Hansel and Gretel, meet Potter and Lupin!

Ch. 1 Of Hunters and Wizards

I do not own Harry Potter or Hansel and Gretel-Witch Hunters

J. K. Rowling, Paramount, M.G.M., MTV Films, and Warner do.

Positive reviews are welcome.

Ch. 1 Of Hunters and Wizards

Augsburg, East Germany


The sun was hidden in the clouds as the two strangers made their way into town. They wore the standard clothing of the era that they had found themselves in years ago. Seeing it was the mid 1800's, that's saying something. Black leather pants, black vests that hid the white buttoned shirts they both wore. They also wore black leather trench coats that also seconded for cloaks if one looked hard enough. Black rough fedora's on their heads that hid their identities. Both were male with long messy hair, and rough near unshaven faces that were hidden by the fedoras as if a mask as their heads were down. Both were tall, their definitions hidden by the clothing they wore. Both were leading their horses, Arabian's, to a stall.

They had not been in Augsburg in over a month. As always, the place was filthy, as the times were known for. Tying their horses to their posts, they noticed the towns people were not around as was the norm. Instead, their ears caught the sound of the people making a ruckus from within the middle of the stone village with shouts like burn her. Upon entering the town, they heard the accusations forced on an unfortunate woman. Both men turned to one another, "Somethings not right Uncle."

"Agreed, Teddy. Let's see what the noise is all about." The other man acknowledged.

Both quickly walked into the crowd to a sight that made them both pale, and undoubtedly ran their blood cold. On a stage, facing a crowd, the town Sheriff was grandstanding for the people before him and accusing a very important girl to the duo of Witchcraft. Mina, in one of her favorite orange colored dresses with white sleeves, was being held by the Sheriffs deputies. Her beautiful red hair was a soaking mess. Suddenly, the Sheriff took her by the back of her head and shoved her head in a cask of water.

"Mina!" Harry whispered in horror. Both individuals dared not use magic in front of the people as they quickly began to roughly push their way through the crowd as one of their own was in danger. Since finding themselves in this world, Harry had tried to make a name for himself and his Godson Teddy while keeping a low profile. He tried to learn and master the art of being a Black Smith, but didn't get very far due to some disturbing events regarding witches. But with the reports of Witches kidnapping children and the Legends of the Witch Hunters, Hansel and Gretel, he decided to investigate these accusations and rumors himself. It wasn't long before they found that the witches of this world was nothing like the ones in their old home-world. These kinds of Witches, these...'Creatures', were elemental, yet very, very dark. Very powerful strength wise. And fast, almost as fast as Vampires.

Instead of allowing the thefts of the children to go on any further, like the sibling Hunters, Harry James Potter himself became a Hunter. As a former Auror, he was well equipped in handling this kind of thing. In time, though never easy, his own legend grew as he found himself actually better at magic than the Witches of this world as he knew more powerful magic. Add on the fact that he was more magically powerful than they were as well. He knew magic from his world that benefited him in his battles against these dark characters. He was later joined by his Godson, whom he left in the care of a small family who had a daughter that considered Teddy her brother, until he was ready to join Harry on his hunts. His Goddaughter, Mina was found to have magic within her, and for a time, found herself apprenticed to Harry as Teddy Remus Lupin-Potter was.

They found the weapons of the day, near useless against the Dark Witches. Outside of their magically enchanted weapons, swords, bows and arrows, knives, and other stabbing weapons, the newest weapons, guns, were near useless. Using what knowledge he had on the weapons of the 21st Century, Harry took to modernizing their fire arms and using his own brand of enchantments on them.

A time or two, they ran into Hansel and Gretel. Both sets of Hunters met on common ground and even wound up working on a case together, and found each others company necessary for the case they worked. Harry even seemed to find himself attracted to the female hunter, Gretel. But, never did the Potter's reveal their magic to the siblings. So it was that both sets of Hunters departed each other on neutral terms.

Years passed, and now both Potters find themselves back in Augsburg to visit the one special person to their hearts, whom was now in danger from both the Town Sheriff and the Towns People themselves. As they neared the stage of where the Sheriff of Augsburg was making a spectacle of Mina, they found that she had been saved by someone else instead of themselves. Rather, two very familiar individuals named Hansel and Gretel.

Gretel, with her pistol in hand and standing behind the dumb-ass Lawman with gun raised at the back of his head, was a damn sexy sight for Harry's sore eyes. He found himself drawn to the woman when he first laid eyes on her, despite her hatred of all things magic. To her and her brother, Magic was of the Devil, and their mission in life was to kill all witches, but being paid never hurt either. If she and Hansel only knew the truth Harry and Teddy, that they both possessed magic, he didn't want to think of what would happen. But he regretted not telling them the truth of what they possessed.

Hopping up on the stage, and seeing Mina drenched and her hair and clothes a mess, Teddy followed Harry who began to check her over after shoving Hansel aside.

"What the...shit. Harry, Teddy." Hansel gasped.

"Mina, you alright?" Harry asked in worry. As he began looking over his Goddaughter worriedly, searching her person for any bruises, scratches, and or any some such. She nodded, only for him to take her into his arms warmly, gently, and yet lovingly. Teddy rested a supportive hand on her right shoulder, only for Harry to gently pass her off to him. Turning, Harry stomped over to the Sheriff as he disrespected Gretel by calling her a 'bitch'. He didn't get a chance to say another word as Harry punched him in the mouth, knocking several teeth out. The Sheriff stumbled backwards and fell from the stage, holding his mouth. Blood was spouting all over him from behind his hand.

Harry heard Hansel warning the Sheriff's goons, no doubt with his beloved shotgun drawn on them. He didn't see Teddy draw his own revolver on the Lawman's Deputies as well. Having jumped off the stage, Harry took off his hat and threw it to Gretel when he landed as he proceeded over to the now bleeding Sheriff. Picking him up by the lapels of his jacket, Harry, the moment the Sheriff could stand, proceeded to hit him in the gut with a strong punch, then in the nose with an even faster and stronger blow. Holding him by both hands via the jacket, Harry made sure he was looking him in the eyes, dizzy as the Sheriff was, "Look at me you piece of shite. LOOK AT ME! That's my Goddaughter you harmed and nearly drowned in that cask. Do you know who I am? Do you know who the Fuck I am?"

"N-No." the barely conscious Sheriff replied, blood dripping from his mouth while his nose poured.

"My names Harry Potter you bastard. That was my Goddaughter you assaulted and accused of being in league with the Devil there." he growled out. "You may carry the title of Town Sheriff, but to me, your nothing but a dumb inbred idiot looking for attention, and trying to be seen as doing something to stop the kidnappings." Throwing the man to the ground, Harry then stepped on his throat, "You come anywhere near Mina, or anyone I know ever again with the intent to harm or worse, I won't hesitate to kill you sorry, bloody arse, you got me?" The Sheriff shakily nodded while trying to remove the boot that was firmly on his throat, choking all the while due to the pressure Harry applied.

Turning around after letting the bleeding Sheriff go, Harry turned to the crowd, "And that goes for all of you dumbasses." Harry spat to the ground in front of the crowd and then turned back to the stage and gazed upward into the eyes of his ideal everyday warrior woman, "Gretel luv, fancy seeing you here." he said with a smile as he jumped back onto the stage.

Handing his hat back, Gretel replied with a smirk, "Harry, been awhile."

"Indeed it has, wielder of my heart." he smiled as he put the hat back on and rubbed the brim of the hat from one side to the other. Gretel blushed at the way Harry looked at her, as if he wanted nothing more than to snog her senseless. Internally, she had the same hopes as he did, though she'd never admit to him until he made the first move, and that is if Hansel didn't kill him first for defending his sisters honor as Hansel was very overprotective of Gretel and vise versa.

"Oh, please." she said with a blush and a smile. She then turned to Harry's Godson, "Teddy, good to see you, as always."

"Gretel," he nodded back neutrally, still holding onto Mina. "Hansel."

"Ted." Hansel shot back. "Remember Sheriff, you mess with her," Indicating Mina, "And apparently, you mess with all four of us." he said, spinning and pointing his finger at himself, his sister, Harry, and Teddy.

"Now, get back to your homes and businesses, you bloody stupid wankers." Teddy hollered out to the crowd of idiots. When Harry saw they wouldn't budge, he pulled out what appeared to be a stick of Dynamite.

Since he had a short wick on it, he said, "I'm going to give you till the time the Dynamite wick finishes burning to get moving." The people didn't need any other motivation as they began running for their lives, tripping and falling over one another in the scramble to disappear until the area was completely empty.

"Well, that was easy." Gretel said as she came to stand beside Harry. "Did you have to scare them with that dynamite?"

"What dynamite?" Harry grinned as he let her look closer and she saw it was instead a red candy apple scented candle. Hansel began to laugh out loud at the prank.

"Slick Harry. Real slick." Gretel replied with a genuine smile that Harry loved so much, handing the candle back to him, but only after she smelled the candle one more time and apparently liked what she smelled if her facial expression said anything.

As soon as the crowd dispersed, Gretel introduced the Mayor of the town, though it was unnecessary. Harry was already a friend of the Mayor, and had been so for a few years.

"Harry, Teddy. Glad you came back."

"Thanks Mayor Engleman." Harry said, shaking his outstretched hand.

"John, Harry. You know you and I are on first name basis." John said, chuckling as he let go of the hand to shake Teddy's.

"Well, normally, one likes to follow protocol sometimes, Mayor." Harry smiled with a chuckle of his own.

Pointing towards an area of the town, the Mayor took the five individuals to his office, but on the way to his office, Harry had sent Teddy to take Mina back home and await his call. Harry gave him following directions via a special form of communication via hand patterns that he and Teddy would understand, though he did it outside of the siblings view. His current hand sign informed Teddy to raise a set of muggle repelling wards, as well as wards to prevent those with negative intent from entering Mina's home.

With Teddy nodding and getting the message, he took Mina and went where she currently stayed. Within the office, the Mayor, John, debriefed the now three Hunters on a suspected Witch and her hideout. "There's been reports of a strange cottage in the North Forest. Locals won't go near the place. A good place to start the investigation."

He brought out a map and marked the area he spoke of. Harry studied the map for a few minutes. "Gretel, you take the front. I'll take the back. Han, you wait outside in case she gets past us. We converge on her on all sides if she does and hit her hard and fast. Don't give her a chance to think or plan an escape."

"Who says you make the plans?" Hansel asked, looking at Harry.

"She almost got Mina killed. I wanna know what's going on. For Teddy and I, this isn't business, this is personal." Harry answered.

"So, you're not in it for the money?" Gretel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Does it look like I'm in it for the money this time, Gretel love?" Harry asked with a small glare.

She and Hansel took the hint and nodded, "Okay, we'll go with your plan. I'll wait outside the cottage, like you said. Hit her hard and fast."

"Alright. Let's do this." Harry said as they left the Mayor's office with the promise to return with their prisoner.

Over an hour later, the three descended on the place. Harry, having opened his coat and pulled out what looked like a set of black sticks from a holster on his back, pointed at Gretel to take the front entrance as he silently walked around and began his approach from the back. She nodded as she began her approach at the front. Halfway near the back, he signaled to Hansel to watch the windows as the witch would possibly attempt to fly out through it. Hansel also nodded and took his position within the tree's that hid him from view.

Harry cursed himself as he saw that the back had no door. Hearing a set of screams after the sound of the fronts door being kicked open, he knew he was in full view of Hansel, so using his magic to make a hole on the back of the cottage with his magic was out of the option. Running back around to the window, he was in time to catch the witch unaware as she had flown out of a now destroyed window, only backwards. Just as she had flown out on what appeared to be a bizarre broomstick that was a magical branch of some kind, Harry had jumped and tackled her from the side, off the branch, and to the ground. He then turned her over and hit her in the throat with an open palm strike causing her to gag and clutch her throat, only for him to receive a kick to his chest from both of her feet, causing him to fly back on his back a couple of feet. Flipping back to his feet, he narrowed his eyes at her.

As both got up and circled one another though she was still holding a hand to her neck and trying to heal whatever damage she sustained, Gretel ran out the door of the cottage with her personal crossbow and trained it on the ugly gray skinned, black haired woman with circularly curved horns on her dresses shoulder area. Her dress was red and black, with leather wrist patches. Her teeth like all witches was rotting as she also had golden eyes. "You got two choices, surrender, and I promise you, we'll go easy on you. We have questions that need answering, and we hope you have the answers to those questions. You will of course will be tried and convicted for whatever crimes you committed which is undoubtedly a lot. As it is, you'll most likely be hanged, and then burned. But make a move now, and I promise you, you will know pain the like's you've only dished out to the innocents you've harmed, two fold. And then we'll kill you once we have the answers we need." he finished as he palmed both his sticks and mentally prepared himself as he locked his knees and feet into position in the dirt and held tightly to his fighting sticks.

Hansel slowly walked up with his shotgun trained on the witch. She snarled and growled with an almost beast-like sound. She crouched and prepared to move, forcing Gretel to fire her crossbow. The witch spun around to the side near Harry who spun his fighting sticks and swung with his left arm. She bent backwards, allowing his arm to pass by, but Harry saw the move coming and spun around and to the ground, using a leg sweep. She hit her back as she lost her footing, allowing Harry to lunge on her and pressed both sticks into her open hands, and then pressed a button on both of his sticks that shot stakes from one end of each stick with a hiss of escaped air pressure, and into her hands, pinning her into the ground. She cried out in pain as Harry stood over her, Hansel and Gretel training their weapons over her head. She struggled to try and get up, but could not as she was pinned to the ground. Harry had one of his booted feet on top of her leg with Hansel doing the same, making sure she couldn't move at all.

"Today, just isn't your lucky day." Gretel explained as Hansel used the butt end of his gun to knock her unconscious before she could attempt to do anything else.

Harry looked to the cottage and then to Gretel, "Wait here. I'm going to check the house."

"Alright, be careful. Who knows what she was doing in there." Gretel replied.

He nodded and holstered his sticks, then walked back around the cottage and walked inside. He looked. His Animagus spirit was a Siberian Wolf, so his sense of smell was on par if not greater than most natural canines and cats. He smelled human blood as his eyes took in the inside of the cottage. There was plenty of blood caked items, knives, saws, as well as a stove and pots and pans filled with odd liquids that seemed to have a bit of human blood mixed with them.

He narrowed his eyes angrily as he sensed Gretel enter the cottage doors. "Harry?"

He held a gloved finger up, made a fist and then pointed down as he knelt down and felt the floor for a loose board or ring for a trap door. His hands then ran over a small blood caked rug and felt an imprint of what he sought. Quickly grabbing the rug, he threw it to the side and saw the metal ring that was to be used for the trapped door. Taking a moment to look Gretel in the eyes, she nodded and readied herself as Harry grabbed the ring and yanked it open. At first glance, they only saw dirt and worms, but then Harry looked closer and saw several bones sticking out of the ground. Taking one of his sticks from his coats holster, he used it to reach into the dirt and move it around until his stick hit something hard.

With a deep breath, he slowly maneuvered the hard object around and loosened it from the soil until both he and Gretel got a somewhat expected good look at the upper skull of what seemed to be a small child. With how clean it was inside the dirt underneath the cottage, Harry couldn't tell how old it was. Lowering his head in sympathy and respect for the dead child, while guessing there were several more than what he just found within the soil, he retracted his stick and pulled out a white cloth that he used to clean his stick.

"Burn it down?" Gretel asked. Harry looked at her with a set jaw and red rimmed eyes that shed a tear or two for the children under the cottage.

"Burn it all down." he confirmed in a rough hoarse voice that revealed how he felt for the deceased children murdered by the dark witch. If there was one thing Harry cherished in his life, it was children. And it was all due to the way he was originally brought up.

As darkness arrived, the house was already ablaze. Black smoke rose into the sky as the trio headed back to Augsburg. The Witch was bound and gagged, her hands tied to the front of her, slumped unconscious on her side, inside of a wooden wagon that was attached to a carriage, with Hansel as the driver. Gretel was sitting beside her brother as Harry sat in the wagon, his eyes resting on the unconscious witch while sharpening a black steel knife he himself forged, with a black sharpening stone. He had special plans for this Witch once she was interrogated and drained of any valuable information she may have had.

Chapter one completed. Let me know what you think. Read and review. Until next time.