One night was all it took


Landon Richardson

Official Disclaimer

The characters of Steve McGarrett and Freddie Hart and anyone else within the story who might sound familiar do not belong to me in any shape or form, I am merely using them for my own entertainment purposes.

The character of Danni Williams could probably be considered mine by now. Although the character was originally based on male Danny Williams, I think it's probably to say that she is now her own individual character. She has her own story and her own individual background now, a background and story which is different from male Danny's story. This also means that Grace is different as well since not only does she live full time with her mother but also because Danni and Duncan have a fairly civil relationship with each other. Grace's surname is also Taylor in this saga as Williams is Danni's maiden name while Taylor was her married name.

The characters of Evie Taylor, Duncan Taylor, David Williams, Cole Williams, Clare Schultz, Ally Ruiz, Sasha Drake and Natasha Clarke do belong to me

I should also add that if a character is mentioned who you don't recognise from the show then they probably belong to me as well.

Author Note

Welcome to 'One Night was all it took'.

This is without doubt the one story I've written which I never thought would see the light of day but I figure since I had so much of it written that it made sense to upload it and to hope for the best.

As most of you know, my heart tends to belong to the pairing of Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams, in either male or female form. It's just a simple that writing these stories is my happy place and although I know how Steve and Danni end up together in the main saga I'm writing, I still get attacked by plot bunnies and sometimes those plot bunnies turn into a story like this one.

This is a story where Steve and Danni meet before either of them are in Hawaii but that is all I'll say, I don't want to give anything away.

Everyone in this story will end up in the main saga minus Evie, the second daughter of Duncan and Danni, though you will see her in other A/U stories.

Anyway, please enjoy!

Overall Summary

It was meant to be just one night of fun, just one simple night of pleasure before they went their separate ways, neither of them knew just how much that one night would change everything for them. (McDanni, female Danny Williams (OC) )

Chapter Summary

"You want to go to this place? Why not go to the one next to it?" Danni Williams demanded, dragging her feet as her friends continued to tug her towards the building in question. It was small, hidden between two larger more popular looking clubs. She could see candles outside it, half of which had been blown out by the cold wind which was causing her to shiver in her coat.

Overall Romances

Steve McGarrett / Danni Williams (McDanni)

Mentions of past Duncan Taylor / Danni Williams (Dunni)

Hints of Steve McGarrett / Catherine Rollins (McRollins)

Chapter Romances

Steve McGarrett / Danni Williams (McDanni)

Mentions of past Duncan Taylor / Danni Williams (Dunni)


This story features a female Danni Williams in place of a male Danny Williams. Although in some stories I write, Danny does exist, he does not exist in this one.

If this is not your cup of tea then please hit the back button.

Another note

I do not have a Beta so please forgive any mistakes which may creep in, I always do my best to edit the story and check it but sometimes mistakes do creep in.

The places I've mentioned in Hawaii are ones which come from google, including the addresses. I've never been to Hawaii myself in person so I apologise for any mistakes which I may make, these are not intentional.

Chapter One

What happens in Vegas, doesn't stays in Vegas

"You want to go to this place? Why not go to the one next to it?" Danni Williams demanded, dragging her feet as her friends continued to tug her towards the building in question. It was small, hidden between two larger more popular looking clubs. She could see candles outside it, half of which had been blown out by the cold wind which was causing her to shiver in her coat.

"Well yeah we could" Her friend Ally Ruiz responded, turning to look at her with a stubborn look which Danni knew meant that she had already lost.

"But?" Danni said into the following silence. "Because there is definitely a but coming, I can just feel it." She commented with a sigh, reaching up and rubbing at the back of her neck, trying to work out the kinks she could feel forming.

"But" Her friend Sasha Drake said. "This place is apparently the place where all the military people go, you know Danni, men and women in uniforms all of who are looking for a good time with no strings attached. I mean no offence hon but have you actually slept with anyone since you and Duncan got divorced from each other." She asked, tilting her head to the side. Danni could just about make out her dark brown eyes staring at her in the faint light.

"That's not the point" Danni stated uncomfortably

"You're right it's not" Clare Schultz responded. "The point is Danielle that this is my hen do which mean it's my decision and I want to go and stare at some sailors and army boys before my chance to do so is gone for good" She said happily, throwing her arm over Danni's shoulder, her voice softening as she gave her an one arm hug. "Look I know that this is hard for you but you need to get out into the world again okay? You and Duncan are finished and it was a decision you both agreed on so you don't have to feel bad about anything. All you need to do is focus on having a good time in the club. You never know, you may just meet the love of your life in there" She commented with a laugh, giving her one more squeeze before she let go and led the rest of the party over to the club entrance where two bouncers were standing guard, watching their progress with interest.

"If you do meet them then I want you to remember that you're going to owe us" Ally shouted over her shoulder at Danni with a wide grin.

Danni sighed, looking once more towards the larger, brighter club next door before she followed the other fifteen women who made up the hen party towards the door, watching as the two bouncers stood lazily to attention, their eyes lingering over each and every one of them in a way which made Danni want to shudder though she was careful to keep her face clear of emotions.

After a moment the men waved them all through without another word to them. Danni looked around her curiously, taking the place in as they entered. It was larger on the inside than it had looked on the outside, several of the booths were already taken by people though there were clearly some still free from the way the other girls were heading over to two which seemed to be linked to each other.

"You're sitting next to me Danni" Clare stated as she slid into the booth and made herself comfortable with a wide grin. Danni nodded, thankful to see that she was at the end of the booth on the side which would enable her to watch the bar. Just because she was there on a hen night, it didn't mean that she could shut down both her Detective and mothering skills, however much she might wish that she was able to. "You are having a good time, tonight right? I know that bar hopping has never been your sort of thing." Clare asked, moving closer and speaking in her ear, an unsure note to her voice which had Danni turning to give her a surprised look.

"Of course, I am" She replied. "Why are you asking me that, shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" She demanded. "You're the one who is the bride to be after all."

"That's true but you are the Maid of Honour so I'm sorry about this." She said waving her hand around her to indicate the bar. "I know that this wasn't what you had originally planned for the hen night to be, the others sort of just highjacked it and I didn't stop them from doing it."

"Clare, it's fine seriously, all I care about is you having a good time because that's what tonight is all about, so stop worrying about me and just enjoy yourself okay?" She said, waiting until Clare nodded at her before she turned and gave the bar a quick look. "You know there are a lot of good-looking service men here, just like you were hoping." She said, her voice brightening up slightly as she accepted a glass of something from Natasha Clarke, the other bridesmaid who had been part of their group of friends since Elementary school.

"That is very true" Clare said, her wide grin returned as she took a long sip of her drink. Danni looked at hers for a moment with a slight frown.

"Hey Tasha, what is this exactly?" Danni asked, clicking her fingers at Natasha to get her attention once the other woman had settled in the seat opposite her and pointed at the bright blue drink in front of her.

"The Barman said it was called a Blue Hawaiian" Natasha responded with a grin. "I've got no idea what is in it but I remember how much you want to go to Hawaii on day on vacation so this seemed like a sign." She held up her own drink which was bright green and spoke, her voice raised to be heard over the surrounding sound of music and conversations. "A toast my girlies to Clare who is taking the plunge into a life where she will only sleep with one man for the rest of her life. You are braver than I will ever be" She stated with a shake of her head. "Anyway, that's neither here or there, everyone raise your glasses to Clare."

"To Clare" Danni said with the others, smiling at the other women who beamed at them all.

Danni took a cautious sip of her drink, wrinkling her nose up slightly at the sweet taste before she shrugged. It was actually nice with a strong taste of pineapple. Danni shook her head, glancing around the bar one more time before she finally allowed herself to relax leaning back against the leather seat as she sipped her drink, allowing the chatter to wash over her and relax her further with the familiarity of it.

It felt nice to be free of the responsibilities in her life even if it was just for a short time. Danni was twenty-nine years old and a Detective in the New Jersey Police Department where she headed up one of the homicide teams. Her work was complicated and difficult and never ended but she loved it. She loved being able to solve something herself. She even liked the fact that her looks caused people to overlook and underestimate her because of the shot of pleasure it gave her when they realised just how wrong they had been about her.

She rarely had time to enjoy herself like this. When she wasn't at work, she was raising her two small daughters from her own marriage, which was now over and thankfully had ended with an amicable divorce with her and her ex-husband Duncan remaining friends with each other which had been the one of the reason for the divorce. They had loved each other but neither of them had been still in love with one another. The two of them had come to a custody arrangement where six-year-old Grace and three-year-old Evie lived with her but stayed with their father every Wednesday and every other weekend. A routine which had worked out well for everyone.

As far as she was concerned her childbearing day were behind her now. She was more than content with her two beautiful daughters, living for them and her work regardless of how often her friends teased her about it and tried to urge her to get back on the dating wagon. She wasn't the type of girl who had one-night stands and any man with half a brain wouldn't touch a woman who had the additional baggage of two young daughters. She had accepted that she would spend the next sixteen years odd alone and it was something she was strangely okay with.

"Danni have you been listening to a word that we've been saying to you over the past five minutes?" Sasha demanded loudly, clicking her fingers in front of Danni's face attracting her attention from her thoughts.

"We were talking about the men in uniform who are in here?" She guessed, breathing a sigh of relief when Sasha nodded at her, leaning back from her.

"Yep" She said. "But what we were actually talking about was that really hot guy over by the bar who hasn't been able to keep his eyes off of you from the moment we sat down here."

"Wait, what guy?" Danni asked in surprise.

"Don't look Danielle" Clare shrieked at her, nudging her hard in the side. "I know that you're out of practice when it comes to playing the field but you need to do it nice and slowly so that it's not obvious that you're looking." She said, causing Danni to roll her eyes at her.

"Fine, fine I get it, slow and steady." She remarked as she wrapped her hand around her glass, noticing with surprise, that it was already empty. Her eyes flickered towards the bar before she looked away and spoke. "What guy are you talking about because there's quite a few of them up there." She pointed out with a raised eyebrow at them.

"It's Mr tall, dark and drop dead gorgeous. You really can't miss him Danni, he's in a group with about ten other guys who are, can I just say, equally as hot but he's the one in the white t-shirt facing the table and the one who is still staring at you like he'd like to order you off of the menu." Natasha told her.

"Okay, tell me when to stop" She said to Clare who nodded at her, her eyes bright with amusement.

Danni stared at the table for a second, taking a deep breath before she slowly looked up, her eyes flickering around the bar, staring at their feet in an attempt to be subtle.

"Okay stop and look up." Clare hissed at her with another nudge to her side, though this time she was a lot gentler.

Danni stopped, slowly trailing her eyes up. Moving past his long legs and muscled torso, lingering briefly on his arms before she stopped on his face, her breathe catching in her throat. Jesus he was gorgeous. Like some kind of Greek God or something with gorgeous features that brought his good looks into another level, he wasn't perfect by any stretch, his nose was slightly too long for that but he was damn near close to it in her eyes. Her gaze roamed over his face taking in the short dark hair and dark stubble before she met his gaze, her face flushing when she realised that he had just watched her check him out. A slow lazy smile curved his kissable lips as dark looking eyes gleamed at her. She watched as he slowly raised his glass at her in a silent toast, attracting the attention of the other men in the group he was in.

Danni quickly averted her eyes.

"Okay" She said, turning back to the girls in shock. "There is no way that a… a god like that is checking me out."

"Please Danni" Ally said with a wave of her hand as though she was waving Danni's objections away "Look at you, you're stunning so you're always going to have god after you, Duncan was an absolute grade A hottie and that guy" She said nodding towards the man again. "Is just as smoking hot. Now I suggest you get your purse, head up to the bar and grab us all a round of drinks. I guarantee that the minute you're separated from the herd, he'll approach you."

Danni thought about arguing the point but decided that it wasn't worth it, instead shrugging and coming to her feet, grabbing her bag and looking around her grinning friends.

"Fine, you win, same again"? She asked, waiting until they nodded before she made her way to the far side of the bar, slipping into an empty spot and stood waiting patiently, smiling when a bar man appeared in front of her with a wide grin, quickly taking her drink order.

She was in the process of watching the barman making the cocktails when she felt someone slip into the space next to her and a voice speak.


She took a second to compose herself before she turned to look to the side, her eyes widening when she realised that the man looked even better close up and that his eyes, which she had thought were dark, were in fact blue in colour with an expression in them which made her knees weak causing her to grip the bar with one hand.

"Hello" She replied giving him a polite smile before she turned back to the front again, focusing back on the drinks.

"I couldn't help but notice you, I'm Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett." He introduced himself, clearly not put off by her politeness.

Danni turned back to him, one eyebrow raising at the title he used.

"You're a Lieutenant Commander?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side. "That rank would make you part of the Navy I'm guessing? If it was the Army then that would make you Lieutenant Colonel wouldn't it?"

"Good guess, I am in the Navy. I'm guessing you must have some knowledge about the military to be able to know the difference between the two ranks?" He said, the undercurrent of surprise to his voice making her smile.

"Something like that" She replied with a shrug, reaching up and tucking a blonde wave behind her ear, noticing an aborted movement from him beside her as though he went to reach for her before stopping himself. "So, if you're part of the Navy then I'm guessing you're here on shore leave?"

"I'm here on a stag do, though bar hopping like we've been doing isn't really my style if I'm being honest. Still it's what Freddie wanted and so here I am, the night had been a washout until now." He admitted to her with a grin she felt all the way to her feet.

"I know that feeling" She replied, nodding back towards the booth, rolling her eyes when she realised everyone at the table was watching her giving her thumbs up before she quickly looked away. "I'm on a Hen do myself."

"I thought that might have been a case since you're wearing this" Steve said, reaching out and gripping the bright pink sash she was wearing between his fingertips. "Maid of honour I see. You know I'm Freddie's best man and you know what they say about Best Men and Maid of honours right?" He said, his grin widening becoming more predatory.

"I'm pretty sure that normally only counts if the Best Man and the Maid of Honour are involved in the same wedding which we're not." She said, glancing towards the bar when some of the drinks were placed in front of her before she looked back at him, unsurprised to see that he was still watching her with the same heated look in his eyes as before. "So, what part of the Navy are you actually in?" She asked, trying to bring the conversation back onto neutral ground to stop herself from jumping him.

"Small talk, I can do small talk" He said with a shrug. "I'm part of the SEALs"

Danni blinked at the response, tilting her head as she looked at him closely. She could see it now from the way he held himself and the glint in his eyes. He looked as though he was a man who was always in control of every situation, he found himself in and it was a control which Danni suddenly found herself wishing she could break it.

She was aware of the SEALs and what it took to become of one due to her own twin brother and her adopted brother being in the Rangers which was the Army version of it. Only the best the Navy had to offer was accepted into the SEAL program and even if they were accepted it didn't mean that they would survive the training program.

Clearly the man in front of her had not only survived it but flourished in it if his rank was any indication for her to go by, especially as he didn't appear to be much older than she was.

Of course, there was always the slight chance that he was lying to her to impress it but she doubted it somehow. It would be a risky strategy considering that not every woman in the world was a fan of a man in uniform though she happened to be one of the women who was. On top of that there was also something honest about his face which made her believe that he wasn't the kind to lie unless he had to.

"A SEAL, well the only easy day was yesterday." She said quietly, watching his eyes widen in surprise as though he was surprised that she knew what their motto was. "To be a SEAL means that you might be quite the Warrior Commander, I know that the training isn't exactly what most people would consider easy to survive."

"It wasn't but it was worth every moment of it." He told her seriously, his eyes meeting hers and holding her gaze. "And as for being a Warrior, I find that anyone can claim that title if they have something, they are willing to fight for or something which they want enough to put the work in to get."

Danni lightly bit on her lower lip, aware of Steve's eyes dropping to her mouth.

"And do you often get what you want?" She asked him curiously as his eyes came back up, moving over her face as though he was scanning it to memory.

"So far I have been but we'll see how tonight goes." He replied, the comment causing her cheeks to redden as he took a step towards her so he was further in her personal space, leaning against the bar beside her in a fluid motion which for some reason took her breathe away. "So, I've told you what my name is, its normally customary when someone does that you give your name in return." He pointed out.

"Well that is a matter of opinion" She answered him, maintained the eye contact with him with difficulty. His eyes were so intense and focused that it was almost intimidating though more than that it was hot as hell and destroying her sanity.

"Oh? And what do you mean by that?" He said leaning towards her, he smelt fresh like a forest after a storm and it made her want to bridge the small gap between them and bury her face against his chest. Startled by the desire, she forced herself to gather her thoughts together and speak.

"I mean that just because you have given me your name it doesn't necessarily mean that I have to give you my name straight away. We could always have a little fun first, if of course if you're up for it." She suggested, feeling surprisingly reckless, something which she was blaming on him.

"A little fun first" He repeated, a flare of intrigue and interest coming to his eyes as he leaned in further.

"That's what I said, perhaps earning some of my name will cost you a drink, perhaps another part will cost you a dance with me. Maybe, just maybe it will cost you a kiss. Everything depends on what you're willing to give up for it, you might not be willing to give up anything for it. Perhaps all this is, is a lonely bored sailor who is looking for a good time and nothing else when I'm normally a girl who looks for more than that. Everything has a cost which people are willing to pay." She said, turning to the bar man as he placed the last drink in front of her.

"That is fifty dollars please" He told her, his dark eyes flickering over Danni's face with a look of blatant interest. She reached towards her bag to pull out her purse when a large, warm hand covered her hand, stopping her. She glanced to the side in time to see Steve hand over the money to the barman, waving away the change before he focused back on Danni.

"You didn't have to pay for all of that, only the Blue Hawaiian belonged to me." She informed him, tilting her head thoughtfully when he smiled almost sadly at the name of her drink before the look disappeared.

"You said it yourself that there is a price that people are willing to pay to get what they want and as far as I'm concerned spending fifty dollars on a round of drink for you and your friends to get a portion of your name is more than worth it." He told her with a simply shrug.

"That's true" Danni said after a moment of hesitation before she continued to speak. "My first name begins with a D"

"A D" Steve said thoughtfully. "That does narrow it down, what could it be, I think you mentioned that another cost of gaining your name would be a dance, well there's music playing here and a dance floor so shall we D?" He asked her, extending his hands towards her, the palm facing upward, clearly waiting for her to take it, his eyes never leaving her face.

Danni stared down at his hand, noting that it was large and slim, the kind of hand which looked like it was just as capable of a gentle touch as a violent one. For a second, she allowed herself to wonder how his hand would fill on her body before she pushed the thought away,

"I would love to have a dance with you but I need to get these drinks over to my friends before they start rioting, the last thing anyone wants is for things to turn ugly because their next drink isn't waiting for them. It's happened once before and it wasn't pretty. Besides you should probably get back to your stag do. I don't want them to think I've kidnapped the Best Man from them."

"Oh, they don't want me back anytime soon, apparently they were sick of me staring at you across the room like a lovesick kid. If I go back there without at least your name then I'll never hear the end of it." He said on a sigh. "You don't want that to happen right."

"Ah I see how it is now" She said with a laugh. "Well I suppose it would be cruel of me to send you back without something but the drinks have to come first. The last thing I can afford is to pay bail for the girls, especially after the last time."

"You make a night out with the lot of you sound interesting." He remarked, turning his eyes to the barman who had served her and spoke to him. "You, could you take all of these drinks over to the hen party in the booth, also add two bottles of champagne to our tab as a congratulations to the bride. Who should I tell them the drinks are from?" Steve asked curiously, turning to Danni with a raised eyebrow and a look of innocence which made her laugh again.

She had to hand it to him, he was certainly persistent in a non-threatening manner.

"That was a nice try" She told him "But considering you were the one who is adding the champagne and you were the one who actually brought the round, you should probably give your own name to them. I mean I could give you my name but handing someone your name is like handing them the key to unlock you. A name is the first thing we are given in this life and it's the thing which lives off after we are gone. Its an important thing." She said, tilting her head back and meeting his eyes. "What does your name say about you Steve McGarrett."

"I think I might leave that to you to discover for yourself" He replied, bringing his hand up and his fingertips brushing softly across her cheek for a moment before he dropped it and looked back at the barman. "Just bring them over and say that they are from the Stag do" He instructed, waiting until the man nodded before he turned back to Danni. "I want that dance with you now D"

She searched his eyes again before her eyes dropped back to his hand which he was now offering to her and slowly nodded.

"One dance won't hurt." She agreed, finally placing her hand in his, his hand dwarfed hers, the skin warm while the touch was gentle but firm. Danni's eyes widened, surprised at the spark of longing which went through her at the simple touch. She couldn't help the shiver that went through her when his thumb tenderly brushed across her knuckles. A reaction which she knew he had felt if the sudden darkness to his eyes was anything to go by.

He turned and led Danni towards the crowded dance floor, ignoring his friends who cheered him as they passed him and brought her to the corner where it was least crowded and pulled her into his arms, making her briefly glad that she had decided on wearing her high heels. There was no space between them she noticed and that she was pressed up against a warm hardness which made her flush as his hands moved solely down her back to the swell of her ass where they stopped.

Danni was aware that they were moving in time to the music and that the music had turned slow but she could pay little attention to anything other than him. She felt his hand move up to her hair, burying itself into her golden waves before he lowered his head and nuzzled his nose into the strands, clearly smelling it.

"God your hair, it's like you're an Angel." He murmured into her ear, the combination of his voice and the way his body hardened against her causing her to shudder again. He moved back; his face close enough to hers that she could almost count every individual long lash which he possessed.

She wanted to say something, anything to break the spell weaving around them but the words refused to come to her aid, instead she stood there, wrapped in his arms with her eyes fixed on his mouth, gripped by a sudden desperate desire to know what it would be like to kiss him.

He moved closed, his mouth brushing hers, barely a touch but still enough that Danni reached out, her hands gripping his arms in an attempt to steady herself. She felt as though she was on fire as he leaned back and spoke, close enough that she could feel his breathe against her lips.

"Tell me what your name is, I need to know" He demanded.

"Danni" She told him breathlessly, her hands tightening on his arms.

"Danni what?" He pressed his hand moving to the back of her neck, gripping it lightly.

"Williams, Danni Williams."

"You look like a Danni" He told her with a soft smile. "That's what I thought you were before you told me." He told her, kissing the side of her mouth. "And tell me Danni Williams do you have a man waiting for you back at home?"

Danni shook her head at him.

"I'm single" She replied with a shake of her head. "There's no man waiting for me at home."

A smile came to his face at her comment.

"Well that works out well for me because tonight, you're all mine." He told her roughly

Danni didn't have time to react before his mouth was back on hers, the gentleness replaced by a fierce passion that she found herself matching. It didn't matter to her that they were on the dance floor surrounded by people, all that mattered was the hot demanding mouth on here.

She wasn't the least bit surprised when they had left the bar quickly after that, waiting only for Danni to grab her bag, down her drink and to let the girls know where she was going.

She wasn't surprised that they had ended up back into the hotel room or by what had happened in that hotel room between them.

She wasn't even surprised that when she had woken the morning afterwards that he was gone with only a red rose and a note leaving her his number and thanking her for the best night of his life left behind.

The only thing that had surprised her out of the whole encounter between the two of them, was the gift which he had left behind for her.

That had been the last thing which she had expected.

Author Note

Thanks for taking the time to read. An especially big thank you if you have left me a review, favourite the story or decided to follow it.

I really appreciate it