, I'm God O.O jk…I'm sorry I'm going on about three hours of sleep.