I was running, sprinting as fast as I could. There was a horde of zombies behind me. Dashing into an alley, I got my pistol ready. There were five of them. I could shoot them all, but the noise would attract others. I looked around the alley, there was a ladder about seventeen meters to my left, and as the zombies rounded the corner I fired - one bullet though the head for each. They dropped like flies but I could here more coming. I flew up the ladder, hurriedly kicking it of the wall so they couldn't follow behind.

The sun set as I ran across the rooftops of the city. I didn't stop or look back until I reached the coast. That's where I would camp for the night. The zombies generally don't go there, the salt kills them.

I was too much exhausted from the day to do anything more than collapse on the sand and pass out.


I was awoken from a restless sleep by shouts of feet shuffling through the sand. In an instant I had my gun pointed at whatever it was approaching me.

"Don't. Move." I took the safety off my pistol. The five men approaching me froze - putting their hands up in peacful surrender.

"Easy there, lady. We ain't gonna hurt ya. " The man who spoke was rather plain - six foot, black hair, and somewhat muscular.

Continuing to keep my gun pointed at the group, I scanned the surrounding area. My eyes widedned - there were people walking towards the city. Moving my gun, I shot, hitting the sand between the duo and the path.

"Stop!" I yelled, frantically sprinting to block their path. "You can't go there!" These two men were different from the ones before - they were visibly stronger and more exotic looking.

The man who looked to be in his late teenage years - who also had no shirt on - raised an eyebrow at me, "Oh? Why should we listen to you?"

"Because you don't know what's out there." I replied quickly, glaring at the man.

This time it was the other man with the red pompadour that spoke, "So, what exactly is it that's out there?" By the sound of his voice I could tell that he was more amused than anything.

"You don't want to know." I looked at him pleadingly, "If you don't want to bring any harm to yourselves of your crew... Do not go in there." I pointed to the city skyline that was barely visible above the trees surrounding the coastline.

"But we need to-"

"Restock, right?" I finished, "You won't know where to find anything." I thought for a moment, "I could get stuff for you. I know where to look to find things... I may not be able to get everything, but I'll get what I can.

The two looked at each other, silently debating the risks of trusting a girl they just met. I relaxed a bit - they didn't seem like they wanted to harm me. That was when I noticed their ship docked always out. It was huge! The entirety of the outside (minus the deck) was painted a briliant white and looked like...a whale? I mentally shrugged. Then I noticed the sails and flag. A black flag... With a Jolly Roger... Pirates! Was my oh-so-genius conclusion. But it wasn't only that, it was the fact that I recognized the mark that caught my attention.


My mouth went dry and my jaw went slack.

"H-hey." I cursed my stutter as I got the pirates' attention. "You guys are Whitebeard pirates?" I willed my voice not to waver. I wasn't scared but I was still nervous, wary even.

The pirate with the freckles - the one not wearing a shirt - turned around, showing me the detailed Jolly Roger covering his back. "Yup. The name's Portgas D Ace." He smirked at my still slightly flustered expression.

"And I am the Fourth Division Commander, Thatch." The other man dramatically bowed.

I bowed as well - my black-brown, unkempt hair falling into my face. "B'couda D Marie. So, what do you need to restock?"

The pompadoured man - Thatch - was about to reply when there was suddenly a giant, flaming, blue bird landing between us. It's talons mere inches from my neck. I didn't flinch, didn't show the fear I was feeling. "What's going on here'yoi?" The now half man-half bird hybrid demanded. His eyes looked bored and alert at the same time, it was a bit intimidating to experience how much power radiated from him.

"Marco, calm down." Thatch put a hand on the newcomers shoulder. "She's offered to get all the stuff we need from the city."

Marco, who had the strangest hairstyle I'd ever seen... He looks like a pineapple!, turned to Thatch and Ace, "Why can't the two of you do it?" Marco had, at that point, retracted his talons and transformed back into his human form.

"Because I know where to get things and I know how to deal with what's in the city," I looked him directly in the eyes, "Commanders or not, they would put themselves - and quite possibly the rest of the crew - in danger, if not get themselves killed."

Cerulean eyes narrowed, "And how is it that you can survive'yoi?"

"I've lived here for almost a year - I think," when he didn't seem satisfied with that answer I continued, "I'm the only person still alive on this island and I've been on my own for the last three months. If that doesn't assure you, then I don't know what will." I sighed, "Just give me a list of what you need, I'll get what I can. Then you can be on your way."

I looked at the piartes. Marco seemed to be the most calculating of the three of them, "That seems awfully generous of you if it's so dangerous," his eyes narrowed further - almost squinting, "what's in it for you?"

I didn't really have to think about it, but went through a mental checklist of my supplies anyway - if only to make sure that I didn't think of anything later that I could end up regretting not mentioning. "These shouldn't be too hard, especially for pirates... I need two pistols and ammo. A sack or something to carry the supplies. And a hot meal when I get back." I smiled slightly at the thought of a home cooked meal, I hadn't had one in forever!

Marco looked somewhat surprised at the simple requests, but he nodded none the less. "But I have some rules that you are going to have to follow while I'm gone... These are for the safety of everyone." The trio all raised and eyebrow but let me continue, "Be somewhat quiet - you should be fine if you aren't blowing shit up. Second, no one is alone - that goes for commanders as well. Three, stay near the coast and try not to sweat."

"Those are some pretty odd rules ya got there." Thatch commented, "Why's that?"

"Same reason I'm going to get supplies and not you guys," I swallowed the thickening saliva, hoping they'd drop it for now. "Can you get the list? I want to be back before sun down." Marco nodded and took off towards the ship, transforming mid jump, and I finally released the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.

Walking back to the minimal supplies I had, I decided to get my only gun ready. No sense in leaving it behind, I needed to make use of what I already had. I had almost forgotten that Ace and Thatch were following behind me, that is, until the former spoke, "You've really been on your own for three months?" Jumping, I nodded. I really didn't want to talk - or even think, for that matter - about my time on this island. "What happened to your family?"

"Don't have one." I feigned nonchalance, but inside I was hurting badly.

Ace only persisted, "What about the people you were with three months ago?" Thatch decided that moment was the one he would notice the tension in my body, he cuffed Ace on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for!"

"Idiot! Can't you see that she doesn't want to talk about it?" The commander hissed.

"What?" I guess it was then that Ace took in my shadowed eyes and stiff frame, "Oh, sorry."

I stared up at the duo, kinda surprised by their consideration and manners, "Don't worry about it," I mumbled, reloading my gun. "I should be over what happened anyway."

The next few minutes passed in silence, only shattered by Marco's return with the list and provisions I asked for. I took the pistols from him, shoving one in the waist band of my pants and the other in my boot. I grunted in thanks and checked over the list he had given me.




"These items are pretty scarce here... But I'll see what I can do." With that I picked up the burlap sack and started on my way into the city.


There was a hospital on the outskirts of the city, pretty close to where I had set off from. I decided to start my search for medicine there. Starting on the ground floor I worked my way up to the second, and was pleasantly surprised when I found that this hospital had been left relatively untouched.

The one thing that I couldn't find was the medication for narcolepsy? That seems really inconvenient, especially for a pirate. I glanced at my watch as I left the hospital.

It's one o'clock ish... I left around ten and got the hospital about noon. The sun goes down around 8:30. I should try to be back by then, if not earlier. So I should be on my way back by six at the very latest.

I felt more at ease with that plan in mind. I knew what I had to do and what time I had to do it in. I just needed to figure out where I could get food that would be okay to eat.

I could probably get maps and the other stuff that they asked for at the cartography shop on the other side of the city. It would probably take around an hour to get there if it was a straight shot. But since I have to look for food, it will probably take closer to two hours. And with those undead freaks on my tail it'll probably take longer, so probably two and a half hours. That's about five hours total, this should work.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, "I should have asked for alcohol too." I kept running, realizing that it may have been for the best... For all I knew they may have killed me.

Pirates are really protective of their booze... Aren't they?

I shook the thoughts away as I realized I was loosing focus. Everything was near silent with the exception of my breathing and carefully placed steps.

Soon after, I ducked into what was once a convenience store. Looking around there wasn't much left, but I took what I could find. Beef jerky, canned veggies, a sports bra, and a bottle of water. Glancing around one last time I dashed out and continued on my route.

I proceeded to repeat the process in most of the similar stores on the route. I had a few close calls, mostly where I had to sneak around a small group of flesheaters. But, finally, I made it to the cartography shop. I checked my watch, another two hours had passed since I left the hospital. It was now three o'clock and I was still making good time.


Uh, yeah. That happened. I wrote a cliché zombie apocalypse fic! Whoot. Sorry for the OOC-ness of the characters, I tried my best, but I also think that I can play around with their personalities a bit since we didn't see them that much in the series.

I'm going to be pretty busy until the middle of November so I don't know how often I'll be able to write. But I already have about 3 more chapters typed out.