Megaman Starforce Rewrite: Part 1

"Hello" = talking

'wow' = thinking

"ALL CAPS" = yelling/shouting

bold = battle card/attack/Em wave change

italics = timeskip

Italics = flashback

" = talking in flashback

' = thinking in flashback

"ALL CAPPS" = yelling/shouting in flashback

Bold = battle card/attack/EM wave change in flashback

Bold = Date/Time/Place

(P.O.V) = Point of view change

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but my ideas for a new set of abilities for Rogue (gained when Solo, as Rogue, does a 2nd wave change with Laplace.) and my idea for this rewrite of the series.

Chapter 1

1st Prologue

Planet Earth, The continent of Mu, 12,000 years ago, The Fated Day

(Normal P.O.V.)

Chaos. That was the only way to describe the Continent of Mu, as a giant, Em entity destroyed everything & everyone. People tried to find shelter in nearby buildings, but the assailant, known as Le Mu, only crushed them.

Watching this carnage, powerless to stop it, was a boy named Solo. He was 13 years old, 4 feet tall, had long, silver hair that was spiky at the bottom, tanned skin with a tattoo, shaped like a gold colored crest of Mu (go to google images & search: crest of Mu) and red eyes. He wore a black, long-sleeved shirt, gold square-shaped earrings, and baggy black pants with green lines running down them.

1 hour later

Le Mu had been sealed away using the powers of 3 objects, the OOParts (Out Of Place parts). Solo had been taken to a room, and given a small, stone sword (The OOPart known as The Sword Of Zerker.). There, he was to be sealed away, so that Solo could wake up in the future, and guard Le Mu. If said being was freed, Solo could use the OOParts to reseal it.

But, Solo was not alone. He was to have a companion, a being made of EM (Electro Magnetic) waves. He (Solo's companion) was named Laplace. (AN: In my story Laplace is a GUY.)

Laplace looked to be made of dark blue electricity. He was almost 5 feet tall. The top of his body could be seen as his head, since he had 2 big yellow dots for eyes, and he had a lightning bolt shaped tail where his legs would be. He has 2 arms, that each ended in a claw with 4 nails.

Nearly 1 foot behind his eyes, he had 2 objects that looked like a single clock hand, 1 on each of his (shoulders). They were gold colored, with the inner part being red, with a gold dot on the circular part. His arms extended from each of these shoulders. Also, he had a thick, gold band on each of his (wrists). Also, he spoke broken English (couldn't form complete sentences) so he made buzzing sounds at points where he had trouble speaking.

Flashback: 1,000 years ago), The creation of Mu.

Also, let me explain about Mu: 13,000 years (1,000 years before the Solo was born) before the series took place, Mu was an advanced, super civilization with the best EM technology in existence. The people, called (Murians), obeyed their founder, The Tribe King. He made it so all Murians were born with the power to see EM waves (no other humans could do this) and the power to transform their bodies into EM waves (The EM Wave Change) so they could control the waves.

Their king used the power of EM waves with their tech to make Mu float in the Sky! Then, he created a protector for his people: Le Mu. Before the Tribe King passed on, he had 3 sons, who each founded a tribe: The Zerker, Saurian & Ninja Tribes. Each had 1 OOPart: The Sword Of Zerker, The Rock Of Saurian, & The Star Of Ninja. The OOParts each held 1/3 of Le Mu's power.

The Murians divided between the tribes, except for some who chose not to join. The 3 tribes lived peacefully, the EM beings who lived in Mu worked alongside the people. And so, peace reigned for 1,000 years... Until now, when Le Mu lost control of it's power.

End Flashback

Solo & Laplace knew that, once they were sealed in the cryogenic casket (AN: A MURIAN Stasis pod. It was the best I could think of.) their lives would change forever. As the lid was closed, they pondered: 'I wonder what the future holds for us?' Then, they felt the pod sending cryogenic gas (sleep gas, for their 12,000 year sleep.) causing them to close their eyes, and enter a dream, of better times.

Timeskip: 12,000 years later.

Planet Earth, Old Tribal Tomb, 1:00 pm, June 7th, Year 200X

(Normal P.O.V.)

Deep inside an old, ruined tomb, several miles outside Electopia, there laid a rusted, bronze casket. A pair of yellow eyes (belonging to an EM being), in the darkness of the casket, opened, feeling that the stasis device starting to weaken. In an attempt to save him & his friend, the UMA (EM being born on Earth) rammed his head against the lid 5 times, until it popped off.

Laplace (the aforementioned UMA) took in his surroundings. They were in a room, made of stone. The ceiling had several large cracks in it. Sunlight (the first seen by Laplace in 12,000 years) flooded through, landing on the face of a sleeping Solo.

Solo, feeling something warm on his face, suddenly started to wake. As he opened his eyes, he saw a white light, and closed them. Solo: 'What is that light?' He opened his eyes again and, after taking a few minutes to adjust his sight, recognized it as sunlight. He sat up, and took in the surroundings.

Laplace (who had swallowed the Sword Of Zerker for safekeeping): "Wake...(buzz)...Up...Solo." Solo: "Where...or when, are we?" Laplace: "The casket has weakened, so we must be 12,000 years in the future." Solo: "Really? Then we should go explore." So the time-travelling-twosome jumped (floated in Laplace' case) through the cracks in the ceiling, and broke down a wall.

They saw a green field, with a long grey path going through it, trees on either side. Suddenly, Laplace stiffened. Solo (instantly alert): "What is it?" He suddenly feels tired. Laplace: "It seems that our bodies were not adjusted to the time of day now, so we are fatigued for some time. Also, you may get hungry (Solo's stomach growls). Fortunately, I sense a massive amount of EM Waves coming from there (Points to the part of the path going left)."

And so, the last Murians travelled westward, in search of food and shelter. After 1 hour, Solo fainted. Laplace, alarmed, tried to think of something, when he sensed several EM frequencies (for EM beings, all creatures give off EM Waves.) heading close to them. He went above Solo, and lifted his arms, controlling them to make him crawl, toward what could be salvation.

The life Laplace had sensed was a family of 3: A mother, father, and son; They were on a trip to see a Tribal Tomb. The mother was 5"4' tall, had a blue shirt, long brown hair in a ponytail, brown eyes, black tennis shoes, and a long purple skirt. Her name was Hope Stelar.

The man was 5"7' tall, had short, spiky brown hair, brown eyes, and wore blue jeans, grey shoes, and a white shirt with orange sleeves. His name was Kelvin Stelar. He wore an odd pair of sunglasses: They were silver, with a single, green visor-like lens that covered both eyes, and had multiple yellow rings on it, each ring inside another, getting smaller toward the center of the lens.

These were a pair of glasses called a Visualizer, because they let the wearer see EM waves. Currently, they were resting on Kelvin's forehead, above his eyes. The son is named Geo Stelar. He was fascinated by space (AN: His last name IS Stellar.). Also, he was 3"11' tall.

Geo had the same warm brown eyes as his parents, and he wore his brown hair in a spiky, skyward ponytail. He had knee-length red shoes, that were white on the bottom. Also, he had blue shorts stopping above his knees, a grey belt, and a zipped up red shirt with long sleeves that covered his hands, leaving only his fingers exposed. He finished the ensemble with a gold pendant, shaped like a shooting star (3 points going up, 1 pointing down.) hanging on a black cord around his neck.

Each of the trio wore an odd, rectangular box-shaped device on their left wrist, with their hand going through a hole in the middle. Geo's was blue, with a gold Pegasus silhouette in a hexagon on top. Kelvin's was green, with a Dragon symbol. Hope's was red, with the symbol of a Leo, the lion.

Geo was excited to see the Tomb, as his father was due to leave for space in a week. As he walked, he noticed his parents had stopped. Then, he tripped and landed on something. When he got up: "What did I trip over...(looks down)...The better question is Who!"

It was Solo! (They don't know him yet.) The Stelar family picked him up, and ran back to their car. After everyone was in, they drove to Echo Ridge, a district in the city of Electopia. If Kelvin had been using his Visualizer, he'd have seen Laplace in the car, sitting between Geo & Solo.

End Ch 1