Wow, such amazing support! I love each and every one of you who read, reviewed, followed, and/or added it to their favorites.

This chapter is made due to popular demand. By the way, I apologize if my English slips sometimes. It's not my native language. Feel free to correct me.

Here are some flashback that (hopefully) make some sense, and the reveal end.

It really was the summer of her life. Even the ever wild girl Alison DiLaurentis had to admit that.

She was particularly smitten with that newbie cop, tall, snarky, and handsome Darren Wilden whom Jason and CeCe had introduced her to. He might have been a little too old for her – okay, a lot, but since when does queen bee Ali D care about such details? – but that didn't stop them from having fun.

"No strings attached," Alison reminded him one last time. They'd snuck out the back door and went for a walk on the beach. The night was beautiful; air bore the pleasant aroma of sea, so warm and gentle, and the moon was full, so very beautiful on the cloudless night sky.

Jason and CeCe were too busy with each other to notice Alison sneaking out with the cop neither of them completely trusted despite their so called friendship. They were making out in the corner, amidst the noise that was the party they were lucky to be invited to.

Alison might have been a party girl, but she was a true adventure seeker at heart, her quest hot, delicious boy toys in close proximity.

Wilden fit the part to a T.

"I know you want to kiss me," Alison said, stopping dead in her tracks, her delicate hand slipping into Wilden's, entwining their fingers.

"I want to do more than just that," he admitted, prompting her to snort in that usual Ali D style, so freaking annoying, but cute and desirable nonetheless.

"Why do you think I took us out here?" she asked. Certainly not for beach walks and hand holding and all the other romantic bullshit. She was a peculiar girl of many tastes, with one constant thing in mind – boys. They were her treasure, her precious toys. No matter who and how old they were, and what they thought about it.

If they were hot, they were hers.

"Let's get to it, then," Wilden whispered. "Before they notice we're missing."

Alison smirked. He was right; the sooner they did it, the better. It would be disastrous if someone was to walk in and ruin the party.

It was time for her and her beach hottie to have some much needed fun.

It happened a few more times before he'd finally had enough. And he wouldn't have been named Darren Wilden if he'd been gentle about it.

"What do you mean, that's it?!" Alison shrieked. How dare he refuse her? Her, the school queen, the hot babe, the wet dream of every straight guy and lesbian girl? How dare he?

"I mean, we're done," Wilden repeated, getting aggravated.

"You can't do that!"

He shot her a mocking glare. "Really?"

"Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" Alison demanded. No one ever said no to her. That just didn't happen. She was too good for that.

Didn't he realize she could crush him if she wanted to? She wasn't the school's most popular mean girl for nothing.

Now that pissed him off. He walked up to her, his jaw clenched, body tensed up, and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" he countered. "I know you're used to getting everything you want, little girl, but this time you lose. This isn't high school, Alison. I'm older than you. I'm smarter than you. I'm a freaking cop! You do not want to mess with me!"

Frightened, Alison gulped, unwelcome tears welling up in her eyes. She underestimated him. Big time. She should have known this wouldn't be easy.

He was right – this wasn't high school. She had no power over him.

But maybe…

"You leave and I tell," she threatened.

Wilden narrowed his eyes at her. "One word and I'll make you disappear. That is a promise." Pushing her away so hard that she nearly lost her balance, he turned on his heel and left.

Leaving her crying, hurt, and broken.

And, most important of all, powerless.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She never should have gotten involved with him. Everyone told her he was bad news. Hell, even Jason and CeCe, and they were his freaking friends!

What had she gotten herself into?

She observed the shack party from the safe distance, broken and defeated, her arms protectively hugging her stomach. This isn't happening, she kept telling herself. It's just a dream.

But it wasn't. And she needed help. She couldn't deal with it alone.

CeCe walked over to her the moment she saw her, something in her gut telling her there was something seriously wrong with her friend. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I needed to talk to you," Alison said in a very un-Alison like tone. She sounded as if she spent the whole day crying.

"What's wrong?" CeCe asked, alarmed.

"I think I'm in trouble," Alison said. It felt terrible, admitting weakness like that. She was by no means a weak girl.

She was strong, and beautiful, and confident. A proud bully.

And now she'd resorted to asking for help.

How the mighty have fallen. It would have been funny if it wasn't tragic.

"What do you mean?"

Her eyes filled with tears she'd barely held back. It took all her willpower not to fall apart right there and then. "I'm late," she admitted, the heavy words falling easily from her lips. She had to admit it felt good to tell someone, but still… She'd rather she'd kept it to herself.

CeCe's eyes widened in shock. "Like…?"

Alison nodded. "Yeah."

"You mean, you weren't using protection?"

"We were," she fired. "Just not all the time."

CeCe sighed. How could that girl be such an idiot? For a self-proclaimed smart girl, she sure was stupid. "Okay," she finally said, "how late are you?"

"Two weeks," Alison replied, her voice breaking.

"Have you ever been late before?"

She shook her head. "What am I gonna do?"

"Have you told him?" CeCe inquired.

The younger girl furiously shook her head. No way was that happening. "I can't," she said, remembering the last time they've seen each other, their bitter farewell of broken hearts and damaged egos. "If he finds out, he's gonna kill me."

CeCe sighed in defeat. Whoever that boy was, he was a class A jerkass. "Okay, listen. I know a doctor who can help," she offered.

"But my parents–" Alison panicked.

"He won't tell them."

"Not even Jason?"

The older blonde shook her head. "Not even Jason."

Alison had to admit the doctor CeCe introduced her to was cute. And hot. And so deliciously handsome.

And he had a British accent to die for.

"You're not pregnant," Wren said.

She let out a breath of relief, her hand strengthening the hold on CeCe's. "Are you sure?"

The good doctor nodded. "One hundred percent."

CeCe smirked, raising a teasing eyebrow. "Told you he's a pro."

Alison smiled. Thank god, she thought. She really dodged a bullet there.

"I can put you on the pill, if you want," Wren said with a smile. "Just in case."

"That won't be necessary," Alison said. "But thanks. You really helped me here."

Wren's pearly white smile widened. Everything for my dolly dearest. "You're welcome."

Finally, the girl's made Mona get them out of that room. Running wild, they headed straight to Radley, Charles' current whereabouts, Alison's prison, ready to end it once and for all.

"Ali! Ali!" they shouted, desperately hoping their callings would reach their friend. "Ali, where–"

They froze on their spots, their eyes glued onto two slim figures: one wore a prom dress, and the other was dressed in black from head to toe.

Charles' little A team.

The two figures turned to face them

"Get out of here!" Sara barked. "All of you. Now!"

"Why, Melissa?" Spencer inquired. She couldn't mask the disappointment in her tone. Sure, the two sisters didn't have the best of relationships, but this? This was pushing it.

"Why not?" Melissa countered.

"You were always mom and dad's favorite."

"You think this is about mom and dad?" The older Hastings rolled her eyes. "God, Spencer, how shallow can you be?"

"Then what is it about?" Spencer demanded. She needed to know. She needed at least something in this whole wide mess to make sense.

Though she knew it never would. Crazy isn't known for its logic.

"You," Melissa replied, her voice full of venomous, pure hatred. "It's about you and your band of lying little bitches thinking you can have everything you want. You ruin everything you touch. You deserve everything that's happened to you."

"That's real sisterly of you," Hanna deadpanned.

"Shut up, Hanna," Emily and Aria muttered.

The blonde sighed. "Just saying."

"You always took what was mine, Spencer."

Spencer frowned. "Are you talking about Wren?"

She couldn't believe it. All this over one man she didn't even want?

"I'm talking about everything," Melissa corrected. "It's always you. You, you, you."

All of a sudden Alison ran in, her expression pained, frantic. "He's headed to the roof!" she exclaimed. "Please, help me!"

Sara was about to run over to her when Emily pulled her back. "Hey!"

"I tried to keep you safe!" the short-haired girl tried, as if that explained everything, as if that made all this mess, all the torture she and her little band of helpers put the girls through any better.

Yeah, Emily wasn't buying that. She smacked Sara straight in the face, knocking her down, letting her land in the land of dreams. That's for my water bill, bitch, she thought, the corner of her lips curling into a barely visible smirk. Hanna would be so proud of her for that remark.

Melissa, on the other hand, ran in the other direction. Spencer was about to go after her, but Hanna grabbed her hand. "Leave her be. She can't get too far," she said.

The six girls headed for the roof, their overly large dresses and ridiculously high heels making it hard for them to run faster than the speed of a snail. Still, somehow they made it, all in one piece.

Wren stood on the very edge, his arms spread wide, his eyes glued to the cold, hard road directly underneath him. He was surrounded by police, he realized. It was either death or capture.

The game had to go on either way. He didn't come this far only to give up at the very last minute.

"NO!" she girls shouted in unison, more for their friend than the monster underneath the mask. It if was up to them, they'd push the bastard themselves.

"Wren, please don't do this," Alison begged. "You helped me! Remember that summer? You were so nice to me. I know there's good in you. Please, just let me help you!"

"Game over," Wren said.

And then he jumped.

And landed straight on the rescue cushion the firefighters had set up.

I needed to add some hilarity and ridiculousness. Don't be mad, please.

So this is it. The end.