Shizuo sighed for what he felt was the thousandth time that day. Every day from the day they met, Izaya Orihara has been harassing him. A man he hadn't seen in a couple of weeks. He walked down the hall to his locker when he bumped into Shinra, the idiot who introduced Izaya to him.

"Oh, Shizuo," Shinra said. "You haven't seen Izaya lately, have you?"

"Would I want to see a flea like him?" Shizuo asked, a sneer plastered on his face. "I'm glad he hasn't been here. Besides, it's not like this is the first time he's pulled a disappearing act. Knowing him, I'm sure out in the city, harassing others."

"I'd think that, too," Shinra agreed, "but he hasn't answered phone in a couple of days."

"Probably because when you text him, you call him two seconds later, asking why he hasn't texted back," Shizuo said.

"That's beside the point," Shinra said. "He's been answering his phone up until two days ago. I'm getting worried about him."

"Why don't you just leave him alone," Shizuo complained, opening his locker to grab a textbook for his next class. "You act like you're his mother or something." He walked off toward his next class and away from Shinra before he could say anything else. He hated thinking about that louse and it pissed him off immensely when Izaya managed to bore himself into Shizuo's mind. Which is where Izaya stayed for the rest of day. He had admit though, it did seem odd that Izaya would isolate himself the outside world. Although, turning your phone off didn't always mean that you were isolating yourself from everything. Maybe his phone died and he was too busy being his assholish self to notice it was dead. That sounded more like Izaya. He realize that he'd been thinking about Izaya for so long until he finally snapped out of it and found that he was standing in the doorway of his house.

"Welcome home, nii-san," he heard. He looked over to see his younger brother sitting on the couch, watching TV. He had a book in front of him, along with a few sheets of paper. He was doing his homework as well.

"Hey, Kasuka," Shizuo greeted back, taking his shoes off.

"There's someone in your room," Kasuka said. Shizuo stopped. He didn't know anybody that well other than Shinra and he usually hung around Izaya.

"Did they say who they were?" Shizuo asked, walking to his room.

"Didn't ask," Kasuka answered. "He said he was a friend of yours, so I let him in." Shizuo really needed to learn not to let in people he didn't know. He opened the door and turned the light on, tossing his backpack on the floor at the foot of his bed. That's when he froze. He looked over to his bed to see a sleeping form there and on closer inspection saw that it was none other than Izaya Orihara himself.

The hell? he thought, walking over to him. That's when he saw the bruises. There were bruises all over Izaya's face. He knelt down in front of Izaya so he could examine him better. There were bruises in the shape of hands around his neck.

The hell happened to you, flea? Shizuo thought, getting up and walking out of his room and into the kitchen to get some ice to put on Izaya's various bruises. When he came back, Izaya was awake and sitting against the wall.

"Hello, Shizu-chan~" Izaya greeted, holding his left eye so Shizuo couldn't see the bruise that covered it. Shizuo sighed.

"You can put your hand down," he said. "I've already seen the bruises." He walked over Izaya and pulled his hand down, replacing it with the ice he got from the kitchen. He then replaced his hand with Izaya's.

"You're too kind, Shizu-chan~" Izaya mused. "What brought on this sudden act of kindness~?"

"Why are you here?" Shizuo asked.

To be continued...

Hey guys, Cheshy here~! I've decided to work on another fanfic for you guys~ I know I haven't uploaded for the others for a while, but I think for now, I'm going to break from them and just stick with this one for a while~ I'm sorry for all you guys who are waiting for the next chapters in both stories~ ^^' Anyways, remember to read, review, and enjoy~ See ya~
