"Aradia if you do not mind, I think I am going to go to the bathroom."

"Not a problem!" said Aradia, still rummaging through Karkat's belongings. Aside from random computer parts and notes, some of the stuff in Karkat's closet was pretty cool!

"Alright, I will see you soon-"

"OH MY GOD," said Aradia suddenly, pulling something out of the closet. It appeared to be a calendar titled Crustaceans of the Month.

"What is that?" asked Kanaya, looking on with genuine surprise. Aradia whistles as she catches sight of all the hot, delectable-looking crabs marking the Alternian calendar.

"Wow Karkat, you've been holding out on us!" said Aradia, grinning as she flipped through the calendar's pages.

"Right… well… I'll be back soon." And with that, Kanaya went down the staircase and into the main bathroom. Sure enough, Karkat's body was still there, in the tub, completely dead. Yup. That right there is a corpse.

With a sigh, Kanaya hoisted Karkat up and out of the tub. Or at least, she tried. Leaving his upper half draped over the edge of the tub, Kanaya sat down next to Karkat and rubbed her forehead. Oh, where did she go so wrong?

Karkat took a deep breath as Kanaya scooted over, giving him that look again. The look she always gave when she was craving, hungering after him.

"Ugh, oh God."

"Nope," Kanaya replied, placing her hand on Karkat's leg. "Just me."

"Oh you're enjoying this, aren't you?" Karkat squinted, even blushing somewhat.

"Are you not enjoying yourself, dear?" asked Kanaya, "By all means, we could perhaps do this another time…"

"No no, GOD no, that's stupid. Your cravings would get worse. You really need my blood, like you said… I cannot BELIEVE you became a rainbow drinker so damn soon." Kanaya laughed gently.

"Call me an early bloomer, I suppose." Kanaya frowned at Karkat's pouty expression. "Is there something on your mind?" she asked.

"No…" he lied, "Nothing worth mentioning I guess."

"You know you can tell me anything, Karkat…" She kept her gaze on him, as if studying his expression. Karkat only sighed, crossing his arms.

"I know, Kanaya," he replied, "I guess I just don't know what I want to say right now."

"Does my presence make you nervous?"

"I didn't say that."

"Does my presence make you anxious?"

"I didn't say that…"

"Clearly I must have done-"

"No no, it's not you. It's fine, just…"

"...I'm sensing some tension between us."

That got a sarcastic laugh out of him. "Shit, really? I had no idea."

Kanaya bit her lip. "Karkat, look at me."

He grumbled and kept his gaze off of her, crossing his arms. Kanaya scooted closer still, leaning against him. "Karkat…"

"What?" he finally asked, looking over to Kanaya, just in time for her sit herself down on his lap. That got a surprised look out of him, much to Kanaya's amusement.

"Just go with the flow, dear. Life is so much more fun when you remove worry… don't you think?" She slid her fingers up Karkat's chest, dancing her digits across his torso. Karkat bit his lip, now visibly blushing from being in this situation with Kanaya.

"Ugh fuck, when have you gotten so…"

"So…?" she asked, raising a brow. Kanaya grabbed Karkat's shirt and gave it a little tug, as if she wanted it off of him.

"So… flirty. And so fucking suggestive?" asked Karkat, only to receive a shrug from Kanaya.

"I don't feel any different. Which is interesting. The only thing I feel right now is hunger…" She pouted, licking her lips right in his face. "Are we going to sit here and remain comfortable, or are you going to feed me, dear?"

Karkat certainly did not want to keep Kanaya waiting. With an uneasy breath, Karkat tipped his head to the side and awaited Kanaya's harsh bite.

It never came.

Instead, Kanaya leaned forward and pressed her lips to Karkat's neck, giving him a gentle kiss. Karkat's eyes flew open just in time for Kanaya to drape her arms around him, keeping the mutant troll still as she teased his skin with her kisses.

Karkat sighed, letting his eyes close again as Kanaya kissed him softly over his neck. "Ahh, K-Kanayaaa…? What are you…"

Kanaya rubbed Karkat's shoulders soothingly. "Shh," she whispered, lips barely brushing his neck. "Just relax…"

"Aah, uhh," Karkat's blush intensified as he stammered. "Right, okay…" He just sit there, a blushing mess, allowing Kanaya to pepper his neck with her delighted little kisses, giggling every now and then. Karkat smiled, and suddenly his hands were on Kanaya's hips. "F-Fuck, that feels so good, Kanaya…"

With that, Kanaya dragged her tongue across Karkat's neck, teasing him there. She'd bite him, of course-that would come later. But for now, Kanaya felt the need to prep him. To make him happy. It was what he deserved.

Kanaya sighed, glancing over at Karkat as he lay draped over the tub. So that was it, then. He was dead. There was no chance that Karkat would wake up.

Kanaya hauled Karkat's body out of the tub with the intention of burying him, and accidentally dropped him onto the floor of his bathroom with a loud thud! Oh crap.

Biting her lip nervously, a dozen thoughts ran through Kanaya's mind at once. She simply had to hide Karkat before Aradia or anyone else saw him. It didn't take long for Maryam to scoot out the door and drag Karkat's body behind her, the mutant troll's head sliding against the ground as Kanaya pulled his feet. Grgh, when did Karkat get so HEAVY?

Aradia was still upstairs. If Kanaya was lucky, then the rustblood troll would be ogling the Crustaceans of the Month magazine even now. Plenty of time for a burial, one might say.

Kanaya has never buried a body before. She was a complete novice to the art of gravedigging, it seemed. Just as the jadeblood troll was about to search for a shovel, she heard a voice from up above. Is that you, Troll God?

"Kanayaaaaa!" called the voice from above, "Are you done yet?"

Then, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs. Kanaya's heart stopped. She had little time to prepare, and already Aradia was on her way. No no no, she was so close!

Aradia Megido jumped the last few steps of the stairs and posed dramatically for fun, looking at Kanaya with a smile. "Hey, there you are! OH MY GOD, KARKAT!"

"That's right, look who I have just found!" Kanaya grins and poses with Karkat, who was seated on the couch wearing sunglasses. "This cool troll thought he could surprise us! Well I say… It seems the one surprised! IS HIM!"

Aradia claps her hands together with a giant smile and bounces in place. "Holy hell, Karkat! I didn't think you'd be here! Everyone was so worried about you! They said you were lost, and you weren't answering your phone, and… hey, are you feeling alright?" Aradia's smile turned to a concerned frown. Karkat's head was drooping somewhat.

Kanaya leaned him up further into the couch, and Karkat's head now stood more upright. Okay, she can do this. Her heart is beating a mile a minute, but she can pull this off without a hitch… "Oh, he's tired," said Kanaya, "I haven't the slightest idea where he's been, but he won't answer me. Just listen to him!"

She gave Karkat a little nudge, and playing ventriloquist for a brief moment, did her best impersonation of Karkat groaning. It seems to have worked.

"Awww… Poor guy! Hey Karkat, I'm just glad you're okay… Why are you so tired? Or, uh, can you not answer that either?" She eagerly awaited Karkat's response. But dead trolls tell no tales.

Kanaya leaned in closely to Karkat's face. At first, Aradia thought she was going to kiss him, but Kanaya instead brought her face back with a bit of a disgusted look.

"I smell sopor on his breath," Kanaya lied. Aradia put her hands on her hips and huffed, looking displeased.

"Oh, figures. I knew Gamzee would have something to do this! Ugh, he's probably going to be dazed like that for a while, huh…? Hey Karkat, even though you feel like crap, I want you to know I really dig your shades!"

Kanaya gave a thumbs-up. "I am certain he would appreciate the compliment."

"Hey! We need to tell everyone else that we found Karkat!"


"You know… everyone in the group chat! They all think Karkat is still lost, or worse!"

"Oh God. I mean of course. They ought to… know." Kanaya swallowed nervously. "If you insist. Erm… I think I am going to get Karkat into bed now."

Aradia smirked and waggled her eyebrows.

"No, I mean I am putting him to bed."

"I know, sheesh! I'm just pulling your leg!"

"Please do not yank my leg."


"Bedtime, sweetie." She kissed Karkat's forehead to keep up the act, before giving a light gasp. "Oh dear, it seems he's fallen asleep already… would you be a dear and help me carry him upstairs?"

"Alright, here," Aradia grabbed Karkat by his legs and allowed Kanaya to grab him by his armpits, and it didn't take long for both girls to bring Karkat back to his room. With a sigh, Kanaya ensured that Karkat was resting well in his room, and Aradia gave a little salute. "Mission accomplished! Now we just need to tell everyone that Karkat's here!"

"Keep your voice down, Aradia. And… perhaps such a thing can wait, hmm?"

"Whaddya mean it can wait? They need to know ASAP! Otherwise everyone else is going to be even MORE worried sick, and they won't stop looking! You know you're acting kind of funny, Kanaya."



"Like funny in a ha-ha sort of way?" She smiled, but inside, she was screaming. Aradia rolled her eyes and took out her cell phone, but then it was snatched by Kanaya.

"Hey! What are you doing that for?"

"Sorry. Just…" She sighed. "Aradia, please trust me. Do you trust me?"

"Wh… Yes, but-"

"I do not want anyone else coming here tonight. Or speaking to Karkat. Do you understand?" She took a step closer to Aradia, deadly serious. "Please tell me you understand. It is just you, and me. No one else."

Aradia blinked with surprise, and paused momentarily. All of a sudden, Aradia began to smile softly. "Oh… Oh my God…"

"What? What's wrong?" asked Kanaya.

"Ohhhh holy crap… are you…" She pointed at Kanaya with a mischievous look on her face. "Are you… hitting on me?"

Kanaya didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. The internal screaming never stopped.

"Oh my God, you totally are! Is that why you… Is that why you want no one here? And you wanted to get Karkat to bed? So we could spend time together? Whoa…" She rubbed her arm and smiled. "Kanaya, wow, I had no idea you felt that way about me! I mean, Sollux and I have been talking about getting someone else to join us and… just wow!" A faint blush appeared on Aradia's cheeks, even as Kanaya stepped closer and pressed a finger to the rustblood troll's lips.

"Shhh…" whispered Kanaya. "No more words, Aradia… do you understand what I want from you?"

"Mmm…" Aradia closed her eyes and nodded, leaning closer to Kanaya, who gently traced her finger across Aradia's lips before caressing her cheek, and then holding her neck gently. "Are you tired, Aradia?"

"Mmm…? No, I…"

Kanaya pinched a nerve on Aradia's neck and knocked her out, watching the rustblood troll fall to the floor with an unceremonious thud. After staring at Aradia's unconscious body for a moment, Kanaya sighed. "Are you certain? You seem exhausted… Hmmph. It was my turn to pull your leg, you see." Finally, Aradia has provided Kanaya with what she desperately wanted.

Absolute silence.