"Raph, on me!" Leo called out. He heard Raph skid to a halt behind him and then felt Raph's shell bump into his shell.

"I'll get on ya, Fearless," Raph muttered back to him. He smiled when he heard Leo huff out a sharp breath.

"Mikey, behind you!" Donnie called out, swinging his bo.

Mikey swung his nunchucks and flipped backwards, blocking one of their opponents from advancing towards Leo and Raph.

Leo swung his katana low and reveled in the sound of metal hitting metal as he stepped forward to push the enemy back. He could hear Raph fighting behind him as well. The invaders were getting too close. He tensed suddenly when he spotted Akito out of the corner of his eye.

"Mikey, grab Akito!" he called out.

But it was too late. Akito used his own katana to disarm one of Mikey's nunchucks before he spun around and bent forward enough to allow one of his bunny teammates, the one Leo now knew to be Violet since she started wearing purple ribbons on her ears, to use Akito's back as a spring and gain enough leverage to jump up over Leo and grab the flag tied to a branch above Leo and Raph's heads. Violet landed in a roll on the other side of them and darted off with it.

Akito and the other bunnies disappeared seconds later.

"Did we capture a single one of them?" Donnie asked.

"Nope," Mike said, picking his chucks up off the ground.

"Stop looking so smug, Fearless," Raph said, elbowing him. "This was a loss for yer original team."

"But did you see the teamwork?" Leo asked, his grin wide. "Did you see Akito disarm Mikey? And the coordination of that jump?"

Raph only shook his head at Leo and left him behind as he began walking back towards the farmhouse with Mikey and Donnie.

They reached the front porch where Akito and the bunnies were already receiving congratulations from their human spectator family members. Raph reached over and picked Machi up off of April's pregnant lap and watched Leo head over to Usagi and Master Splinter to review the efforts of Akito's team that he hadn't seen since he'd been directly involved in the capture the flag exercise.

He grinned to himself at Leo's obvious pride in his tiny students. Their fearless leader would find a way to squeeze in a training exercise during their family weekend at the farmhouse, but at least he had made this a fun one.

Raphael bent down to Akito and congratulated his little fox son with a smile and nudge to the shoulder. He watched as Akito looked completely uncomfortable from the praise he was receiving from his aunts and uncles and thought how similar his bashfulness was to Leonardo's.

Leo, Usagi and Master Splinter joined them then as well and Leo wasted no time in scooping Akito up and giving him a hug as he told him how impressed he was with his efforts to coordinate his tiny team.

Mikey finished wiping some dirt of his nunchucks before strapping them back to his belt and headed to where Woody sat on the porch.

"I love watching you with those things," Woody said, smiling at him, "even when they get knocked out of your hands by your tiny nephew."

"Dude, he's not that small! He's grown like half an inch since he joined the family," Mikey said in mock protest. He pulled Woody up off the porch and herded him inside to help him cook dinner.

Master Splinter settled into a rocking chair next to April while Leo challenged the rest of the group into a race down to the water to cool off. He laughed as Akito and the bunnies took off, wasting no time to jump into the pond. He took Machi from Raph and situated her on the back of his shell as she wrapped her arms around his neck in what they'd discovered was the only way to get her into the water. She didn't really have a turtle preference, and if another turtle was close enough, she'd been known to jump from one shell to another. This act of bravery had Leo believing she wasn't really as scared of the water as she was making out, but that she just enjoyed free rides around the pond.

He slid into the water, mindful of Machi wrapped around his head, and smiled as Raphael swam towards him for a kiss before swimming away to challenge the others to a cannonball contest. Although it was meant to be something fun for the little ones, Leo laughed as he watched Donnie, Sadie and Casey join in with Raph as well. At least the kids were enjoying the waves created by all the cannonballs.

He pushed himself backwards away from the splash zone and moved Machi to his plastron so that he could float on his shell. Machi was singing a song he didn't recognize, also not that unusual since she seemed to sing constantly and she didn't seem to mind if the lyrics were actual words or made-up nonsense as long as she was making noise.

The group continued to swim and play until they were called in for dinner which was followed by the traditional gathering outside for the bonfire.

Since it was summertime and all the kids thought it would be cool to sleep out in the barn, Leo and Raph gave their bedroom up to Mike and Woody and volunteered to sleep as chaperones out in the barn with the little ones. Raph had taken Machi into the barn to put her to bed while Leo sat with the rest of their group, minus April who said she was too exhausted to stay up and Master Splinter who just wished to go to bed for some quiet, and helped supervise the making of s'mores around the bonfire.

When more time than it normally took to put Machi to bed had passed, Leo excused himself and headed to the barn to see what could be taking so long. They hadn't packed many books for this short farmhouse trip so he could only imagine what Machi was coming up with to stall bedtime. He slid into the barn and immediately froze when he realized what tactic Raph had switched to to get Machi to go to sleep. He crept forward silently, hoping that neither Raph nor Machi would hear him, until he reached the stall where they'd spread out all the girls' sleeping bags. From the shadows he stood and listened as Raphael continued to sing to the little fox who was fighting to keep her eyes open as she sat cuddled in his lap.

"The sun goes down. The stars come out

And all that counts is here and now

My universe will never be the same.

I'm glad you came. I'm glad you came"*

Leo crept past them and made a small purposeful noise at the back door of the barn so Raphael would head that way once he finally put Machi down for the night.

A few moments later, Raph grinned as he headed out of the back of the barn. His eyes had already adjusted but he continued scanning the darkness for Leo. He'd expected him to be waiting at the barn door but since he wasn't, Raph began to wonder if he'd imagined the noise in the barn. He started walking around the back side of the barn and back towards the bonfire when his face split into another grin as his feet were knocked out from under him as a silent Leonardo tackled him from the side. Their bodies slid into the woods with the impact and Leo smiled as they were completely swallowed up by shadows.

Leo grabbed Raph's wrists and pinned them above his head before ducking down to kiss Raph's neck. Raph tried to stifle a moan. He was acutely aware of their distance to the bonfire where several ninjas with excellent hearing sat giggling as they roasted marshmallows.

"Leo, the kids," he managed to finally say even as he wrapped his legs around Leo's shell. Leo released his hands and he gasped again as he felt fingers begin to rub insistently over his slit.

"Can't help it," Leo said, rubbing his face into Raph's neck. He raised his eyes and focused in on Raph's half-lidded green eyes. "Do you think you can be quiet?" Leo asked, a devious smile on his face. He didn't give Raph a chance to answer and instead began kissing his way down Raph's plastron. He'd barely reached Raph's slit before the emerald turtle dropped down, allowing Leo to immediately pull him into his mouth.

Raph felt a churr rise up his throat but he kept his lips pressed together, determined to be quiet. Since the foxes had moved in with them a few months ago, they'd done their best to keep silent in their bedroom, but it didn't get any easier with practice to try to be quiet. It just wasn't in Raphael's nature. But he in no way wanted to explain to the kids what was causing the strange noises and in the end that won out over his desire to release any pleasurable sounds.

But it was easy to forget these perfectly rational reasons to be quiet when he was being sucked down Leo's throat with such ferocity he was left clawing at the dirt beneath his hands. He bit down on his lip as he felt a churr from Leo and thrust upwards as if he could get any closer to Leo's mouth than he already was. Leo churred again and undid him. His hips thrust violently towards Leo once more as he arched his head back and released a silent scream.

Leo released him and grinned at the limp body beneath him. He crawled up Raph's body and nuzzled his face into the emerald neck as he listened to Raphael's panting. He stayed there for a few moments until Raph's breathing evened out before standing and pulling Raphael up on his feet as well.

"Whoa, whoa, Fearless, what about you?" Raph asked in a loud whisper as he grabbed Leo's arm to stop him before he left the wooded area.

Leo whipped around and kissed Raphael again. "That was for me," he whispered to him. "Do you know how fucking gorgeous you are singing our daughter to sleep?"

Raphael's eyes widened as he flushed from the praise. Leo grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the woods to head around the barn and back to the bonfire.

"Where have you two been?" Mikey asked suspiciously as he took in the dopey grin on Raph's face. Woody, although grinning at Leo and Raph, nudged him and nodded towards all the kids present.

Usagi also looked up at the two turtles as they sat down together by the fire before quickly looking away.

"Machi was too scared in this strange place to go right to sleep," Raph said with a sudden straight face. "Took a little longer to get her to settle down."

"I think its time for everyone to settle down," Leo said, eyeing Akito's marshmallow-covered face. "We're heading home early tomorrow morning. I think its time for bed."

This was met by groaning by most of the kids and Leo quickly said, "Perhaps we should all get up early in the morning and meditate on how important a good night's rest is?"

There was total silence from the little ones after that statement. Raph, Mikey and Donnie all simultaneously ducked their heads and hoped the little ones couldn't see their smiles. It was certainly nice not to have Leo's total focus on their training anymore.

"Well then let's go, Akito, Violet, Pink, Green, Brown and Black," Leo said, rising from the bonfire.

"I can't believe you refer to them by the color they're wearing," Usagi grumbled. "And they let you get away with it."

"Her name is actually Violet," Akito said, smiling shyly at the bunny with the purple ribbons.

"True," Leo said, also smiling as he watched Violet softly smile back at his little fox. "Actually, I've been switching back and forth between the English and Japanese translations. They already think the Japanese versions are cool nicknames – Pinku, Midori, Chairo and Kuroi"

Usagi watched with a scowl as his niece and nephews heads spun around as each "nickname" was called out by Leo.

"Plus the Japanese makes it less blatantly obvious," Leo said, chuckling as he began leading the kids off to the barn with Raph following the group to make sure there were no stragglers.

Usagi scowled again at the teasing as he began to follow Donnie and Sadie inside. He was happily sleeping on the comfortable couch instead of on some hay out in the barn.

"You do realize that Usagi translated from Japanese actually means "rabbit" right?" Donnie asked, pulling Sadie into his side as they walked. "I think the colors are an improvement."

Raphael barked out a laugh.

*The Wanted "Glad you came"