BRITTANY SNOW IS BACK TO PITCH PERFECT 3 PEOPLE! Im so Excited! Im sure we're all praying for the same outcome in the third movie so fingers crossed for that! 2017 can't come fast enough! I've gotten so inspired to do another story It's just bursting to come out! This will be a chapter story and Rated M ;)

Beca is sitting in the living room listening to the Track she had been working on for a New Track for an upcoming artist Beca's Boss at Residual Heat has been so trusting in her collaborating with artists like Demi Lovato, Kelly Clarkson and Now Ariana Grande Beca's dreams were coming true well most of them. She looks up and sees a tired Red Head walking through the Loft doors Beca smiles as Chloe takes off her coat and kicks off her shoes neatly setting them on the side.

"As much as I love teaching 5 year olds how to sing they are a handful."Chloe says tiredly. Beca shoves off her laptop and smiles at her best friend as she pats the empty space next to you.

"Rough Day Huh?"She asked

"You have No Idea this one student reminded me so much of you, She didn't want to take off her big headphones. She was in the zone with her music. And when I tried to get her to sing she flipped out and bit me."Chloe plops down on the couch as she closes her eyes. Beca watches her rest a little bit she can't help but think how beautiful Chloe really was it was shocking that she was even human, should she be looking at her best friend this way when she had a Boyfriend...Jesse who she rarely spent time with anymore because he's in LA now and she's here working with a record label and here with Chloe...her beautiful best friend, suddenly the door slams open.

"We Brought Pizza Pitches!"Fat Amy yells Beca jumps off of the couch, after they all graduated Barden, Beca Chloe Fat Amy and Stacie all agreed to get a big loft since they were all staying in the City. They Thought why not just stay together they've all gotten used to living together for 4 years so they were used to each other already.

"Fat Amy got Beca a Meat Lovers, a Supreme with extra everything for herself, and Chloe I thought we could share the Veggie Pizza."Stacie smiles at Chloe. Chloe slowly opens her eyes. Beca raises her eyebrow she's known Stacie for a while she NEVER shares food with anyone unless she had an ulterior motive behind it.

"Thanks Stacie, But I'm too tired to eat maybe later. I'm going to bed early good night ladies."Chloe got up and patted Beca on the thigh. Beca waited for Chloe's door to close when she faced Stacie.

"You never share food...ever. Especially not your pizza."Beca questions Fat Amy snorts and laughs as she shakes her head.

"Tell BM what you told me earlier come on."Fat Amy nudges Stacie, who rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Tell me What?"Beca asked

"Legs has got a thing for our special Redhead."Fat Amy blurts out.

"Amy! God I was going to tell her."Stacie whacks her with a couch pillow. Beca's eye's widen and she quickly turns to face Stacie.

"You have a thing for Chloe? Since when?"Beca asked Stacie shrugs "It's not hard to fall for that girl Becs she's one of the nicest people I have ever met, she's selfless, funny not to mention drop dead gorgeous...She's sexy as hell actually I couldn't help myself."Stacie smiles

"So you want to just bone her."Beca crosses her arms Fat Amy smirks sensing the tone.

"No I want to ask her on a date, I could totally Wife Up Chloe Beale."Stacie winks at Beca as she gets a plate and stacks two pizza's on it.

"Speaking of I'm gonna go see my Sweet Ginger now."Stacie smiles as she walks towards Chloe's room.

"She's sleeping she doesn't like to be disturbed when she's sleeping."Beca shouts out.

"I'll take my chances."Stacie hollers back. Beca watches Stacie go into the room and she sits back down on the couch thinking quietly.

"You need to be a little less obvious with your jealousy BM."Fat Amy says Beca looks at her friend and raises her eyebrow.

"I'm...I'm not jealous what the hell where did you get that idea from?"Beca yells.

"You're like fuming right now I can see steam coming out of your ears."Fat Amy teases.

"Im not jealous. I just don't think Stacie and Chloe would be a good match. Stacie you know is very friendly with people and Chloe's sweet she wants a stable relationship not a fling. I dont want Stacie to just hump and dump."Beca says

"I doubt Stacie would hurt Chloe you heard her yourself. She's gonna make Chloe her wifey."Fat Amy smiled.

"Unless YOU want to make Chloe YOUR wifey."Fat Amy teases again Beca glares at her.

"I'm with Jesse."Beca States

"That Wasn't a No."Fat Amy says before Beca can answer her cellphone begins to ring and It's Jesse

"Saved by the Boyfriend oh look at that."Fat Amy says

"Eat your damn Pizza."Beca says as she answers the phone she looks over at Chloe's Closed Door and walks out to the Balcony.

"What Up Jesse."Beca answers.

"What a romantic greeting."Fat Amy Yells

"Bite me!"Beca yells back

"She Totally Loves the RedHead. Im surrounded by Lady love I need to call Bumper."Fat Amy takes out her cellphone.

~In Chloe's room~

Chloe is sound asleep when Stacie tiptoes inside with a cup of tea and the plate of pizza.

"Chloe...Hey Beautiful."Stacie rocks her back and forth. Chloe opens her eyes and smiles

"Whats up Stace?"Chloe asked

"I brought you food and Ice Tea I know you're sleepy but you shouldn't sleep on an empty stomach."She says

"That's sweet of you Thanks, you didnt have to do that."Chloe says tiredly.

"You look worn out come here."Stacie sits up on Chloe's bed and pats her legs Chloe giggles and lays down on the Tall brunette's lap.

"You're being overly friendly today."Chloe states Stacie winks at her and Chloe giggles

"Hey Chloe.."Stacie says as she runs her fingers through the Red Sea of hair.

"Hmmm?"Chloe mumbles

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"Stacie asked Chloe's eyes shoot wide open and she sits up looking at her friend confused.

"I know it's weird, but Im starting to like you and I want to take you out on a date. A real romantic one on one date. No Games. I know it's hard to believe because its me Party Girl Stacie who loves to mess around with people but Its Different with you I swear."Stacie says confidently.

"Can I think about it?"Chloe asked while biting her bottom lip

"Take all the time you need. I'll be waiting for your answer." Stacie kisses her forehead. Chloe nods "Lets just go to sleep okay. It's been a long day."Chloe says Stacie nods and they lay back down together as Stacie strokes Chloe's hair again.

A few hours later Chloe gets out of bed and sees Stacie had fallen asleep. She quickly leaves the room and walks out to the balcony she leans over the railing and looks out at the City lights.

"Don't Jump."Beca softly says Chloe laughs and turns around.

"Very Funny Joker. What are you doing up?"Chloe asked

"Couldn't Sleep, plus you know me I'm a Night Owl."Beca walks up next to her. "Why are you still awake?"Beca asked

"Just thinking...Something interesting happened Stacie asked me out on a date like a real date."Chloe says

"What Did you say?"Beca asked nervously

"I told her I'd think about it..I haven't dated anyone since Tom and That was 7 years it was just a fling. Plus Stacie is a friend of mine and.."Chloe stops

"You never told me you were into Girls.."Beca blurts out Chloe shrugs.

"I have no real preference. I just want someone who's going to love and take care of me."Chloe smiles Beca's mouth open and she looks at Chloe with an intense gaze.

"Bec?...What's wrong. Beca?"Chloe holds Beca's face Beca looks at her and holds the hands that are on her face.

"Chloe...I have something to tell you."Beca whispers

"What is it?"She smiles Before Beca can speak Her Phone rings again recognizing the ring tone Chloe smiles

"Tell Jesse I say Hello. I'll give you some privacy."Chloe says kissing Beca on the cheek and going back inside she turns around one last time and watches Beca answer the phone call.

"What do you want Jesse."Beca answers.

The Following Morning everyone is getting ready to leave for Work Beca is packing her laptop when she and hears Stacie yelling "YES YES YES!"Stacie cheers as she walks out her door Chloe laughs as she covers her face.

"What is going on Stacie it's too early to be getting freaky!"Fat Amy yells

"Chloe said Yes We're going on a date!"Stacie smiles Beca's expression changes and it doesn't go unnoticed by Fat Amy.

"Awesome good for you two."Fat Amy says Beca looks over at Chloe who is laughing at Stacie who is super excited.

"You will not regret this Chloe I promise I'm going to plan everything. I'll see you tonight right here at 6pm. I'm going to sweep you off of your pretty feet."Stacie kisses her cheek

"You're going to be late for work GO."Chloe laughs and shakes her head. Stacie kisses her cheek again and waves at everyone as she walks out the door.

"Never thought you would say Say to Legs."Fat Amy says

"Yeah I didn't think I would either but what's the harm in it right? It could be fun I haven't been on a proper date in a while plus I'm a sucker for surprises, and you know a girl loves to be wooed. I'm excited. I have to get ready for work have a great day ladies."Chloe says

Beca angrily zips up her laptop bag and slings it over her shoulder. "Why so mad BM?"Fat Amy teases

"Shut the hell up."Beca gives Amy an attitude Fat Amy holds her hands up quickly.

"Whoa Child I didn't do anything, What's got you in a mood?"She asked innocently. Beca shakes her head "I'll see you later tonight" Beca grunts out grabbing her car keys and slamming the door on her way out.

"I gotta get my own place."Fat Amy shakes her head.

Beca slams the door in her car and she hits the steering wheel with her fist. "Why am I so pissed."Beca rubs her forehead. She knew exactly why she just never admitted it to herself. "I'm in love with Chloe."Beca says to herself.

"DO RE, MI FA SO LA TI DO."Chloe sings The students clap and Chloe smiles.

"Now I want you guys to pair off and learn one of the songs I have lined up for you, and on Thursday we'll all perform them!"Chloe smiles at her students.

Suddenly the Door opens Chloe stands up smiling "What are you doing here?"She says surprised.

Beca is at the studio playing her boss the mix she finished. "So I layered the beats and didn't even need the auto tune. We just need Ariana's voice to over lap the song and she's confirmed to come in on Thursday night."Beca says

"Why do you seem off today Reggie? Whats going on?"Her boss asked

"I've been working with you for about a year now and you still can't get my damn name right?"Beca asked "Damn it Sorry I just ahh today sucks ass is all."Beca rubs her head.

"Im just messing with you. Whatever it is thats bothering you it's effecting your work. I sat in on the beat you were making this morning and Well it sucked. You and Your boyfriend Jeffery break up?"He asked

"Jesse. You mean. And No we didn't we're okay just busy he lives in LA."Beca says

"All I know is you weren't this mad yesterday, maybe you're not in love with this guy anymore could that be it?"He asked

"Possibly. DO you think it's possible to fall in love with someone without you yourself knowing that it happened?"Beca asked Her Boss nods his head

"That was Deep Mitchell...Im writing that down."He takes out a pen and writes on his notepad he looks up and sees Beca in Deep thought.

"Who is this person is it someone you just met?"He asked

" Best friend."Beca says

"Ah You see I have a theory with Best Friends and love wanna hear it of course you do."He says Beca laughs.

"If you're ever lucky to fall in love with your best friend and you think that there's a chance they could love you back. GO for it. No Matter what Go for it. Because When you fall in love with your best friend that's the type of love that's meant to last forever. If you have a chance at it. Take it."He says

"Wow that's the most sincere thing I've ever heard you say before."Beca nods

"Yeah Well I have my moments."He says Beca laughs and he pats her on the back "This Track is epic Good Job Reggie."He jokes

"Screw you!"Beca calls out and smiles she takes out her cellphone and texts Chloe.

"Can I interest you in a Salad for lunch?"~Beca She waits for a Text back and usually Chloe would say Yes and send heart emojis but this time was different.

"Sorry Bec Stacie is here and she brought a whole picnic basket for me and the students."~Chloe she also send a picture of Stacie and the small group of students each holding up sandwiches.

Beca slams her phone on the desk and scratches her head in frustration.