Citrine Epilogue

A/N: Wowzers, the epilogue. I will give you one fair warning: Break. Out. The. Tissues. Writing this didn't make me cry or misty-eyed, because I have no soul. See how it does with you! This epilogue is going to seem longer than it actually is because of the long A/N at the end. Well it might be long, I guess I'll see. Until the last A/N!

No one's POV (Third person, with Amethyst's thoughts and stuff)…

The wind blew in Amethyst's face. She was back on that beach, that damned beach. Where Citrine had left her. She didn't know why she was there, she picked up the shards a week ago. For the first time in her life, a week actually felt long. The beach was mostly glass now, but the glass was in a deep crater. She just couldn't believe Citrine was dead.

The ship was gone too. Lapis told her that there was an explosion, Amethyst could figure out the rest. There were pieces of the ship, but the Crystal Gems got those.

Amethyst sighed and walked to the hole. There might have been more shards. She remembered what happened.

Flashback to a week ago, a few hours after Citrine's death…

Amethyst's gem rose up. Soon there was a glow and she reformed. She was breathing heavy. She looked at her surroundings, she couldn't believe it! She was back at the temple! She did not jump up for joy, but jumped up rather to go find Citrine. She went on the warp pad to go the Kindergarten. Once there she went in the direction Citrine and she were. She finally, after a few hours, made it to the beach.

"Citrine? Citrine where are you!?" Amethyst yelled. There was no reply. She kept walking on the beach until she saw something. There was a giant crater in the ground. She walked to it. On the bottom there was glass. She could also see something reflect. She covered her eyes, because the sun made that stuff very bright.

'What is that stuff?' Amethyst thought to herself. She knew she shouldn't go look, but this intrigued her. She jumped down in the hole. When she was able to see the reflective stuff, she wished she hadn't.

Laying there were shards. Shards of the one she wanted to call her lover. Her best friends, Citrine. Dead. Gone. Annihilated. Amethyst sat in there and cried for hours. She eventually bubbled the gems knowing it was useless. She went to the temple.


Amethyst sighed. She wondered what she could do.

"Dammit! This was probably something I could have prevented! I'm such an idiot!" Amethyst yelled. No matter how many times Citrine told her she wasn't the mistake she was, Amethyst still knew. She decided to walk back to the Kindergarten. As she walked back, she could remember everything.

"Oh Amethyst, what will I do with you?" Citrine had said, chuckling slightly, going into the air.

Amethyst kept walking. "Don't cry." She kept saying to herself, like a mantra. She soon reaches the edge of the Kindergarten. She could remember more.

"I want to go with you, what's the point if I would be against my best friend?" Amethyst said. She had tears in her eyes.

Amethyst let a small tear down her cheek she couldn't take it anymore. She could remember everything! Agate, and how she was beating the Crystal Gems. She hated the Crystal Gems, but she put that aside because of Citrine. She wanted her to take care of them.

"I don't get it, Citrine. What am I supposed to do? I'm just a mistake, I can't do anything right." Amethyst said. She could hear Citrine's sweet voice in her head saying she wasn't. The warp pad was in sight. Did she dare go on it? She had only been to the Temple once she woke up. She couldn't concentrate on those thoughts. She could only thin about her.

She could remember their first and last kiss. It was amazing. She relished in it. It was so warm, so… comforting. It was such a surprise to her, she could feel herself tense up for a split second before letting the realization that this was her, a Kindergarten gem, being kissed by the one she loved most. She wanted more, but she knew she would never get anymore.

"Please come back!" Amethyst yelled. It echoed throughout the huge, lifeless, Kindergarten. She walked past the broken injector. She could remember her fight with Pearl many months ago. It felt so good when she made Pearl hit the injector. She only hugged Pearl at the end of the ordeal because she needed someone to hug. Pearl obviously didn't care though.

Amethyst made it to the old warp pad. She stepped on it. She pushed all thoughts away and let herself warp. One second she was in the Kindergarten, the next, in the beach house. The beach house was empty. She stepped on the creaky floor.

"I don't want to do this anymore." Amethyst said. She thought for a few minutes, then grabbed some paper and a pen and walked out of the beach house door. She started to walk to where she could get to the tallest hill around Beach City. That hill was where Rose's moss was. She started her hike over there.

When she walked around, she had so many memories etched permanently in her mind. The first time she and Citrine talked, they were just sitting on the beach by the Temple. Amethyst eventually made it to the moss. She looked up. She started to climb up the massive hill. She finally made it up there. She looked down at Beach City. She thought peaceful thoughts.

"I know you said I should go on, but I can't" Amethyst said, looking up in the sky. She scribbled something on her paper, and threw it down. It landed by a huge boulder. Amethyst looked at the boulder. She made sure she was positioned right above it. Her feet were on the edge of the hill.

Amethyst started to punch herself in the gem. She was a mistake, that's all she'll ever be. She let all that suppressed anger out on her gem. After a few punches the gem started to crack. And it hurt. Amethyst did not care. She wanted to be with her, and this is the only way she could do it. Once the crack was 3/4s of the way through her gem, she knew it was time.

Her feet dangled off the edge. The gems would find her sooner or later, they came to check on this moss. It had been more than year since it had been done. Amethyst looked forward. She let herself lean. Then, she felt herself fall. Her arms didn't flail. They stayed in a starfish formation. The rock came closer, and closer still.

"CRACK!" That's all Amethyst heard. She blinked a few times, and then she didn't blink anymore.

With the Crystal Gems (A few hours later)…

The gems warped back into the temple. They were soaking wet, because of Lapis' finishing attack against the gem monster they had fought. Pearl looked right at the calendar, and say the dated circled in pink. Inside the bold, pink circle, there were the words "Rose's Moss". Pearl made sure to look it over and see if that day was today. Pearl was correct, she turned towards the other gems.

"We should probably check on Rose's moss." Pearl said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"It has been longer than a year, hasn't it?" Garnet says as a rhetorical question. The Crystal Gems open the beach door and walk out. Lapis lags behind because she doesn't know what this 'moss' is. The walked through Beach City, something they rarely did because of the warp pads. They eventually made their way over to the moss.

"Okay Steven, I believe you have practiced enough to do this?" Pearl asks Steven. Steven's face becomes serious as he nods. He walks over to the moss. He puts his hand in the moss filled water. The moss goes on his hand. He starts to walk towards the hill, all the moss dragging from the little bit on his hand. With Steven leading, the Crystal Gem get to the top of the hill.

The sun manages to peek out a little bit to let the moss bloom. Steven happens to look down and sees something.

"Hey guys look! Something down there is shiny!" Steven says, he signals the gems to come over. They do, and Pearl is the first to look down.

"It's probably something we need to look at, who knows what it could be?" She says. All the gems go down the hill to the sand below. Steven reaches what he saw first, since he ran. He sees a piece of paper next to the shiny stuff. He reads the note. He drops it and backs up.

"G-Guys…?" He stammers. Pearl picks up the note. She skims it over horror glued to her face. She starts to read it out loud, in just barely above a whisper since she is so stunned.

'I just couldn't do it anymore. I love her. I can't live without her. She's the only one that understood me. Unlike the rest of you horrible people, she was actually nice to me. I know I'm just a mistake, that's another reason I did this. You know what I want. Do it. Bubble me with her. I want to be with her.' The note says. Garnet picks up the purple shards on the ground.

Fifteen minutes later…

The gems arrive at the temple. They all go the burning room, even Steven, because Garnet didn't even care. Garnet pulled out the bubble with Citrine's shards in it. She popped the bubble. She gave the purple and yellow shards to Steven. Steven made the best bubble he possibly could. He looked at the shards and let a few tears fall. Everyone had tears fall after he bubbled them and the note away.

"I did what you wanted." He said, and then left the room. Soon everyone filed out. Garnet was last, she took one last look at the shards and then closed the temple door. Steven watched as the light started to stop reflecting on the shards. He saw as darkness consumed the shards of Amethyst and Citrine.


A/N: Well, here it is guys! This is it! The fic is over. I'm sorry. I will be doing more fics and one-shots! My next story fic will be called Overcooked Runt. It will be about Amethyst, and just like this story, it will be her birth to her death. It will also be in this universe. I'm going to need ideas though, for stories and one shots, so… Please leave suggestions in the comments.

No one commented the references in the last chapter. Here's the list of them. There were 2 Teen Titans references, 1 Doctor Who reference, and a big ol' DragonBall Z reference!

So, for the last time… I hoped you liked my fic!