Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit, otherwise…well let's not get into it. I do own the character of Lenora though. Oh and I also do not own the song names that the one-shots are named after. That's it.

One Step At A Time (2)

"Would you care for some help?" Bard asked, as he saw Lenora struggling with some of the weaponry.

"That would be brilliant, thank you," she said. As he came forward to help her, he couldn't help but take her in. He had been observing her quite often over the past few days, since he first met her. She was beautiful, all Elves were, whether they were male or female. However, she was of Men too, a daughter of an elf and a normal woman. She was different from any other woman he had ever seen. Unlike the elves, she preferred to tie her hair back into a ponytail.

"I do not understand how you are of Elf?" he said.

"I do not understand what you mean?"

"I meant that, you are noting like them," Bard commented.

"I have mentioned that I am of human descent as well. I tend to be more human than elf, another thing my father is not happy about," she sighed.

"How can someone so beautiful accept something so sad?" he murmured, but Lenora caught it and blushed.

"I have come to live with the fact that my father does not accept me, and I will most likely die knowing he does not love me the same as he loves Legolas," Lenora said, wistfully.

"Do not say such things, you are not fated to lose your life anytime soon," Bard said, looking straight into Lenora's eyes. She smiled slightly and looked away.

"I will live longer than most other humans, however, I am much easier to get rid of than Elves," she said, cheekily.

"You speak so freely of death and the sadness you feel," Bard commented. "Were you not treated well."

"I was treated with the same respect that Legolas was, like royalty…by all but my father," she said. "Of course, he never hurt me or explicitly stated his distaste for me, but it is known and understood. However, I cannot be ungrateful, he has kept me alive for many years., and never forbade me from enjoying my time with Legolas. The love I did not receive from my father, I received from Legolas and Tauriel. While Legolas did not learn of my heritage till he was older, he does not treat me like I am different, neither does Tauriel."

"They are your family," Bard said, and Lenora nodded.

"Now I thank you for keeping me company. My brother has requested these weapons, so that he can teach me how to use them," Lenora told him, as they approached where Legolas was standing.

"You wish to learn how to use a sword," Bard asked. Lenora nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes, I already know how to manage a bow and arrow, not as well as Tauriel or Legolas, but well enough to hold my own."

"Nora! Where have you been?" Legolas asked approaching them. He stared Bard down, but Lenora paid no attention.

"I had a bit of a mishap with the weapons, and Lord Bard politely aided me. He has kept me good company," she said.

"I thank you for aiding my sister, she tends to take on more than she can handle," Legolas said, taking the weapons from Nora and Bard.

"It was no hassle, she gave me good company. I must bid you farewell for now," Bard said, titling his head slightly. Lenora faltered slightly, then smiled once more.

"Thank you Lord Bard, your help was much appreciated," she said.

"Please, call me Bard, I hate this whole Lord business." Lenora nodded, and smiled as she watched him walk away. She turned towards Legolas who was looking at her oddly.

"What?" she asked.

"You like him," he stated blatantly. Lenora's eyes widened.

"I do not!"

"Yes you do. I can see it in your eyes."

"I barely know him," Lenora argued.

"That didn't stop Tauriel," Legolas said, and Lenora's features softened.

"Oh Legolas…are you okay with that?" she asked softly.

"I cannot command Tauriel to love me, if she is happy with the dwarf prince, than I am happy for her," Legolas said. Lenora smiled and wrapped her arms around her brother. Legolas was surprised, but dropped the weapons and returned the hug. "You are very sentimental."

"It's a flaw," Lenora said as she pulled away laughing. Legolas laughed along with her. From a distance, a figure was watching their interactions. A small smile seemed to grace his face.

"I do not know how we are to approach this topic," Kili said, frustrated.

"Neither your uncle, nor my king will accept this, and we do not want to hurt them," Tauriel said. The young lovers were sitting together in a rather remote part of the castle, discussing their particular predicament. "We must think this through, before we act with haste."

"Ahh! There you are! I have been looking for you everywhere," Lenora commented. She was out of breath and looked rather flushed. It had been a week or so since she found out about their courting, and aided the lovers in their secret meetings.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Tauriel said, rushing to her side.

"Oh no! Of course not. I just really need to show you something," Lenora said. She quickly grabbed Tauriel's hand, who in turn grabbed Kili's and were dragged through the halls. They stopped short of a window, and Lenora pointed outside a window. There sitting on the grass was Fili…with a girl. They looked close, speaking closely with each other, bright smiles.

"Who is that?" Kili asked, quietly.

"Lord Bard's daughter…Sigrid," Lenora said, smiling.

"I knew it!" Kili exclaimed. Both elf-maidens stared at him, with eyes opened. They looked back to where Fili and Sigrid were now staring at them. The trio walked down towards where the new couple now sat.

"Nora, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone," Sigrid exclaimed.

"Technically she showed us," Kili said. Everyone turned to glare at him.

"It's okay Sigrid, they won't tell a soul. Especially not when they have their own secret," Lenora said. Fili and Sigrid looked between Tauriel and Kili, who were both slightly pink.

"YOU!" Fili exclaimed, pointing at Kili. "How? How could you not tell me this?"

"You wouldn't have approved," Kili mumbled.

"I still slightly don't," Fili said.

"How can you not?" Lenora said, staring at Fili. "You are in the same predicament as he is. Though your case will be much easier to plead, since Men do not hate Dwarves as much as Elves do."

"True," Tauriel and Sigrid agreed.

"It also helps that Da has taken a liking for you Nora," Sigrid said, causing Lenora to blush red, and Tauriel to give her a look.

"He does not!" Lenora argued.

"Sure he doesn't, he finds all possible excuses to help you and be around you," Sigrid said.

"That is enough, let us move on to the actual matter at hand," Lenora said, but before anything else could be done Dwalin came rushing out.

"There has been an Orc sighting, we must move," he said, looking directly to Kili and Fili. "I have been told to allow the she-Elf to come." He looked between Lenora and Tauriel. "The red head." Lenore rolled her eyes.

"I'll be back my love," Fili whispered to Sigrid, before following Kili, Tauriel and Dwalin. Lenora turned to Sigrid.

"Well, let's go find Tilda or Bain and find something more interesting to do," she said, looping her arm through Sigrid's