Welcome to the last chapter of this one shot turned short story. It's been a fun ride and now we shall welcome baby Adam.

Ch. 8 Believe the Sun will Shine Tomorrow


"Lucas, Lucas wake up," Clare says shaking me.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" I yawn.

"It's time," she remarks shaking my shoulder again before she starts to get out of bed.

"Time for what?"

"The baby," she replies putting her coat on.

"Baby?! It's baby time?" I exclaim hopping up and pulling on my jeans.

"Yeah my contractions are seven minutes apart," she tells me trying to pick up her bag for the hospital.

"No don't do anything, sit right here until I get you down to the car," I insist setting her on the edge of the bed.

"Lucas I'm not helpless," she reprimands me.

"Sit there," I tell her again. I throw on a shirt and go to Izzy's room. "Izzy wake up, Clare's going into labor we have to get to the hospital," I tell her.

"Yay baby," Izzy squeals hopping up.

"Get dressed quickly, we'll call Grandma on the way to the hospital," I instruct her before going back to our room. I get Clare's slippers and robe and help her get in them, and then get dressed quickly myself. Izzy's in the hallways when I open the door again and we all go downstairs. I help Clare down to the car and in then start driving. "Izzy call Grandma and tell her we're on the way to hospital because Clare's in labor. Have her meet us there," I tell her handing her my phone from my pocket.

"I'll call Eli," Clare says getting her phone from her purse. She starts to dial and then breathes deep as she gets hit by another contraction. I reach over and take her hand and she squeezes until the contraction passes. After a deep breath she clicks Eli's contact on her phone and puts it on speaker.

"Clare?" Eli yawns.

"You should get to the hospital we're on our way and baby Adam is coming," Clare tells him.

"Okay hospital I'm on my way to the hospital I'll see you there," Eli says and hangs up.

"How are you?" I ask Clare.

"Between contractions I'm fine but this kid is coming fast," she says.

"We're almost there," I assure her kissing her hand.

"Grandma and Aunt Jane are on their way to the hospital," Izzy tells us from the backseat.

"Eli and I will be in the delivery room with Clare and you can be in the waiting room with Grandma or she can take you back to her house," I tell Izzy. A week after Izzy arrived we had Eli over for dinner. Izzy already knew that Eli is Adam's biological father. They got along well and she likes Eli which is good because we knew he'd be around a lot after the baby was born and Izzy wants to be in Toronto more now that I'm married and she's got a baby brother.

"I want to stay at the hospital and see my brother as soon as he's out," Izzy replies.

"Okay you, Jane and Grandma can stay at the hospital," I reply just as we pull up to the emergency entrance. I get out and help Clare out of the car, Izzy gets out of the car as well and she helps me help Clare into the emergency room. "Woman in labor," I announce.

"Alright we'll get her up to maternity," A nurse tells me as an orderly grabs a wheelchair.

"Izzy stay with Clare I have to park the car."

I run back and park the car and when I get to the emergency room entrance I see Eli pulling up. The nurse tells me where to find Clare and I go upstairs to maternity. I find Clare's room, Izzy is sitting in a chair and Clare is behind a curtain changing into a gown. I help Clare change and by the time she's in the bed Eli is in the room. I draw the curtain back and they hook Clare up to machines and an IV, while they're doing that Mom and Jane arrive. They take Izzy out to the waiting room but they're staying here. Clare's already at seven centimeters and they give her some pain reliever but Adam is eager to come out to the world. Whenever Clare has a contraction she squeezes my hand and Eli's.

Mom told us she was in labor with me for 16 hours and Jane for 19 hours. We're at the hospital for less than an hour when the doctor starts telling Clare to push. She squeezes really hard on our hands as she pushes but after a couple pushes the doctor tells us Adam's shoulders are out. Another push and he's out, when we hear our son's first cry Eli and I exchange proud Dad smiles. Clare smiles too but she's exhausted and is taking a deep breath. Eli cuts the cord and they take Adam to clean him up while Clare pushes out the placenta. After that the doctor is still doing stuff between Clare's legs. I see blood and some other stuff so I don't want to look. As soon as the nurse puts Adam in Clare's arms nothing else in the world matters to her. She looks at our son and smiles, her lips curling up wide with pride and love.

"Hi Adam I love you. Adam Elijah Goldsworthy Edwards born August 18th, welcome to the world Adam," Clare says kissing Adam on the forehead. "This is your Daddy Eli, he helped make you," Clare says looking at Eli. "And this is your Daddy Lucas. Your big sister Isabelle and Grandma Evelyn and Auntie Jane are all in the waiting room waiting to see you."

"Grandpa Bullfrog and Grandma Cece should be in the waiting room now too," Eli comments.

"Alright Clare you had some minor tearing and we've sewn you up. We'll give you some time with your family and be back in a couple of hours to check on you and Adam," the doctor tells her.

"I'll go get the families," I tell Clare kissing her temple before going out to the waiting room. "He's here and he's amazing," I announce to them.

"Can we see him now Daddy?" Izzy questions.

"Yes you can," I say holding my hand out to her. Izzy takes my hand and everyone else follows me to Clare's room. When they see Adam in Clare's arms they all make a collective gasp, it's a gasp of amazement for this perfect little being. Izzy climbs up on the side of Clare's bed and sits down smiling big at her baby brother and he opens his eyes looking at his big sister.

"Hi Adam," Izzy smiles caressing her brother's cheek. I put my hand on Izzy's shoulder looking at my wife, our new son and our extended family and realize how happy I am and how wonderful my life has become since Clare came into it.


"How was he?" I ask Eli as I walk into the house.

"Perfect as usual," Eli grins looking at our son who's playing happily in his swing.

Baby Adam is eight weeks and five days old now. Once Eli and I both knew we were going to Ryerson we built our class schedules around each other. So on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Eli arrives at our house at seven to watch baby Adam so I can go to two of my classes. I get home just before noon and then Eli goes to the campus for an afternoon class. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm home with Adam until ten when either Grandma Cece or Grandma Evelyn will come and watch him while I go to class. They keep him for most of the day until I get home and then Eli takes Adam overnight on Fridays at his place. Lucas does most of the cooking and watches Adam in the evenings when I'm doing homework and the early mornings, he also does most of the late night and early morning feedings. Between school, a new baby and marriage life is a little hectic but we have a lot of support and we're making it work. Today is Tuesday so Eli has to run to get to class.

"I'll see you Thursday Little Man," Eli says kissing Adam on the forehead.

Adam coos and waves his arms to say goodbye to his daddy. Eli waves to me before he leaves and then Adam begins crying. It's his hungry cry so I get him out of the swing, sitting on the sofa to breastfeed. After he's full and been burped and changed I put him in his play pen on his back with a hanging mobile. Then I sit down and begin on my homework, I've been doing homework for about half an hour when the doorbell rings.

"Drew!" I exclaim with shock when I open the door and find him on my doorstep.

"Hi," he says somewhat uncomfortably looking at me briefly before looking at his shoes.

"What are you doing here? How did you even know where I live?"

"I called Eli but he didn't answer so I called his parents and they gave me your address."

"They shouldn't have done that! They can't j…"

"Adam's awake," Drew blurts out and my mouth closes. "He woke up yesterday and had to be checked out by doctors and stuff but he's been asking for you. You and Eli. I tried calling Eli but he didn't pick up so I left a message that Adam was awake. Then I called Eli's dad and when I told him Adam was awake he told me Eli was in class and gave me your address. I was pretty sure if I called you wouldn't have picked up."

"Adam's awake?" I whisper nearly as shocked as when I saw Drew on my doorstep.

"Yeah looks like he'll be okay, I know you hate me but he's asking for you will you come and see him?" Drew asks hopefully and then baby Adam cries and Drew looks into the house.

"I can't just leave baby Adam."

"Bring him, I'm sure Adam would like to meet him although he has no idea what's happened in the last fourteen months so it will be quite a shock to him. You should still bring baby Adam and let him meet his name sake."

"I'll get the baby ready and come over," I tell Drew and he grins.

He turns going back to his car and I close the door. I pick up Adam who stops crying and put him in some warmer clothes, then I grab his diaper bag but before I leave I call Lucas at work.

"Hi Gorgeous what's up?"

"Drew just came by, Adam's awake."

"That's great, is he okay?"

"Drew said he would be and that he's been asking for me and Eli. Adam, uh baby Adam and I are going to go see Adam. Eli's in class but I'm assuming he'll come after school. I'm going to tell Adam about us and we'll probably be there for a few hours."

"Take all the time you need I'm glad he's awake and he's going to be okay. I'll see you both tonight."

"I love you."

"I love you," Lucas replies and we hang up.

On the drive to the Torres house I'm sort of shaking. Adam's been in a coma so long most of us thought he'd stay that way. So much has happened in that time I hope he's not overcome by shock when I tell him everythong. I'm also filled with joy that my best friend is awake. When I park at the Torres house I can hardly believe it, after Drew and I were fighting I thought I'd never see the inside of the house again. I get Adam from his car seat and his diaper bag and go to the basement door. Drew opens it when he sees me and motions for me to come in and when he closes the door he looks at baby Adam.

"He looks like you," Drew says and I smile. I follow Drew back to what was once Dallas' room but when Adam was in his car wreck and came home from the hospital still in a coma they made it Adam's room. "Someone's here to see you," Drew tells Adam and then moves aside so he can see me.

"Clare," Adam grins and then sees the baby in my arms, "who's that?"

"Adam Torres meet Adam Elijah Goldsworthy Valieri."

"You named him after me," Adam grins, "Elijah Goldsworthy so he's Eli's son and obviously yours as he looks just like you but Valieri?"

"Valieri is my married name," I inform him.

"You're married and you have a baby?"

I sit down with baby Adam in my arms and tell Adam everything. He gets mad at Drew when I tell about us having sex at the dance and then how Drew and Dallas were treating me. He can't believe it when I tell him I pretended to be married to Lucas for two days and then we really got married. I'm just getting to the part about telling Eli he's the dad and meeting with him at a dinner with Lucas when Eli comes in. Of course Eli is very happy to see our friend awake and he takes baby Adam from me as we begin filling Adam in on the rest of that he's missed. Twice I have to feed and change baby Adam while we're there but Eli takes one of each. When Lucas gets off work we're all still at the Torres house and when Adam says he wants to meet him I tell Lucas to come here. Adam and Drew start telling us what the doctors said. For the most part Adam is okay but they still have more tests to run. He's breathing okay, his heart is good and his vision is good. His cognitive responses were good he was able to remember just about everything but has no memory of the crash or a couple of days leading up to it. They will still need to test further brain functions and of course after 14 months in a coma his muscles have atrophied and are weak but considering everything he's doing very well.

"Can I hold him?" Adam requests.

"Yeah of course," I smile.

"I don't have much strength in my arms but I want to hold him."

"I'll put the blanket on your chest and we can put Adam on that. You can hold him there and we'll be right here," Eli tells him.

Eli gets one of Adam's blankets from the diaper bag and puts it on Adam's chest. I put Adam down on his belly, being on his belly is good for him and if he can lift his head he'll be able to see Adam. Adam, big Adam, smiles at his namesake as he holds him and gazes at him. Big Adam is still holding little Adam when Lucas texts me that he's there and I go out to greet him and bring him inside.

"Adam this is my husband Lucas," I introduce them.

"It's good to meet you I've heard all about you," Adam grins.

"You too, glad to see you back in the world of the conscious," Lucas smiles.

We stay for a little while longer, Lucas and Adam getting to know each other and Adam getting to know the child we named after our friend. I feed baby Adam once more and then we say goodnight so Lucas and I get home and get dinner and get Adam to bed. Before we leave we make plans to come back and see Adam this weekend.

"Why don't you get home and get Adam to bed and I'll pick us up some dinner," Lucas suggests when we walk out to our cars.

"Sounds great I'll see you at home," I smile and kiss my husband.

I get Adam in the car and get in driving home. When we're inside I get Adam in a bath and start getting him ready for bed. I'm feeding him in the rocking chair of the nursery when Lucas gets home. I hear him coming in the front door and a moment later he comes up to the nursery.

"Hi Buddy you had a big day," Lucas grins brushing Adam's cheek. "How about Daddy finishes putting you to bed and Mommy eats?" Lucas asks Adam taking him from me when he's done eating.

Adam just coos and Lucas puts a burp cloth over his shoulder to burp Adam. I kiss my boys and go down to the kitchen. I start eating and Lucas comes down a few moments later and turns on the baby monitor before sitting down at the table to eat.

"You're smiling, I don't think I've seen that smile before, it's not like your other smiles but it's beautiful," Lucas grins.

"I'm happy, blissfully happy. I'm going to school; I love my classes. I have an incredible, wonderful, handsome, sexy husband who takes amazing care of me. We have an amazing and beautiful baby. Things are working well with Eli, he and I are good friends, he adores his son and our custody arrangement is working great. And my best friend who I thought would be unconscious forever, and if he did wake up could be brain damaged, is awake and doing well. And because he's awake and doing well Drew and I have put our past behind us, we might never be friends but we're civil at least and the animosity is gone. Life is amazing right now and in a few months Izzy will be back with us and it will be even better."

"I love you," Lucas smiles leaning over the table to kiss me, "I love our baby, and our life. And I am extremely happy I ran into you at The Break Room seven months ago."

So this is the technically the last chapter but there will be a Christmas chapter at some point that jumps a few years into the future. Replacing this will be It's Not so Black & White There's a Lot of Fine Lines which is the sequel to He Touched Me & I Let Him Love Me. And that will premiere on Monday the 25th.