Scott invited Stiles the same day to sleep over at his place. Stiles agreed. It felt like ages since the last sleepover and Stiles was actually looking forward to it. He arrived to the Mccall house at seven o'clock in the evening. Stiles heard Melissa yelling at Scott from downstairs: "Bye, sweetie!"

In several seconds, she opened the front door and hurried to her car. At that moment, she noticed Stiles standing on the pavement in front of the house. Melissa paused and put her hair away from her forehead.

"Stiles," she exhaled and smiled.

"Hey, Melissa," Stiles greeted her and walked over to her, "going to work?"

"Yeah... Night shift... I'll be home quite late, I hope it won't wake you up."

"I don't sleep that much in these days, so don't worry about waking me up."

"You don't sleep?" Melissa asked worriedly.

"It has nothing to do with my health. It's... You know." Stiles gestured to himself.

"Oh, I see," she said understandingly. Melissa looked at her watch and her eyes widened in slight panic.

"Oh, god, I'm late. I gotta go... See you later," Melissa quickly said and hurried to her car. Stiles watched her drive away and headed to the door where Scott already stood.

"Hi, buddy," Stiles said to him with a grin.

"Come on in," Scott said and closed the door after him. Stiles went upstairs into Scott's room to put his backbag there and then returned. Scott was already sitting in front of the TV, ready to play something with his best friend. Stiles sat down next to him on the couch to join him.

"We don't have much food in here, so I guess we could order something," Scott said while wildly pressing the buttons on his console controller.

"Yeah, what do you wanna eat?"

"Dunno, pizza maybe? What do you want?"

"I don't know, I haven't thought about food for a while..."

"What do you mean?" Scott gave Stiles a confused look, and therefore getting killed in the game. "Damn it!" Scott threw the console controller aside and turned back to Stiles. Stiles leaned his head back and stared into the ceiling for a while.

"I don't eat that much," Stiles finally said.

"Why? Food is awesome. I know that you're upgraded and stuff... But this just pushes you away from-"

"Being human?" Stiles asked calmly and closed his eyes.

"Kinda." Scott nodded and pinched Stiles on the arm. "Cut out the emo shit."

"I'm not emo," Stiles protested and turned his head lazily to Scott who watched him with a frown.

"Okay, okay. You know what? Let's have some real fun."

"Like what? Going to the gay club?"

"Yeah! Let's do that. They are the best party animals. Common, let's do something!"

"I wasn't serious..."

"Well, I'm. Let's get drunk!"

"You can't get drunk, Scott," Stiles said neutrally. Stiles was getting a little excited about this idea, too, but didn't show it.

"Don't be grumpy like that. That suits only Derek."

"Shut up, I'm not grumpy," Stiles said, laughing.

"Let's go," Scott decided and stood up abruptly. He grabbed Stiles' hand and pulled him on his feet. "I don't know if I have party clothes, though. What do you wear to a club?" Scott said while scratching the back of his head.

"Don't know, black clothes?" Stiles shrugged.

"I know you like the darkness and everything but we can't go all black."

"We can't go like clowns either."

"Aw, so you wanna go," Scott said with a high pitched voice.

"Shut up, Scott," Stiles laughed.

"Maybe just some shirt...," Scott continued with the clothing topic.

"Let's look on the internet for inspiration," Stiles suggested.

"But I don't have the clothes which are on the internet," Scott said and then his eyes opened up wide in realization, "but you are here! Totally forgot about your mambo jambo."

"Great, where's your laptop?" Stiles looked around the room, searching for it.

"I got my phone, wait...-"

Scott quickly googled something like 'party clothes' and went through several pictures. He found a photo of two men wearing fancy dark shirts and black pants with black Oxfords. Scott pointed on the screen and showed it to Stiles.

"One thing, it'll be pretty uncomfy, second thing, didn't you say we can't go all black?"

"It isn't all black," Scott protested,"the shirt's blue... I think."

"Hmm," Stiles hummed, obviously thinking. Scott watched him with impatience, actually wanting to see Stiles use his demonic powers. Stiles looked at his friend who rose his eyebrows.

"Um, I might... just stand here and-" Stiles measured Scott with his eyes and raised his hand. Dark thick fog began appearing around the werewolf who watched the darkness devouring his body.

"It's cold... V'got goosebumps," Scott giggled.

"Yeah, guess that darkness makes you shiver and then you get burned by hell fire. Funny how it works, huh?" Stiles said humorlessly and put his hand down. With that, the darkness faded away. Scott hurried to a mirror to have a good look at himself. His mouth opened in disbelief. He was wearing black slim jeans with a dark blue long sleeved shirt. He had a nice watch with a leather strap, black shiny Oxfords and even his hair looked better than usual. Scott touched his chest to prove himself that the silky material was real. When he turned around, Stiles had been already wearing different clothes, too. Dark gray pants with a black shirt with long sleeves. And he was holding a formal looking jacket in his hand. Scott noticed that this had been the first time since Stiles returned from hell and wore something tight. Stiles always had some oversized hoodie to hide the outcome from hell, but now, the shirt copied the lines of the worked out muscles on his arms and chest.

Scott grinned at him.

"What?" Stiles asked, trying to hide a smile.

"Nothing, nothing. It looks great, dude. I think I'll shop at Stiles' boutique from now on."

"As you wish," Stiles laughed,"Now... They give out some bracelets to get in, right?"

"Yeah... The pink one, right? You remember how it looked like?"

"Not much... I gotta see it," Stiles said and teleported them into the middle of the dancing floor. Everybody around was dancing to the loud music surrounding them and jumping in front of the DJ who himself was dancing to his beats.

Scott looked around himself, surprised to the sudden change of place. The wolf looked at Stiles who grabbed somebody's wrist and pulled it closer to his face. The person was too drunk to realize what was happening and before the man could say something, Stiles was already standing too far from him.

"Look at your wrist," Stiles leaned closer to Scott's ear and said, "let's get a drink, shall we?"

Scott raised his hand to the eye level to see the pink bracelet on his wrist. His thoughts wandered away to the realization that Stiles' powers constantly surprised him, although he knew what is friend was. But he had to admit that Stiles was slowly getting comfortable with using his 'gift' around Scott and it somehow brought the old Stiles back. The acceptance of his friends made Stiles feel free, happy and loved. Scott was ready to support Stiles in regaining self confidence in his person again, and if that meant letting Stiles using his powers, Scott had nothing against it, although the immense scale of supernatural abilities sometimes gave Scott goosebumps.

Stiles interrupted his friends thoughts by touching Scott's shoulder. "You okay, buddy?" he asked him, as if he sensed out the wolf's intimidation.

"No, yeah. I'm fine," Scott said, using one of Stiles' most used lies. Stiles immediately knew that Scott wasn't fine, understanding that he was the cause. But he wasn't about to dig into it, he grasped Scott by his arm and dragged him through the mass of people to the bar.

"What are you having?" Stiles asked with a smile.

"Dunno, can't get drunk anyways."

"We'll see about that," Stiles grinned at his friend and ordered two shots of rum.

"You can get drunk?" Scott wondered, taking the shot into his hand.

"Of course... I-I can slow down the digesting and stuff... Let's not get into that-" Stiles waved his hand and drank his shot, Scott also drinking up his.

"Are you planning onto playing with my digesting system, too?" Scott asked with a smirk.

"If you want to get drunk, then sure," Stiles said, gesturing at the barman to order more alcohol.

"Well, I guess I wanna get drunk," Scott admitted, it had been pretty long since he was drunk and he kind of missed it.

"Alright, then," Stiles said and handed him another shot, "let's get drunk."

"Hello, boys, I'm Sandy!"

Scott and Stiles turned around to the person who was talking to them. It were two transvestites standing there with fancy drinks in their hands.

"Hey, Sandy," Scott said, "I'm Scott.

"I'm Stiles," Stiles added.

"Oh, my god, Tracy, it's really them," Sandy whispered to her friend who giggled.

"I'm Tracy!" She smiled at Scott and Stiles who exchanged their looks, hoping that they were not about to get some hate.

"It's really us?" Stiles repeated.

"Oh, we're sorry. We're a little excited to meet you two here!" Sandy said with a smile.

"Is that so?" Scott asked.

"Hell, yeah! You're famous around here, don't tell us that you don't know that." Sandy said and Tracy nodded.

"I tend to avoid the 'fame', girls," Stiles said.

"Oh, common! You saved the poor sweet children in the school! And you, too!" Tracy looked at Scott and winked.

"Can we buy you a drink, gentlemen?" Sandy asked and made her way to the bar. And that's how Scott and Stiles found themselves new friends. They drank, they danced and laughed the whole night. The boys didn't have such fun for years. That was at least how it felt for them. Sandy and Tracy didn't judge them for what they were. They didn't care. And that was so liberating for Stiles.

About 3 a.m., Scott and Stiles walked out of the club to get some air. Both of them were pretty intoxicated so they had to support each other to prevent falling on the ground.

"Gosh, I think I wanna sit down," Scott said and let the gravity work, falling on the ground right onto his bottom. Stiles looked a second later at his friend and also let himself fall to the ground.

"It's like I'm human, again...," Stiles muttered.

"Bro, bro-" Scott put his hand clumsily on Stiles' shoulder and used the other to turn his head to him.

"Bro, don't talk shit, you're human..."

"Bro," Stiles sighed.

"What? Don't give me that fucking look," Scott said angrily and hiccuped, "You are still human."

"Scotty," Stiles said sadly and looked away. Scott heard sobbing. Maybe it was the alcohol or just the realization of actually losing Scott one day but it was enough to make Stiles cry. Stiles quickly dried his eyes with his shirt and tried to calm himself.

"Stiles?" Scott asked carefully.

"Yeah?" Stiles murmured.

"Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing, just got too emotional. I would appreciate a good nights sleep."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Stiles reassured his friend and teleported them into Scott's room. Stiles let himself fall on the mattress on the floor which was prepared for him and sleep took over him within several seconds. Scott threw a blanket on Stiles and went to bed, too.

An engine outside the house woke Scott up. He wearily sat up on his bed and looked at the clock on the wall which was enlightened by the moon light. 4 a.m., that meant it must had been his mother. Scott's eyes wandered around the room, stopping at something what wasn't there before. His eyes widened at the figure on the floor. Scott wasn't drunk anymore. It was probably because Stiles was asleep and not working his magic on Scott. Scott climbed out of his bed and tiptoed to Stiles. It was the first time he was so close to the beast. Stiles was deep asleep, lying in the fetal position, which made the situation kind of entertaining. Scott studied Stiles' claws which compared to his were much sharper, longer and darker. Scott, then, stood up and quietly left the room, searching for his mother who was still in the kitchen down stairs.

"Mom," Scott whispered.

"Scott? What are you doing up?" Melissa wondered and put the hair out of Scott's forehead with her finger.

"Heard you, so I went to greet you."

"That's nice, but shouldn't you sleep? Tomorrow is a big day for you."

"Just the ceremony."

"Do I smell alcohol?" Melissa sniffed to Scott who shrugged innocently.

"Maybe a little, we went to have a drink."

"I thought you can't get drunk."

"Well, I can't. Stiles can, though."

"So, we have a drunk demon upstairs?"

"Actually... He probably doesn't have much control over himself when he is drunk..."

"What does that mean?"

"You remember how I told you the story from the warehouse? And his beast-like appearance?"

"Yes? Are you telling me that he turned into-"

"The beast."

"Common, don't call him like that. I don't call you a beast when you wolf out either."


"Can I have a peek?"

"Well... Yeah, I guess."

They both went up the stairs silently and Scott opened the door for his mother. Stiles was still lying in the same position, the blanket only covering his legs which were too long for the mattress. Melissa walked in and sat down next to Stiles head. Scott followed her and sat next to her.

"Woah, he looks kinda different yet I can still recognize him. It's like his features hardened," Melissa whispered. She reached out for Stiles hand which was hanging down the mattress.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked, feeling on alert. Melissa touched the darkened skin which was surprisingly very smooth. Suddenly, Stiles' big hand grabbed Melissa's and pulled it closer to him. Melissa looked at her son with her eyebrows raised and whispered: "It is somehow cute. He wants to hold a hand."

"Mom...," Scott sighed and she shrugged. Melissa changed her position and sat on the mattress to be closer to Stiles and not to have her arm stretched out.

"We should wake him up, you can't sit like that the whole night," Scott said, "he isn't hurting you, is he?"

"No, he isn't." Melissa tapped at Stiles' cheek with her free hand. When he didn't wake up, Melissa leaned to his ear and said: "Stiles."

Stiles opened his eyes, noticing Scott sitting in front of him. He blinked a few times to bring him into focus, realizing he had been holding something and letting go of it.

Melissa stared into his black eyes but tried to bring herself to smile at the 'boy'. The moment Stiles sat up, he realized that something was definitely wrong. He raised his hand to look at it, finding out that he had transformed himself into his demon form.

"Shit," he muttered in the deep, hoarse voice and let the darkness change him back to the young teenager.

"I'm sorry," Stiles apologized and gave the two a guilty look, followed with a sigh.

"That's alright, buddy." Scott smiled and rose to his feet. "I'll get some water," Scott said and left the room. Melissa took Stiles' hands into hers and stroked them with the tips of her thumbs. Stiles smiled at her greatfully and squeezed her hands in return.

"You don't have to feel ashamed for this, Stiles," Melissa said soothingly. Stiles snorted humorlessly and let go of Melissa's hands. He watched her in silence for a while, noticing a familiar scent on her. Stiles' piercing stare made Melissa feel slightly uncomfortable. She looked at her hands which were folded in her lap and wondered where Scott was for such a long time.

"You've been with my dad?" Stiles finally asked, breaking the awkward silence. Melissa looked up at the boy who still had his eyes locked on her.

"Well, yeah... Why?" Melissa asked, rubbing the back of her neck. Stiles' lips turned into a smirk. He felt his father's scent on her in such a way that he had to be real close to Melissa. Stiles sensed out Melissa's embarrassment which made Stiles look away.

"Nothing, nothing...," Stiles murmured but Scott's mother understood. She knew that Stiles figured out that she had been intimate with his father and she felt bad for it. Somehow she felt obligated to get permission from Stiles first, but she couldn't resist that evening she had been with Stilinski. Melissa felt blood rushing into her cheeks. She was aware that even in the darkness of the room, Stiles would see the pink-ish color on her face, giving away her embarrassment.

"You don't have to feel ashamed for this, Melissa," Stiles said with a rather entertained voice, "I ship you two for several years already."

"You 'ship' us?" Melissa asked with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I considered you as a mother figure anyways." Stiles shrugged and smiled which made Melissa feel at ease again. At that moment, Scott entered the room with three glasses of water in his hands, looking quite tired.

"Guys, I think I'm going to bed, so please, shush," Scott said while handing the glasses to them. Within several minutes, they returned to their beds and fell asleep.

The next morning went down quickly. Melissa prepared lunches for the boys while they got dressed for the last day at school. They had to be fast because Scott overslept and they had to be at school in an hour. Scott and Stiles didn't worry that much, though, because Stiles could simply teleport them to the school grounds.

It was chaos at school, the teachers and volunteers from non-graduating classes were running around, trying to prepare everything needed and create some order. Stiles and Scott looked for their friends who seemed be also late. They managed to find only the members of the pack who didn't graduate. Hayden, Liam, Corey and Mason had their arms covered in graduation gowns and seemed undoubtedly confused.

"Where are we supposed to bring these?" Hayden asked, looking around for help.

"I don't know, Hay... I don't know," Liam said desperately.

"Hey, guys," Scott greeted them from the other side of the hallway and walked over to them with Stiles by his side.

"We'll take two, please," the Alpha said with a grin and took two gowns from Corey's hands. Liam gave him an annoyed look, followed by a sigh. "Were is Malia? And the rest?" Liam asked.

"Good question," Scott said.

"Lydia just parked her car," Stiles informed them causally. The younger students looked at him with a surprised gaze, still not used to his powers. Within a few minutes, Lydia Martin marched in the school with a confident posture on her high heels. As soon as she noticed the pack standing by the lockers, she gave them a wide smile and approached them.

"Hi, so where shoud we go? What's happening?" Lydia asked cheerfully. Stiles was glad to see her good-mooded. It was a long time since she acted as if their lives were actually normal.

The pack went to the reharsal where Malia, Kira and Issac already were. It seemed to take an eternity before the students got it just right. The girls went to check up on their make-up after the reharsal and the boys sat on the grass outside, enjoying the sunny weather. Malia and Kira returned to the boys in several minutes and also made themselves comfortable on the ground.

"Where's Lydia?" Issac wondered.

"She's calling with her mom...," Kira explained shortly. The pack silently watched the students and the teachers ushering the proud parents to their seats. They've been all in deep in their nostalgic thought. An era was ending.

Suddenly, two girls came to them, whispering something to each other.

"You need something?" Malia asked them, raising her eyebrow.

"Um, would you take a selfie with us?" the girls asked together at once.

"Selfie?" Stiles chuckled and stood up, his movement being watched by the girls.

"Pretty please," the girl begged.

"Yeah, whatever," Issac said and offered Malia his hand to help her stand up. They all took their places behind the selfie stick and made themselves to smile in the camera.

"Um, could you maybe, you know, flash your eyes?" the girl asked shyly. The pack looked at Scott for some kind of an approval.

"But... It won't work for a photo, though... It'll shine it up like Christmas lights," Scott said.

"Mine won't," Stiles murmured for himself.

"That doesn't matter, pretty pretty please," the other girl said and positioned the selfie stick into place again. The wolfs, fox and the demon let their eyes shine in their supernatural colors and the girls smiled widely. Click. The photo was taken. The girls thanked the pack and quickly left, giggling. Stiles laid on the ground again, the rest copying him.

"Was it a good idea?" Kira asked her boyfriend who shrugged.

"I don't know, but I think it doesn't matter. We could simply say it was photoshopped if something came up," Scott said with a smile.

"Hey, guys," Malia said, turning her head around,"Where is Stiles?"

And indeed, the boy was gone from his spot on the grass. The pack searched for him with their eyes but he was nowhere to find.

"Guys, stop worrying, he can take care of himself way better than any of us," Issac said calmy, as he was the only one who kept laying on the ground. That remark made the others to stop panic about their demon friend and continued with the nothing-doing.


Lydia put her phone back in the little purse she was carrying and withdrew her make-up kit. The tears had destroyed her mascara and a part of the eyeshadow. With fast movements, the strawberry blonde fixed up her eyes, making it look as if she never cried. Only her glassy eyes gave her away. Lydia took in a deep breath and decided for her confidence walk. Unfortunetly, as she began marching through the ladies bathroom to the door, her left ankle bended to the side with a loud cracking noise. She fell to the cold floor, feeling the aching ankle swelling up. Lydia pulled her gown up to see what damage had been done. "Shit."

The joint was already invisible in the bruised edema. She carefully took down her heels and turned around to her purse, fishing out her phone. When she turned back to her leg, she let out a "Jesus Christ!" at the sight of Stiles who towered in front of her.

"You scared me, gosh," Lydia said, now a little calmer.

"Sorry," Stiles said quietly and sat down on his knees. Lydia put her phone back into her purse and watched Stiles who scanned her with her eyes. Then, he put his hand above her ankle, pausing for a moment to look up.

"May I?" he asked, almost sounding shy. Lydia nodded and used her sleeve to remove her tears from the cheeks. She didn't even feel the ankle that much, not after the pain of the poor souls she relived. This was nothing compared to the agony they had to go through before Stiles finally killed them.

Stiles run his middle finger over the swelling, creating little circles on it. It took only a few seconds for the bruises to fade and the skin returning to its normal state. The bones restored themselves with a small crack and the leg was healthy again.

"Thanks," Lydia said quietly. Stiles put her shoes back on without a word and rose to his feet. Lydia also stood up and looked at herself into the mirror.

"Why are you grieving?" Stiles asked suddenly.


"You didn't cry because of the pain."

"Oh. It's Prada... She died."


"My dog..."

"No, I know," Stiles and smiled sadly, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah...," Lydia sighed while running her fingers through her hair. Stiles watched her silently which made Lydia feel uncomfortable.

"Why are you so quiet? It's a little creepy." Lydia turned around to the demon who looked her directly into the eyes. "Sorry."

Lydia began to understand that the apologies were meant in a different way. He was saying sorry for what he had done to her. For the suffering he caused. His sad eyes were piercing her through, making her feel bad for him. She came closer to him and pulled him into a tight hug. Stiles wrapped his arms around her and laid his head on hers.

"Nobody'll ever hurt you again, okay?" Stiles whispered and pushed her gently away to have a better look at her. "I won't let it."

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself," Lydia said with a smile but knew that Stiles was talking about himself. "We should go," she said and grabbed Stiles by his wrist and lead him out of the bathroom. They were already late, the ceremony had begun. Lydia and Stiles quickly took their places in the line of students who were waiting to be called out on the podium. It was a satisfying feeling for every student standing there. It was finally over and they would begin a new life with new opportunities. One by one they went to the podium to get their certificate and to wave to their parents and friends. The new director, Mr. Finstock had a big speech which ended the whole ceremony.

The pack gathered around a bench near where the ceremony took place after the teenagers took several photos with their parents. Malia immediately took the gown off and folded it in a small ball as she sat down on the bench.

"So, that's behind us," Malia said.

"It's so weird," Scott muttered.

"We have to meet up as often as possible, alright?" Liam said, feeing a little sad.

"Of course," Scott said reassuringly which calmed the beta down.

"I'll miss you, guys," Mason said gloomily.

"Let's group-hug!" Kira said excitedly and pulled everyone around her into an embrace. Everybody else joined the bundle of people hugging, feeling the love vibrating from the group. This was an end of an era but a also a new beginning which they were ready to embrace.

They weren't sure what would happen in the future but they were convinced that anything what would come, the Mccall Pack would survive it together.


So, guys, this is the end. I'm sorry it took so long to write this last chapter but common, its summer break. And frankly, I didn't have the mood for it. The rest is for you to imagine. Do Kira and Scott have kids? Does foreveryoung!Stiles take care of them? What are the Hales up to? Will Stiles marry somebody? Or rather take over the world?

I really loved all your comments and follows, I appreciate every of them. This was my first story (so sorry for all the mistakes and non-professional writing) and I'm planning on writing another. Not sure when, though. I hope as soon as possible.