Chapter 14: Changes

"Hey Larry!" Beth called from the back of the plane, sandwiched between two of the Huns.

"Yeah?" the man called from the front, where he sat with Amelia.

"Remember when I said I wasn't fond of flying when I wasn't in control?" she reminded him, gripping the edge of her seat tightly. Larry just laughed, and Beth's stomach flipped as Amelia nudged the plane down to land on the road in front of the museum. It bounced, and Beth closed her eyes. Atilla patted her shoulder sympathetically, speaking calming words in Hun as the plane slowed to a stop. "Oh thank god," Beth was first out as Amelia opened the door, and practically fell out of the plane.

"Easy there," Larry laughed as he caught her.

"I'm never flying again," Beth declared, hugging the Tablet close to her.

"Oh you don't mean that," Amelia smiled, putting an arm on her shoulder as everyone else clambered from the plane.

"Alright, come on guys, remember, stay with your buddy, alright?" Larry called, directing everyone back into the museum.

"Thanks for everything Amelia," Beth smiled to her, holding the Tablet under one arm as she hugged the pilot.

"No Miss Agriosa, thank you," Amelia hugged her back tightly. "For inviting me on your amazing adventure," she laughed lightly, and when she released her, she frowned. "Your eyes...they were silver before," she commented curiously.

"Yeah..." Beth nodded with a laugh. "They go silver when I control wind, amber with fire, green with earth, and blue with water," she explained. Amelia's frown increased.

"But...they're brown now," she pointed out. Beth frowned, and looked down at the Tablet.

"That must be connected to what I did earlier...weird," she commented quietly, before shaking her head. "Thanks again Amelia, now I best get this back in before its owner starts to worry," Beth looked up and smiled at her again, before turning and jogging up the stairs as Larry turned to Amelia.

"Excuse me!" Beth jumped as she walked back into the museum and a voice seemed to call from nowhere. "Can you please remove me from your pocket? It's disgusting in here!" she looked down at Claudia, who was struggling to escape from Beth's jacket pocket.

"I shouldn't have even let you come with me," Beth rolled her eyes as she helped Claudia out of her pocket and lifted her up so she was face to face with the tiny Roman. "Octavius vouched for you, but if you're going to complain, then I'll send you back to the Smithsonian," she warned her.

"It's fine now, I'm out of that filth now," Claudia rolled her eyes dismissively. "You can put me down now," she decided.

"Why did I even bother?" Beth sighed, setting her down on the ground. "Jed and Octavius will be here in a minute, they'll show you where to go," she told her.

"Perhaps to the 'Hall of Miniatures'?" Claudia asked with a raised eyebrow. She pointed to the sign, and Beth's eyes narrowed.

"Octavius is going to suffer for this," she muttered, walking away and leaving Claudia to wait for the other two miniatures. She walked up the stairs and as she turned the corner, she was almost barrelled over by someone. She stumbled backwards, hitting the ground, and the Tablet slid along the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I did not mean-Bet?" Ahkmenrah frowned as he got to his feet. "Why do you have my Tablet?" he asked her curiously, offering her a hand. She laughed as he pulled her to her feet, and bent down to lift the Tablet. She looked up with a grin as she held it out to him. As he took it from her, the young Pharaoh's eyes widened. "Your eyes-"

"Oh Ahk, I have a lot to tell you about what you missed," she chuckled.

"I really don't know how this is going to work," Beth commented as she sat on the desk in the foyer, watching Larry pacing.

"It'll be fine," he told her.

"Then maybe stop looking like you're going to puke," Beth suggested with a laugh.

"My boy, Miss. Agriosa is right!" they looked around as Teddy approached on Texas with an excited smile. "This is a great idea, and a fantastic opportunity for us all!" he pointed out grandly. Both Beth and Larry smiled.

"I agree," Sacagawea spoke up as she approached. "And it keeps us out of Federal Archives," she smiled, making Beth laugh. It had been almost two months since their adventures in the Smithsonian, and the museum was finally reopening.

"Anything's better than there. I don't think I could ever visit the Smithsonian properly now," she sighed.

"Just as long as you don't bring my Tablet along if you do," Ahkmenrah told her, standing beside the desk.

"But that's the only reason I would go back! Man...that artwork was so cool," Beth groaned wistfully.

"Don't start that again," Larry warned her, stopping his pacing. He frowned at her, and Beth blushed, knowing exactly where he was going with it. "That's exactly why you kept getting lost," he reminded her. Beth's blush intensified.

"Yeah yeah," she grumbled, making him grin again.

"I better go make sure the miniatures are ready," Larry decided, turning and hurrying off.

"Larry, you've checked on them four times in the last half hour!" Beth shouted after him. "But if you're going, make sure Claudia hasn't killed Jed and Octavius!" she added as an afterthought.

"She is quite fierce for someone so small," Sacagawea commented. Beth snorted. That was an understatement. She then wandered off to check on Lewis and Clark with Teddy, and Beth lit up a flame in her hand before extinguishing it by closing her hand into a fist. She repeated the action several times, seeming to be deep in thought.

"You're doing it again," she looked up at Ahkmenrah as he smiled in amusement at her.

"I am?" Beth blinked, before looking down at her hand, seeing the small flame sitting there. "Oh, sorry," she extinguished it and grinned. "I'm just not used to having control over all four elements at once, you know?" she shrugged.

"I do wonder how it happened," Ahkmenrah reached out and took her hand.

"Me too," Beth sighed, linking her fingers with his. The two had discussed it for nights on end, and had come to the conclusion that it was to do with his Tablet. Why, was beyond them both. All they knew was that Beth's eyes were now brown when she wasn't actively using her powers, and she could control any of the four elements at any time.

"I'm sorry you had to face my brother after..." Ahkmenrah trailed off, and Beth smiled, her grip on his hand tightening.

"You need to stop apologising Ahk, it wasn't your fault," she told him. "He wasn't that scary. We kicked his sorry butt," she grinned confidently. Guilt lingered in the Pharaoh's eyes, and Beth shook her head, pulling him closer. "Stop," she said firmly.

"Are you telling me what to do?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Duh," Beth rolled her eyes, kissing him. Eventually, she pulled away, and slipped down from the desk. "Right, I'm going to check on the Vikings. They looked like they were up to something," Beth decided. She smiled when he took his hand in hers, and with a laugh, she pulled him along through the museum.

Dexter chittered with excitement from Beth's shoulder as children giggled, pointing at him in delight.

"Just please, don't pee on any of them," Beth whispered to the monkey, who nuzzled his head under her chin. "Like butter wouldn't melt, but I saw you and Able beating up that mobster," she chuckled. Dexter just gave her a wide smile.

"I didn't think you much of a monkey person," Beth jumped as a voice spoke from behind her.

"Marie, hey," Beth smiled as she turned and saw her best friend. "This is Dexter," she introduced the Capuchin, who chittered at her. "He says hi," she translated.

"He is so cute," Marie smiled in delight at the monkey. Dexter smiled back at her.

"Careful, you'll give him an ego," Beth warned, making Marie laugh. She then glanced to the monkey on her shoulder. "Okay buddy, go over to Ahk, and be careful with the tablet," she told him. Dexter chirped again, and leapt down, running off into the crowd.

"How'd you get him to listen to you?" Marie asked curiously. Beth just gave a lazy smile.

"How are you enjoying the late night hours?" she asked instead.

"It's amazing!" Marie gushed excitedly. "I can't believe the difference," she looked around at the exhibits, who were acting like interactive robots. Even Rexy was acting like a robot. "I'm so glad my dad agreed to do this," she sighed happily.

"You and me both," Beth nodded.

"Some of these guys have got to be actors though, right?" Marie asked her eagerly, looking around. "I mean, he is way too hot to be anything other than an actor," she giggled, and Beth raised an eyebrow. She followed her gaze, and smiled.

"A couple of them are actors, yeah," she said with a small laugh. Ahkmenrah was talking to a group of visitors about Egypt, and caught Beth's gaze, smiling back at her. Marie looked at Beth, and gasped.

"You!" she pointed at Beth, who glanced at her. "You're dating the hot Pharaoh!" she accused, and Beth went blushed furiously..

"What? No!" she lied quickly, but this one didn't flow as easily as the others. Marie bounced on the spot with excitement.

"You so are!" Marie giggled. "I don't blame you, he's-"

"Hey Marie, have you checked out the Hall of Miniatures yet?" Beth's voice was going very high as she realised Ahkmenrah was still watching, a confused look on his face as the strange redhead talking to Beth bounced about, occasionally pointing to him.

"Don't change the subject, I want all the juicy details!" Marie ordered.

"They're really cool. A little rude, but awesome," Beth grabbed her wrist and dragged her towards the Hall of Miniatures, where children were growing very excited watching the tiny figures. In the Roman exhibit, Octavius was directing his troops as Claudia watched with her arms folded, and in the Western Exhibit, Jed was racing around on a tiny horse while the other men worked under his watchful gaze.

"Okay, I'll drop it for now. Because this," Marie said, her eyes wide in childish glee. "Is awesome!" she exclaimed.

"Hey Gigantorita! Come to see how the work is going on the new tunnel?" Jed called, spotting her standing nearby.

"I'm here to make sure you're behaving yourself Jed," everyone looked at Beth as she laughed.

"Always!" Jed shot her a cheeky smile.

"Dude, they even recognise you? I need this job," Marie groaned.

"You've got a job remember?" Beth grinned to her as she waved to the workers who had looked up from the railroad to see her. "Your dad won't approve of you moving down to work as a lowly night guard," she told Marie, who pouted.

"Oh I don't know about that, it's quite the impressive job," they looked around at Seth, Beth's father, who had been admiring the Mayan exhibit.

"Dad! I didn't expect to see you here!" Beth smiled, hugging her father.

"I know, but it turns out that we were all free, and decided to see if the hype for the late opening hours was all it was cracked up to be," Seth explained, and Beth jumped as a hand clapped on her shoulder.

"It is," Horus nodded, and received a punch to the shoulder for scaring Beth.

"Where's mum?" Beth asked as Horus rubbed his shoulder. She looked around, but didn't see her anywhere.

"Oh," Horus smirked. "She's back in the foyer, talking with the dude dressed as King Ahkmenrah," he chuckled. Marie put her hands over her mouth as she giggled, and Beth's eyes widened. She immediately ran off as Horus began to laugh as well.

"What's so funny?" Seth asked curiously, not understanding their laughter. Beth rushed out of the Hall, and almost ran straight into Larry.

"Sorry Larry!" she called as she weaved around him before double-taking as she saw the woman beside him. Pretty with long red hair, she was the spitting image of Amelia. Shaking her head, Beth began to run again.

"Be careful Beth!" Larry shouted after her, before apologising to the woman beside him and continuing to lead her into the Hall of Miniatures. Beth hurried through the museum, before stopping abruptly as she reached the main hall and spotted Layla talking with Ahkmenrah. She spotted her daughter and smiled, waving to him as Beth sighed. Judging from the amused smirk on Ahkmenrah's face, she had already been talking a lot.

"Oh...great," she grumbled. With another sigh, Beth walked over to join them, a small, embarrassed smile on her face. Her life just got crazier by the minute.

So I've finally finished this fic! It took far longer than it should, so my bad.

I hope you've enjoyed it, and I'll work on getting the next story started as soon as I can!

Let me know what you think!

Please review!