Author: Fugu

Archive: ask before

Warning: gore, I haven't read further than a third of Half Blood Prince so it's pretty much AU, major OOC, major sap, angst and oh yes, pretty plot less

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: purely for entertainment purposes, own no copyright.

Title: House of cards

Pairing: obviously most incredibly sappy Harry Potter/ Neville Longbottom. Other pairings as I go.

Notes: So I'm Quebecer thus my mother tongue is french and I cannot write British nor American English. All that to say that the Potter people will be speaking Canadian English. *shrug *

If you have read my other fics, you know that I just write for the sake of Sap and hurt/comfort; you know that I don't start arcs chronologically either. More so, I'm not a prolific writer, but I need to finish what I start. I hope that publishing will help me finish this story in the next three years? This is a work in progress, meaning that at anytime I might go back to rewrite and polish this fic as I add chapters. If any of these things are peeves, then you shouldn't be reading this story. Cheers ^_^

House of Cards

chapter 3

Augusta Longbottom was a no-nonsense women. People might have found her harsh, she was just efficient. This world had a heap load of sorrow and misery to send your way, best to be vigilant and prepared to deal. If it was only she, she'd have caved already, maybe not, it wasn't in her nature to surrender, but at least she could contemplate the possibility. However, she had people counting on her. First had been her Frank after the death of her dear husband and now the center of her world was Neville. She'd be damned if she didn't leave the boy ready to pummel life right back in the arena.

She'd gotten the call from Saint-Mungo two weeks ago. Frank and Alice had finally let go. It had been swift, she hadn't had time to reach the hospital before they were gone. They said that in the last minutes lucidity had come to them. They'd pronounced one name: Neville.

Despite the fact that both she and Neville had secretly hoped for that end to come -what a horrible wish from a mother and she was sure to bury that devil of a sentiment with all the others brimming in the closet of her consciousness- she still found the death highly suspicious. Their mind was gone that was a given but their health, although deteriorating had not been so pour to warrant such a swift demise, and synchronized to booth. Now the most romantic of the lot would say that it was the deep connection that Frank and Alice shared that pulled them away together. She scoffed as she climbed the stairs to Dumbledore's , no Snape's office now. She'd ordered and autopsy and again her shrewdness would help them prepare for the ordeal to come. She had lost much, she had lost too much. She would be damned to the seven Hells before they took Neville form her.

At the top of the stairs, the sour puss was waiting for her, his eyes hooded but intrigued, thank Merlin for small graces.

"Augusta" he motioned for a seat in the small salon. He wasn't going to discuss this from the other side of his desk. Just like he had not subjected her to the indignity of uttering a password at the bottom of the stairs, the gargoyle silently jumping aside as he saw her arrive.

"Severus" she inclined her head and went to take a seat.

"Minerva and Poppy will be with us shortly, I am afraid I have alarming news concerning Mr. Longbotton" he droned as he sat on a chair next to hers. Tea was already on the coffee table and he inclined his head towards the service, she declined.

She pursed her lips worry gripping her breasts, "What is wrong. Tell me now Severus."

"He is not in immediate danger."

Her already pale face grew ashen. She knew what the autopsy had gleaned but it was vague and she'd thought they would have more time. Neville had already suffered. She was sure of it or else Poppy would not have been involved.

"I want to see him. Bring me to him Severus" she meant to rise when in came Minerva followed by Poppy.

Eyes sharp she watched as they walked over, Minerva was unreadable, always the best candidate for a stiff upper lip but Poppy's face held nervousness, pity, worry. She didn't give them time to be seated. She rose swiftly for her age.

" I want to see my grand-child now."she said sharply.

"Mrs. Longbottom..." started Snape.

"Their is a curse," she interrupted and it shut him up swiftly as he zeroed a narrowed gaze to her. She continued undaunted " There is a curse running rampant in my grandson's blood." She took a deep breath "Alice and Frank are gone. Two weeks, two weeks ago" her voice stuttered with rare weakness "they drew their last breath. I ordered an autopsy. There was trace of a curse, arithmancy in their Last Aura, dark, very dark, they could not say if it was what killed them or was triggered by their death. They could not identify it either." She looked at the grim faces around her. "When Severus called I added up what there was. You tell me if my intuition is wrong" she finished her chin up defiantly.

Snape's teeth ground and then he let loose a fowl expletive. He had wondered how a boy such as Neville, with Neville's experiences could come about such symptoms. He would not be surprised if one of his Slytherins had suffered Neville ailments or Potter, even Weasley or Granger since they were always in the Boy Who Lived' s skirt folds.

Who the boy had angered, which dark wizard had he frequented to get such a parting gift? But of course it was all their favorite pain in the ass Voldemort, the dark wizard in everyone's closet that had touched him. Dammit. He swore again.

"Severus!" Poppy exclaimed at the foul language, even Minerva raked his throat embarrassed. But he wasn't remotely sorry. They didn't know, if he was an ounce correct in his assumption...dammit.

He looked at the boy's grandmother, at her squeezed lips and fought the undignified emotion of pity.

Neville was wondering when he'd be released. He felt exhausted sure, but no more then he'd been feeling for the last two weeks and he really felt good enough to leave the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey refused to confirm that the attack he had had only been anxiety. And that kind of worried him. What else could it be? He knew his grandmother was to come, and he hoped to be able to see her in Snape's office, not in bed. He didn't want to worry her. He sighed and stroked the callused tanned hand in his. His hands were callused too by horticulture work but his bone structure was more fine. The hand in his had thick stubby fingers, short nails, veins on the back and led to a thick veined forearm. The skin was rugged where his seemed soft and pale and effeminate. He scowled, he wasn't a woman. He watch the hand squeeze his and looked up to an inquiring emerald gaze behind rectangle metal rims.

"My hand looks like a girl's hand in yours"


"Why are your hands more manly than mine?"

"What?", Harry chuckled. He looked at their hands together "my hands aren't more manly and I like yours just fine" he grinned. Where had that come from?

Neville pondered, "okay"

Harry opened his mouth to ask where this was coming from when Snape, followed by Mrs Longbottom, McGonagall and Pomfrey walked in.


Before Augusta could continue on her thought, Snape interjected.

"Potter," he spat "there are matters to be discussed that do not pertain to you, as surprising as it my be" he added snidely "I know it is almost impossible for you not to put your nose in other people's business but in this instance you will follow the rules."

"Severus." Poppy reprimanded softly.

As Snape spoke Harry's face became thunderous and he opened his mouth to give the man a piece of his mind.

"Harry..." and was stopped by Neville's soft voice. He looked at the tired face. "Harry..." he licked dry lips and continued hesitantly "Harry, I'd prefer if you'd leave, please?"

Harry felt his heart drop as Neville averted his gaze. Maybe he'd taken too many liberties? He dropped the sick man's hand. He'd been to insistent. He profited from Neville's vulnerability and helplessness to impose on him? Still, he'd been so worried, his sentiments had been genuine, but maybe they were moving, HE was moving too fast and pushing Neville in a corner?

He managed a smile and couldn't stop one last stroke of the pale hand. "Sure. No worries." He stood up and calmly greeted the professors goodbye. Still before the infirmary's doors closed behind him Neville called.

"You'll come by later?"

And Harry felt like the sun had come out from behind the clouds. He got a grip on his joy and managed to look back with a smile and not a face splitting beam at his heart's desire.

"Sure, see you later."

Neville relaxed when Harry left. He'd been afraid he'd hurt the young man with his shyness. If he was honest with himself, he'd prefer to have Harry with him only to not be alone facing what he believed to be foreboding news when he looked at the grim faces surrounding him. Yet, he couldn't lean on Harry so much. Already, he'd been witness to his "damsel in distress" routine, twice! And they weren't that close, they weren't even friends...sure Harry had been oddly in his face the last weeks but it was for Qudditch and yes he'd been pretty familiar with his affection, but he was a really nice and compassionate guy. Neville admits to himself that he didn't really push him away and to the contrary, indulged in the attention; but fantasies stopped being harmless when Real Life decided to rear it's ugly head. He had to pay attention and prepare a stiff upper lip as his Gran had trained him. He braced himself for what he felt was going to be very bad news.

Harry wasn't exempt from classes and it was a long afternoon where he isolated himself from the school body. Only the knowledge that Neville had actively asked him to come by ( the first time Neville had actually reached out) kept him from bolting to the infirmary, propriety be damned! He took supper in his room after visiting the kitchens, he had no patience for his boisterous friends with the worry gnawing at his nerves and he didn't feel like explaining to Hermione why he hadn't met her in the library.

Footsteps in the stairs alerted him that the first students were already coming back from supper. He hastily wrapped the last of his sandwich to finish en route to the infirmary. He wanted to avoid year mates and leave the House without too much notice. He took his Invisibility cloak and vanished the rest of his tray before opening his door swiftly to find Neville lifting his weary eyes in surprise. Harry immediately saw that he was distressed, hand to his chest, his breath labored and tears streaming down his face.

He was at his side in a blink. "Neville!" he looped an arm around his waist and Neville leaned against him instead of the railing.

"They let you out too early! We're going back to the Infermary."

Neville pushed against him shaking his head but the sobs could not be held back, he seemed not to be able to speak. He borrowed his face in Harry's collar bone, clinging for dear life.


"n no. No" He gasped, he swallowed and tried to gasp "need to sit down, please"

Harry pulled him swiftly into his room and sat him on his bed. Neville shuddered trying to rein in his sarrow, the way his heart was breaking was a whole different sensation than the sickness he now knew would steal his life.

Harry called for a glass of water and dipped a conjured handkerchief in it. He proceeded to softly wipe the blonde's pale face and neck.

He offered the cool glass "Have some."

Neville shakily took it and gulped half the glass before Harry reached out to pull it away from his lips "Slowly! You'll choke."

The blonde covered his face with his hands and bit down hard to try to reign in the grief, the moans that wanted to rip out of his throat. God, he couldn't understand how it hurt so much when he'd barely known them at all but for the catatonic corpses they had been. He still had Gran. He had Gran and she was enough, she always had been enough even when he wished for a mother and a father. Even when he wished for the picture perfect family and luminous white picket fence home. He had to get a grip. The emotional pain was swiftly becoming physical again and he didn't want to pull the swooning heroine stunt again. Even lost in turmoil as he was, he could feel Harry panicking and the young man didn't deserve all the stress Neville was giving him.

Neville pulled his hands away and rubbed at his face while he forced himself to breath slowly through the burning pressure of his tripping heart. Snape had given him his first treatment which hurt like a mother and he needed to stay calm to help it work faster. What a load of bull that was after the news he got. Severus Snape was one unfeeling SOB. Neville let out a strangled laugh at his thoughts and felt the arms around him tighten. He looked up at Harry's worried face. The man deserved some explanation.

Neville weakly rubbed his forehead, "My parents are dead."

He felt the body beside him stiffen. Shit, way to go Neville, just drop the bomb on the poor guy.

"Oh God, Neville. I'm so sorry."

Neville shook his head, "They were getting there anyways." Merlin's balls, anyways. They'd all heard about it in the halls when he ripped Draco a new one. Frankly, now that he knew how this was going to end for him, he didn't give a rats's ass if people thought he was loopy. Being sane was overrated anyhow. "They suffered endless Crucios by the hand of Death Eaters." he took a breath trying to get the room to focus. "It took their mind, crazy as brooms they were and after close to twenty years in the psych wards of St-Mungos they died." He chuckled darkly, "I don't know why it's hitting me so hard, I didn't know them, they didn't know me." God he needed for his heart to stop lurching like that. He checked the bracelet and it was orange, fuck! He didn't want to be more of a bother but he needed to NOT pass out.

He looked up at Harry and his blurry vision made it seem like he was crying. Neville took the towel soaking the bed and wiped his face and eyes some more.

"I'm sorry, I, I need to lie down. Can I just for a few minutes than I'll be out of your hair?"

"Don't be daft," Harry croaked low. Neville looked at him as Harry helped him stand just so they could take the two steps to the head of the bed, and he saw that Harry's eyes were red rimmed. He choked on a flutter when he realized that Harry had actually been crying with him. Fuck, way to hurt the one you loved.

"Sorry", Neville moaned as he lay back on the bunched up pillows Harry pushed behind him.

"Shut up, Neville."

Neville closed his eyes to calm himself down, but the dark was pulling all his attention to the pain so he opted for looking at the canopy up ahead. He felt a hand on his cheek and looked at Harry knelt beside him, worry darkening his eyes to forest green or was it the darkness of the bed far from the candle lights? Neville needed to reassure him. He should have gone home with Gran. He was stubborn. He wanted to finish his school year. He wanted to die with at least having accomplished something but, really what was glamorous about finishing his Hogwarts schooling? Still, Neville was going to tough it out to the last minute of seventh year and OWLS before he keeled. Damn, fuck it, to be honest, he was staying and being a burden because he wanted to see Harry for as long as he could before he kicked the bucket.

While he had his second little freak out Harry had found the bracelet still around his wrist with the orange and green squares both lit. Hi face became dark.

"You still have that monitor on. Why?" He asked harshly.

Neville swallowed and looked at the desk tucked against a corner of the far wall.

"Turns out that the anxiety disorder wasn't a pain in the ass enough. I've contracted another disease, not contagious"His lips thinned, "It's... the monitor helps me manage, is all."

Briefly, Harry wondered again how Neville was comfortable with muggle medicine and muggle terms. Neville wasn't expressing himself like a wizard at all and if his memories were true, it wasn't the case in the past. Harry's hand squeezed painfully, "What is it." Harry croaked. Neville looked around and cringed at making the Boy Who Lived freak out. " Is it your heart?"

Neville searched Harry's face as the pressure in his chest gradually lessened. What could he say, what could he reveal? Harry was trust worthy, he knew but had already a lot on his plate with Voldermort without worrying about a sick friend. On the other hand once he knew Neville couldn't help him with the Quidditch team, he'd leave him alone. And well, it would hurt but at the same time Neville could cherish those few weeks on his dying bed and still look at Harry from afar the rest of the year...fuck he was so morbid. Maybe it was because of herbology, but being attuned to nature, he had always accepted the cycle of life and death, maybe that's why he was finally calming down when thinking about his close expiry date. He rather go than be left alone. It wasn't fair to Gran but deep down he was a selfish SOB.

He shrugged "Yeah my heart is affected, as well as other organs. It's a blood disease."

He fell silent, but Harry was having none of it, it seems, and turned his face towards him. "and?" He prompted frowning. "how do you treat it? What's its name? Will you recover?" His face froze suddenly in a painful grimace "It's not, it's not fatal is it?" he chocked out.

Neville was surprised at how fast and smoothly he could lie "Of course not," he frowned to keep his eyes from popping out as he was want to do when he was nervous and he concentrated on tightening his jaw against the tremor that wanted to make him stutter "It's..." his heart lurched hard and stumbled a couple of seconds . Breath, Neville, breath, fuck. "I can't remember the name at the moment" he lied "obscure disease linked to the Longbottom family" Ha! You could say that again. "It can't be cured but it's manageable" True enough for the time being.

Harry searched Neville's face and he closed his eyes, he couldn't look Harry in the eye for long. He felt the hand on his cheek slide down his neck and stroke the sweaty skin for a while before resting on his chest to the left. "You're heart's racing." Harry complained as he started to rub over the jumping organ, trying to calm it down.

"Yeah, it's a symptom, as well as stomach and back pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, overall weakness actually. Not discomforts I'm unfamiliar with come to think of it." His body felt so heavy and his teeth felt like cotton, shit. He didn't want to pass out. Damn, he was lying down why wasn't it getting better already? He brought a shaky hand to his pounding head. "Hey, I've been lying down for how long now?" he whispered.

Harry brought his hand down and replaced it with a cool clothe and Neville fought to not groan in relief.

"About five minutes?"

"Huh, 'kay."

"Is it too long? Should I call Madame Pomfrey?" Harry worried.

"No," Neville swallowed, "s'fine. If it takes more than twenty I can get to the infirmary. Professor Snape give me the first treatment. 's just taking some time...guess." Neville couldn't quite muster the energy needed to talk anymore.

"Well, the indicator is green. The monitor hasn't shut down but it's green." Harry reassured while he held his hand in one hand and rubbed his chest with the other.


They lapsed into silence.

" You're staying here tonight." Harry said a couple minutes later.


"No. No buts, no protest. You're staying here where I can keep and eye on you. Anyways, I don't want you to climb the stairs to your dorm the way you're feeling."

Sharing a bed with Harry Potter! Holy! He'd never even gone that far with his fantasies and he couldn't even muster panic let alone enthusiasm he was so freaking tired right now. He could be sleeping next to Bellatrix Lestrange at the moment he wouldn't bat and eye, fuck his life.

"Sorry." At least he could muster the energy to apologize at taking up the guy's bed. He opened his eyes and was happy to realize that his vision was clear and the colors dim again, the stars had disappeared from his view.

"Shhh." Harry bent and kissed his forehead. Neville sighed and fantasized it was a gesture meaning more than just generous compassion. Harry was the type of guy that craved touch and was pretty grabby with friends. He'd seen him bestow that same kiss on Ron and Hermione and a number of other close friends. Neville was happy to be considered a close friend. Even though he was in the front lines of the war, he'd never felt as close to Harry as he did now.

"Don't move. I'm just going to change you into sleep clothes and pull the covers over you." Harry did it so seamlessly that he barley felt the bed move nor the cool air touch his skin between garments. Still, the tingle of wandless magic on his body seized his spine and sent his heart into horrid leaps that made it beat in his throat. He could help release a whimper at his sore chest.

"Neville?" Harry asked both hands holding his face. Neville opened his eyes which he hadn't realized he had shut. " s'fine, it kind of tripped again. Fine" he clumsily pat the hand on his right cheek.

Harry's eyes left his face to look at the monitor and by his expression Neville deduced it was still in acceptable range.

"I'm going to go get ready for the night and I have a little homework to finish." Harry eventually said. "Just rest"

Neville felt the dry lips on his forehead again before the bed dipped slightly and Harry disappeared into the bathroom. It wasn't two minutes before his brain shut down and he fell into and exhausted sleep.

He'd had to escape before he broke and let Neville see.

Harry walked to the sink and just grabbed it and stood there breathing. He was afraid, he was so fucking scared. He hadn't known how deep he'd fallen until now. Until he could feel the absolute panic crawl up his throat at the unfathomable idea of a world without Neville. Of Neville leaving him behind. He couldn't, he couldn't accept that and he bit hard on the knuckles he pushed his mouth to silence his moan. Hastily, wandlessly, he erected a silencing charm as the sobs erupted, burned out of his chest. So soon after Dumbledore, despite his lies, his death had been a devastating blow. He couldn't, he just couldn't. The disappearance of Remus and Ron giving him the cold shoulder, and Sirius, Oh God Sirius...and now this? Couldn't he have one thing, just one thing nice and intact that was his. Couldn't he get a break?

He wouldn't survive it if Neville left him. He gritted his teeth, get grip! Neville'd said it wasn't fatal, he wasn't going anywhere, not if Harry had anything to say about it and he had plenty to say. Harry took a couple of deep breaths and got the water running for a shower. Something in the back of his mind was nudging at the fact that Voldermort was involved, but it must be paranoia talking. He had a tendency of blaming the snake bastard for all the bad in his life. Thought, come to think of it, he was to blame for all the bad in his life. Fuck. Harry shook his head as he divested and walked under the steaming water. He turned his face towards the warmth and popped his neck to let the tension drain away from his body. No, what he had to concentrate on, he decided as he soaped his hair, was how to help Neville manage this disease. Whatever it was, and by the way, he was going to get a name, a list of symptoms and treatments. He wasn't letting this new development to fate and good luck, he wasn't going to accept vagueness anymore. He'd had his lesson with Dumbledore. When he was feeling better Neville was going to explain clearly and in detail, so they could manage this together. Alright, let's face it, it was for Harry's selfish peace of mind. Speaking of, he took his wand from the side of the tub and sent a monitoring charm on his bed. He couldn't well hear if Neville needed help under the shower, he also lifted the silencing charm.

Ten minutes later Harry was in sleepwear sitting next to Neville with a couple of books around him. He couldn't stand siting at his desk with the bed at his back. He conceded that he couldn't concentrate well in his readings, having read three pages in twenty minutes but it was better than nothing. He jut needed to touch and make sure Neville was okay. The bracelet was blinking green. He guessed Neville was close to good and he wasn't as pale as before. His breathing was deep and slow. Harry slid a thumb at the pulse of his throat. It was slow and getting steady. He slid his hand to his love's chest and rubbed absentmindedly. Neville sighed and turned his face towards Harry. The young man smiled and went back to his school work.


Neville woke up and there was an arm around his stomach and a face, he realized, pressed to his neck stopping him from turning towards, well Harry. Right, he'd slept with Harry, in Harry' s bed...okay. And he was coming to realize that he was a serious cuddler. He closed his eyes and breathed in slowly trying to wake up more and his face cracked in a yawn as he rose one arm over his head to stretch. When he froze and let himself gently fall back to the bed with a gasped. Shit, what the hell? He couldn't even stretch without his heart protesting and now his stomach was seizing. He grabbed low over the kidney and swallowed as nausea reared its ugly head. Oh god. He moaned in his head and maybe out loud too because the face that was snuffling his neck prickling it with five o'clock shadow pulled away with the arm around his middle.

"Neville" Harry asked roughly and Neville shot him a glance as he swallowed thickly the saliva pooling in his mouth. Also, by the way, how come his eyes were bigger without the glasses? Wasn't it the other way around?

"I think" Neville swallowed again more urgently " no...sure, gonna be sick!"

Hastily, he turned to the side of the bed and heaved. It was a minute or two but it felt like twenty especially the dry heaving at the end while his stomach burned with hard knots of pain. When there didn't seem to be anymore coming out and his gag reflex had subsided, he shakily helped Harry pull him back to the bed. He couldn't really roll on his back and anyways, he rather wanted to curl over his burning middle. Harry left him on his side and vanished the sick on the floor and in his mouth. His head contested that last bit with a pounding headache. He gripped his middle and moaned some more. Oh damn, he felt like he was going to shit himself. Oh god spare him this humiliation. There were things friends just couldn't share and the runs was one of them.

"Harry," He moaned.

"Yes love." He felt the young man rubbing his back and his hair a bit frantically, yeah he could understand that. What a way to wake up.

"I need professor Snape. Call professor Snape." he urged as nausea rose again. Oh man, I can't hold it in, oh fuck. He was going to poop all over Hary's bed, he just knew it. Within the next minute thought there was a rough hand pushing at his kidneys and he almost cried out before the knots swiftly unraveled. Too late though, since he could feel slimy wetness on his backend. His face went from grey to red in two point five seconds as Professor Snape pulled back the covers and his pants with them. He cried out.

"Do cease the melodrama Mister Longbottom. I haven't got all day to cater to your sensibilities." He felt hands spread his but cheeks open, oh Merlin Kill him now! " Mister Potter, wipe that expression of your face. I'd rather think you do not expel sweet scenting cinnamon buns when you need to defecate. Kindly spare me the hysterics." Oh sweet Mother of God.

Neville tried to kill himself with pillow suffocation. Snape vanished the crap as he drilled Potter about the color and consistency of his sick. Uh. He tried to listen in to gauge the degree of revolt that was in the bespectacled young man's voice but his mortification was making him half deaf, or was it his racing heart trying to push through his ribs again?

"Longbottom, I will need to administer your treatment swiftly. As we don't all have the luxury to pick up space in bed during school day," Snape drawled.


Neville started pulling his legs towards the edge of the bed to stand up and hopefully leave Harry's room with minimum fuss. No way was he going to subject Harry to more gross. Harry wasn't his nurse, nor his family, he had imposed enough, too much already.

He knees were stopped by a wide hand. "Stay here Nev. He can rest in my room for the day. It'll be more peaceful than in the dorms"

Before he could protest his top was pulled up and a freezing solution rubbed to the base of his spine. He jumped.

"Hold him." he heard Snape say. Oh shit, and before he could brace himself the needle was pushed in. He tried to cry out but his breath was stolen away by the pain. He shook, clenching the pillows and wanting to crawl away. Distantly, he heard Harry cry out and Snape demand he hold Neville down lest the fool (him looked like) move and Snape bruise his spinal cord.

Swiftly, he came too, he hadn't realized he'd passed out, gasping hard. He gradually felt hands shakily holding a cool cloth to the small of his back and Snape was nowhere to be seen. Fuuuck.

He pushed his face away from the pillow trying to get more air and felt Harry move around his body. He ended up kneeling on the floor his face close to Neville's while still holding the damp cloth with the numbing solution to his back. He didn't seem to bothered by Neville's hard breathing in his face, at least the mouthwash charm had been good for morning breath.

Neville blinked watery eyes and looked and the fairly gray skinned Harry Potter.

He needed a couple of tries, but he got enough breath to throw a rough "sorry" to the man.

Harry's lips became a thin line. " Is that what manageable means? " he asked angrily.

Shit. Here we go, the grand rejection. If only he could let Neville down gently. At the moment the blonde wasn't sure if his heart could stand much more and he really didn't want to keel over with a heart attack on Harry's bed. The man had had enough. Would this morning never end?

He didn't have the breath but he forced himself none the less, "at firssh...first, n, not lat, later..." he slurred.

"Fuck! Don't talk." Harry exclaimed. He searched his face, the frown still firm, before he stood up. Neville felt the cloth leave his back. Harry pulled his top down and pulled the covers snug over his shoulders, before he came back into Neville's line of sight. His hand stroked Neville's cheek and the strong forearm inadvertently brushed Neville's lips. Harry pulled Neville's arm from under the covers and his face turned out down right thunderous when he saw that the red and orange icons were both lit.

"S'no worry, normal." Neville gasped as he rode the pain.

Harry grunted and squeezed his hand. "When you feel better, we will sit down, with Hermione," he added as an after thought "and you will tell us, in great details, of this disease, it's name, symptoms and treatments." He shot Neville and unwavering stare "It is a lot more serious that you let it sound last night." He gently shook Neville's hand.

Neville who wasn't gasping out like a floundering fish anymore blinked owlishly at Harry. He'd barfed, he'd shat on the man's bed, oh god, Harry'd seen the barbaric contraption sinking into his spine and he still wanted him around? What? Huh?

"Wha..." Neville brilliantly answered.

Harry kissed his forehead, "I'll get ready while you get your breath back. Snape said you should feel better in about half an hour. I'll eat breakfast here to keep you company, alright?"

"Hmm" what...?

As Harry got ready Neville dosed, the treatment made him groggy but he woke up to Harry petting his hair around his face.

"Love, you awake?"

He grunted an affirmative.

Harry smiled. "Severus said that you won't be able use magic much and to minimize it's use around you?" He quirked an eyebrow. Yeah, he'd have to explain that to Harry. "Dobby has a bell charmed to that pulley." He motioned towards the thick cord near the headboard."Pull if you need anything. He'll wait for your call for meals but after ten minutes he'll come bring you food anyways alright? So if you need to sleep, just sleep okay love?"

Neville brought a weak hand to the one resting on his neck.

A kiss to the cheek this time "I'll be back to see you at lunch" was Harry's parting whisper.

To say he didn't want to leave Neville was moot. Still, Harry knew that being frantic wasn't gong to help him or Neville at all. He needed to be calm for both their sake. He needed to not obsess like he was prone to do. After Sirius and Albus he'd learned that he needed to get his facts straight and not presume anything. Thought it was fucking hard not to follow just his intuition, but what was intuition and what was Voldermort playing with his mind? He couldn't be sure anymore.

Seventh year and he was still in Diviniation. But he'd heard in passing from Ron that Neville would also continue in this class because of some other such link between plants, divination and astronomy. Whatever, but fuck him, if Neville was there than he was there. So now first class after the hell that his morning had been, he was ensconced in nausiating patchouli fumes being miserably devinated at and being subjected to Ron's holier than thou judgmental stares. God, whyyyy?

So yeah, Professor Trelawney wasn't total fraud, Just partially. And the 'not total' manifested itself again before class ended. Of course it did.

She'd been assigning school homework and well Harry was actually paying great attention for this class and would for all the others Neville couldn't attend. Whatever, Neville thought it was important, so it was important and Harry would take all the info his heart's desire needed to succeed his academics and what not. So yeah, he was dutifully transcribing the actually quite extensive mid-term assignment question that would necessitate a trip to a shaman's workshop, at least if any of them wanted to pass with higher marks than A, damn, when Trelawney's voice turned rough, her eyes, well cloudier and her body became stiff. Shit, here we go, thought Harry.

"He comes from the lost,

Soulless he is,

the hope of time is his.

Death hath no master,

but death doth he nurture,

The knots of time clear secrets,

to find the wyrm of circuits.

The tale of old foretold,

the hope of time he holds,

to find the wyrm of secrets,

the knots of time a circuit.

He come from the lost,

Soulles he is,

the hope of time is his."

Riiight. Circuits...well as vague and foggy as for the par. Harry thought as he ground his teeth ad tried to breath through his nose as the whole class stared at him with varying degrees of horror and morbid curiosity. You know, it could, oh my God hold the press, not be about him this time...maybe, fuck who was he kidding. Now after that Grim shit. Harry thought he'd keep this to himself but then again he was in class with like fifteen students. Who was he kidding, and he mentally slapped himself, Harry you need to have all your facts straight, right. He had to report to Snape and solicit Hermione's help and Luna, now that was a thought, to decipher what the clueless twat had just spat. After repeating the ominous rhymes two more times she blinked and continued without any knowledge of her gifts. Just before he left class ,behind the shuffling mass, Harry saw worry passing through Ron's dark frown. Maybe, probably wishful thinking?

Followed by Potions because having it as the last class of the day wasn't gruesome enough, going to the dungeons of hell while the sun was shining and birds were signing high in the trees did a man's heart good. After having double Potions, because yeah he had to want to be an Auror, fuck him. He'd also dutifully recited the , dare he say it, prophecy to Headmaster Snape and then fled to lunch.

On his way to the dorms, Harry crossed Luna in flip flops, a starry gaze and were those Sharpie "tattoos" on her arms? Upon closer inspection, yeah they seamed the magical equivalent of marker scribbling on her flesh that were of course moving. Yeah, Harry could still be impressed by the absurdity of magic.

"Did you do this to yourself?" he asked, lest it was another instance of bullying.

"Yes , of course," Luna looked at him curiously, "the furnwaggles manifest good fortune to the ones that spread good will." she said with no nonsense.

Harry nodded , Fair enough.

"I'm going up to my room, Neville's scatting there," yeah he might have had thought twice before running his mouth, shit. First off, he didn't want to podcast his desires to the whole school and Nevile was fragile. Also he maybe didn't want everybody to know he was shitting blood. Fuck, way to go Harry.

But Luna, bless her, didn't react to Harry's wide eyed stutter and actually nodded like 'of course Neville is sleeping in your bed Harry', par to the norm. Harry closed his eyes and sighed "Wanna come say hi? I'm going to eat with him up in my room."

Luna fell in step with him.

When they arrived, Dobby was putting a tray down on his desk and moving towards Neville to wake him. Harry called him back, "I'll do it. Thanks Dobby. Could you bring a meal for Luna and me?"

"Yes Master potty, Dobby is happy to help Master Potty with his Nevie. Thank you Master Potty." Dobby blubbered.

Harry bared it with grace and a warm mute smile. That was the only way to make the genuflection end within this century.

As Dobby popped out to do as asked, Harry sat on the bed and gently stroked the lump that was Neville's covered shoulder.

"Hey love, how about you wake and eat a little? It'll do you good" he crooned.

A groan came form the blonde as his face scrunched up. While Neville woke Harry spied the bottles that had appeared on his nightstand. They weren't there that morning. In the background he heard Luna thank Dobby for their lunch. Soon she was sitting facing Neville on the other side of the bed.

Neville sighed and borrowed his face in the pillows before rubbing it halfheartedly with a shaky hand. He blinked and frowned when it wasn't Harry in front of him.


"I'm here love, Luna came by to say hi." Harry held his breath, he wasn't sure if Neville would be pissed about that.

"Hey Luna." Neville croaked closing his eyes in exhaustion. And Harry sighed in relief.

"Neville, the furnwaggles and glockspurs are going to have a ball in this corner," she said pointing to the corner of the room near the window.

"Okay," Neville accepted readily.

"Want help to sit up? I've got lunch for you." Harry tried to coax again. Harry didn't like how Neville had seemed to lose weight already after only three days in the infirmary. Being thin and fey was all well and good, he couldn't deny Draco's aesthetic appeal for instance. But he liked his Neville wide and pudgy. The blonde had muscle and strength but it was so comfortable to cuddle to soft flesh and that bum in jeans! Down Harry, down!

With the help of Luna they got him upright enough to choke down his porridge. His colors paled but came back fast enough.

"What do you need take before you eat?" Harry asked as he arranged the tray to his satisfaction over Neville's lap.

"Uhmm, I think the instructions are next to the meds" Neville frowned as he sent a mildly affronted glare to the vials.

Harry indeed found a scroll beside. Severus had written it so it was neat and precise and he skipped to the dosages for midday meal. Neville had to ingest no less than five potions, fuck. Two before he ate, two while he ate and one that had, he read twice to be sure, injected after. WTF.

"You've got to inject yourself?" Harry needed to make sure he'd read right.

"Yeah", Neville said around a grimace from the ingested potions, three liquids, one powder. He coughed after the last one and tried to shovel more porridge to swallow it down.

"Hey easy," Harry urged.

"I practiced yesterday a couple of times. I can do it alright," Neville continued.

"I knew something had changed in you Neville," Luna said softly. "Didn't I tell you weeks ago that the Imoshurgles were screaming around your navel? They do that when the aura pales."

"I know," Neville acknowledge. "I should always listen to you, I should have gone hunting for the strings of time with you no matter how tired I was."

He didn't see Harry stiffen as he spoke but Luna's dreamy stare sharpened for a moment than focused back on her best friend, "Not hunt Neville, but catch so we can ride them," she clarified.

Neville nodded weakly.

After their brief lunch, Harry and Luna left Neville to rest, but not without a promise from Luna to come see them later with the last two issues of the Quibbler.

Second class after lunch, Harry shared it with Hermione. Again, Arithmancy was a class he had to take for Auror training and surely not of his choosing. During most of the class he felt Hermione send him pointed looks until he signed that they would meet later. As soon as class ended his elbow was grabbed and he was pulled away from the main student body in an alcove of the fountain courtyard. The sun was blinding, hence it was freaking freezing with the snow crunching underfoot as Harry fidgeted.

"What's going on Harry?" Hermione went straight to the point. "We've been waiting for you," she whispered " we've found indications for the thrid hx (not to say horcruxe)"

Harry jumped. With all that was going on with Neville, the impossible had happened and his hunt of Voldermort's scattered remains had slipped from his mind. Still, they had found the second horcruxe relatively fast after Dumbledore's help and of course on their own the third was being a little more difficult. Yet, with the most clever witch of the century, of course they had clues only six months later.

Harry grinned, "Mione, you're awesome."

Hermione grinned back, "It wasn't all me." and she chuckled at Harry's side glance. "Still, " she continued sobering up, "you know that we want to act swiftly, we have less time with every destroyed horcxruxe before HWMNBN is aware of it."

They'd gone back to calling the snake lord by other monikers than the ones he chose. Turns out that saying his real name was the reason he could break into Hogwarts. His name was a fucking homing beacon. They'd learn it the hard way when Hermione disappeared for three weeks of torture she still couldn't openly discuss without getting clammy. Still, that one made you think of a lame boyband.

"I know, I'm sorry Herm," he sighed " It's just I've been preoccupied with Neville."

Her face obscured, "I thought as much. How is he?"

Harry rubbed his chest " Not good. Headmaster Snape has him following a frankly horrendous treatment. Neville says his disease is chronic and ..." His lips shook, " Hermy, he vomited blood this morning. He's exhausted, he's losing weight...I can't, I..."

"Oh Harry," She pulled him tight against her and the taller man buried his face in her neck trying to get a grip on his emotions. Soon enough he pulled back. "I'm good. I'm good, sorry."

Hermione shook her head and stroked his cheek. He breathed deeply.

"I need you Hermy, I know that I'm asking too much but I need you."

"Anything Harry."

"Can you come to my rooms after class?"

"yeah, sure"

"If you could, could bring some medical books with you. Neville says it's a blood disease that affects his organs, heart, liver, kidney and maybe more. He's got to get treatment through his spinal chord."

"Injections?" Hermione exclaimed. It was unheard of in the wizarding world to be treated by means other than charms, spell or potions. Magic folk found intrusive medicine abhorrent, unless for emergency surgery, and even than. Blood, organs, flesh were imbued with ones personal magic and could be ingredients to very dark curses indeed.


"Okay, I'll be there," Hermione looked at the time, "Damned I have to run my class is near the lake."

"Kay, sure," Harry had only time to drop a quick kiss to her forehead before she was off.

to be continued