
Mal grabs the wand from Jane and starts to point it at everyone telling them to stand back. But Ben doesn't listen and he steps forward telling her not to do this and she response with but our parents. But that doesn't stop Ben, he tells her their parents chose their fate and now for her to choose hers. Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos all decide to be good and that's when Maleficent comes in making a big entrance with a green cloud of smoke. Now to the story.


When I saw a green cloud of smoke come through the castle I lost all sense of what was around me, for the first time in my life I was afraid. I looked over to Ben and then looked over to Jay, Carlos, and Evie. We were all thinking the same exact thing. When the green cloud of smoke disappeared it revealed to be Maleficent, my mother.

"Go away mother!" I said with anger, she replied with a laugh.

"Now, hand me the wand dear." Maleficent said with power, when she finally had enough of the games she grabbed the wand out of my hand.

"Mom, leave now!" I couldn't help but be angry with her. Ben gave his mother Queen Belle to his father King Beast and he walked over beside me. I wished he didn't do that but what was done was done.

"What happened to my evil little girl?" Maleficent said she was curious but she knew what happened already.

"Mother I-" I tried to say something but she cut me off

"Oh darling, you four have one last chance to come back to the evil side or suffer the consequences as everyone will." Maleficent grew angry as her eyes started to grow green as she gave us one last chance to turn evil again. There was no way I could but I had a plan but I didn't know if it was going to work.

One by one Jay, Evie, and Carlos said they would not be evil again but they were going to be good. When I heard each of them say that it broke my heart to say these next words.

"What about you Mal?" Maleficent said with a disappointing tone.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I remember saying those words when we got the mission to get the wand. Those words tasted like poison in my mouth. After I said those words everyone was in shock and Ben looked at me, I was so vulnerable tears started streaming down my face. He gave me a disappointing look as he step away from me. I felt my heart break in pieces, he was the first person I loved and I had to do this to save him and my friends and basically everyone. I thought I was crying hard but I saw Ben starting to break into tears as Jay, Carlos, and Evie comforted him.

"Now that's my nasty little girl." Maleficent said we a nasty tone. "Now for the rest of you, each of you will go on trial, anyone found guilty will be sent to the prison mine to dig for magic." Everyone started to whisper. "Quiet!" Maleficent said as she slammed her magic scepter to the ground.

I know I must've been looking sad because then my mom said "What's wrong sweety?" I replied with "I'm fine mom, can we just get this going?"

Maleficent had each and everyone come forth as she made me and her sit in the matching thrones and wear the hers and hers crowns. Everyone had come up before us except for Jay, Carlos, Evie, Ben, and Audry. She called Audry up next. "State your name and your parents and whether you want to be good or bad." Maleficent said with a tone knowing her mother was Sleeping Beauty.

"My name is Audry, my mother is Sleeping Beauty, and I want to be evil." That shocked me and everyone else that was left. My mother then responded with "Why would you want to be evil?" Audry then said "Because your daughter stole my boyfriend and I was only using him to be queen, and I can say that truthfully." Maleficent replied with "Well I really do have an evil daughter, but fine you can be our steward Audry. I don't think she cared what role she got as long as she was spared. But I really do believe she is evil.


There was only Jay, Evie, Carlos, and me left to be put on the stand. My parents, Audrys parents, Prince Aladin, Princess Jasmine, Snow White, and Prince Charming was sent to the prison mine. Everyone else was sent to be locked into a dorm at Auradon Prep. I could not believe that Mal had just talked about being so good and now she's siding with her mother. It broke my heart so bad, I couldn't stop crying until I was so in shock that Audry said she was evil and that she only dated me to be queen. One by one Jay came up, then Evie, then Carlos, and finally it was my turn. Of course I had to be last and I was damaged that I couldn't even look at Audry and not even Mal so I look at the ground.

"State your name, your parents and if your good or evil." Maleficent said even though she knew what he was going to say.

"My name is Benjamin, My parents are Queen Belle and King Beast and I'm good." I said that without looking up and all in one breath.

"Well, guards take him to a dorm." said Maleficent as she sung her hand towards him.

The guards grabbed me by the arms and started to drag me towards the door as I looked up and saw Mal in tears. Mal then said "No, stop!" as soon as she said that guards started to grab her to keep her back. More tears came down my face as I saw she was still good but she just wanted to save me. Mal knew if she didn't say yes to being evil again her mother would of sent me to that prison where they sent my parents. It all became clear now and I felt so bad for doing what I did earlier.

To Be Continued...