Thanks for the reviews and favorites for the first part of the short story! There's not much of a plot that I can see besides Destiel cuteness, so this is the last part. And now Dean needs to get that handprint off of his *ahem*, so enjoy!

Weeks later and the handprint was still there. Anytime he was in the shower, Dean found it a strange reminder that Cas groped him. Well, not groped, but...touched. Not to mention, whenever the two were around each other, Cas would glance down at Dean's crotch. This continued to bother the Winchester until he finally summoned the angel one night. Sam was out somewhere doing Chuck knows what while Dean stayed at the motel. He made sure to shut the curtains.

"What?" Castiel asked gruffly after appearing with the customary sound of wings.

"Dude, I can't stand to have that handprint on my..." Dean trailed off as he saw the angel's eyes drop downward. "And I thought it would go away, but it hasn't, so I need your opinion." He ignored the wandering blue gaze.

Cas focused back on Dean's face. "If you want it to go away, I will need to touch it."

"Whoa!" Dean backed up immediately. Cas' head tilted a bit, the rest of him remaining still as stone. He didn't understand that you don't say that to a friend whilst there were two beds on either side of him. "Why can't you just touch the two fingers to my head?!"

"It does not work like that. You can keep your jeans on if that would make you feel more comfortable."

"There's nothing comfortable about another dude touching your crotch!"

"Do you want it off or not?" Castiel's face remained serious. He wasn't joking. He was never joking.

Dean huffed. It was either do this or have women jump out of the bed in shock and never get laid for the rest of his life. "Alright," he reluctantly agreed. He shifted uneasily, moving his hands behind his back and looking up at the ceiling.

The angel moved closer, hand moving steadily towards its destination and warming with healing power. After it made contact with Dean, an involuntary male response happened. A moan rose in his throat. Cas then disappeared.

For months after, Sam would wonder why Dean and Cas would always throw each other some awkward looks. Then he finally decided they were in love.