
Allison and Brittney ran into Calla's room, shutting the door behind her. "Cal, what's wrong?" Allison asked, seeing the look on her cousin's face as she read over a stack of pages.

"Lydia was here not too long ago. She translated the text from the Bestiary regarding the Kanima." Calla handed Allison the pages, before moving to the opposite side of her bedroom to close the window.

"Seeks a master." Brittney repeated, meeting exchanging a look with Allison and Calla.

The blonde huntress simply nodded, taking the pages back. "Call the guys, they need to know about this. Things just got worse."

Allison tapped on Stiles' contact information, putting him on speakerphone. "Hello?" Stiles asked on the other line.

"Stiles, you're on speaker." Calla spoke, leaning into her desk. "I've got some news on that Kanima translation."

"First thing though, we know who the Kanima is." Stiles said.

"It's Jackson." Scott added a second later. "What do you got?"

Calla sighed, her ponytail draped over her shoulder, "Jackson's not killing these random people at will." she informed. "Someone's controlling him."

"Controlling him?" both boys repeated.

"Yeah, Ms. Morrell got the translation wrong." Allison stated. "Instead of the Kanima seeking a friend, it seeks a master."

"How do we find his master then?" Stiles asked.

"Don't know." Calla answered, lowering her head. "The translation didn't go into that."

"So, if Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know someone's controlling him." Brittney threw out, tapping her chin.

"Or he doesn't remember." Allison added.

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Scott pondered.

"A fugue state." Calla clarified, shrugging her shoulders. "That could be it. Although, he'd have to forget everything; the murder, getting rid of the blood."

"But he had help with one thing." Brittney reminded. "The video, the night of the full moon."

"And someone else helped him forget that too." Stiles added.

"Whoever's controlling him." Calla stated. "Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?"

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles informed.

"So do we try to convince him he's not?" Allison questioned.

"If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah." Scott sighed.

"Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?" Brittney bit her lip.

Stiles chuckled on the other line, "Yeah, it's us." he assured.

"Okay, we'll talk with you guys tomorrow." Allison ended the call. "Man, this changes everything."

"No joke." Calla agreed.

"Well, I'll see you two tomorrow." Brittney patted the girls' shoulders before leaving.

"Thanks for the ride, Brit." Allison smiled at the werewolf girl.

"No prob." Brittney winked. "Night."

Calla rubbed her temples, her body still aching from the fight with the Kanima an hour or so ago. She walked into her bathroom and popped a few ibuprofen pills, chasing them down with her vitamin water from her gym duffle.

"You okay?" Allison asked, sitting next to her cousin on the bed.

"Nope." Calla admitted. "I went toe-to-toe with the Kanima and frankly, got my ass handed to me. He took an entire clip to his chest and still got up. That thing's not gonna be easy to kill."

"But, that's not all that's bothering you, is it?" the younger brunette prided. "Something else is going on."

Calla ran her hands over her hair, sighing heavily. "It's Derek." she met her cousin's eyes. "He was there. He saved me from being hit by a truck." She got to her feet and leaned against her window. "Despite everything going on, Derek's still looking out for me. That's what makes what Gerard told me all the more-" Calla shook her head, folding her arms over her chest.

"What did he tell you?" Allison asked.

Calla looked out her window, "That, when the time comes, I'll be the one to take out Derek." The blonde bit her lip, staring out towards the woods beyond her home.

Behind a tree near the property line, Rose leaned against the trunk, her eyes blazing red. She was dressed in simple boots, tight black pants, and a grey sweater. Her hearing picked up on Calla's heartbeat, and she knew the young huntress was conflicted over the situation her grandfather had presented her with.

"Stay strong, my darling." Rose whispered, the red dimming to a warm brown. "Trust your heart and follow your instincts, for they will never lead you astray."

Calla went through the motions the following day at Beacon Hills High. She was dressed in a black, off-shoulder sweater and torn skinny jeans, wearing a pair of knee-high black boots, and a dark purple leather jacket. Her hair was curled slightly and cascaded down her shoulders.

The senior grabbed her pencil case, a binder with the word 'Miscellaneous' written on the side, and a borrowed Chemistry book from Mr. Harris. She adjusted her purse strap and shut her locker, heading towards the school library when her arm was suddenly grabbed and she was yanked inside a dark classroom. Her instincts kicked in and she turned the tables on her assailant, pinning him to a desk with a silver ring-dagger to his throat.

"Jackson?" Calla questioned, seeing the wide green eyes of the junior athlete. "What the hell are you thinking, grabbing me like that?" She stepped back, sheathing her dagger in her sleeve. "I could've easily killed you."

"Why do you have weapons on school grounds?" Jackson retorted, his hand to his neck. "You could get arrested for that."

"My grandfather's the principal you idiot." the blonde scoffed. "He told me to carry these. They're for protection."

Jackson smirked, "Let me guess, from your Alpha boyfriend and his little wolf pack. Hmmm?" His demeanor changed as he strode up to Calla, circling her, his eyes going up and down her body. "Does dear old granddad even know about you and Derek sneaking around? The whole, Romeo and Juliet love affair?"

"Shut up." Calla bit down on the words, spinning on her heels. "You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just some guy who's ego is so inflated, he'll do anything to stay on top. Typical stupid teenager."

She turned to leave but Jackson grabbed her right wrist, gripping it tightly. His eyes burned with anger, "I know exactly what I'm doing." he snarled.

Calla winced as pain shot up her arm. "Jackson, you continue down this road, you'll just end up dead." She yanked her arm free and stepped back. "For once in your life, listen to people's warnings. I don't want to have to put you down." She pushed the door open with her boot and strolled out, rubbing her wrist. Calla rolled up her sleeve to reveal an already forming bruise. "Damn." she breathed.

Calla rolled her sleeve down, but bumped into another student. "Oh, Calla, hey." Matt stuttered, smiling at the senior.

"Hey Matt, sorry." the blonde apologized, tugging at her sleeve. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Nah, it's-it's cool." The younger student rubbed the back of his head.

Calla nodded, "Anyway, I've got a tutoring session." She smiled and walked past Matt, "See ya."

"Hey Calla." Matt halted, jogging up to her side. "Have you heard about this underground party happening Friday night? I've got a friend who can hook us up with some tickets, if you're interested."

Calla bit her lip, not sure how to respond. "Umm, I don't really know. I've been crazy busy what with studying for midterms, and collage application deadlines." She chuckled dryly.

"So maybe a party is exactly what you need." Matt suggested, smiling. "Tell ya what, I'll score a couple tickets anyway and if you can come, that's great. If not, no worries, I'll just sell the spare for some extra cash."

"Alright, I'll think about it." she turned around and continued down the hallway. Matt stood still, watching her until she disappeared in the crowd of students.

The senior huntress strolled into the library, her eyes scanning her surroundings. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the newly set up security cameras, knowing it was her grandfather's way of keeping tabs on everything.

"Calla." Allison whispered, standing by one of the bookshelves. Her and Brittney motioned for her to join them.

The blonde discretely walked over, leaning against the shelf. A few books were moved to the side, making a small window to reveal Scott and Stiles. "So, what did you find Calla?" Scott asked.

"Lydia translated as much as she could." Calla answered, pulling out her iPad that was in a simple purple case. She unlocked the screen and pulled up the translation, sliding it through the makeshift window. "Trust me, she was very confused."

"Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott asked, reading over the translation.

Calla cracked a small smirk, "That you all were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." she leaned against the bookshelf, crossing her ankles.

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Stiles informed, making everyone look in his direction.

"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott questioned, changing the subject.

"Not really, but Stiles was right about the murderers." Calla answered, making Stiles cheer to himself. She adjusted her position so she could look at the two boys, "It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest-" Calla halted her story when another student grabbed a book from the shelf opposite the one she, Brittney, and Allison were leaning on. "-who used the Kanima to execute murderers in his village."

"Okay, so maybe it's not all that bad." Brittney shrugged her shoulders, twisting her low braided pigtail around her finger.

"Yeah, until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to." Calla added, rubbing the back of her neck.

Stiles' face dropped, "All bad. All very, very bad."

"Here's the thing, though. The Kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf." the older huntress informed the group, "But it can't be until it-"

"-resolves that in its past which manifested it." Scott finished, reading the last sentence from the iPad translation.

Stiles blinked rapidly, "Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." he snapped.

"What if-" Allison spoke up, biting her lip, "-it has something to do with his parents?" she questioned. "His real parents."

"Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?" Scott raised an eyebrow, sliding the iPad back to Calla.

"Lydia might." Stiles guessed.

"What if she doesn't know anything?" Brittney pondered.

"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself." Allison volunteered.

"Okay, what do I do?" Scott's eyes widened.

"You have a make-up exam, remember?" Allison smiled, reaching her hand across the shelf.

Calla angled her binder, revealing the borrowed Chemistry book. "That's where I come in. I've got forty-five minutes to help you study." She gave the young sophomore a grin.

Scott nodded and reached to take Allison's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "If he does anything, you run the other way."

"I can take care of myself." Allison whispered.

"Allison, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me." Scott stated, squeezing her hand again. "If he does anything-"

"Like?" Allison batted her eyes.

Scott kept her hand in his, "Anything weird or bizarre, anything-"

"Anything evil!" Stiles finished, poking his head through the shelf. Calla placed her palm on his face and shoved him back, earning a cry from the kid.

Scott and Calla took a seat at a table near the window, their backs to the camera. Keeping up the ruse, Calla opened the Chemistry book and made it appear her and Scott were studying, which was only part of the truth.

"Allison will be fine, Scott." Calla assured. "She knows what she's doing."

Scott sighed heavily, nodding. "It's just, I don't trust Jackson." he said, nervously tapping his fingers.

Calla chuckled, "Scott, I'm serious about helping you study for this make-up test." she turned the page, "So, try to focus. Please."

The sophomore wolf nodded and read along the definitions on the page. He noticed some small doodles on Calla's binder, resembling the Triskellion. Scott cleared his throat, "Uh Calla, about the other night."

The blonde looked up, "What about it?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I feel like I should apologize." Scott laid his hand over Calla's, "About what happened between you and Derek."

Calla bit her lip and pulled her hand away, her charm bracelet rattling as she tucked some hair behind her ear. "You don't need to apologize, you did nothing wrong." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Derek and I just saw things differently, that's all. Besides, that's not important right now."

"I know." Scott sighed, "The whole thing with Jackson." he rested his forehead on his knuckles.

"No, I meant your make-up test." Calla corrected, tapping the book with her pen.

Brittney tapped her pencil rhythmically on her desk as she sat in her French class, listening to Ms. Morrell go over what their midterms would be like. However, the young wolf was busy worrying about her friends. The bell rang and she was the first one out the door, making a beeline straight for her locker.

Once she opened the door, Isaac's form appeared behind her in the small mirror, causing her to yelp and turn around. "What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked, trying to catch her breath.

Isaac smirked, catching on to Brittney's increased heartbeat. "Easy Brit, I just want to ask you a question, that's all." He rested his arm above her head.

Regaining her composure, Brittney shut her locker with her shoulder, keeping her eyes locked with Isaac's. "What do you want to know?"

Isaac pushed himself off the lockers, giving Brittney some more room. "Why is Stiles questioning Lydia about Jackson's birth parents?" the Beta quirked a brow. "Erica filled me in."

"Why do you care?" Brittney scoffed, walking away.

"Curious mind." Isaac caught up to her and the two walked in-step.

"Ha!" the brunette laughed. "Yeah right. More like Derek wants to know what we're planning."

"So, why?" Isaac changed the subject back to his original question. Brittney kept her mouth shut and kept walking. The silence was all Isaac needed to reach his conclusion, "So it's Jackson then?"

Brittney stopped and whipped around, facing Isaac. Before she could say anything, however, sounds of a fight from the direction of the locker rooms caught both wolves' ears. Brittney took off in that direction with Isaac right behind her.

Scott and Jackson tumbled out of the locker room, grabbing onto eachother in a death grip. Stiles and Erica came around one corner and Calla, Brittney, and Isaac came around the opposite one, seeing the two boys in the middle of their fight. Allison and Calla went to pull Scott off of Jackson, but she slipped in the water and braced herself against the wall, her satchel sliding down the hall behind her.

Mr. Harris stormed up to the group of teenagers, breaking up the fight. "Enough!" he yelled, getting everyone to halt what they were doing. "What do you idiots think you're doing? You wanna explain yourself?"

Calla leaned against the wall, massaging her right wrist, which she used to brace herself when she nearly fell. Matt came up behind her and handed her the iPad that had fallen out of her satchel, "You dropped this." he brushed his hand against hers when returning the device.

Mr. Harris scoffed, looking around the group, "All of you." he addressed, "Detention. 3:00."

When three rolled around Jackson, Matt, Calla, Allison, Scott, Brittney, Isaac, Erica, and Stiles headed into the library, where Mr. Harris was waiting for them. Jackson glared back at Scott and Stiles, "We can't be in detention together." he informed the science teacher, "I have a restraining order against these tools."

"All of these tools?" Mr. Harris scoffed.

"No, just us tools." Stiles mumbled, motioning to himself and his best friend.

"Fine." Harris sighed. "You two, over there." he motioned to the table nearest to him, which the two boys sat at. Erica and Isaac took the table a few feet away, sitting diagonal from eachother. The remaining five took the table diagonal from Stiles and Scott; Brittney sat at the end between Jackson and Allison, Matt sat next to Jackson, Calla was next to Allison and across from Matt. Everyone sat in silence, either reading, studying, or doing homework.

Calla continued to massage her wrist, wincing at the pain. Allison glanced over, seeing her cousin's bruised arm, "Cal, I think you should get that checked out when you go into work." she whispered.

"Nah, it's okay." the senior rebuked, giving her cousin a smile, "It's nothing. Just a little tweaked, that's all." She nudged Allison's elbow with her own, "Dosen't hurt anymore." she lied through a grin.

An hour later, Harris left but told the students they couldn't leave until they re-shelved all the returned library books, which were piled on to a few carts. Breaking up into smaller groups, they went to work.

"Calla." Stiles whispered, pulling the senior by her elbow. "Is it possible for a baby to be born after the mother is declared dead?"

"Um, I suppose it's possible. Why?" the blonde raised an eyebrow.

"Jackson's parents were in a suspicious car accident and both were declared DOA when they arrived at Beacon Memorial." Stiles elaborated. "Jackson's birthday is the day after."

Calla nodded, "Okay, in that case, they probably kept his mother on life support while they delivered him via cesarean." Scott and Stiles nodded along, "But, how would that attribute to him becoming a Kanima instead of a werewolf?"

"His parents might have been murdered." Scott answered. "The accident report states inconclusive."

"Huh." Calla mumbled, biting her lip. "Well, it's a start. It could be a possibility, but we can't say that for sure." She took her stack of books to the next shelf and proceeded with the re-shelving.

The huntress pushed a few books aside to place a few she held, when she noticed Matt laying on the floor in the next aisle. She ran to his body and knelt down, seeing a faint scratch to the back of his neck, her eyes widened. Suddenly, ceiling panels fell as a creature darted over the shelves.

Brittney and Isaac tensed up when the creature jumped over the aisle they were in, their claws were extended and eyes were glowing. A panel with a light fixture attached fell from above and Isaac pushed Brittney out of the way, the taller male hovering over the brunette female.

Erica let out a cry as she collapsed to the ground, her eyes going form gold to their normal brown. The lights flickered throughout the library, putting everyone on edge. Scott stood protectively in front of Stiles and Allison, trying to locate their attacker.

Calla pushed herself off the ground, flipping her hair back, stepping out into the open, her ring daggers unsheathed and ready. She heard a low hiss and spun around, face to face with a half-transformed Jackson. He let out a shrilling growl and attacked the huntress, who dodged the clawed hands. Calla blocked with her daggers, but Jackson grabbed her right wrist and clamped down, earning a strained groan of pain from the girl. The next instant, Calla was thrown into a half-empty cart of books. The force was enough to knock the cart over and Calla winced and struggled for a breath when she hit the ground.

At the moment she hit the ground, Scott darted out, standing in between the half-transformed Kanima and the injured huntress. Jackson paid no attention and instead started writing on the chalk board, almost in a trance. Once the message was written, he jumped through the window and darted into the woods across from the school.

"Calla, are you alright?" Scott asked, helping the huntress to her feet.

"Yeah, fine." Calla replied, holding her wrist to her chest, mustering up a convincing smile. Her and Scott read the message on the chalkboard, which was clearly a threat 'Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you.' Calla scoffed, "How subtle." She took her phone from her back pocket and snapped a quick photo.

"Erica." Brittney's worried tone caught everyone's attention, which was now on the blonde beta, who was shaking uncontrollably.

"I think she's having a seizure." Stiles said bluntly, holding Erica.

"We need to get her to Derek." Isaac voted.

"You guys go, we'll stay." Allison added, her and Calla kneeling by an unconscious Matt.

Scott rushed over and crouched by Allison, "I'm staying here with you."

"Scott, you and Stiles need to get Erica out of here." Calla rebuked. "Ally and I will stay here. We'll call an ambulance for Matt, and try to explain this to Gerard."

Scott bit his lip and took Allison's hand, "This doesn't feel right." he muttered.

"Calla's right." Allison agreed with her cousin. "Go."

Deep down, Scott knew it was the right thing to do, but he still didn't like it. He kissed Allison's forehead before carrying Erica out of the library with Stiles, Isaac, and Brittney right behind him.

Calla dialed 9-1-1 and put her phone to her ear. "How are we going to explain this to Gerard?" Allison asked in a whisper.

"We tell the truth." Calla answered, bluntly. "We say the Kanima caused all this."

The operator spoke on the other line, "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"Uh yeah, we need an ambulance at Beacon Hills High School right away." Calla stated. "A student collapsed, he's unconscious but breathing."

"Alright, an ambulance is on the way. What's your name?"

"Calla Argent." The huntress hung up her cell and sighed, wincing from the pain in her wrist.

After what went down at the school, Calla found comfort in the normalcy of her job. She made her routine rounds, ignoring the pain in her wrist and chest. Calla leaned against the reception desk, taking deep, slow breaths.

Melissa McCall walked up to her, placing a hand on her upper back, "Calla?" she questioned. "Are you okay? You look a little pale."

Calla nodded, blinking away the dizziness she was feeling. She gripped the desk, pain shooting up her right arm. The entire lobby seemed to sway and the young huntress struggled to catch a breath.

"Sweetie." Melissa noticed the light coat of sweat on Calla's forehead.

"I-" Calla swallowed, starting to wheeze. "Melissa I can't breathe." Her body swayed and her eyes rolled back, her body crumpling to the ground.

Melissa held her, taking note of the small cut on her head from the fall, blood trickling down the side of her face. "Someone page Radiology!" she ordered. "And Respiratory."

Down the hall, Rose stood frozen, assessing the commotion by the reception desk. Her eyes widened when she saw the young, blonde MA in Melissa's arms. She ran to Melissa and knelt down beside her, brushing some hair from Calla's face. The young huntress stirred and her head flopped to the side, her hazel barely opening.

Her vision was hazy, but Calla faintly made out the image of a woman in a doctor's coat with mahogany colored hair. She struggled to focus more, the woman's features becoming more distinct; soft pink lips, high cheekbones, fair colored skin and warm, brown eyes. "Mom?" she muttered, before darkness clouded her vision once more and she fell limp in Melissa's arms.