Disclaimer: We do own any part of One Piece

Waves of Convergence

Chapter 1

Sanji hummed to himself as he moved about the kitchen doing what he did best in life, preparing a meal. It was a beautiful day outside, the waves below the ship weren't overly rough, the wind was blowing just strong enough, and the sky was all blue as far as the eye could see. The Thousand Sunny and crew had been all on their lonesome, not an island or ship in sight, for the last few weeks. The captain was getting stir crazy, everyone was feeling a little antsy, but Luffy most of all.

According to Nami, who was always absolutely correct in every possible way, the ship would be approaching an island around lunchtime. Sanji had decided that he would judge whether or not they should have a picnic upon seeing the oncoming landmass. If it was some sort of horrific looking island straight out of hell, then they would have lunch on the ship; if it was the embodiment of everything good and wonderful, then he would postpone lunch in favor of waiting for an opportunity to eat on land. He thought that seemed pretty fair, in the mean time though, he would be preparing their meal for consumption. They couldn't very well have a picnic without any picnic foods after all.

He was just deciding on what sort of desert he wanted to bring along with them when the door swung open and the sound of heavy booted footsteps trotted right along into the room. Trott probably wasn't the right verb for it, but Sanji honestly thought it was much funnier to think of Zoro as trotting or prancing around instead of stomping and marching, as he actually did; and it was Zoro who trotted along inside, there was no two ways about it. Sanji had at some point learned to determine the footsteps of everyone on board without looking and no one else sounded like Zoro. Even that sound was enough to make Sanji feel marginally irritated, that must have been the work of classical conditioning brought on by a negative stimuli.

"What do you want, marimo?" Sanji sighed, not casting him a sparing glance. Honestly, he was in a good mood at the moment and he really didn't want Zoro coming in and fucking that up for him.

"How did you know it was me?" Zoro asked, halting in his trek across the floor toward the cabinet where he knew—or thought he knew—Sanji kept the booze.

"Oh, did I not tell you that I'm a psychic?" Sanji asked in mock concern, as he absently began preparing some chocolate mousse, "I feel like that's something I probably should have told you after all these years. Huh, I guess we just aren't that good of friends." He offered a rather patronizing shrug, as if he didn't know how else to explain it or he didn't care to try.

Zoro rolled his eyes, and said with a snort: "Oh, yeah? Well then, oh mighty psychic, what does that psychic power of yours reveal about your future sex life?"

Sanji put down the whisk he had been using to mix the concoction that would soon become something delicious, putting each of his index and middle fingers to his temples, and letting his eyes fall shut. He appeared to concentrate very hard for a moment.

"The future says," he breathed in a thin and distant voice, "that my sex life will be filled with pleasure and beautiful woman. I mean– A beautiful woman– Or womans– I mean, women– Lots of females is what I'm trying to say." Damn, he may have stumbled through his explanation a bit, inadvertently causing it to lose its affect, and it had started off as such a wonderful prophecy too.

"Wow, either the spirits of the beyond can't formulate a sentence properly, or you're a worse liar than Usopp," Zoro mocked, and Sanji could hear him rummaging in the cupboards for booze that was not located there.

"Shut up! The future says that you're going to die alone with no one to love you," Sanji spat, glancing at the swordsman for the first time since he'd made his appearance. The chef was a little surprised to see that the man looked like he'd just cleaned himself–a rare sight indeed. Apparently, the marimo had taken his weekly bath. Well, at least he didn't come in smelling like sweat like he usually did. Always look to the positive, Sanji told himself.

"I think I'll take my chances," Zoro huffed, confusing Sanji for a moment as he noticed that he'd been busy thinking about Zoro's not so hygienic habits and had not really been paying attention.

Sanji made an irritated sound, "What did you want anyway?" he asked, even though the cook knew that there were only a few reasons that the swordsman ever came into the kitchen. The question was really less a question and more a sigh of exasperation.

"Booze," the swordsman grunted, opening another cabinet that was just as alcohol free as the first one had been.

"It's the middle of the day, asshole, you're not allowed to intoxicate yourself in the middle of the day," the blond chided.

"Why not? It's not like I ever get drunk. Just because you can't handle alcohol doesn't mean you have to restrict others," Zoro jeered.

"I handle my alcohol just fine!" Sanji exclaimed, "It's not my fault you're some kind of freak."

"Good, so you agree that it won't affect me, now give me booze."

"I'm still not letting you have any sake," asserted the blue eyed man.

"Well, why the hell not?"

"Maybe I'm trying to make it last, who knows when we'll be able to restock. Honestly, I'm looking out for you here," Sanji said, innocently stirring his creation as he watched Zoro's face deepen it its irritation.

Zoro slammer his fist on the counter like a child. "I'll drain my supply if I want to, that's my problem!"

"You won't, and that's final," Sanji said with a note of finality as he walked over to the fridge and put away the chocolate mousse and whipped cream he was now finished with.

He saw Zoro straighten out of the corner of his eyes, almost hitting his mossy head on an open cupboard door.

"Che. Who are you, my mother?" Zoro sassed as he leaned against the breakfast bar, and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

"Listen here, young man, I swear if you don't go to your room right now so help me..." Sanji said in a stern tone, putting his hands on his hips as he closed the fridge door with his shoe and turned toward the plant head.

Zoro snorted with a raised eyebrow, "Alright, ero-cook, I'll admit you have a distinct motherly authority, but unfortunately for you, I was never a very cooperative kid."

"I will throw this spoon at you, don't tempt me," Sanji threatened, holding up the chocolaty utensil he'd been using as if to substantiate his claim.

"What, you're not going to threaten to spank me?" Zoro smirked.

Sanji almost choked on his spit. "N-No! No, I am not, you fucking creep!"

"What?" Zoro asked defensively, "Don't look at me like that! It had to be said, we were both thinking it. It was the fucking elephant in the room, was I just supposed to ignore it?"

Sanji threw the spoon like a knife, and watched as Zoro dodged out of the way, darting forward in order to attack his chocolate spoon throwing attacker.

The cook, considering himself a great hero of great justice when it came to irritating Zoro, he was probably the best the world had ever known; that said, he put himself directly in front of the charging swordsman and knocked the marimo's legs out from under him. Well, he tried to knock the marimo's legs out from under him. Really, Zoro just stumbled, arms flailing to find support so that he would not fall into his stupid face. He found said support in the form of Sanji's chest.

One tanned hand found a place directly in the center of Sanji's sternum and the force of his falling smashed said cook into the refrigerator behind him with a solid thump. It wasn't enough to knock the wind out of him, but Sanji's head did smack the fridge rather hard. He glared at Zoro, who was now righting himself and looking to Sanji as if to gage the explosiveness of his reaction. He relaesed the cook, and looked at him wearily.

Sanji sighed in a misleadingly calm manner before kneeing Zoro in the gut. The hit wasn't nearly as hard or as satisfying as he would have liked, but it still made Zoro cringe and this gave the curly cook time to sweep the other man's legs out from under him—for real this time—and he started kicking him while he was down. Maybe that wasn't a particularly gentlemanly move, but this was Zoro he was dealing with. Rules were meant to be broken and exceptions existed to be made.

"Out. Of. My. Kitchen!" he said with each kick.

"Alright!" Zoro exclaimed, "Fuck, why are you so pushy!?" Trying to roll out of the range of Sanji's angry feet, Zoro found sanctuary behind the bar stools where he was just out of the crazy cook's reach.

"Yeah, that's right, you roll away!" Sanji shouted at him.

Zoro stood up on the other side of the bar, and gave Sanji a very angry glare while walking back toward the door, no booze to claim as his prize. It looked like the plant head was going to turn back to Sanji when the joyous shouts of "LAND-HO!" could be heard outside, called by a very loud Usopp and Luffy.

Zoro rushed out to get a glimpse of the land, Sanji not far behind.

As Sanji walked out onto the deck, the sparkling off the water nearly blinded him, but low and behold there really was an island out there on the horizon. It was tiny off in the distance, so there wasn't really much to see yet, but as Sanji looked around he noticed that there where clouds that were starting to roll in from the opposite direction that did not look like they would be very kind toward a picnic. So much for that perfect all blue sky. The blond let out a long sigh, and reluctantly decided that they should probably all just have lunch on board after all, which was kind of sad because he had been looking forward to a picnic even if, with this crew, it would for sure deteriorate into a disaster.

When Sanji slumped against the railing in defeat, Zoro gave him a rather strange look. "What?" the other man asked.

"I wanted to have a picnic," Sanji whined, and lit up a cigarette, blowing out the smoke in a lazy but forlorn manner.

"Then have a picnic, idiot," Zoro said like it was to most obvious thing in the world.

"No! Clouds are rolling in and I don't want to get soaked," Sanji snapped, and as if to punctuate his point, a soft roll of thunder sounded far off in the distance.

Zoro seemed to ignore the ominous clouds in favor of mockery. "Che. Whatever, cook. You're such a girl."

"I'll have you know that I've been told on multiple occasions that I am the picture of manliness," the blond man sniffed petulantly.

Zoro laughed very loudly at that, "Who the hell told you that? A blind man?"

"Many reliable sources, you shit head! And why the hell would you assume I was told this by a man?"

"Ah, never mind. Just ignore me, whatever gets you through the day, shit cook," Zoro snickered, shaking his head, the light catching on his earnings and reflecting to stab Sanji in the eye. Even Zoro's earrings were out to get him, there was not a single good thing to be said about that man.

"Watch it, moss head," Sanji said, leaning in toward the swordsman, "I won't hesitate to kick you overboard," the warning was breathed in a big puff of smoke directly into the other man's face.

"I'd like to see you try," Zoro challenged, coughing slightly, taking away the words' severity.

Sanji smiled smugly, giving the swordsman a gloating smile."I already kicked your ass out of the kitchen once today, I don't see how kicking you overboard should be much different.

Zoro scoffed, "Please, I gave you that one tiny victory, Don't make me regret it."

"Oh, then you didn't really come into the kitchen in desperate need to get alcohol! You just came to look at my ruggedly handsome face and to boost my self-confidence! How flattering of you, marimo! You really shouldn't have."

Zoro just stared at Sanji with a look in his eye that the cook could describe as either annoyance, or just the usual 'the cook is really such an idiot' face he always wore when the two men said more then a handful of words to each other.

"Yeah, that's it," Zoro deadpanned like the idea was so ridiculous it didn't even deserve a clever response.

"I hate you," Sanji decided, seething. He turned on his heels and began stomping away.

"I was only agreeing with you," Zoro shouted after him as Sanji went up the steps to the kitchen.

"Shut up, I'm making a dramatic exit here!"

Sanji retreated back into the gally, where he picked up the cooking where he had left off, but in a decidedly more annoyed manner.

"Stupid moss head," he muttered.


When the meal was done being aggressively prepared and Sanji's crew mate's bellies were full, the island was starting to take shape in the distance while the clouds were swirling ever closer like a threatening promise.

"Come, on guys!" Luffy yelled, excited at the prospect of setting foot on land. He was perched on the Sunny's lions head, practically dancing in anticipation to get onto shore, and Sanji's legs were itching for solid ground as well. Although, he thought it would probably be a little undignified of him to bust a move while they were waiting. That didn't stop him from thinking that he would have the best dance moves if everyone started dancing though. Sanji's dance moves were great, not dorky at all.

The crew's beautiful navigator eyed the approaching clouds with a practiced eye, and fixed her long hair as her gaze went out into the horizon. She stood there, thinking for a moment, then turned to the rest of the Sunny's passengers.

"Alright, guys," she announced, "Appears that, as you can see, there is going to be a hell of a storm tonight, so I suggest making shelter on land for the night, and we can go get supplies in the morning. Agreed?"

Sanji clutched his hands together, noddle mode initiated. Target: the most beautiful ginger in the whole gosh darn universe.

"Of course, my lovely Nami-swan~!" Sanji gushed, hearts in his eyes. He didn't seem to notice that no one way paying any attention to him, let alone Nami.

"LAND!" Usopp cried, and ran below deck to gather supplies.

Chopper was babbling about medicinal herbs or something in his excited, squeaky voice, and soon enough followed Usopp's direction to go to his clinic.

"SUUUPPER idea, ginger sister!" Franky praised, and put his arms together in his signature pose.

"MEAT~!" drooled Luffy, bounding back over to the group. "Saaanjiiii, I'm hungry! Make me an adventure meal!"

The blond smacked his captain upside the head, grinding his teeth in irritation. "Idiot! You literally just ate!"

"Shishishi~!" the rubber bodied raven laughed, and then raced across the deck to where the green haired swordsman stood, staring out at the island.

"Zoro! You'll go explore with me, won't you?!" Luffy laughed, poking at Zoro's side annoyingly.

The curly browed cook watched as Zoro visibly snapped out of whatever world he had been in, and answered Luffy distractedly, "Yeah...sure..."

"Yay~!" cheered Luffy, and he was soon running around the deck, getting in everyone's way as they tried to pack up some stuff for the island. Being in the way was unfortunately one of the captain's best talents.

Sanji packed his bedding, and a enough food to cook for breakfast and dinner, before he was satisfied with his supply.

"Marimo!" he yelled from the kitchen, "Get your ass in here and help me!"

He heard a grunt, and several grumbled curses before he actually saw the called upon plant head, and bit back the rude comment at the tip of his tongue as the object of offense stood, legs crossed, in the gally doorway.

"Shut your face, shit head, or I won't feed you tonight!" Sanji declared, as he grabbed several packs off of the counter.

Zoro glared at him with his good eye, and scoffed. "Yeah, right. You couldn't let a fly starve if it would save your life."

The cook lit another cancer stick, and upturned his nose as he walked by Zoro.

"I guess not," he agreed, "but I could arrange as situation where Luffy could always 'accidentally' get your plate. That takes the blame off me," the blond mused as he passed by the scowling marimo, and through the open door.

"Don't you fucking DARE!"

Sanji heard the swordsman hurriedly gather the remaining bags, and following Sanji along with the others back onto the deck.

Nami had guided the ship into a cove surrounded by walls of sheer rock cliffs, with the exception of a small beach in front of them leading up to a forest. The clouds overhead churned like the soft smoke from Sanji's cigarette, and the blond could feel the hairs on the back of his neck and his hair stand on end with pre-storm static. The air had that electric smell of ozone wafting on the breeze.

The rest of the crew didn't seem to notice this crackle of electricity in the air, the gratitude of being on land distracting them. Sanji carefully boarded the Mini Merry, and floated to shore with Franky, Zoro, Chopper, Robin, and Usopp, while Nami and Luffy took the ran across the water, seeing as he was just bones.

As soon as his booted feet touched the ground, the cook let out a sigh of contentment. They had been stuck on the Thousand Sunny too long, and it was refreshing to breath in the pleasant aroma of dirt and plant life, instead of the tang of salty air hitting his nose. Not to say that he didn't love the smell of the sea and it's other various scents, but he loved it even more after being exposed to other smells.

He heard Zoro take a deep breath beside him, he did his best to hold back a smirk, and a snarky comment as he and the swordsman placed the bags of food on the fine white sand.

Sanji crushed the remainder of his smoke on the bottom of his shoe, and turned to forest before him. "I'm off to get fire wood!" he called to no one in particular, knowing that at least one of his crew mates was bound to hear him. He saw Chopper nod his furry head in acknowledgment, and the cook made his way into the dense forest alone.


On the beach, Zoro watched Sanji wander off into the woods. About two seconds later, he was torn from the sight by his hyper active captain.

"Ready to go, Zoro?!" he asked, already bounding toward the woods in a slightly different direction than Sanji had gone to.

The green haired man looked at the raven confused. "What?"

"Our adventure, Zoro! Come ON!" Luffy said impatiently, and disappeared into the shadow of the trees.

The older man rolled his eye, and sprinted after his captain into the forest. Zoro kept a hand on his swords, because he knew something was bound to go wrong sooner rather than later. That's always how things seemed to go with Luffy around.

As they wandered along, Zoro noticed that the vegetation on this island didn't seem particularly interesting. The place seemed pretty boring, actually, and he was half hoping they would stumble upon some sort of great beast just so he could entertain himself by cutting it down, but unfortunately no such beasts appeared. It was all just lots of trees and lots of moss.

Were he Sanji, he would probably make some lame joke about this island being exactly where he belonged; an island of lazy moss. But he was not Sanji and imagining that he was Sanji made Zoro scowl. Thinking about the blond in general made Zoro scowl. He was just so... so Sanji. It was infuriating!

But despite how infuriating it was, Zoro seemed to think about Sanji a lot; much more than he would like to. It had become customary for him to hit the reset button on his brain every time Sanji popped up in his mind. He subscribed to the 'if I don't think about it, it's not a problem' theory on this topic but it wasn't working out very well for him. It seemed that Sanji was just infecting his brain like some sort of horrible virus.

Zoro and Luffy tromped through the undergrowth of the forest, avoiding swamps and sink holes on the mossy floor. Luffy was singing about going on a forest adventure, and was narrating the epic journey as he skipped and hopped over boulders and fallen trees. It was so annoying, that the first mate tuned his captain out. Zoro was pretty good at not paying attention, if he did say so himself.

His mind went, as it had been doing for so long now, back to the curly browed cook. He couldn't even place when it exactly had started, he had just sort of noticed it one day when he mentally compared the the color of the sky to Sanji's eyes while he was working out. As soon as he'd realized what he'd just been thinking, he had dropped one of his weights in his panicked state, and ended up breaking three toes. It was weird to realize you're doing something like that so suddenly and in such a stupid way.

Zoro mentally shook himself, wacking through the dense forest brush after his singing captain—the fool had gotten lost three times already—and realized he was doing it again: he was thinking about Sanji too much. When would it end? Why was it happening in the first place? On second thought, he probably didn't want to know the answer to that last question, he knew he wouldn't like it. For now he'd much rather keep himself in the dark on this topic.

The captain and his first mate had been tromping through the jungle forest for a while before the later asked the former to scale a tree and to see where the hell they were, neither being particularly directionally inclined.

Luffy made his way to the top of a tall tree and looked out over the surroundings. The storm was nearly on top of them by now, and the surrounding trees were starting to sway in the wind. Luffy could see the shore where they'd come from, smoke rising up from Sanji's fire as if to draw their attention, although it was situated farther inland than the shore in anticipation of the storm.

Looking to the other side of the island just to see what was out there m, Luffy spotted a clearing not far from where they were currently situated.

"Ooo~!" Zoro heard him say above the foliage. He stiffled a groan. Whenever Luffy 'Oooo'ed, it was not a good sign.

The rubber boy dropped down to the ground in front of Zoro. "The beach is that way." Luffy informed his first mate, jerking a thumb in the crew's probably location and started off toward the clearing.

"Where are you going?" Zoro asked in confusion.

"There's a clearing," Luffy explained, and waved his hands out infront of Zoro like a mystic man,"A mystery clearing! It's not that far. Come on, let's go check it out!"

Zoro shrugged and sighed, "Lead on then." He knew there was no arguing with the captain with 'mystery' anything involved. The rubber boy had a one track mind for adventure.

Luffy did lead on, right into the clearing, which as he said, was not far away.

The clearing really wasn't very big, it left only about a twenty by thirty foot gap in the tree line. It was full of all sorts of weeds and toppled trees, not very impressive.

"There you go," Zoro said, motioning to the clearing, "There's nothing here. I hope this satisfied your curiosity."

Luffy ignored his sarcasm and walked farther into the opening just as a particularly loud thunder clap made itself heard, it was close enough for Zoro to feel the sound in his chest. They probably shouldn't be standing in an open area, Zoro thought absently, well at least HE shouldn't. After all, he wasn't made of rubber like some people were, but even with this thought in mind, Zoro followed Luffy anyways out of the relative protection of the tree line.

The captain scurried in all sorts of random directions, looking around, and searching for anything that might pique his interest. Zoro just stood there, watching with a bored expression on his tan face, when he saw Luffy stop abruptly and seemed to do a double take, his head snapped toward something across the clearing in shock.

When Zoro stepped over to Luffy, and in the direction the captain was looking, he saw the thing of interest and made a disgusted sound, "What the fuck is that?"

On the far side of the clearing, sheltered in trees, was an ancient looking, half broken off trunk of a tree with a human face carved into its surface.

"Dunno, but let's go see!" Luffy cheered, rushing over, happy as could be that there was something interesting in the seemingly uninteresting clearing after all.

The tree, that was now dead and rotting, had been of a medium size when it was broken in half. The face that was carved into it was hard to distinguish as male or female, and it wasn't particularly well crafted either. Sure, it was probably better than anything Zoro could do, but upon closer inspection it was pretty damn creepy.

"I bet it's a marker," Luffy decided as he was running his hand over the tree's face. "I bet there's treasure under this tree!"

"It would make a pretty obvious marker," Zoro muttered skeptically, doubtful that finding treasure could be this easy. It never was. He was tensed, waiting for something to come barreling out of the tress to kill them, or worse. The rain that was trapped in the dark clouds began to fall hard over them. Great, that was just fantastic...

"Yeah, but the eyes are weird," the teen giggled, and poked at the trees eyeballs, which were both staring slightly to the left of center. "I bet there's treasure over there," Luffy pointed in the direction of the tree's eyes.

"Yeah, maybe, but we don't have time to look right now, Luffy. We should get back to the others." Zoro scowled. He was getting wet, and his stomach was staring to grumble for food. Plus the fact that where ever Luffy was, trouble always seemed to follow like a bad smell.

"Hang on a second," Luffy whinned, following the direction of the eyes. He walked along about forty feet until he met a tree. It looked exactly like all the other trees, nothing special or remarkable about it. Luffy scuttled around and up the tree, looking for his mystery treasure.

"I told you that it wasn't a marker," grunted the older man when Luffy stepped back, and was scratching his damp head in confusion. Zoro rolled his eyes and started to walk away when he heard his captain stamp his feet on the ground like a spoiled child,whinning.

"Zoro, I know that there's treasure here- woah!"

The sound of splintering wood caught Zoro's attention, along with the surprise 'WHOOP!' from Luffy.

He turned around and was surprised to see that the ground below Luffy's feet had given way and suddenly his legs were consumed by an underground tunnel.

"TREASURE!" howled the rubber boy in excitement, and without a second thought, jumped down the hole.

Immediately, Zoro pulled him back up and they both looked down into the cavern below.

"Baka!" he yelled at the captain, "God knows what's down there! Wait, will you?"

Zoro felt for any sort of presence with his haki, but when he came up empty, he relutantly agreed to go down with Luffy. Pulling away the rotted wooden trap door, they hopped down the hole, and a short distance later, ended up in a small room below. It looked like someone had been living down there for a time. There was a jumble of filthy blankets and a backpack, along with what looked like cooking supplies, all left as if no one had ever come back for them, but the most interest thing in the room the was closed wooden chest.

Zoro followed after Luffy, curious to see what was inside. His heart was starting to pick up speed, despite his calm, and disinterested exterior. Sometimes it was kind of hard to be the cool guy.

Luffy lifted the huge padlock and crushed it with his Color of Arms, and opened the lid to reveal a fair bit of gold and some jewelry. "Nami's gonna like this," Luffy grinned, excitement thick in his voice.

"Yeah, now let's go, I don't want to be struck by lightning," Zoro huffed, disappointed it was only gold, and hoisted the chest up under his arm. He stepped back, about to throw the chest up onto the surface when he stepped on something that made a metallic clang. He moved his foot to reveal a necklace with what looked like a little sun or a flower pendant dangling from its chain. Zoro wasn't really much of one for interpreting jewelry style. It wasn't as glamorous as some of the other things in the chest, but Zoro shoved it into his pocket anyway. He then proceeded to get himself and the treasure out of the hole. That's when the sky decided to release the rest of the water held in it's belly.

"I told you it was a marker," Luffy proclaimed through the hissing rain, very proud of himself, as they wandered back in roughly the direction they'd come from.

"Yeah, you did," Zoro nodded and rolled his eye, and tried to focus on the chest making a pleasant tinkling of gold as he sloshed through the puddles that were turning the ground soggy.

It was darker now and the wind was blowing the tree's into some very dangerous looking angles. The only way they knew they were going the right way was to follow the smoke of the campfire in the distance as lightning split the sky.

They made it to the camp, that had been set up in their absence, with good time for once. Both of them were well and truly soaked through. The camp itself had been set about twenty feet back from where the tree line met the shore.

"Where the hell have you two morons been?" Nami shouted at them over wind and crashing of waves.

"We found treasure!" Luffy shouted back as Zoro held up the dripping chest for inspection.

Nami didn't seem half so cross after that, charmed by the thought of wealth, and beri signs flashing in her pretty brown eyes.

"Well, don't just stand there, bring it here!" She called them over toward their little camp.

There was a tarp between some trees near the fire where everyone was already eating the soup Sanji had decided to serve for dinner.

Zoro plonked down the chest and went straight for the food, although he wasn't quite as quick as Luffy in getting there. Sanji had to stop the captain from trying to dump hot soup directly into his mouth and burning his tongue off. Meanwhile, Nami was busy looking over her newfound treasure with great eagerness and everyone else seemed in good spirits, despite the weather.

The rain continued on as the hours passed into the realm of nocturnal, the tents were sheltered by the tall cliffs protecting the group from the brunt of the high winds, and lightning that frequently flashed across the darkened sky.

Zoro was leaning against a well sheltered tree with a bottle of his favorite sake clenching in his fist, eyes open for first watch. He took another gulp of booze from the glass bottle, and shuddered with cold. Truth be told, he was fucking freezing, his skin covered in goose bumps, and he swore to God he couldn't feel his toes. His clothes were damp against his skin, and he only had a thin blanket wrapped around his broad shoulders to ward off the elements.

He brought his knees up to his chest, and pulled the blanket tighter around him. He was clentching his jaw shut to keep his teeth from clacking, when he heard soft footsteps squishing through the sound of rain.

Of course Zoro knew who it was, how could he not? But he was still surprised when the cook dropped a heavier blanket over his shoulders, and tsked.

"Keep yourself warm, moss brain. Your no good to us sick."

The sitting man smirked slightly, looking up at the blond. He watched the other suck on a cigarette, the end of the lit tobacco looking like an angry firefly in the night.

"What you even doing up, cook?" Zoro asked tiredly, taking another swallow of his much savored drink.

Sanji pursed his lips thoughtfully, and shrugged. "I couldn't sleep."

Zoro huffed, "Well I could, so why don't you stand there all pretty, and let me sleep?"

He recieved a kick in the side for his troubles, which he deftly blocked by grabbing hold of the cook's ankle. He considered knocking Sanji back onto his ass, it would be pretty funny, but then again he had just been weirdly nice in bringing him a heavier blanket. What a dilemma. Unfortunately for Sanji, the pleasure of seeing the blond fall into the mud won out over being a decent person. Zoro yanked the cook's ankle and sent him sprawling. The ground there wasn't too muddy and it was covered in a layer of fallen leaves, but it still wasn't clean.

"Dammit!" Sanji swore in a hushed tone, not wanting to wake the others, "What the fuck is you problem?"

"You kicked me first," Zoro pointed out.

"Sorry, it's just that your face compels me to do terrible things to you," Sanji said in mock apology, picking himself up off the ground.

Zoro decided not to comment on how close that was to an innuendo, the tone was all wrong. "Is there any way I can fix that problem?" he asked instead.

The blond sniffed arrogantly, "Get a new face, I recommend something more aesthetically pleasing."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Zoro frowned, "Have you seen my face? I have a sexy face scar, thank you very much. It makes me look mysterious."

"I don't see what's so sexy about it," the blond said, raising a curly eyebrow.

"Then you're not looking hard enough. Stare at my face and you'll see it," the swordsman recommended.

"I'm not going to stare at your face."

"Why, what are you afraid of?" Zoro asked teasingly, smirking at the blush on the cooks face.

"I'm not afraid of anything, it's just awkward!"

"You're afraid you'll look at me and see the man of your dreams, aren't you?"

"What?! No! What are you even talking about?" Sanji asked, the pitch in his voice rising with every word.

"It's the only logical explanation," Zoro shrugged.

"The day you become the man of my– God, I can't even say it– the day that happens, is the day the world implodes and destroys everyone."

"Someday you'll tell me how attractive I am, mark my words, shit cook," Zoro vowed, determination ringing in his laughing voice.

"If that ever happens, I want you to just punch me right in the gut. Don't hold back, just do it. Maybe that'll knock me out of whatever evil trance I'm in."

"That I can do," the swordsman promised, leaning back against the tree, and taking another sip of alcohol.

"Good, you'll be my safety net. Not that I need a safety net!"

"Che. Whatever," Zoro rolled his eyes. "So, why did you come out here?"

"I already told you–"Sanji started, but was interrupted.

"No, I mean, why did you come over to talk to me?"

Sanji crossed his arms and glared at him, "Because I was feeling spontaneously nice, thanks for making me regret it. I won't let it happen again." The cold was making him regret it too. He was shaking like a leaf.

"Seriously though, if you're going to be up, what's the point of me being kept up too?" Zoro whined, his eye lids wanting to drift shut.

"I think it's amusing." Sanji replied simply, annoying Zoro further.

"I don't like that argument."

"Too bad."

"Well, if you're going to be here, do you mind not chattering your teeth so loudly?"

"Fine, if you hate my bodily reactions to the cold so much, then I'll leave," Sanji stood, turning back toward the camp.

"You're just using that as an excuse to leave because it's cold and you feel awkward."

"That is correct," Sanji grinned, "Night, marimo."

"Later, cook."

Sanji still didn't get much sleep after that, but at least he got a bit. The storm didn't break until very early in the morning after which point everyone slept like the dead. Morning officially came with an overcast sky and a muggy heat, it was oppressive.

Sanji, having been up for the last watch, prepared breakfast as he usually did with the addition of getting a fire ready. Last night, before the rain, he'd stowed away some wood so that he wouldn't have to deal with wet sticks in the morning, he thanked his past self for that.

It was a while before the others got up, so Sanji spent his time planning future meals and watching the sun creep up into the sky.

The first meal of the day passed without much incident and as soon as it was over, the camp was all packed up. It had been nice to walk around on solid ground for a while, but there were things that needed being done; pirate business to be taken care of. So, it wasn't long before everyone was on their way back over the water and to the ship.

Zoro was eager to get going, he didn't like this stupid island much. He still felt chilled from the cold night, despite the heavier blanket Sanji had provided him. Ugh, whatever, he was not going to think about that incident from now on. It was henceforth blocked from his memory.

Zoro was carrying the last load of supplies back onto the ship, grumbling profanities under his breath at Nami, when Luffy ran right in front of him. The sudden movement threw him off balance, giving him a momentarily misstep, so as he shifted he felt something annoying poking into the side of his leg. After bringing the load in his arms to the storage bay, Zoro shoved his hand into his pocket and fished out the necklace he'd stuffed into it the day before, entirely forgetting he'd put it in there. He stared at it for a moment, debating what he should do. Probably the safest thing would be to hand it over to Nami, but throwing it into the ocean sounded awfully tempting. Getting a better look at it in the light, Zoro got an uneasy feeling.

Before he could make any move to do anything, Robin noticed his looking at the pendant.

"What do you have, swordsman-san?" she asked walking over to him in order to get a better look at the object.

"Found it with all that gold. I forgot it was my pocket," Zoro shrugged, holding it out to her.

Robin hummed in thought as she held the strange pendant with her clear blue eyes and took it gently from Zoro's hand, "The pattern on this necklace looks very familiar...But I can't remember where I have seen it..." She frowned, unhappy with not remembering.

Luffy, having heard Robin's words, jumped up from where he'd been laying on the ground being useless, so he could get a look at what they were talking about.

"So... It's a mystery necklace..." Luffy said thoughtfully, bending over to get a closer look at the pendant.

Robin nodded before fully realizing it was Luffy she was talking to, and answered, "Well, yes, I suppose it is."

The rubber boy grinned mischievously, and before the raven historian could react, he snatched it out of her hands.

"I want the mystery flower necklace!" He declared like a petulant child with a crazed laugh, and the ran off in the direction on the giant lion head.

Nami, who had just emerged from below deck, caught sight of Luffy cackling and knew whatever was happening couldn't be good.

"What's going on?" She asked Robin, the most rational person on the ship.

"Luffy is playing with his 'mystery necklace'," Zoro answered instead, with a roll of his eye, and plopped down on the warm deck. This was stupid and he wanted to take a nap.

"Is it valuable?" Nami wondered, turning her head to the object held by the captain.

Zoro watched Robin incline her head slightly, and that was all Nami needed to know that she had to have it, her eyes flashing greedily.

"Give it here, Luffy," the navigator said, holding out a hand expectantly.

"No," Luffy whined, clutching the pendant to his chest. "It's mine."

"What the hell are you going to do with that thing anyway?" she demanded. It wasn't like the captain wore loads of jewelry, and plus, it could be worth millions.

"Do with what thing?" Sanji asked, strolling toward them curiously. 'Great,' Zoro thought, 'Now the cook is here. I'll never get to sleep with all the noodling he's about to do.'

Sometimes he just wished he had lost his ears instead of his eye. At least he'd get some piece and quiet...


"Sanji," Nami smiled sweetly adding a not of distress to her voice, "Luffy's keeping a necklace from me. Would you mind getting it back for me?"

"Not at all, my love!" Sanji gushed, raising a hand in salute to her. "Give that necklace to Nami-swan, you little brat," Sanji barked at Luffy.

"Never!" Luffy insisted, not moving as Sanji came forward to remove the pendant from his person.

Sanji grabbed for the object of attention, but Luffy moved out of his grasp. Soon enough they were fighting for it. By this time, the rest of the crew was back up on deck to watch the scuffle play out.

At one point, it looked like Sanji would have it, but a second later the pendant slipped through his slim fingers, and Luffy grinned down at the blond triumphantly.

"It's mine," the captain announced with glee, twirling the chain around his finger.

"Captain-san," Robin warned, a touch of something that almost sounded like fear in her voice, "Please be carefu-"

The chain chose that moment to slide free of Luffy's finger, and flew through the air. It landed with a ping on the deck, and everyone was dealthly quiet. After a moment of nothing happening, everyone relaxed.

"See, Robin," the captain giggled, "There's nothing to worry about-"

The boy was interrupted by the blinding pillar of light that was now shooting up from the deck and into the air. Everyone froze, physically unable to move under the glow of the pulsating light.

Sanji could feel the light like a physical force, it clenched his lungs and made his insides like jelly, but he still couldn't move.

And suddenly, the light was everything, consuming all senses. There was the strangest sensation of being forced through a tube.

When it was over, Sanji was gasping for air and blinking the sunspots from his eyes, his back on the ground, his face toward the sky.

His brain felt weird and his chest felt not right, but he still could move all his limbs now, which was good he supposed. He cautiously stood, testing his legs for pain, and was relieved there was none.

Clearing his vision, Sanji looked around noticed things looked noticeably different. He took a step forward and his shoe met with something soft like snow, but it wasn't snow. It looked more like soot. Wait- soot? That wasn't right.

Sanji spun wildly about, looking around, trying to understand what had happened, and he felt his eyes widen in disbelief. Where the fuck was he?!


A/N: Hello, everyone. This story is the joint work of DarkSunrise19 and opens up 4 nobody and you should totally check out their stories ;) we are very excited about this, so hopfully you enjoy and don't forget to tell us what you think :D
