Hello my loving fan's sorry for all this I just saw the movie and I was like (inspiration!) so im doing this! So ya, don't think I abandoned anything! So ya! Love me and also i might not have put all the words in the songs but also i added some for rouge so don't hate me and also i own nothing! also note that singing will come like:




*Rouge* singing


"This just mean's almost anything, anger or something written"

"but grandma, what big eyes you have!"

"the better to see you with my dear."

Staring off into the distance was a young prince, soon to be king who gazed intensely towards the isle of the lost, a island that holds the rottenest of vile souls that ever had the misfortune to walk on this world...but he had another view on it all.

"How is it possible that your going to be crowned king next month? your just a baby!" His father said, the current king of the united states of Aragon.

"He's turning 16 dear." His Mother known as belle and current queen stated to his father.

"Hey pops!" the young prince greeted.

"16! he's far to young to be crowned king! I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42!" His father said, getting a taken back look from his wife as she came to stand beside him as she held their sons over coat.

"Uh, you decided to marry me at 28!" Belle huffed, giving her husband the eye.

"Well it was either you or the teapot!" The king joked, giving his son a wink as his wife rolled her eyes.

"Kidding." He said, but gave another look that made his son laugh a little.

"Mom, Dad" the young prince started to say and step off his pedestal, only for the man who was creating his outfit hold him still and stay in place. "I chosen my first official proclamation." He told his parents, who smiled brightly.

"I've decided that the children on the isle of the lost be given a chance...to live here in Aragon." as he finished speaking his parents were rendered speechless, shocked beyond belief at their son's choice in such a mater that his mother drop his already steam pressed over coat.

"Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they been abandoned!" He explained his feelings coming to stand in front of his parents.

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" His father asked in disbelief.

"We'll start out with a few at first, the only one's that need our help most, I already chosen them." The prince said, smiling at his parents watching as his mother nodded her head a little in understanding...not so much his father.

"Have you?" his father questioned.

"I gave you a second chance" His mother butted in, laying a hand on his fathers shoulder as she turned to face her son "Who are their parents?" Belle asked.

"Cruella De vile, Jafar, the Evil Queen, The Big Bad Wolf...and Maleficent." Things were going well until the last villens name was revealed making an uproar with his parents and even making the semester scream a little.

"MALEFIECENT!" his father roared, "She is the worst villain in the land!" his father snapped.

"Dad, just here me out here." His son tried to reason.

"I wont hear of it, they are guilty of unspeakable crimes!" He father exclaimed, no one noticing the wimpy semester running out the door.

"Dad their children are innocent! don't you think that they deserve a shot at a normal life?" His son pointed out, making key points to his decision.

"Dad..." His father went silent for a moment staring from his son to his wife and then to the floor in thought.

"I suppose the children are innocent." His father agreed silently, that was all he had to say for his son to know that he had won.

"Well done." His mother whispered as she straighten his clothes, giving him a smile as he returned, he watched as his parents left leaving him alone to think and to gaze upon the isle of the lost.


The scene changed quickly to a desolate wasteland filled with garbage, humid, suffocating toxic fumes to breath...and they liked it that way.

A girl with dark purple hair, was finishing up her graffiti that said "Long Live Evil" that had a silhouette of the most nastiest evil woman alive Maleficent.

"They say im trouble, they say im bad, they say im evil that makes me glade" She sang as she knocked into a by walker.


"A dirty no good" a punster looking long haired boy sang as he dropped onto a roof and climbed down the ladder railing "down to the bone, your worst nightmare cant take me home" He sang exiting out a tunnel door, almost running into a girl with a few bags in her arms.


"So i got some mischief in my blood" sang another girl, as she walked on top of a long table, people moved their things away to make way for her.

"can you blame me, I never got no love" She sang as she slowly went under a railing, her beauty enticing those around her.


*They say I'm Bad, oh so terrible* Sang a girl walking through a crowded market, her fur skinned boots clicking against the cobblestone as she wore her brown jumpsuit.

*They say i got fleas that I'm a gluten, and i just got to say that its all true* Her furred fingerless gloves twitched as she saw a man with a delicious looking piece of bread, she calmly made her way through the crowed as she easily snatched it out of his hands, and disappeared into the crowed, her Tattered redcape flying behind her with the hood pulled up covering her midnight black hair but leaving her blue eyes completely noticeable.


"they think I'm callous" a boy sang popping out of a window who had a very interesting color skim going for him.

"a lowlife hood" as he made his way out of the window, he snatched a bandana from a workers back pocket and booking it.

"I feel so useless" He kept singing as he snatched an apple from midair. and took a bit. and throwing it behind him to the girl who originally had it.



"Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the badist of them all" Both Mal and Evie sang as they powerwalked beside each other. all the while jay did his backflips on a rusty pipe beam a few feet off the ground but landed safely. all the while Carlos de vil was making a commotion while jumping and barrel rolling atop of people, which made them wake up from their sleep.

Rouge Herself was army crawling through Metal pipe tubs as they where lifted off the ground, but slipped out onto a low slope roof and slide down just behind both Mal and Evie.

(welcome to my wicked world, wicked world! I'm rotten to the core, core, core rotten to the core, who could ask for more? im nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door) they all sang together, as they all piled onto a metal fence and slide it open, and running in a type of line.

Mal in the lead as she pushed people out of her way, even pushing a man in front of her into a bucket of water, she crawled under a low table the rest of the gang following her lead as they hopped off of things a getting the laundry dirty, they each found something to start banging against metal, such as trashcans and at one point the metal pipe workings connected to the underground sewage plant...


"call me a schemer, call me freak" Mal sang as she crept around a fortune tellers stand.

"how can you say that, im just unique" she sang as she graffiti a curtain with a purple M on it and pulled it away to reveal a man taking a bath.


"What me a trader? ant got your back" Jay sang as he flipped off a ceiling beam, right in front of a dinning table where two people where having tea.

"are we not friends" He all but asked, taking up the teakettle looking like he was going to pour the two their tea, but instead jumping over their table and taking their teakettle with him.

"what's up with that?"


"So I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt" Evie sang as she walked through a colorful arrangement of scarfs.

"I broke your heart, i made you hurt" She grabbed the back of a mans scarf pulling it so he spun backwards, as she left through the scarfs making him watch as she left.


*So i frighten you, that just makes me giggle* Rouge sung as she snuck up on a group of children, two trashcan covers in her hand which she banged together startling the children and watched them run away.

*Let me raid your basket, i wont bite...much* She sang as she picked up their left behind good's.


"the past is past, forgive forget" Carlos De vil sang as he walked on top of a table, kicking off anything in his way, even kicking up a basket and throwing it on someone's head, he made an easy escape on a passing cart full of hay which he threw at the same person who he threw the basket on.

"The truth is (You ant seen nothing yet!)


and that's all i got people! i haven't but watched it once, and let me tell ya its so hard to find! and ya so stopping here! but i will get another update in soon (if not for this one then one of my other ones!)