Charlie groaned as her alarm went off, kicking off the covers with a huff she rolled out of the bed and walked towards her bathroom. "You know," came a voice starling her "you always were like that in the mornings."

Whirling around quickly she banged on the light to find no one there, looking around again she sighed. Running her fingers through her hair she shook her head "it's not real Charlie, it's not real," she said out loud and walked on to the bathroom.

Turning on the shower she stuck her hand in and went off into a daze, this was the third time this week she'd heard his voice, third time she'd jumped out of her skin, third time she'd called her brother in a panic. "Oww!" she hissed and pulled her arm out of the water. Looking down at the red mark she sighed and banged her hand against the glass door "get it together Charlie," she muttered "he can't hurt you, he's in jail!" she hissed and adjusted the shower.

Stepping into the shower she looked down at her arm and shook her head, she'd burned herself-again. Two days ago she'd went off into another daze while pouring herself some coffee, shaking it off she quickly washed herself and jumped out.

Twenty minutes later she came down to the kitchen to find Ruby at the table eating her breakfast "morning," she said and ruffled her hair.

"Morning," she replied and stood up "I gotta get to work early," she said placing her bowl in the sink "don't forget the barbeque at Case's later," she added.

Charlie groaned she'd forgotten about that "do I really have to?" she asked.

Ruby sighed "we've had this conversation already mum, I want you to meet his family and they want to meet ours."

"I know that, his brother is a moron…can't I just meet his mum for coffee?" she asked.

"You agreed mum, one night," Ruby said and grabbed her bag "you're doing if for me! and his brother is just being a moron because he fancies you!" she called.

"I know he does," she sighed and drained her cup, walking to the sink she stilled her movements as she heard a noise. Listening for a minute she placed the cup down and reached for her gun clip. Unclipping it she held her hand on it and walked to the door "hello?" she called and stuck her head out. Seeing no one she walked out and jumped back pulling her gun "Jesus Brax!" she yelled.

"Well hello to you too," he chuckled.

"What the hell are you doing sneaking around my house at seven am?" she yelled.

"Ruby said you were on early, I just wanted to make sure you were still coming over later," he replied.

Charlie rolled her eyes and grabbed her keys "I'll be there," she said and walked out "you didn't need to come and ask you would have found out later."

"Alright," he nodded "later!" he called as he walked back to his car.

Charlie watched him go and shook her head what was his obsession with her?


A while later she looked up from her desk as her brothers walked in "morning," she yawned and leaned over to get a file. She looked up as someone grabbed her arm "what?" she asked as Peter pulled her closer to examine it.

"What happened? Is that a burn?" he asked looking at her.

Charlie pulled her arm away "went into a daze while I was waiting for the water to heat up…it's fine," she added and went back to her file.

"Like you did the other day?" Jack asked nodding to her hand that was still a little marked.

"So?" she shrugged and stood up "I got a lot on my mind," she said and walked towards the door.

"Oh no you don't," Peter said pulling her back and closing the door.

"Pete I'm busy," she huffed.

"I'll make it quick then…you've been doing this for the last two weeks, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Charlie replied "paperwork is getting on top of me that's all."

Jack sat across from her "so those calls at two and three in the morning were nothing?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Charlie sighed heavily reaching into her pocket she pulled out a letter, looking down on it she stared at it for a few seconds before holding it out "I got this two weeks ago."

Peter took it and glanced at Jack "what is it?" he asked.

Charlie stood up "open it," she said and walked to the window.

Peter glanced at her as he opened it, unfolding the letter he began to read then froze "what is it?" Jack asked not liking the look on his face.

Peter sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "why are we only finding out about this now?"

"what is it?" Jack asked again and took it from him, reading it quickly he choked on air "Charlie?" he asked wide eyed.

Charlie sighed and turned back to them "that right there-the look on your faces is why I never told you…and I hoped it would go away," she muttered.

"You're being called as a witness in a murder trial this isn't going away Charlz," Peter said.

Charlie looked over at him "they told me he'd never know I was the eye witness."

Jack sighed "can we get her out of it Pete?"

Peter took the letter back and looked over it again "I don't think so, some new detective has taken over this case," he said and grabbed his keys " but we can try…I'll be back later!" he called as he hurried out of the station with the letter.

Charlie and Jack watched him go "you think he'll get me outta this?" she asked.

Jack chuckled and wrapped his arm around her "it's Pete, of course he will…I better go do some work," he chuckled and walked to the door. "Don't worry Charlz, we'll get you out of this one way or another," he added before he closed the door.

Later that day Charlie had finished work, she had no idea how she'd made it through the day. She groaned as Brax dropped down beside her "I've had a really bad day, I am so not in the mood for you."

Brax chuckled and stood up "alright Serge seeing as I'm a nice guy and all I'll le this one slide, I'll see ya later," he said and walked off.

"Moron," she muttered and stood up, taking a sip of her coffee she turned around and jumped, looking again to see no one there she stamped her foot "not today, not any day," she said and walked off to her car.

Pulling up at her house she frown at the porch light on, she never used her front door and neither did anyone else so they never needed the light. Climbing out she shook it off "I'm going crazy," she muttered and walked around to her back door.

Letting herself in she picked up her mail and walked into the living room, turning off the porch light she pressed play on her machine and dropped onto the sofa "Hi Charlie," came a female voice "this is Lauren from Mr Goodman's office, your brother was in touch about a letter you received concerning a court appearance. As it concerns yourself and you are the client I'm afraid due to client confidentially we can only deal with you, if you would like to deal with this matter I've made an appointment for you at one pm tomorrow, please contact me if you wish to cancel, goodbye and have a great day."

Charlie looked at the machine "you gotta be kidding me," she said and pulled out her phone "Pete? Did you call the lawyer today?"

"Yeah but the receptionist wouldn't deal with me so I went down there myself."

"And?" she asked and rolled her eyes this was typical Pete.

"He'll see both of us at three tomorrow," he replied.

"Okay," she sighed "I got a call to come down at one tomorrow, I better got cancel that," she said and stood up "I'll see ya at the Braxton's later," she added and hung up.

Just as she took a step her phone beeped, reading the message she frowned at the unknown recipient, she pressed call back and held the phone to her ear "who is this?" she asked as soon as they'd answered.

"Hello to you too Sergeant," Brax chuckled "you got my message then?"

Charlie shook her head in disbelief "how did you get my number?"

"Your daughter, she suggested I offer you a lift so you can drink…so?" he asked

Charlie took the phone away and looked at it, shaking her head she put it back to her ear "do you ever give up?"

"Fine, here I was trying to do something nice for my brothers girlfriend and all I get is grief…make your own way over then," he said and hung up.

Charlie chuckled and threw the phone down he's a tryer, she'd give him that.


Later that evening Charlie pulled up outside the Braxton's to find neither of her brothers here yet, sighing she pulled out her phone she was half an hour later so she was sure they'd be here "Jack?" she asked as soon as he'd answered.

"I know I'm late, I can't leave yet Joyce is on my back for this paperwork," he replied.

Charlie sighed again Joyce was her boss so she couldn't complain "where's Pete?"

"Don't know he called he was going out and I haven't seen him since."

"Alright…hurry up," she said and hung up.

Grabbing the bottle of wine she'd brought she climbed out and walked up the drive, knocking on the door she took a step back and prayed this night would fly in.

She looked up when a woman answered the door "Cheryl?" she asked.

She nodded "that's me, and you must be Charlie," she said holding out her hand "nice to finally meet you."

"You too," Charlie said returning the handshake "my brothers are running a bit late, they should be here soon," she added.

Cheryl waved her off and stepped back "ah don't worry about it I know what way you coppers work, come in, everything is out the back," she said and walked off.

Charlie walked in and placed the wine and her bag on the counter "I just brought wine, I didn't know what else to get."

Cheryl waved her hand again "that's fine thanks, love a good wine me," she said and walked to the cooker.

"Can I help with anything?" Charlie asked-she felt so awkward right now.

"No, no, you're a guest, you go sit down, I'll get one of the boys to get it," she replied.

"Really I don't mind," Charlie said.

"Okay," Cheryl nodded "you can start taking those bowls of stuff out and I'll get Daryl to get you a drink, if he's not too busy!" she yelled towards the bedrooms.

Brax walked out pulling a shirt over his head "mum, I said I was in the shower what is it now?" he asked failing to notice Charlie.

"Get our guest a drink," Cheryl snapped back.

Brax frowned and looked over to see Charlie gathering up stuff "hey," he said walking to her "I'll get that," he offered.

Charlie smiled quickly "I got it, thanks," she said and walked outside.

"Daryl! Drink for the girl!" Cheryl yelled.

Brax walked to the door "what do you want to drink?" he called.

"Something large and double!" she called back.

Brax chuckled and walked back inside, pouring her a vodka he rolled his eyes as his mum whined about something else "what now mum?" he asked.

"Never mind," she hissed and walked out back with trays.

Brax sighed and grabbed Charlie's drink and one for himself sitting down beside her he nodded behind her "whatever you want to mix it with should be on that table."

Charlie stood up and took her drink "thanks," she said and walked to the table.

"Daryl!" Cheryl yelled all over the place "that stupid oven isn't working again!"

Brax groaned and stood up "I've told you before mum it's an electric oven it's not gonna light with a match!" he called in.

Charlie watched him go and shook her head Cheryl sure liked to pick on Brax, looking around for Ruby she went to stand up but stopped when Brax came back "everything okay?" she asked.

Brax nodded "mum's a nut job," he chuckled "you have to tell her things about a million times."

"Daryl!" Cheryl yelled again "it won't come on!"

"Turn the switch on the wall!" he called.

"You're bloody useless!" she yelled out the window "you never do anything right!"

Charlie saw hurt flash across his face before anger replaced it "I'll go," she said and stood up "I need my bag anyway," she added and hurried off, oh how she wanted to punch that woman.

After getting the cooker sorted Charlie grabbed her bag and went back outside to see Brax playing with his bottle, bypassing Ruby and the other boys she walked back to him and sat down "don't think Ruby wants me cramping her style," she chuckled.

Brax looked over and chuckled too "I know I got the same off Casey and Kyle," he groaned when Cheryl called him again and started yelling about forks.

"Leave her," Charlie said as he went to stand up "I saw them on the counter she'll find them…how do you put up with that?" she asked.

Brax shrugged and took a sip of his beer "you get used to her," he said and looked away.

Charlie decided to leave it at that "where's Heath?" she asked "haven't seen him around."

Brax shrugged "haven't seen him for a few days."

"And that's normal?" she asked.

"For Heath, yeah," he nodded "he comes and goes," he added.

Charlie nodded again and finished off her drink "strange," she replied.

"Heath is strange…another?" he asked standing up.

"I better not, I'm driving but thanks," she replied.

"Come on, you look bored outta your mind," he chuckled.

"Well if everyone had have turned up I wouldn't be…where is everyone?" she asked.

Brax chuckled as he filled her glass "all that are missing are Heath and your brothers…no mum or dad joining us?" he asked.

Charlie sucked in a breath at the mention of her parents, it had been a long time since they'd been mentioned "no, they're both dead," she said quickly and took her drink from him.

"Oh…sorry," he said and sat down "I didn't know."

"Don't be it was a long time ago," she replied and gulped her drink.

Brax stood up and watched her closely, something was off here he knew he wasn't getting the full story, but by the look on her face he decided to leave it at that "I'll be back in a sec," he said and walked off inside.


A while later Charlie looked at her watch and sighed, it was after ten and neither of her brothers had arrived. Looking up as Brax sat down she smiled quickly "my brothers mustn't be coming."

Brax chuckled "well guess it's just us then," he said nodding to the empty seats Ruby, Casey and Kyle had occupied.

Charlie looked over and chuckled "guess I'll call it a night then."

Brax placed a half bottle of vodka on the table "when this is gone we'll call it a night-don't worry, I'll make sure you get home okay."

Charlie looked at the bottle then back to him "are you trying to get me drunk?"

Brax chuckled "wouldn't dream of it…kinda like the company," he added and walked off "I'll just grab more glasses!" he called as he walked inside.

Charlie shook her head and looked down at her phone, picking it up and reading the message from her brother saying he wasn't going to make it she huffed. Sighing she dialled his number "Pete?" she said as soon as he'd answered.

"I'm really busy here Charlie," he sighed "I'm not going to make it over."

Charlie frowned he never called her Charlie unless he was mad at her or it was something serious "what's up?" she asked.

Peter was silent for a moment "nothing I can't handle," he finally replied.

Charlie scoffed "we both know that's a lie, so again…what's going on?"

"Look Charlie I've already said I'm busy and it's nothing so go enjoy your night!" he snapped and hung up.

Charlie took the phone away from her ear and looked at it shock, now she knew something was definitely going on. Standing up she walked inside "I have to go," she said and grabbed her bag.

"Hey, thought we had a deal," Brax replied.

"I have to go, something's wrong, Pete was really weird on the phone, I know there's something he's not telling me," Charlie replied.

Brax leaned against the counter "do you tell your brother every case you work on?" he asked.

"Well no," she said slowly.

"Well then," Brax cut in "he's just busy, nothing to worry about."

"He's never snapped at me before, there's defiantly something going on," Charlie replied.

"Stress of the job," Brax chuckled and held out a glass "don't be worrying," he added when she looked at the front door.

Charlie sighed and looked at the door again "okay," she said and put her bag down "maybe I was over reacting," she said and took it from him "where's your mum by the way?"

Brax chuckled and looked at the clock "either bingo or the pub," he said and walked out back.

Charlie looked after him, was he actually serious? "so wait a minute," she said and followed him "your mum organises a barbeque and then goes off?"

"Yeah, that'll be mum," Brax replied and pulled her down into a seat.

Down the station Peter flung down his pen and sat back in his seat, scrubbing his hands over his face he sighed heavily, how the hell had this happened? How had he escaped without anyone noticing? Slamming his hands on the desk he went back to the laptop and watched the footage again for the tenth time.

After watching it again he stilled an image and sat back in his seat, staring at the figure he glanced at Charlie's desk…this was gonna break her.

Jack rapped on the door and stuck his head in "I'm heading off now Pete, finally got that paperwork finished. I'm gonna go show my face at Casey's place, you coming?"

Peter hadn't heard him he was too busy staring at the screen, Jack frowned and stepped into the room "Pete?" he said "hello, earth to Pete?" he chuckled and walked closer. "Pete?" he said again and knocked on the desk.

Peter looked up and sat forward "sorry mate, didn't even hear you come on…something you want?" he asked.

Jack frowned again "I said I was leaving and asked did you want to come to Casey's with me…what's going on?" he asked.

"Nothing…tough case," Peter replied and looked back to the screen "you go ahead, I already told Charlie I wasn't going to make it."

Jack raised an eyebrow "I bet Charlie didn't buy that excuse either," he said and sat on the desk.

"Jack just go to your party, I'm up to my eyes here!" he snapped.

Jack got up and walked to the door closing it he walked back to the desk "what's going on Pete? You're freaking…you know you can trust me," he added when Peter sighed heavily.

"I know I can," Peter replied.

"Then what is it?" Jack asked "if I can help I will."

Peter looked to the laptop looking back to Jack he scrubbed his hands over his face again "alright," he said and stood up "but before I show you this you have to promise me Charlie will never know about this."

Jack nodded "what did you do?"

"I haven't done anything…yet," he replied and gestured for Jack to come around the desk.

Jack walked around and looked at the screen, his face went blank "what's he doing on the screen?" he asked.

Peter played back the footage "he escaped three hours ago and no one noticed, I got a call from the warden to say he's more than likely headed back here."

"For Charlie?" Jack asked.

Peter nodded "that's my guess anyway…who else is here?"

Jack slammed his fist down on the table "I gotta get to Charlie," he said and walked quickly to the door.

"Jack, you cannot tell her!" Peter called after him "I am trying my best to track him down."

Jack looked back at him "you find him Pete coz if I see him anywhere near Charlie I wont give it a second thought before I put a bullet in his head," he said and walked off.

Peter sighed and sat down "me and you both mate," he muttered before turning to the maps on the wall, if he was right he should arrive in Summer bay right around now "where are you dad?" he asked examine all the routes into town.

Over at Brax's Charlie looked up as Jack walked towards her and frowned as a look of relief washed over him upon seeing her "what's up?" she asked when he sat beside her.

"Long day," Jack replied and looked around "where's Ruby?"

"She's inside with Casey and Kyle watching a movie," Charlie replied "so you couldn't get Pete here either?" she asked.

"Nah," Jack replied and shifted "you know him when he thinks he's onto something."

Charlie raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, before she could call him out on lying Brax dropped down beside her and passed out drinks.

"What's so funny?" Jack asked as Brax chuckled.

"Nothing, just Ruby," he replied "they're watching a horror and she's behind the pillows."

"I don't know where she gets it from," Jack said "Charlie used to make us watch all the horrors with her-she wouldn't even blink," he chuckled.

Charlie chuckled and stood up "got to witness it first hand too Jack didn't I?" she asked and walked off.

Jack choked on his drink and watched her go, Brax frowned and looked over at him "what did she mean by that?"

"Un nothing," he said quickly and stood up "she came across a body in the academy…back in a sec," he said and hurried after her.

Brax watched him go and blew out a breath and he thought his family had secrets.

Jack followed Charlie into the kitchen "what the hell are you doing? Are you drunk or something?"

"Maybe I am…what?" she asked turning to face him "I can't be drunk?"

"Yes Charlie," he sighed "you can get as drunk as you want as long as you keep that shut about personal stuff."

"Oh about my murder trial?" she asked.

"Charlie!" he hissed and looked towards the back door.

Charlie laughed "I'm not an idiot Jack, besides it's Brax what am I gonna tell him?"

Jack rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone, seeing it was Peter asking him to come back he walked out to Brax "I have to shoot off back to work, she's pretty drunk can you keep an eye on her and text me when she's leaving?"

Brax nodded "sure, but if it's late I was gonna suggest she stay in Heath's bed, I think Ruby is staying anyway."

Jack nodded that suited him better "keep her here then…thanks mate," he said and hurried off. Stopping briefly at Charlie he dropped a kiss on her forehead "look after yourself, I'll call you in the morning…love ya!" he called on his way out.

"Yeah, yeah," she muttered "love ya too," she added and leaned against the counter lost in her own world.

"Wakey, wakey Charlie," came a voice startling her "I'm coming!" she looked around and sighed when no one was there…she had finally gone crazy.

Brax walked to the door and leaned against it watching her in a daze, he pushed himself up and walked in "calling it a night?" he asked.

Charlie looked down at her nearly empty glass "the bottle gone yet?"

"Nope," he chuckled "but I was just kidding about that…you can go if you want to."

Charlie walked by him and made sure to brush against him "then we're not done yet."

Brax watched her walk back to the table on wobbly legs "I am," he sighed and followed her "I think you've had enough," he added as he sat down.

Charlie scoffed "you were the one who suggested I stay and finished the bottle," she said and looked over at him "if you wanna bail all you have to do is say so…I can finish it by myself," she added.

Brax chuckled and took the glass from her "and god knows where you'll end up."

"Oh I've a pretty good idea where I'm gonna end up," she said and winked at him as he stared at her.

Brax sat back as she threw her legs up on his lap he was getting a bit worried now "and you'll be alone," he replied.

Charlie chuckled "we'll see…what time does your mum normally come home at?"

"Oh I don't know," Brax said looking down at his watch "probably about eight am Monday."

Charlie burst out laughing "is it bad that I am so not surprised at all?"

Brax chuckled she'd definitely had enough "nah, it's cool, we all know she's a waste of space."

Charlie nodded and looked down at her glass "I wish I still had my mum," she muttered.

Brax rubbed her legs "she's still with ya."

"She shouldn't have been taken in the first place," Charlie replied and sighed, putting down her glass she sat back "you're right, I have had enough."

Brax nodded and looked at his watch again "it's almost one, why don't you just stay the night?"

"Nah," she muttered and stood up "I better head home, I'll call a taxi."

"Charlie Heath's bed is there, I think you should stay," he replied.

Charlie yawned and stood up "alright, but just because I'm too tired to argue…or stay awake for a taxi."

Brax chuckled and followed her "I'll show you where it is," he said and walked by her. He opened the door and moved out of her way "it's all clean I changed them this morning."

Charlie nodded "thanks…can you grab me a shirt or something to sleep in?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll be right back," he said and walked into his room next door.

She smiled as he returned with one of his "thanks," she said and took it from him, leaning in she kissed him on the cheek "I actually had fun tonight," she said and stepped away from him.

"Glad you did," he chuckled and backed out of the room "you need anything I'm just next door," he said and closed the door.


Later that night Charlie was woken by someone trying to get into the bed with her "what the hell are you doing!" she shrieked and jumped out of the bed.

"Wha…who…sleep," someone slurred and dropped onto the bed.

Charlie jumped again as the door flew open and the light came on "what's wrong?" Brax asked.

Charlie looked down on some guy out cold on the bed "this moron tried to get in beside me."

Brax looked down on him and sighed "he's mums new bloke, he comes and goes too…oi, John," he yelled and shook him "this is Heath's room you want the next one," he said dragging him up.

"Sor, sor, back to sleep all," he slurred and let Brax led him out of the room.

Charlie groaned and sat on the bed she should have went home, she looked up when Brax came back in "sorry if I woke you…I got a fright," she added.

Brax chuckled "bet you thought it was me…sorry about him, I forgot mum gave him a key."

"Actually my first thought was the brother that owns this bed," she giggled and slid under the covers "anyway thanks," she said and lay down.

"Night…he wont be back out he's out cold," Brax replied and closed the door.

A while later Charlie opened her eyes she hadn't fully gone back to sleep yet when she thought she heard the door. She gripped the covers as the bed dipped "Brax?" she asked.

"You so pretty," John slurred and rubbed her head "so pretty," he chuckled and lay beside her on the covers.

"Uh thanks," she said and rolled out of the bed "you just close your eyes," she added and slipped out of the room.

Stopping at Brax's door she quietly pushed it in and looked in, seeing him sleeping she slipped in and closed the door. Walking to the empty side she pulled up the cover and slid in beside him.

Brax sat up and squinted "you alright there?" he asked as she lay down.

"Yeah…John came back into my room, he's a little freaky," she replied.

Brax pulled back the covers and rolled out of the bed "and you decided to come into me half naked?" he asked as he walked to the door to lock it.

Charlie shrugged "at least I remembered to wear underwear today," she chuckled at the look on his face "I don't normally bother."

Brax chuckled and climbed back into the bed "and that's gonna help me go back to sleep how?"

Charlie giggled "maybe I'm still a little drunk."

Brax lay back and pulled the covers around him "don't worry, I'll stay on this side."

"He won't come in here will he?" she asked.

"I locked the door," Brax replied "he wanders when he's wasted, Case and Kyle will have their doors locked too."

Charlie nodded and rolled to face him "hey," she said and moved closer to him "come here," she added.

Brax rolled to face her "wh-" he was cut off as her lips closed over his.

After a few seconds Charlie pulled back "night," she giggled and lay down.

Brax stared at her in shock had that really just happened? She did just kiss him right? At her giggle he sat up and leaned over her "and you expect me to go to sleep now?"

"No," she scoffed and wrapped her arms around his neck "I expect you to give me something in return," she said and pulled him down to her. She knew what she was doing, she knew she'd egret it tomorrow but she didn't care, tonight she wanted to have some fun.

Brax went to pull back but stopped himself he wanted her, he got what he wanted right? Sliding his hands onto her waist he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

A/N hello all, welcome to the first instalment of my new story. Hope you've all enjoyed it and hope I've got you all wondering what's next, my laptop is half alive so updates should be regular…cross your fingers, anyway read review and so on…see ya soon JJ