I don't own CM. If I did a lot of things would be different. _

A/N this will be the last chapter. Don't worry it ends well. I'm just having ideas for other stories. Not good at multitasking lol. But I really hoped you enjoyed this story.

Chapter 3.

Penlope woke with the sun shining into her room. She thought last night was a dream, but she could hear someone moving around in her kitchen. Derek stayed, he had meant every thing he said.

She lookes at he door as it swings open, Derek walks in holding a tray of food.

"Good morning princess." He said smiling setting the tray on the night stand. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah I did hansome, how about you?" She asked with a wink.

"Never slept better, I made you lunch." He said.

"Lunch, what about breakfast?" She asked puzzled.

"Uh, yeah it's a little late for breakfast sweet thing." Laughing at her reaction.

Looking over at the alarm clock, It said 2:15p.m. "Oh my god Derek how did I sleep so long, I never sleep in."

"Well we were up late P."

She could feel her face start to flush, she hurried and looked down at her hands not wanting derek to see her blush. She needed to know one thing. She nervously asked. "Do you...do you regret it?'

Reaching over, he took her hair that was covering her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Baby girl look at me," His voice calm, making her look up into his eyes. "Pen, I have been wanting this for years. Never would I ever regret being with you." Running his thumb across her cheak wiping away the tear that escaped her eye. "Last night was the best night i've had, I love you Pen."

"I love you too Derek, What happens now?" She asked knowing they could have trouble with work, and the 'frat rules'.

"Well, I don't want to keep us a secret. I've waited to damn long for this P." Leaning over giving her a sweet little kiss. "I want to scream to the world that you're finaly mine."

"Should we talk to Hotch first?" Asking knowing he'd probably be fine with it. He's known for a while that Penelope had a thing for Derek.

"I think that would be best. Maybe with him on our side we won't get into much trouble." He said.

Since they had the whole weekend off they decided to wait until monday to tell anyone. For now they just wanted to enjoy being with eachother. They cuddled on the couch and watched movies, giving eachother little kisses every chance they got. That night they wore each other out yet agian, finally falling asleep around 4 am.

Come monday morning they knew they couldn't hide anything since, well, they couldn't keep their hands, and lips off one another. Hotch called them into his office seeing their public display.

"Alight you two, we all knew this would happen." Hotch said with a slite smile. "Just try to keep professional at work and you'll be fine."

"Thanks Hotch, we will." Derek agreed.

"Yes bossman, we promise. We'll be one hundred percent professional while in the office." Penelope said with a smile. "I mean as professional as we've always been."

They all laughed knowing what she meant. Derek and Penelope never were 'professional'. They have always flirted and teased since day one. Nothing would change at work. It was still full of flirting and naughtiness. But once out of the office they we're like horny teenagers. Going on dates every chance they had before he got called away on a case. Two months later she moved in with him. They already spent all their time together so it was perfect.

I'm sorry to leave it here. I really didn't know how to end this story. But I might write a sequal to this. Just to see how they're doing. But I do have more stories I want to work on. Hopefully you will like them too. :-)