

No. It was more Disgust.

Or maybe it was both.

Yeah, definitely both.

Stiles felt guilty and disgusting. How fun is that, huh?

He had felt the pull. And he hated himself for it.

It wasn't as much for what it could mean, because he had been trying to explore that part of himself for years now. He felt like he could be sick at any moment because of the person he'd felt attracted to.

Because his mind in that moment, when he had been shoved against that grate, had pulled up memories of the first and last person that had shoved him like that and made him feel confused about himself. Feeling like that towards Theo made him feel guilty and disgusting because he felt like it ruined his memory of that time with that person.

He sighed and rubbed away the blood from his face with a wet cloth. He needed to get a grip. There were fuckin' mad scientists-doctors trying to kill all of them and a freaky, possibly other chimera or Were-creature that was stealing the failed experiments. Shit. That felt wrong. They weren't just experiments, they were dead bodies of teenagers. Innocent teenagers.

He closed his eyes as he felt the familiar feeling of his heart speeding up and the tightness of his skull, like he couldn't take in enough air no matter how many deep breath he took. His chest felt tight and he just wanted to crawl away. Away from all of this. Too much. Too fuckin' much.
He was going to lose his best friend. He was going to lose Scott. The thought and the beginning of the panic attack made his stomach roll in a wave of nausea and he puked, gripping the sides of the sink, knuckles turning white.
Feeling sick had mostly done a good job in subduing the incoming panic attack and now he was left with a massive headache and a crushing feeling of emptiness. He hit his back on the wall and slowly slid down until he was seated on the floor. He felt like he was losing everything, like everything he believed in, drew his strengths from was crumbling away like a puzzle lifted at its corners. Every piece scattering in places that he couldn't reach. Didn't know how to reach. Like his jeep. That poor thing had endured all kinds of supernatural things. Like him. And he just really wanted to preserve it. To prove that no matter what, they were still standing. But now he wasn't so sure it was possible anymore.

He wished he could just tell him the truth. He would have if he wasn't scared shitless to lose him. Because right now, Scott and his dad were pretty much all he had. And he knew that if he was going to tell the truth he was going to lose them. Once his father was going to found out about his new lies, he was going to feel hurt. And he couldn't handle watching his dad and best friend being disappointed in him. He just couldn't.

He passed out then. Welcoming it. Grateful for some time in which he didn't have to think of how his life was falling apart.

Okay, so HI!

I don't know what this is, I just had so many feels about Stiles during those last few episodes, and gifs from 5x07 just gave me the idea of possible Flashback to all the time Stiles had been manhandled by Derek and IDK.
What do you think? is it worth it something?
Just tell me in the comments if I should continue, cuz I just don't know... Give me a Reason LOL