Warning - There will be smut by the end :) I will put up a warning before it starts

As I sat in Ellen's bar, nursing my whiskey, the now half empty bottle to my side. Feet up on the table leaning back in my chair as I watch the pair at the bar, I've never felt anger like this towards my friend.

*I actually want to rip her hair out!* I sigh, tearing my eyes from the scene before me.

I turn to see Sam tapping away on his laptop completely oblivious to the world around him. Ellen cleaning a few tables throwing Jo as many dirty looks as I was.

I'd known Jo since we were kids, I've always considered the girl as my sister. She knew my deepest secrets, including my feelings for the hunter sat in front of her with whom she was flirting.

I throw back another shot before refilling my glass.

I can feel Jo's eyes on me, glaring at her I stand from my table, snatching the glass and bottle I move to the pool table. After slamming both glass items on the rim of the table, I begin to rack the balls.

After smashing several balls into the pockets, I see a figure approach me. My eyes do not leave the table, I add a little more force than needed as I sink another ball.

"Mind if I have a game?" She asks quietly

I throw the cue down onto the table, the noise causing all heads to turn towards us both. I look down at her, eyes blank and hollow.

"Knock yourself out" I reply grabbing my drink and bottle.

"Y/n..." She calls after me, her footsteps following me. She touches my arm as I reach my table again, sliding the bottle on it.

"What?" I snarl quietly spinning to face her, glass still in hand.

"You know I'm just playing right?" She asks eyes full of worry

I chuckle angrily, "does he know that?" I snap quietly "You're playing a dangerous game Joanna-Beth!"

"We weren't doing anything Gwen, we were talking about..."

"Hey Jo, why do you come pour me another drink?" I hear Dean shout from behind us. My eyes snap shut momentarily before the open once more now filled with venom

"The bottles right there Dean" she calls back her eyes pleading with me.

"Yeah but I like it better when you do it" he said in that drunk sexy voice he used whilst flirting. As soon as the words left his mouth I felt my whole world fall apart. He wanted Jo...every muscle in my body tensed.

I gripped my hands into fists forgetting I was still holding my drink, causing the thin glass tumbler to shatter in my hand, glass shards piercing my skin.

I felt the blood trickle down my fingers to the floor.