Alright. First story on this account. If you enjoy my writing and are a fan of Harry Potter, I suggest you look at my other account 'DoYouHaveARocketShipPotter' there's not much there at this time, but things will be picking up over there soon. The first three or so chapters of this are written and will be posted as I edit them. I do apologize for any formatting issues or missing words, I am posting chapters from my phone as my laptop is currently broken. Chapter lengths will vary. Enjoy the story.

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"Relax Mal. Most kids in Auradon rollerblade."

"How do you move on these things?"

"You have to kind of push yourself while walking. I don't know how to explain it. It's hard to explain. You just kind of do it."

"Hold my hand?"

"Yeah sure." Ben took her hand, and slowly pushed himself forward, tugging Mal with him.

Mal felt herself be pulled forward and stumbled. "Wait. Ben. I'm not ready!" She grabbed Ben's hand in a death grip, but it was too late. Mal collapsed to the ground, dragging Ben with her.

Ben fell on top of Mal, and laughed. "Wow, if you wanted me on top of you so bad, you could have just asked."

Mal looked mortified. "Ben! I can't believe you just said that! You are the King of Auradon! You can't be saying things like that!"

"I can say stuff like that. You're my girlfriend."


"Yeah? You are my girlfriend, right? I mean after everything we've been through, I just figured that we were together."

"It's just that you never actually asked me to be your girlfriend. It kind of caught me off guard."

"Well then, Mal. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"You're an idiot."

"I'm not hearing a no."

"Such a weirdo."

"But I'm your weirdo."

"You are."

Ben tilted his head down to close the space between them. He placed a short kids on Mal's lips and pulled back. Mal smiled up at him. She grabbed his neck with one hand and pulled him back down. Their lips met again and Mal moved to deepen the kiss.

"Well, hello."

They broke apart quickly. Looking up they saw Jane and her mom standing over them.

"Hey, Fairy Godmother. Jane," Ben greeted.

"Ben, you know this inappropriate behavior for someone of your status," Fairy Godmother reprimanded, "And Mal, I expect better from you."

"Sorry Fairy Godmother." The duo mumbled.

"Please. Just ... Don't make out in a public place next time. There are people that see you ... Canoodling. Set a good example for your people."

"Alright. We get it."

Been stood up easily. Mal, however, forgot that she still had her rollerblades on. So when she made to stand up quickly, she slipped and fell down again.

"Ben! I swear I am never trusting you to plan dates again. My butt is going to hurt for days."

"Sorry Mal. I just thought it would be something you would enjoy."

"Well, it's not. Help me up."

Ben offered his hand to Mal and she took. He pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her waist to avoid her falling again.

"Ben, I'm pretty sure this isn't proper for a King."

"I'm just making sure you don't fall again."

"You're sweet, but I don't want your people to think you're too hormonal to be King."

"I'm not hormonal. I'm just trying to keep my girlfriend in one piece."

"I'm so done with you."

Mal made to the bench where their shoes where, but she was still unbalanced on the rollerblades and fell again. Ben's laughing could be heard all around the park.