A/N: Here it is, the last chapter. I can't believe I've finished my first story. Thank you for the follows, favs, and reviews. They are all very much appreciated. A massive thank you goes to my beta. Phoebe, I couldn't have done this without you.

I am currently writing a sequel to this story. Not sure how long it's going to take me to finish it, but I'll try not to keep you waiting too long.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or any of the characters.

Chapter Eleven

Danny lay motionless, staring blankly up at the ceiling of his hospital room once again. Steve sat in the hospital chair at his bedside, watching the door Chin had just pushed their suspect through. Neither of them felt the need to talk, so they settled into an easy silence, lost in their own thoughts.

Danny squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to halt the flood of tears that threatened to full. Feeling the adrenaline leave his body, he found it hard to control his emotions.

"I wanted to stop him...I just couldn't get up off that damn floor...I should have tried..." His voice cracked with pent-up emotion. "She tried hard to fight him...I could see the fear in her eyes..."

"Danny stop. Don't you dare blame yourself. You were injured. If there had been even the slightest chance to save her, you would have found it." Steve got up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"When I close my eyes, I'm lying on the floor again. Her vacant eyes staring back at mine...it's like they were asking me why I didn't..."

Steve pulled Danny into a hug. He could feel the tremors running through his partner's body.

"This is not on you babe, none of it is. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Come on, cut yourself some slack. You've been through hell this past week." Steve pushed Danny back against the pillows. "Get some rest."

Steve patted Danny on the arm, before getting up and sitting back down in the chair.

Danny wiped his tear-streaked face with the back of his hand. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me, Danno. Just glad you're okay."

"About what happened in the garage..." Danny voice trailed off.

"You don't have to tell me now. It can wait until you're out of here." He waited, only continuing after he received an almost imperceptible nod of agreement from Danny. "Aidan Cleary is on the mend. There's no permanent damage, but he'll be here for a few more weeks, and then I'm sure the FBI will take care of him."

"That's good to hear. He may have bashed me over the head, but ultimately it was him that saved my life."

Steve studied his friend's face. Danny gave him a half smile, but then sorrow crossed his features again. It was more than he could take. He had to change the subject.

"Seriously? A Camaro?" Steve tried to lighten the mood. He couldn't stop the smile crossing his face.

"Shut up, Steven. It was a nice car."

"He didn't let you drive it." Steve barely got the words out before he starting laughing. Danny just gawked at him open mouthed. "The great Danny Williams lost for words. Sorry buddy, I couldn't resist that one."

"Four attempts on my life in one week, Steven. Four. And you think it's okay to make jokes?"

"Wow! Four attempts, and you call me a trouble magnet?"

Danny pulled one of the pillows out from behind him, threatening to throw it at Steve. "Go get some coffee or something. Let me rest, so I can get out of here, and then we can all go home. I miss my baby girl."

"Sounds good to me buddy." Steve headed for the door. "Oh...that reminds me. Grace sent you her iPod. It was in the duffel bag Lou brought back. I'll bring it with me later. She said there's a song on it you liked. Apparently, you kept singing it. Florence and the Machine, Ship to Wreck?"

The words "Get out," were followed by a pillow, which hit Steve full in the face. He stole the pillow and ran from the room. He could here Danny shouting after him. "Give me my pillow back. Neanderthal animal."

H50 H50 H50 H50 H50

Five weeks later. Danny Williams' Home.

It was the Sunday before Danny's return to work. He had been cleared to return, but would only be on desk duty for the first two weeks. He had recovered well from his injuries, receiving a great deal of support from his ohana. He spent the first few weeks at Steve's place, which he was immensely grateful for. Everyone had pulled together to make sure Danny got to his hospital appointments and PT sessions. His time with Grace hadn't been affected. There was always someone on hand to chauffeur her around. In return for this, Danny and Grace decided to throw a party.

"Danno. Have you seen my iPod?" Grace shouted from her bedroom.

Danny ran his hand through his hair and sighed. He was surprised it had taken her this long to discover her precious iPod was missing. "I might have left it at Uncle Steve's."

It was indeed at Steve's. Hidden in the dresser in the spare room.

"Can you call him? Ask him to look? We need music, and he could bring it with him." Grace stood in front of him, hands on hips, looking at him expectantly.

"I'll ask him tomorrow, because you know what, we're going to do this the old fashioned way." He grabbed a handful of CD's and passed them to Grace. "We can use the stereo. You choose."

Grace studied the CD's. "Not Bon Jovi?"

Saved by a knock at the door, Danny scooted around his daughter, trying not to laugh at the look on her face.

Kamekona stood at the door carrying two large coolers. "Howzit brudda? Where's my favorite little taste tester?"

Before he could answer Grace shrieked "I'm here." She quickly put the CDs down and raced after Kamekona, as he headed for the kitchen. Flipper following along behind him carrying another two coolers.

"Hey little sister. I've brought along some new recipes for you to try."

"Leave some for me, Grace." Danny called out to her.

"There's enough to feed the whole island Danno." Grace shouted back.

Before Danny could close the door Steve pulled up in his truck. "You can leave the door open, the others aren't far behind me." He climbed out and pulled a crate of Longboards off the back seat.

"I'll have one of those." Danny pointed to the beers.

Steve shook his head as he passed him in the doorway. "You're still on meds, Danno."

"Don't Danno me. This is my party."

"Doc said no alcohol, Danno."

"One of you ladies care to tell us where you want this lot?" Lou and Renee walked in carrying various food containers.

Chin, Kono, and Adam followed behind them. Samantha and her boyfriend bringing up the rear.

"Are those two bickering again?" Chin asked.

Steve and Danny stopped talking and just stood there, trying their best to look innocent. Kono pushed past everyone and handed a large cake box to Danny.

"Take no notice brah. I've brought you plenty of desserts." Kono hooked her arm through Danny's arm and pulled him towards the kitchen.

"Sorry Adam she's all mine now." Danny laughed.

"Does that mean I get to eat this here Haupia. Homemade by Kono's aunt." Adam held up a box.

"On second thoughts you can keep her."

Kono punched Danny in the arm. "Not funny brah."

The friendly banter continued between the group and eventually the party was in full swing.

Several hours later Danny sat happily watching his family and friends. Kono and Adam were getting cozy on the couch. Grace played cards with Chin, Kamekona, Flippa, and Max. Danny smiled proudly at his daughter. She had once again successfully won another hand. Duke and his wife sat chatting to Lou and Renee. Samantha had brought her boyfriend along, and Danny couldn't help but notice the surreptitious looks Lou kept giving the young couple. "Sorry Grace. No boyfriends before you're thirty." He thought to himself. Steve was in the kitchen getting everyone another round of drinks.

Danny felt his eyelids grow heavy. The long hectic day finally catching up with him.

Grace was the first to spot that her dad had fallen asleep. "Shush. Danno's nodded off."

"I believe it is time for us to leave." Max said as he stood up from the table. "We must schedule a rematch."

"You're on bruddah. Gracie's wiped me out." Kamekona said.

Grace held her finger to her lips. "Quiet you'll wake him." She said as she gathered together a bunch of Kamekona's fake shrimp truck notes.

Everyone started to head home. Leaving quietly so as not to wake Danny. Eventually only Steve, Chin, Kono and Adam were left.

"Hey, sleepy head. Wake up." Steve gingerly shook Danny's shoulder, doing his best not to startle his friend.

Danny looked up bleary eyed. "How long have I been asleep?"

"About two hours. Come on you should go lay down, and get some rest. You over did it today, bud."

Grace came and sat on her dad's lap. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she snuggled up to him. "Uncle Chin offered to run me back to Mum's. Please rest like Uncle Steve said. It's your first day back tomorrow, and you don't want to start out dead on your feet."

Danny looked at his friends and then at his daughter. "Seriously. Come on, Monkey, give it up. Who told you to say that?"

Grace gave Steve a sheepish grin. "Uncle Steve." She whispered in Danny's ear.

Danny tried his best to look annoyed, but couldn't help smiling at his best friend.

"Ah...Gracie you gave me up too easily." Steve did his best kicked puppy look.

"Sorry Uncle Steve."

After giving Danny a hug, Grace climbed off her dad's lap and helped pull him to his feet. Danny stretched, yawning loudly.

"Love you Danno."

"Love you more Monkey."

Kono and Adam headed for the door. "Thanks for a great time Danny." Adam said.

"See you in the office tomorrow. I'll bring the coffees and malasadas." Kono added.

"Thanks guys. Chin thanks for offering to run Grace home." Danny patted Chin on the back.

"My pleasure brah. Let's go keiki?"

Danny leaned up against the hood of his Camaro, arms folded across his chest, watching them all leave. Steve was the last one to go, heading down the drive towards his truck.

"Steve. Don't leave just yet, I wanted to talk." Danny shouted after him.

Steve frowned, concern etched on his face. "You alright Danno?"

"Yeah I'm good. I just wanted to explain to you why I never offered to help work on your dad's car."

"Ah...Danny I know I promised you that conversation, but that was before you nearly died. It's not important."

"It's important to me. Please listen, I want to explain. I never offered, because it always seemed way too personal. It's your dad's car...and I figured if you wanted help you'd have asked. I know I always give you a hard time about it and call it a heap of junk, but know you me, I never really mean it."

Steve stood in front of Danny, hands on hips. "I guess you're right. I enjoy my private time working on it, but now I know you can fix cars, I wouldn't say no to some help."

"I'll make you a deal. I'll work on your car if you work on mine."

Steve peered over Danny's shoulder at the Camaro. "Danno, the garage takes care of your car."

"Not this car, you goof." Danny proceeded to walk over to his garage and pressed the remote to open the door. In the center of the garage was the bright red Pro Mod Camaro, still sporting it's crumpled front-end.

"I don't know what to say. How did you get your hands on this?" Steve was dumbfounded.

"The FBI no longer needed it for the investigation. It was due to go up for auction in a couple of months. I made some inquiries, and after the Cleary debacle, let's just say, things swayed in my favor. My dad helped me out with the money. What do you think?"

"It looks complicated." Steve scrubbed his hand across his face.

"I've still got my contacts back in New Jersey. I can get the body work fixed, and there are guys out there who will help with engine parts."

"You're not planning on racing this. Are you?"

"Yes, Steven, we are. How would you like to be my Crew Chief?" Danny slapped Steve on the back. "It'll be fun, babe."

"You're going to drive this thing? You're joking, right?" Steve could only gaze wide-eyed in amazement at Danny.

"Yes, I am. You are now looking at Five-0 Racing. Driver, Danny Williams. Crew Chief, Steve McGarrett. The rest of the team can make up the remaining crew." Danny rubbed his hands together. "And do you know the best bit, Steven?"

"No, Danno. Enlighten me."

"The Crew Chief, never ever, under any circumstances, drives the race car."

~ the end ~