Disclaimer: I'm not Cassandra Clare

"Make a wish!" they both chanted. Alec smiled looking at them and blew off the candles. "What did you wish for?" asked the little one. "Nothing…" Alec said "I already have everything I could ever ask for…"

"Is that right Sayang?" Magnus smiled tenderly "So… You wouldn't want to stay with us forever, if you could?" Alec's blue eyes widened and he bit his lip. "Magnus…" he said pained, "You know that's impossible…" "Nothing is impossible if you want it enough." The Warlock whispered softly. The toddler ran to Alec who immediately knelt down to reach his height, and hugged his with its tiny arms whining "I do not understand, but daddy said you will have to leave one day, even if you don't want to, and I don't like that! I want us to always be together!"

"And I, refuse to lose you." Magnus stepped in, staring intently in his blue eyes when Alec looked up at him. "Also, at this point, not losing you, is also a matter of self-preservation." "Self-preservation?" Alec echoed, not understanding, and Magnus smiled bitterly before responding "When you…" Magnus cringed at what he was about to say, and Alec gave him a warning look, his eyes flickering to their son. Magnus understood and amended "When you 'leave'… I will die." "Magnus!" the Warlock ignored him and went on "And I don't want to die… So you have to stay. Preferably forever. Preferably together with me." The child nodded in his arms, agreeing too. And Alec felt tears welling up in his eyes again. "I'm sorry…" he whispered.

Magnus knelt beside them, taking his face in his hands, wiping a stray tear that escaped his eyes "Don't be Sayang… It's not your fault. Just tell me this… If you could stay… Would you want to?" Alec leaned in to his touch. "Do you have to ask?" he said in a choked voice. "Of course I would…" "Then it's settled." Magnus briefly hugged them both and got up offering Alec his hand. "What are you talking about Mags?" Alec took the child in his arms and gave his hand to Magnus allowing to help him up. "Come here for a bit." His husband said, leading him to to the couch. Once Alec was sitting down, he said; "I can do it."

Alec's blue eyes widened at his words, and Magnus went on. "There will be a price though… To be able to make you immortal, our lives must be linked. So… if I die, you will die too… And the other way around. That's why that spell was so hard to track down. Very few would be willing to take that risk…" He looked away, in the distance "And that's why I want you to take all the time you need and think about it carefully before answering me if you want to do it or not." Alec was staring at him not believing his ears. "Wha-" he stuttered "What are you… saying?" Magnus turned to look at him at last, his face open and vulnerable and Alec found himself reaching out to touch him "Mags, are you sure it can be done?" "I am." He answered somberly, and then added nervously. "Will you… will you think about it?" "Yes." Alec answered simply and Magnus smiled, trying to hide his anxiety and fear. "Good. Remember, take all the time you need… I will just…" He gestured vaguely towards the kitchen "I will just go… to bring you some cake…" he added, getting up.

The little one who was quiet while they were talking, now ran excitedly to the kitchen chanting "Cake, cake, cake!" Magnus turned his back on Alec about to follow, and felt Alec's hand closing around his wrist holding him back. "Wait." He froze, and turned to face him. The Nephilim pulled him down on the couch and took hold of both his hands. "Magnus… What about you?" He said looking in his amber-green cat-eyes who looked back at him surprised. "What? What about me?" "Have you thought about it? There is too much at stake for you." Magnus snorted "Really Alexander? Did you even hear what I told you, not five minutes ago?" "Yes, but…" "No 'buts'" the Warlock cut him off. "This is your call Alexander. You decision. This is about you. Don't think about what anyone else wants. For once in your life, be selfish. You can do whatever you want."

Alec opened his mouth to say something but Magnus put a finger on his lips silencing him. "Whatever you want." He repeated looking into his blue eyes, the vulnerability returning in his own cat-owns. Alec kissed his finger and then grabbed his hand taking it away. "I decided. I want you. Forever. There is nothing to think about." "But…" "No 'buts'." Alec mirrored his words smirking. He then leaned in so their foreheads touched and whispered "I cannot live without you either. This is hardly a price to pay." It was Magnus' turn to look near tears now. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I am sure." The Warlock grabbed his face kissing him breathlessly. "I love you." He said. "I love you…" and kissed him again "I love you so much…" another kiss. Alec looked at him dazed, whispering back, "I love you too…"

They just stood there for a while looking into each other's eyes, until Magnus regained his composure first and said, "So… should we go-" "DAAADDYYYY!" Came the Little one's impatient cry from the kitchen. "C'mon!" Magnus chuckled. "But first… Let's go have some cake, okay?" He smiled leaning in for another kiss. Alec smiled against his lips. "Okay."

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That's it! What did you think? Please let me know if you liked it~~! ^_^

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[Irrelevant Note: Do you have any idea how hard it was to write this thing on the bus, while trying to keep a straight face and not smile like an idiot? XD]