Title: Possession: Dark Time
Authors: Phoenixflame and Sho-i Tanaka
Rating: R
Summary: Utena Tenjou graduated from Ohtori Academy four years ago. Now the duels have begun again... and things that should have been left sleeping have been woken up again. Rumors say that there's a revolution coming...
Disclaimer: Utena is owned by Be-papas, Chiho Saito, and Ikuhara-sensei. The plot and ideas in Possession are property of the UDBB(Utena Deserves Better Brigade). This is a non-profit fic. Do not fold, spindle, or mutilate.

I walked around my good intentions,
And found that there were none.
I blame my father for the wasted years
We hardly talk
Never thought I would forget this pain
Then a phone call made me realize I'm wrong.

-Our Lady Peace '4 AM'

Chapter One: First Moves

Mikage led him almost all the way across campus, to a building that seemed strangely familiar. Once inside, he led Mitsuru up the marble staircase, and into a lounge area. Mitsuru took in the stained glass windows, the comfortable chairs, and the first aid kit set out on the table in one glance, then turned to Mikage. "You knew?"

"I suspected. And you don't have a sword yet. You're not wielding the Sword of Dios, either, if I have anything to say about it."

"Sword of... the sword Yuki pulled out of..."

Mikage gestured him into one of the seats, and said "Yes. The Sword of Dios. The power of Dios. The power to bring the world revolution. Is that what you are asking?" He opened the first aid kit, took out an alcohol swab, and began to wipe off the excess blood. Mitsuru winced. "Although, one could almost call it the Power of Tenjou. Congratulations. You're on your way to becoming a Prince. Or a Victor, at the very least" He taped a gauze bandage into place over the wound, and stepped back. Mitsuru watched in silence as Mikage threw the swab away, packed up the first aid kit, and stowed it in a cabinet.

"Who is she?" he asked Mikage.

"She is the Rose Bride. The Student Council duel for her... for the power she holds. The Power of Dios. The power to bring the world revolution." Mikage sat down. "Or do you mean the girl herself?"

"Yes." he said, leaning forwards. "What's her name?"

The professor watched him silently for a moment, then said "Nanami Kiryuu."

"Kir..." There was something Mitsuru couldn't quite put his finger on. Something important. "The sister of the chairman?"

"Exactly." Mikage looked obscurely pleased by this. "From this day forward, she will be your bride. She will tell you this herself, and she will move in with you." He fixed Mitsuru with a long, penetrating look. "But whatever you do, don't become close to her. You can't trust her. It's possible that you can't trust anyone here." He rose to his feet. "You should be getting back to your dormitory."

"What if I get caught?"

Mikage, halfway out the door already, paused and turned to face him. "You'll never get caught, Mitsuru." Turning, he left. The lights faded down into darkness. Eventually, Mitsuru rose from his seat and left the building.

The walk across campus was made without seeing anyone. The eery silence and the play of shadows on the sidewalks seemed to slip by, time speeding up until he found himself in front of his single. He took his key out of his pocket, and in a rare feat of dexterity, unlocked the door without fumbling around with the key.

Stepping inside, he shut the door, and looked down. One suitcase sat on the floor in the light from the window, and turning his head, he could see a sillhouette laying on the bed, dressed in a white nightgown.

He flicked the light switch, and the shadow sat up, resolving itself into a blonde girl with her hair released from its pins, who looked at him with curious grey eyes, and said "Hello, Mitsuru-sama. My name is Nanami Kiryuu, and I am your Bride."

Mitsuru flicked the lightswitch down again, plunging the room into darkness. "How did you get in here?" he asked her.

She didn't answer, just sat as still as death, hands folded in her lap, eyes on him. He shook his head, and shrugged out of his uniform jacket. "In any case, you can't stay here. I only have a single." Nanami held up a white envelope embossed with the rose seal. Sighing, Mitsuru crossed the room and plucked it from her fingers. It was a letter from the dean of students, giving him a transfer to a double in the East Dormitory. Folding it back up, he set it on the shelf over the bed. "I don't have any place you can sleep tonight, I mean, I don't even have a rug in here."

"I can sleep in your bed, with you." she volunteered simply, lifting one hand. Mitsuru's eyes followed it as it rose. He felt as if he couldn't look away. All at once, he wrenched his eyes away from her hand, and stared at her, blushing.

"Wouldn't that be improper?" he asked, stammering slightly.

"We are engaged, Mitsuru-sama." she said, rising from the bed. "I am your flower." She paused, something unreadable in her eyes, and then said in a rather waspish tone "I can sleep curled at your feet if it makes you feel better."

"Er... well, if you think that's necessary..." Mitsuru walked over to the bed, and peeled back the covers, settling in under them with his back to Nanami. There was silence, and then he heard Nanami walk across the room. The bed creaked, and he felt something brush against his feet before the room went silent again.

Mitsuru didn't fall asleep for a long time, and when he did, he had strange dreams of black roses and duelling arenas.


Kozue Kaoru was startled out of a doze by the sound of bells. Rolling over, she swatted at her alarm clock, turning off the alarm. But the bells kept ringing. She cracked open one eye, and stared at the window. It was dark outside. Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was sometime after midnight.

*Why would the bells be ringing in the middle of the night?* she thought muzzily, pulling on a robe. As she did, her eye caught the ring on her hand, and she smiled sardonically. *Of course. A duel or a Student Council meeting. But which idiot called a meeting in the middle of the night?*

Shaking her head, she let the robe drop to the floor, and went to her closet for her uniform. As she did, she passed the twin bed in the room. It was made up as it was every day... as it had been for a year, with white sheets and a blue blanket, and an empty milkshake glass on the nightstand beside it. A framed picture of her sat beside the milkshake glass. On the other side of the nightstand sat an alarm clock... and a picture of her brother.

"Miki..." she murmured, pulling on the blue-trimmed uniform of the Student Council. "Where are you? I need you."

In the distance, the bells stopped tolling, and were replaced by the normal sounds of the night. Kozue pulled on a tank top and pulled the uniform jacket on over it. She left it unbuttoned, and headed out the door. It was after hours at Ohtori Academy; she didn't need to adhere strictly to the student handbook.

The pathways were completely empty. Curfew was in force, but no teachers ever seemed to be around to enforce it. Just in case, Kozue speeded up, jogging across the grass in front of the West Dormitory. Looking up at the second floor, she saw that there were no lit windows at all. The others must have discounted the bells, or simply gone back to sleep. But as Vice President, Kozue didn't have that luxury.

*And so I'm risking my position to go to a meeting in the middle of the night.* she thought sardonically. *If it weren't for...* She turned the corner, and passed through the shadows between buildings, and into the long shadow of the Observatory Tower. Fishing a key out of her pocket, she headed over to the elevator, unlocked the gate, pushed it up, and stepped inside. The gate slid shut, and she pulled the lever for the balcony level. Leaning back against the wall of the cage elevator, she watched as the elevator began to ascend. After the second floor, the tower on one side became one long window, allowing her to look out over the campus while the elevator went up.

After about a minute, the elevator stopped. Kozue slipped her key back into the pocket of her uniform, and stepped out of the elevator.

The anteroom of the Student Council chamber was dark and cold as she made her way out to the balcony. Once she was out on the balcony, she spotted the letter on the small table, and a black cell phone.

Glancing around warily, she walked the length of the balcony to the table, and picked up the letter. It bore the seal of End of the World. She broke the wax, and unfolded it. "As of midnight this day, Yuki Himitsu is summarily removed from Student Council for violations of the Code of the Rose Seal. Kozue Kaoru is to take his place. The next duellist will be Sora Hananobari. Congratulations to Miss Kaoru on her promotion."

Kaoru set the letter down gingerly, and picked up the phone. It was wrapped with a blue ribbon. *No doubts about who it's from.* she decided, and flipped it open. She dialed the number of the Secretary of the Council by memory. The girl picked up on the fifth ring.


"Mari, there's been an emergency meeting of Student Council called. Can you wake up everyone else and tell them to come up to the tower?"

"Kozue, it's the middle of the night." Mari protested. Then she sighed. "Alright... gimme about ten minutes."

"Right." Kozue shut the phone, and tucked it into a pocket. She eyed the uncomfortable looking chairs around the table, then walked over to one of the pillars and leaned back against it. *The night air feels so good... I don't get out here very often.* Turning her head, she stared out at the starry night sky. *I wonder what those look like in the telescope?* A fine shudder ran down her back. According to the Dean of Students, they were welcome to use the telescope if they wanted to, but something about the highest room in the tower made Kozue nervous.

Thinking about it made the shadows seem to thicken, and the stars that had seemed so beautiful seemed to grow menacing. Kozue tensed. Was that a footfall she heard? *It must be Mari.* she decided. "Mari? Is that you?" she called.

There was no answer. Kozue heard the footsteps now. They were coming closer. She reached for her hip, then remembered that she didn't normally carry her rapier with her. "Mari, this isn't funny." she said.

A hand clapped down on her shoulder. Kozue gasped, and looked over to see green eyes staring at her intently.

"Wake up." Anthy Himemiya said.

"What?" she gasped.

Anthy shook her shoulder... and Kozue blinked. Instead of Anthy, it was Mari holding her shoulder. "I said wake up." the Secretary said. "You fell asleep against the pillar."

Kozue straightened. "Thank you." She buttoned up her uniform jacket. "Have you received any letters from End of the World?"

Mari held up an unsealed letter. "It was tucked under my door." She stepped back, then walked to the table and tossed it down on top of Kozue's letter. "Congratulations, by the way." she said, her lips twisted in a false smile.

"Thank you." Kozue murmured, and sat down in one of the unnoccupied chairs. "Yuki and the others are on the way?" she asked. Mentioning Yuki, she decided immediately after saying it, was a bad idea. Now Mari looked like she wanted to slap her.

"I'm here." A slender figure with long garnet hair a shade darker than Mari's stepped out of the shadows. He was slender, almost effeminate with his garnet hair, but he was handsome rather than beautiful. He had a strange light in his eyes, and a slightly savage smile on his lips.

Kozue didn't trust him at all, but for better or for worse, Sora Himitsu was the Treasurer of the Student Council. He was universally admired as one of the most handsome boys on campus, but Kozue had heard rumors of viciousness from former girlfriends, lovers, and casual aqquaintances. None, however, could eclipse the handsome appearance of the Treasurer, who wore the white pants and jacket of the Student Council... usually with the top two buttons undone when he wasn't in Council.

"I tried to wake up poor Yuki... but alas, he seems to have turned into a pumpkin." he said, throwing himself down into one of the chairs. "And the Rose Bride isn't with him either. Which one of you girls is the lucky winner?" He arched one slender eyebrow, glancing at Mari, who shrugged and looked at Kozue.

"Neither of you duelled Yuki?" she confirmed. A shrug and a nod from Sora confirmed this, and Mari just shook her head. "Then End of the World has failed to inform us that we have a new duellist."

"Kaoru-san?" The slender blonde figure of the Rose Bride melted out of the shadows. Mari jumped in her seat. Sora blinked. Kozue, who was used to the strange goings on at Ohtori, merely waved Nanami forwards.

"End of the World has directed me to inform you that Yuki-san is no longer welcome on the Student Council for his flagrant disregard of the Code of the Rose Seal." Nanami said, and bowed.

"Then whose Bride are you?" Sora asked.

"There is a new duellist. He won me from Yuki-san. If you'll excuse me, I must attend to the Victor." Nanami bowed again, then turned and walked back into the tower.

"Nanami!" The Rose Bride didn't stop. Kozue growled in frustration. "Nanami, who is the Victor?"

Nanami didn't answer. Somehow, this didn't surprise Kozue very much.

"Well," Sora shrugged. "Is there any other business to attend to tonight?"

"None." Kozue said.

"None." Mari echoed her. The Secretary was staring out at the stars as she spoke.

"Meeting adjourned."

The elevator cage slammed shut.


The sound of bells woke Mitsuru up. He sat up in bed, and brushed his hair back with one hand. *Why am I still in my uniform?* he wondered fuzzily. Then he noticed the ring on his hand. *Oh. Right.*

"Good morning, Mitsuru-sama." Nanami said politely, and held up a tray with breakfast on it. "Breakfast?"

Mitsuru blushed faintly, and scrambled out of bed. "Can you please stop that? Calling me Mitsuru-sama, I mean."

"Of course, Mitsuru-kun." the Rose Bride replied, and smiled. "Breakfast?"

"Err, thank you." Mitsuru got out of bed and took the tray from her. "You don't have to do that if you don't want to. Thank you, but... I'm not used to being waited on, and it really makes me uncomfortable, so..."

Nanami smiled. "Thank you, Mitsuru-kun. I'll remember that. You ought to put on a clean uniform, though. That one's a bit rumpled.

"Err... right. Can you leave while I get dressed?"

She smirked slightly, and did so. Blushing furiously, Mitsuru stripped off his uniform and let it fall to the ground, then got dressed quickly. Once he was dressed, he ate what was on the tray, and left the room.

Nanami was leaning against the wall, staring out at the campus. He cleared his throat, and she straightened. "Shall we go to classes?" she asked brightly.

Mitsuru winced faintly. "Do you really like doing this?" he asked.

The smile melted away, and he saw something cold in her eyes before she smiled again, her eyes wide and sparkling. "I am the Rose Bride." Turning, she walked away down the hallway. Mitsuru followed her quietly, not asking any more questions.



Mitsuru was distracted from his lunch by a tall, slim girl in the uniform of the Student Council. She had long rasberry-colored hair that was braided back into a single braid. He blinked up at her, and swallowed his rice. "Yes? I mean, that's me."

"You don't remember me?" She slid into the seat opposite him at the table. Nanami, currently engaged in reading a magazine, looked up, then slid out of her seat, bowed, and walked away. "I'm Mari. Remember?"

"Oh. Oh!" He slapped his forehead. "Mari-chan!"

"Aren't /we/ being familiar." She laughed, and propped her chin up on her hand. Mitsuru's eyes were drawn to her hand, and the ring that sparkled on it. "So. What have you been up to?" she asked, then looked at where he was staring. "What's wrong, Suru-chan? You look like you just saw a ghost!"

"You're a duelist." he said, and looked up at her face as the good-natured amusement drained out of her.

She leaned back. "You know?"

He lifted his hand. "Yes."

Mari stared at his ring hand, her face expressionless. "I see." She stood. "We should have lunch together sometime." she suggested. "I'll leave my ring at home, and you can have the Rose Bride tend her roses. It'll be delightful, I'm sure." Turning on her heel, she walked away.

Mitsuru stared after her. "...Mari?"


"She was supposed to duel him."

Nanami stepped out of the elevator, hands clasped behind her back as she walked towards the sofa. "She didn't challenge him, onii-sama. They're old school friends."

"School friends. I didn't /make/ him a duelist." Touga Kiryuu rose from the couch with a swift, easy movement. "Where did he get the ring, Nanami?"

"I don't know. He came back late, though."

"Plotting against me, no doubt."

"Onii-sama?" Nanami stepped closer, lifitng one hand to touch his face. "Are you alright?"

"I've been having dreams, Nanami-chan." he replied, capturing her hand in his own. "I killed him, but he won't go away. Sometimes I don't know whether I'm awake or sleeping now."

"My poor brother." Nanami hugged him. He bore it silently, patting her head as he stared out of the windows at the campus. "Don't worry. Akio and his sister are dead. /You're/ End of the World now."

"Am I?" He rested his chin against her hair. "Some days I think I have strings in me, Nanami, and these dreams are the hooks..."

"Don't say that." she frowned.

"But you understand that I had to do it." His arms closed around her tightly, and she let out a squeak of surprise. "I had to become the Prince, and a prince needs a bride. I know it hurts, but it's only for a little while." He tilted her chin up with one hand, and she stared into his eyes, not sure whether she believed him or not. "You won't have to be the Rose Bride much longer."

"Promise?" she whispered.

He smiled. "Promise."

End Part Three