Gravity Falls: Scars

So I know I haven't written anything in a long time and I plan to get back to my previous story sooner or later,(Kinda dealing with a re-write right now) so if any of you are fans of DBX just wait you'll not be disappointed. Any way in the mean time here's something I have had on my brain for a while, If you couldn't tell I'm a fan of Gravity Falls and Wendy x dipper really interest me. I don't know how long its gonna be, that'll be up to you guys, but 2 or 3 chapters might be my minimum. So here's my attempt at a mystery romance story. Enjoy!

BTW I don't own anything, I'm 15 I don't even own this Computer.

Episode 1: Summer once more

The bus was coming up close to Gravity Falls, and everyone could tell because a young brown haired girl in a funny sweater was jumping all over the place yelling, "WERE ALMOST THERE DIPPER, OH MAH GOD I CAN'T WAIT!" She yelled shattering the very fabric of sound its self.

"Yeah I know, I can't wait either I-" A young boy in a hat

"ImaGonnaSeeWaddlesandSoosAndHopefullyGrunkleStanDidn'tEatHimWaddlesIMean I-" She spoke a mile a minute, (A/N: I tried to make her talk fast but still readable.)

"Mable for the love of god slow down!" Said Dipper trying to calm his sister. All the while trying to keep the sheer force of Mable from knocking his hat off. Well not his hat, but a very close friend traded a certain brown hat with his hat with him last summer as a sign of remembrance.

"Oh don't tell me your not excited Dipper it's been a whole school year!" She replied with immense amount of enthusiasm.

"Well yeah but give it a rest Mabel, conserve that energy for smothering our friends." He said smiling running his hand over the top of his brown hat.

"Yeah I guess but I'M JUST SO EXCITED!" she said bouncing up and down

In secret he was very excited, and anxious, and relieved, and well a lot of mixed emotions. He just was happy to go to a place were he could escape it all … all of it.

-At the Mystery shack

Every thing was pretty much perfect for their arrival, the old man by the name of Stan had the shack closed for the day, And everyone super close to the Mystery Twins were there. Mabels weird friends, Soos and his long distance girl friend, the Grunkle him self, redhead with an iconic blue and white hat and a blue tree on it, heck even the blonde Pacifica was waiting at the shack for their bus.

In what seemed like the longest hour in existence, the bus finally dropped off the Pine twins. With enough enthusiasm to blow up the universe, Mabel dropped her luggage and with a burst of speed, tackled her Grunkle (who had a hold of her beloved pig) to the ground.

(A/n: So what mabel said was to fast and to much Jiberish-enese for me to write, but I think there was a WADDLES and a OMG some where in their. Sorry :P)

"Alright Mabel I missed you to squirt 'cough', now get off before you break my spleen again." Stan replied out of breath.

"Hey guys, long time no see." Said Dipper holding his and his sisters luggage with one hand over his shoulder and his other hand holding the hat on top of his head.

"Hey little dude!" Said Soos as he embraced the smaller boy, causing him to drop his stuff.

"Yeah hey Dip what's up?" Said the tall red head wearing his hat

"Great Wendy! I'm just really glad to be back." He replied with a smile

Taking a look at the bigger group they didn't appear much different, Wendy was a little taller, more developed and wore the hat of the boy before her. Soos slimmed down a bit but was still the mighty Soos as before, Grunkle Stan was still the same. Mabels friends Candy, Grenda and now Pacifica (long sappy story) haven't changed that much. All in all the folks of Gravity Falls were still the same old people as the previous summer. On the Twins side of things, Mabel was almost exactly the same as before, however she was now half an inch taller than her brother but still the same old Mabel in both appearance and spirit. Dipper hasn't changed that much physically, in appearance however he now wore a reddish orange turtleneck that came up to just over his chin, similar to his reddish orange T- Shirt he used to wear last summer. Similar to his navy blue vest he wore last summer, he wore a long sleeve navy blue jacket with a hood. (That he didn't have up). Instead of the grey shorts he had last summer now he had long grey running pants.

"Come on and hurry up you two, I'm losing money every day the shacks closed, let get to celebrating!" Said Stan hurrying into the Shack, which had also changed only slightly, the S had been fixed, Soos must have risked his life to fix it again.

They went inside and everyone started having a good time, drinking soda and catching up, "So Wendy, Soos, did you guys find any Mysteries in my absence?" Dipper asked

"In your absence? You went back home not into the mountains to train." Wendy replied

"That'd be cool though dude," Soos inputs

"Well sort of…" He started to say scratching the back of his head with a nervous chuckle

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked

"Well I figured if I was going to chase paranormal entities and mystical creatures I kinda got a gym membership." He replied a little embarrassed as he rolled up his right sleeve up, low and behold he had some muscles.

"Woah dude, your like Mr. Strong Dude now." Soos said

"Holy Crap man, look at you!" Wendy said shocked a little bit, grabbing his arm and squeezing the small muscle and quickly taking note of a medium sized scar going down the width of his for arm and scars around his wrists.

"Wait, Wait what's with this? DIPPER your wrist, you didn't!" She said getting more frantic as her mind thought up the worst.

Dippers eyes went wide as he tried to find an answer, however Mabel luckily jumping into save him.

"No Wendy! Don't worry he didn't cut himself! He just …" Mabel said trying to save him but quickly lost her words as she tried to explain.

"He just what?!" She asked trying to calm down but clearly failing.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He said seriously, meanwhile snatching back his arm and pulling down his sleeve.

"What's wrong Dipper?" Wendy asked worriedly

"Dipper you're going to have to tell them eventually." Mabel said walking up to the three of them, with her friends behind her.

"What's she talkin about Dipper?" Grunkle Stan asked

"I guess Mabels right, you guys need to know…" He said looking at Mabel and sighing, he took a deep breath, and continued. "So you guys remember there was a few days were I wasn't in contact with you guys… and said I was busy with school crap…" he said with his hand scratching the back of his head embarrassedly

"Yea dude you blew off our video chat for your school work, I mean who does that bro." Soos said crossing his arms

"Well I lied, I was kinda … Hospitalized…" he mumbled in reply

"What was that?" Wendy asked

"I GOT HIT BY A CAR OK!" He yelled embarrassedly.

"WHAT!" Was every ones proper reaction?

"Yeah and I was in the hospital for a couple days and couldn't find the heart to tell you." He said shame and embarrassment over took his face.

"But don't worry I've only got a few scars!" he continued quickly, he pulled up both his sleeves to reveal a scar on each of his arms. That would be normal in this situation but both of these scars were almost identical and not very many of them, however his friends have never really seen the aftermath of getting hit by a car so they went with it.

"The car didn't hit me that hard, I got some more scars elsewhere … like my legs, and while I was in the hospital I had a dislocated shoulder and a broken hand but after a few weeks I was ok, soooo … I'm Fine Guys! I promise!" he continued awkwardly

"Well I'm glad your ok then, next time tell us kid." Wendy replied putting a hand on Dippers shoulder.

"Yeah kid if you got battle scars now I need to hear about 'em!" Stan joked.

Everyone laughed and the serious tension dropped completely out of every ones minds.

"In all seriousness, its good your Ok, it would be pretty boring around here with out your weird adventures." Candy said

"Well if your all done being mushy, tell us about what has been going on back up home?" Stan said grabbing another beverage.

"Well there aren't many Mysteries back up home so it wasn't that interesting…" Dipper started to say

"Says you! I did some great stuff back home!" Mabel said as she started going on a rant about what happened during the school year, she went on and on, she even told some stories about what Dipper did. However there was still a question Dipper never got the answer to,

"So Wendy did you find anything special while I was gone?" He asked again quietly as Mabel was over enthusiastically explaining every detail of her life back home.

"Me and Soos were fallowing up on some stuff at the far end of the woods but we could never find anything concrete. That on top freshmen year we couldn't find very many mysteries, plus we had heard a rumor about the old convince store but I never want to go back there again." She explained

"Why is that?" He asked

"Hey I meant what I said about being scarred for life!" she replied shuttering a little

"Yeah that and I'm actually thirteen now, so ma and pa might not be so nice this time." Dipper said placing his hand on his chin.

"Unless you want to go marching through the daisies again." She said with a smirk nudging her little friend. Causing him to blush a little,

"Yeah, I actually brought the costume this time in case you want to go question some ghost, 'Nervous chuckle'" He replied jokingly, trying not to make eye contact

Wendy laughed a little before she replied, "You know you're a lot more laid back since the last time we saw each other."

"Well I mean after the crazy stuff that I do here and meeting the other end of a car I kind of learned to appreciate stuff, yah know." He said bringing his hands to the back of his head relaxing with a smirk.

"That'd do it." She replied with a chuckle.

After spending hours talking and recounting every ones lives after summer, the sun started to set as it became late into the evening.

"Alright every one I'm opening early tomorrow so everybody who isn't sleeping here, Get Out!" Stan said as he shuffled Mabels friends out of the shack.

"Alright little Dudes, I got to get Melody to the airport so I'll see you guys tomorrow." Soos said before he left the shack talking to his girlfriend.

"Yeah hey, I got to go too, dad just called but I'll see you tomorrow at work." Wendy said

"Yeah sure, have a good night." Dipper replied

Just before she walked out the door, she turned in the doorway; the light of the sunset enhanced her silhouette. "Oh hey I forgot the book back at my place so I'll bring it back tomorrow. But in the mean time…" She said as she removed Dippers hat and tossing it to him before continuing. "Little Mr. Mystery Hunter is back so its only fitting he get his trade mark hat back."

"Thanks, and here I kept it warm for you." He chuckled as he tossed her hat back to her

"Thanks Dip, see you later!" She replied as she walked out the shack, putting her old hat back on.

"Yeah see you ya." He sighed putting his hat back on

"Hey bro do you think you should tell Wendy about 'Her'?" Mabel said quietly, one of the very few time she ever had a worried expression on her face.

"Sooner or later, she does deserve to know. Just not now…" He replied

"Alright." She said with a sigh

"Ok you two, your getting back to work tomorrow, so get to bed soon!" Stan yelled from another room

"OK!" They replied taking their luggage up the stairs.

They reached their room in the attic, and it hasn't changed since the last time they stayed there; they took a deep breath, after what happened last year it felt like a home away from home.

"Dibs on the shower!" Dipper said before Mabel could.

"Ugh, Alright." She said plopping on her bed with a fake pout.

Dipper grabbed his sleep ware, which know consisted of Boxers (Duh), a white turtle neck identical to his current one, and black pajama pants. He also grabbed a towel from the rack as he entered the Bathroom. He silently looked at him self in the mirror; he took off his hat and set it on the sink next to him.

"Now comes the hard part…" He said with a sad sigh, and so much anguish over took his face,

He removed his jacket and tossed it in the corner, next he carefully slid his pants off his legs. His legs were scared just like he said down stairs, but these scars were numerous and more erratic in placement than the ones on his arms. He looked back up at him self and sighed before he closed his eyes and pulled off his shirt. He opened his eyes and looked down at his chest, tears started streaming from his eyes.

He looked at him self in the mirror; he pulled up his hair to look at his birthmark.

"I wonder how I'm going to tell them all about the rest." He said with a steady voice but the tears streamed faster down his face.

I'll let you take a guess as to what he was referring to…

End of episode

Alright guys, this was my first time writing a mystery so hopefully it goes well. I don't know how long it'll be but that'll be up to you guys, but expect some more chapters in the future. And as to the subject of my other writtings, I need to get this out of my head and I'll get back to my main stuff in a matter of time don't worry. Any who I hope you guys liked it, And I'll see you guys in the next one.

Its been a pleasure

SEE YA for Ep 2

Gravity Falls: Scars

Episode 2: Back to "Normal"