'Today is the day,' Stiles thought to himself as he was sitting in his room. He heard his dad moving round in the kitchen downstairs, probably looking for the whiskey Stiles dumped down the sink before his dad came home. he looked around his room at all the memories, all the pictures from when he was a kid with his best friend Scott when they were seven(Scott moved away when the two of them were kids and stopped talking), and at the pictures he had from when his mother was still alive. 'Today is my last day in this house. Last day in this town. Last day of living.'

"Stiles! Get down here now!" his dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. He knew his dad would come banging on his door if he took too long. So thinking he better hurry and get out of the house, he got up from his bed and moved over to his window. Looking back at his locked door, he heard his dad trying to open it and started banging on it. Turning back to the window he opened it and made his way through and jumped to the ground.

He landed on his feet and looked back up at the window. He knew he would be hurt from jumping; he snuck out too many times. Staring at the window one last time, he turned back to the street and started running. Before he was too far away he heard his dad yelling. Wondering where the hell his son disappeared to.

Stiles finally made it to the cliff about the town. He walked over to the end and sat down, letting his feet dangle over the edge as he looked out at the town he grew up in. He remembered the first time he came up here. He was with his mom and Scott. It was the last time he and Scott saw each other. The next day he moved away with his mom. And the weekend after that, he lost his mom to a car accident. He lost his mom and his best friend in a span of a week and its now been ten years to the day.

'Mom. I really miss you.' he thought as he stood up from where he was sitting at the edge. 'I'm sorry that it's come to this. I just miss you so much. Why did you have to die... why did Scott have to leave.' Stiles stood there at the edge and looked out on the town for the last time. 'I'll be with you soon momma.'

"Goodbye..." Just as he had one foot off the edge about to step off, a pair of muscular arm wrapped around his waist and yanked him back; causing Stiles to lose his balance and fall backwards onto the mysterious person behind him.

"Oof." was all Stiles heard as the both of them hit the ground.

"Seriously, you just had to fall."

It took Stiles a second to realize that wasn't his voice. This voice was strong and from the loss of breath, husky. Stiles slowly turned to see the face of the man who just stopped him from killing himself. This man had piercing green eyes that seemed to stare into his very soul. Dark black hair accompanied by stubble along his strong jaw.

Stiles' breath hitched as he continued to stare at the man who stopped him.

"Are you going to just sit there and stare or are you going to get off of me already?" The mystery man asked, shaking Stiles out of his trance like state.

Hurriedly, Stiles got off of the man and stood up. He offered his hand to the man still on the ground, and to his surprise the man actually took his hand. Once the mystery man was on his feet, Stiles turned back to the edge and looked at the town again.

"Why?" Stiles asked.

"Why what? Weren't you the one trying to walk off the cliff. I should be the one asking why." he replied as he stood there expecting Stiles to tell him why he was trying to end his life.

"It's none of your business. Just go away so I can finish what I started."

"Not going to happen."

Stiles turned quickly to look back at the man. Was he really not going to leave. He had no right to try and stop him from doing what he wanted.

"And why the hell not?!" Stiles yelled at the man in front of him.

"Because. I know what it feels like to want to end your life. What it feels like to think no one cares if you live or die. You feel like you are so alone that it would jus be better if you were gone." he replied. Stiles knew that he meant every word he said. He could see it in his eyes. All the pain and sincerity. Stiles knew that he could trust this man. Even if they didn't even know each other.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Derek. Derek Hale, and I want you to live. Come with me and I will show you that there are others who have felt the same way you have."

Stiles stood there motionless as he stared at the man before him. Could he really trust him? Was Derek really telling the truth? All Stiles knew was that he wanted to know if what this man said was true. So what if this man turned out to be a serial killer, wasn't Stiles trying to kill himself five minutes ago. If this guy wanted to kill him, it would be basically what Stiles wanted. He wanted to die...Right?