The Little Sorceress
Dana Prince

Disclaimer: all Witcher characters are not mine and belong to the author of the books or the game developers. Otherwise Enjoy.

Chapter one

The small town market was buzzing with life as fishermen brought in their fresh catches, farmers set out their newly picked fruits and vegetables and the sound of the butcher's knife could be heard hacking through freshly slaughtered pig or cow. The only people to stand out in a way was a Witcher whose hair was white and with eyes like a cat, yellow or even orange in color. Over the left eye was a scar that added to his rough look but beside him was a woman clad in black and white who seemed to be the softest of the pair. Her skin was flawlessly smooth, hair dark as the midnight sky with no stars but her eyes were unique too; unlike any being the sharp soul piercing violet they were.

Her slim hand seemed to partly vanish in his larger manly paw, yet though he seemed to be a dangerous man at first glance he seemed instead gentle around the mid-heighted woman. On her other arm was a medium sized basket with a few vegetables and brown paper wrapped meat, perhaps something for their dinner tonight. They walked together through the market just talking, with the woman glancing now and then at a few stands they passed by stopping by one that had spices.

Nearby though there was a small child hidden behind the side of an empty stand, peering out and spotting the pair. The child was a girl with dark brown hair and a streak of white blonde in her bangs that drifted over her left eye a touch. Yet the girl had bits of dirt and even some blood caked to her face. Her cheeks rosy and her eyes were strange with one being a crystal blue and the other a dark red, like the look of blood and clear water. Her clothing was a bit torn in some places and her arms had lines of old cuts with some new ones, even a bandaging over her right wrist.

She watched the Witcher walk to a stand selling a few trinkets, but her eyes then flickered back to the woman in black and white. Her gaze was curious and the girl seemed only about 2 or 3 springs old, so her being curious was seemingly normal. The scent of a relaxing lilac and gooseberries drifted on the cool summer breeze catching her attention before nearby another woman dropped an apple that rolled nearby the girl's feet. Picking it up the merchant who was selling them, glared over at her wordlessly demanding she bring the item over.

"Hey girl, bring that back to my stand," the girl glanced from the apple back up at him with now everyone in the market place gazing at her. Her two colored eyes glanced at the shiny red apple; a low almost inaudible growl came from her stomach. She swallowed staring at the fruit, bigger than her two small hands and she had not eaten in weeks. "Are ye deaf!? I said bring it back over here," he demanded, but the girl was backing away slowly hearing the chattering clank of guard armor coming up from behind her. She was hungry, scared and now she had a choice to keep the apple and run or return it and starve for another day.

Yet it was too late though as the guards were behind her, arms crossed this made her tiny frame cringe down clutching onto the fruit for dear life until…

"Here, I'll pay for her to keep it," the girl looked up seeing the woman dressed in black and white hand the merchant a few crowns for the apple. The merchant scowled taking the coins as he couldn't refuse if he wanted to get paid, waving the guards away. The woman who paid walked over and crouched down but it was then the child realized that the smell of lilac and gooseberries she smelt before was coming from that lady before her. "Where are your parents?" she asked softly, a kind smile on her face. Her violet eyes were captivating as they were beautiful.

"…I'm alone," the woman's smile turned into a sorrowful frown. The child looked down at the apple, seeing her dimmed reflection in the fruit skin. Being alone… it was a painful feeling for the girl; she had no one there to care for her. She lived in an abandoned crate near the slum sewers and would often have to use old paper as bedding. She then suddenly felt the touch of soft fingers lift her chin, noticing that the gloves the woman was wearing were made of velvet and it felt nice against her skin but she more or less enjoyed the touch of the woman's hand. It seemed caring, compassionate, motherly even all of which she'd never felt before until that very moment.

"You're an orphan? How old are you?" the woman brushed the child's cheek clearing some of the dirt off her skin.

"I'm only 3 springs… and my pa died 'fore I was born,"

"And what about your mother,"

"She left me, said 'can't feed you and the new babe', left me behind and left with another man," The woman set the basket she had beside her and lightly touched the girl's arm, examining the many cuts, small scars and even the bandaging to her wrist. "Been alone for winter,"

"You survived well, being out in the cold of winter months, but then where do you live?"

"In an old crate by the sewers in the slums…" The woman's gaze seemed to grow sadder with each answer before she took the girl's small hand in hers, the touch gentle once more.

"That won't do, not at all, how would you prefer a place to call home, with parents by choice?" The girl was about to answer when she saw the rough looking man walk over and look from her to the woman and back.

"Yen, what's going on?" she looked up and smiled, her grip just becoming firmer ever so slightly with her thumb brushing over the back of the girl's small hand. "Ah I see, I won't say no, but it's her choice,"

"I know Geralt, but I can't let a child this young be alone, starving," the man crouched down and smiled over at the girl.

"I see you've met Yennefer, don't worry she's great with kids and as you heard I'm Geralt,"

"…Kiko," the girl responded, her small hand grasping Yennefer's as she smiled at the pair. "Does this mean you'll be my new parents?"

"If you want us to, yes," Yennefer leaned her head onto Geralt's shoulder as Kiko nodded happily. "Then I guess we're your new parents now," she stood and still held onto Kiko's hand, as Geralt took the basket.

"Right let's get home, all of us. Is Kiko riding with you?" He asked. Yennefer nodded and led the way to where the pair left their horses. Geralt mounted a dark brown horse while Yennefer helped Kiko first onto a white mare before climbing on herself with Kiko securely seated in her lap. The child leaned back a bit into her new mother's stomach enjoying the slow ride home as well as the lovely scent of Yennefer's lilac and gooseberry perfume surrounding her with the new scent she'd soon call home…