Takes place about 2 months after spark of hope.

"Kanan" said Sabine, "we need the crates, there right on the outskirts of the Imperial camp, we can slip in and no one will see us, but it's the lock, that ones going to be a bit harder in we want to get into the storage locker and get the blasters out of Imperial custody." She said looking to everyone in the crew.

"Can't you just bomb the door?!" Grumbled Zed.

"No, she can't," said Kanan. "The storage until that is being kept on the outside of the base on Lothal is right on the outside of the camp, there will only be two guards on the door, and we can take them out no problem, but if we blast that door down? Well all the bucket heads in the camp will hear it, and there's only one exit in the bunker. It would be suicide."

"Well then how do we plan to get the doors open? We need to get the blasters out of Imperial custody, and there being shipped out tomorrow! The more weapons they have, the worse life gets for all of the outer rim planets."

"Well" said Sabine, "looks like we're out of options." She said, looking to Kanan.

"Let's go find the kid."


Ever since the day, around two months ago, when the kid helped out with freeing the wookies, whenever they were in a jam, they called up the kid, if they didn't need too much attention on themselves. Whether it was needing a lock pick, or if they were really desperate and needed to go to the black market, which they were fairly unfamiliar with, they would find the kid to make sure they didn't get scammed.

And they always knew where to find him.

The streets.

The crew walked through the hot, dry grounds of Lothal, through the busy market place, with storm troopers terrorizing fruit salesmen, people trying to get by, and kids running at there feet, playing Loth-tag.

Hera was back on the ship, the mission was going to take place later at night, the base was not too far from the capital city, so they had to find the kid before then, or else the shipment would be gone, and so would the mission.

Zeb hit Kanan with the back of his hand, on Kanan's stomach. "There." He pointed.

A few yards ahead of them they saw the kid, a storm trooper stood with his back to Ezra, the crew watched as he, in a swayed motion, swiped mp something from his belt, and keep moving as if nothing had happened, as the storm trooper realized what had happened, and turned, the kid had already climbed the the nearest building and disappeared.

The crew was confused, as they walked closer to the group of Imperials, but before soon, a voice came flowing through all of there coms, "all troopers report to the man square, this is a code red emergency, I repeat, code red emergency."

All of the troopers suddenly dropped what they were doing, and ran off, then, the kid appeared again, using a thick power line as a some what, zip line, as he leaned on the ground, and made his way to the crates, stripping them of anything that could be useful.

The crew simply smirked at how good he was at tricking solders, and how funny it would be when the storm troopers returned.

"Hey kid." Kanan called, as they walked up to him.

"Hey, what's up? Im working here." He smirked at he gestured towards the crates that he was stripping for spare parts.

"We need a lock pick" said Sabine, crossing her arms, "you up for it?"

"What for?" He questioned.

"Messing with the Empire." She responded.

"Ezra simply rolled his eyes. "And what exactly do you think I'm doing at the moment?" He replied.

Zeb growled, as he cracked his knuckles. "Don't get smart, kid."

"It's kind of hard when I'm such a genius!" He smirked.

"That's it!" Growled Zeb, "Kanan, and I please pound his head in now!"

"Look at the time." Said Ezra, as he slowly backed away from the Lasat.

"Kid, wait." Said Kanan. "Can you pick the lock or not?"

"I can pick any lock." Ezra responded. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a, how did you phrase it again? Oh yea, street rat."

The crew simply looked at him. Ezra sighed. "Ok, ok, I've got to go to the black market and see what I can get for this stuff, just tell me when and where."

Kanan raised an eyebrow, like he did every time the kid brought up the black market. "Aren't you a little young to be going to the black market?" He questioned, seeing as the last time they had an encounter was at the black market, when Ezra hade sure they didn't get scammed. And he was good at it, and the people there knew him, he was good, far too good at it then any fourteen year old kid should be. Heck, then any adult should be!

Ezra simply responded, "aren't you a little old to be asking a kid to lock pick for you?"

Kanan sighed. "Imperial base on the outskirts of town, storage until nine, nightfall."

And just like that, Kanan sensed the storm troopers reterning, and was about to tell the kid, when he simply shot up and said, "see you there!" Then scrambled up a building and begun jumping from roof top, and the storm troopers returned.

"It was that kid again!" One of the storm troopers shouted shouted.

"After him!" Another one demanded.

"What's the point? You know we won't catch him!"

The crew simply snickered. Guess they'd see him at nightfall.


One shot, should I make it a one shot? Yea, it's a one shot! If you want more then tell me, if you liked how it ended, just tell me in reviews! Thanks! ;)
