AN: So I've no idea where this sudden story idea came from. I was thinking about rollercoasters (I've been in one in my vacation YAY!) and suddenly I had a vision about Mello face palming and saying "Goddamnit, Matt" and then flying down to save his ass.
Not much later this fanfic was born :D

This is a MelloxMatt love fanfic. There won't be real lemon (if you're looking for that I'm sorry), 'cause I don't write that stuff yet... for as far as I know now, but there will be romance. I don't care if it's going to be cheesy romance. If it's cheesy it's just meant to be written that way :)

Theme song of this fanfic: Angel with a Shotgun.

Review please and let me know what you think! :D

Chapter 1

Matt leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms out above his head with a weary groan. It took some time, but he finally managed to finish the job he got two days earlier. He stared with tired eyes at the many letters and numbers on his screen. Normally he would do such thing faster, but these guys apparently knew something about protecting your files and setting up pretty good fire walls.

But not good enough to win it from my skills.

He rubbed his eyes and shook his head to wake up a little bit. He had to send a message to say he had finish the job and wanted to get his well-deserved money.

This was his normal daily life since he learned how to use a computer. He had a talent for techy stuff. He learned how to hack years ago and now it was his work to get enough money for food and his small home in some slum. It wasn't perfect, but it paid enough to pay for the rent, food, his cigarettes and games, so he didn't complain about it.

After the message was done, he stood up from behind his computer and stretched a bit more. This movement was enough to smell the sweat of those days. He hadn't showered while he was busy hacking.

He grabbed a bit of his black and white striped shirt that he wore and brought it to his nose to check how bad it was. He grimaced. Yeah, definitely in need of a shower, like right now.

Matt dragged himself over to the small bathroom and shook off his clothes. Before he entered the shower he saw a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sink. Red slightly messy hair, his orange tinted goggles still hanging around his neck, pale skin and his tired green eyes to finish it.

Yup, still the same old me.

He took off his goggles and carefully lay it down on the pile of dirty clothes on the ground. Then he jumped into the shower, turned the water hot and let all the filth and sweat go down the drain. Even when he was entirely clean he stood there just enjoying the warm water on his strained muscles. Though when he caught himself almost falling asleep while still standing there he got out and quickly toweled himself dry. He grabbed his goggles and some comfortable sweatpants and fell down on his bed. He had just put his goggles down on his nightstand next to his bed before he let his head hit the pillow and fell asleep instantly.

It amazed him every day again how the redhead named Mail Jeevas, or Matt, managed to stay healthy and alive. Hacking for a job, gaming for hours, a disturbed sleeping pattern, junk food and smoking.

Mello sighed. Of course it would be him that got this human to protect. Of course it would be him that had to be the Guardian Angel of this idiot.

The High Council of Angels did this on purpose, I'm sure of it.

He sat in his part of the bright realm that humans called "heaven". He was in a different part than all the souls of the death, but still. It was Heaven. Staring down through clouds he could see what happened on Earth. That way he could follow his human where ever he went. Though Matt didn't go out often anyway, so it was kinda boring.

After about two days Matt looked like he was finished with hacking and he started to make himself ready for bed.

He sighed. 'Finally! Get some sleep or you'll die, you moron!' Mello said out loud.

'Getting frustrated again by your human, Mello?' a deep voice sounded close by.

He turned around to see his one and only friend coming towards him. A pale complex, baggy white shirt and jeans, black messy hair that stood in all directions and dark grey piercing eyes. He was his only friend because the other Angels were so annoying. Always taking their tasks so serious and always following the rules perfectly. So what if he wanted to curse here and there? People won't fucking die because of it!

'Hello to you too, L.' He turned his gaze back on the sleeping redhead. 'And yes, he's so frustrating! I seriously have no idea how he's still alive.'

'Well,' he crouched down next to Mello, 'It can be because of your amazingly guardian talents or he's just a lucky guy.'

Mello snorted. 'Yeah, right. You know it wasn't by accident that I got this one. It's to punish me for being a rebellious Angel.'

L started to stir his hands through the clouds in front of him and made an opening so he could see his own human. He pouted. 'Be happy you've got someone who needs your help. All I got is a perfect human being who does nothing wrong in life.'

Mello laughed at the pouting face of his friend and shook his head. His shoulder length blond hair moved along. 'You're bored out of your mind with that Light Yagami guy, aren't you?'

'You have no idea.'

'I'm glad I don't. I thought Matt was terrible to have, but it seems like yours is even worse.'

L sighed. 'And I didn't even do anything to annoy the High Council. The first Angel of the Council, Watari, likes me very much.'

He shrugged. 'Maybe that's why they gave you a human that wouldn't cost much work.'

'I know... but I rather have someone with a more exciting life like yours.'

Mello glanced at him. 'Want to trade? Light for me and Matt for you?'

L shook his head immediately. 'No, we can't. It's not permitted to trade.'

'... So?'

He turned his head and looked at the blond to look if he was serious. When he saw Mello was a smile tucked at his lips.

'This is why they gave you the tasks you don't like, you know? You're a rebel under the Angels.'

Mello grinned. 'You like me anyways.'

'True, at least you're not boring.'

He laughed and L just smiled silently. He wasn't one for showing much emotion such as laughing out loud, but luckily he wasn't like that stupid twat-

As if he could hear his thoughts... the stupid twat appeared in his piece of realm.

'Hello Mihael, Lawliet.'

'Nate,' Mello spat as if his name was a curse. 'Don't call me that! It's Mello.'

L had just nodded politely as a greeting and didn't say anything about his name. Nate always said the real and full name of someone and never a nickname.

Annoying little brat... always thinking he's the best and stands above everyone else.

In a way Nate was the best, but Mello would never admit it out loud. He was one of the favorites of the High Council. He was everything the Council thought that was a perfect Angel. Polite, self-controlled, did all of his tasks perfectly, never making a mistake. As if it wasn't enough the guy only wore white clothes, had crisp white hair and was even paler than L. The only thing that wasn't white were his eyes. Dark and completely emotionless.

'What do you want, little creep?'

'Watch your manners, Miheal,' Nate said. 'I'm only coming for Lawliet. I already thought he would be here with you.'

L raised an eyebrow. 'Are you coming for me? Why?'

Nate turned to L. 'Watari has asked me to tell you that he wants to discuss something with you.'

'Really?' He frowned in confusion. 'I wonder why... When does he wants to see me?'

'As soon as possible.'

'Alright then.' L stood up from his crouched position next to Mello and closed the hole in the clouds so Light couldn't be seen anymore.

He gave a small smile to Mello. 'See you later.' And he walked away from his piece of realm.

When Nate didn't make an attempt to move Mello glared at him. 'Do you have any other reason to be here?'

'No, I have not.'

'Then please do me a favor and go the hell away.' He smirked. 'Look at that, I'm being more polite already.'

Nate said nothing in return, but did as he wanted and disappeared from his realm.

Mello turned his attention to Matt again and saw the guy still sound asleep. It wouldn't be for many more hours until the redhead woke up. He groaned and fell flat on his back, closing his eyes in new growing frustration.

I hope things will chance for me soon or I'll go crazy here.

'The disgusting rat hacked us today.'

Unbelieving cries sounded through the room where three guys were playing with cards. The fourth who just announced the news walked over to the table and sat down with the others.

'Are you serious, Paul?!' one of the guys said incredulously.

'Of course I'm serious! I just heard it from the boss himself!' Paul explained. 'But...' he paused dramatically. 'I also got the news that the boss finally knows where the little rat hides.'

All the eyes in the room widened at the news of the hacker being found. It was his fault they lost a lot of money and drugs more than once.

'But wait...' the guy from earlier said. 'I can hear there's more. Tell us.'

'Mike, you're right. There's more.' Paul smirked. 'The boss has chosen us to be the group to eliminate the hacker.'

One of the other threw his cards on the table and stood up. 'Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think we need to make a plan and get this guy!'

Paul grinned. 'That's the spirit, Raoul.' He turned to the last man. 'You're in for this?'

The man, Sam, nodded furiously. 'The hell I am! Let's do this shit and destroy the little bastard!'