Title: Pace
Words: 654

The Dark Crimson Blood
Genre: Family, General, Friendship...

Characters: Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. Ace (Brotherly)

Sometimes he walks too fast.

He walks too fast sometimes.

Ace has no need to start walking yet.

He's a baby. A newborn at that. There's no reason for him to anywhere because right now the only place he belongs is in his parent's arms, underneath their roof and basking in their love. Their warm and, they teach him how to stand on his own two feet. Still, there's no reason for him to start walking yet. So he stands in place; right now the only job he has is to grow.

One day he takes a couple of steps backwards.

Mommy and Daddy catch him. Their grins are so kind and their eyes were so caring that he had to stop and stare; even their hands are warm and gentle as they give him a gentle push forward. His legs are weak and tiny and stubbly, but he does his best to toddle on.

He drools a bit too, actually.

He cries just a little.

It's okay, because his legs get stronger. He walks just a bit faster, just a bit steadier. For the first time in life there's weight put on his shoulders. School, books, learning, lessons, practice, studying, making friends, meeting new people, learning new things, and so much more. It sounds overwhelming, but he manages for now.

He grows a little more.

He becomes a little smarter.

He walks a bit faster.

Suddenly he's a big brother. The baby's name is Luffy. Tiny and cute are the things that come to mind when seeing him. Things go a little differently for Luffy. He only ever moves forward, but his steps are so tiny that it looks like he's moving at a snails pace. Sometimes it's like he's not moving at all.

It's annoying. He's annoying.

Ace chooses not to look back as he moves forward, just a little faster every second.

High school comes along. Ace has to deal with the same things as before, but they're heavier on his shoulders. They weigh him down, use up his time, and prevent him from doing the things he wants; fro the first time in his life, he trips. He lands flat on his face and when he finally gets a glance of his surroundings, he stops.


He's alone.

There's no one else here.

He can't stand up by himself.

He tries, but he falls. He flails. He suffers. He cries.

Suddenly, he sees Luffy. With that stupid grin and carefree way of walking; he's not in a rush to go anywhere, he's just moving at his own pace. Ace wonders how long it's been since he's talked to Luffy, let alone see him. He's always ignored the poor child, and even so Luffy still finds his way to him.

It's (not) annoying.

Luffy helps him up. "Slow down a bit."

Ace listens, and is surprised to find how much it helps.

He's walking down the road of life. There are plenty of bumps and hurdles, and the path is rocky; there's not really a point in rushing through it just to get to the end. He might as well take his time and enjoy himself on the way there.

This way, if he falls, he'll have friends and family to help him back up.

And if he stops, they'll give him another gentle push forward.

The weight on Ace's shoulders lighten.

Ace goes at his own pace.

A/N: What's the point of climbing a mountain, if you don't enjoy the scenery on the way up? Slow down a bit. Your own pace is just fine. :)
