Prologue: Compromise

*I am restarting this fic and I have a slew of new ideas and ways I want to do this and I think it's going to make this story much better.

Naoko: Anything would make this story better.

*Shoots her a pouting glare* While that is true you don't have to say it out loud. The prologue should add more to this story and make some things clear. I've got a timeline set up using actual years. I'm having the story start in 2001 which is when Bleach (the manga) actually started. I ask that you review and please give this story another chance.

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, just a handful of OCs.*

(March 1988)

"Did you like your birthday present?"

Sakura glanced up from the book propped up in front of her to look at her husband. Ryuken settled himself on his side on the floor beside their daughter. Their little girl sat on a spread out blanket and was busy playing with a set of wooden blocks.

Her wide blue eyes were set with determination as she carefully set one block atop another. A small white stuffed dog sat on her lap. When her father came close she paused in her building and briefly gripped her toy until she was sure it was not going to be taken from her. She looked at her father as if to assess his intents and seeing nothing malicious directed her gaze at her brother next.

The couple's son was cradled in against a pillow and the crook of his mother's arm. His matching blue eyes were beginning to droop, being slowly lulled to sleep by his mother's warmth and the soft feel of her fingers gently stroking his downy hair. Seeing that her brother was safe, she resumed building with her blocks.

The girl was strangely protective of what was hers. That or overly possessive. Something that Sakura may have to watch for as her daughter grew older.

To answer her husband's question, "Yes, I did, though it was a little earlier."

She was right; her birthday wasn't for a week and a half. "Those blossoms don't last long and I thought they would add a little more to the picture."

"Our first family photo, I can't wait to see how it turns out," she said smiling. "I'll have to be sure to send a copy to Masaki and Isshin, Mihana and your parents."

"Speaking of my parents, my mother brought up the children and, "he cleared his throat, "their future."

Sakura didn't need clarification. This was an old argument that had been going on between Ryuken and parents since Sakura's first pregnancy. She was fine being a neutral party, all she wanted was for her children to be healthy and happy.

She calmly continued to stroke her son's hair, "It's still too early to tell if they even have powers. But if they do develop them they should know how to use them."

"I should've known you would agree with them," he sighed.

She sent a soft disapproving look at him, "If they don't learn how to use their powers they could end up hurting themselves or those around them. Worst of all Hollows would start preying on them and at the very least they should know how to defend themselves."

"I'm sure if they stay away those creatures and leave them to the Soul Reapers—"

His wife interrupted, "Ryuken, how many times have we tried ignoring a nearby Hollow only for it to start stalking us? Just because you ignore something doesn't mean it will go away."

He shook his head, "I do not like the idea of our children wasting their time learning about such dangerous archaic ways."

Sakura slowly exhaled, "How about a compromise, then?"

"Compromise solves nothing," he said quickly.

"Not if it's done right," she countered. "What if we had them teach only one of our children?"

Ryuken looked at her flatly, "How is that a compromise?"

Sakura ignored the look and continued gently stroking Uryu's hair, "Well, it is early and we can't tell if one or both or neither of them will have Quincy powers. But I was thinking this way your parents get to pass on our culture to the next generation and we can still raise them the way we want."

"So we sacrifice only one of our children? What a brilliant compromise Sakura," he drawled.

She rolled her eyes, "I can hear your sarcasm just fine, no need to make it so obvious. It was just an idea that's all. It's far too early to tell if they'll even develop powers anyway. "

"My parents seem pretty sure they will. And wouldn't that be a display of favoritism? I thought you detested such displays," he asked as he watched his daughter place the last block on her little tower.

The child looked at her father before smiling and clapping. She looked at her building thoughtfully and started gnawing on the ear of her stuffed dog.

"It won't be favoritism if only one of them develops any talent. I think the one with the most skill should get a more in-depth training and the other can at least get the basics. We have a few years until anything happens," she explained.

"I know you're not going to like this, but you sound an awful lot like your mother," Ryuken pointed out, in a gentle way like he hoped.

If there was one thing Sakura hated and could invoke her true wrath it was being compared to her mother.

But instead of being angry she snorted, "Hardly. She wouldn't have bothered with any of this. That woman was too lazy and too much of a drunk to do anything but prey on her own children."

"She might've given my parents one or both of the children to bring up," he added.

Sakura laughed, "Now there's an idea, a little extreme though."

At that moment Naoko gave a big yawn and rubbed her eyes. A sure sign that it was their bedtime. Ryuken gently gathered his daughter who weakly protested, but gave in and rested her head on his shoulder. Sakura carefully sat herself up on the couch and set her book down and picked Uryu up. The boy shifted, but settled against his mother without waking.

"I think we should hold off on making any decision, though until we have to. We have plenty of time to think things over. Right now I think it's time we put these two to bed." She gently nuzzled Uryu's hair and caressed Naoko's cheek.

Ryuken smiled just barely, "Yes, you're right. We have plenty of time."

*Or not. If you guys have read my fics you know what's going to happen. Or not, things could go completely different in this rewrite.

Please review and let me know how this new start was. I'll post again Aug 21st.*