This was written for NaLu week 2015 for the prompt Wander. I was unbelievably overrjoyed by this prompt because I already had this idea floating around in my head. Enjoy! :3

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or the characters associated with it.

Lucy Heartfillia was in the middle of her usual morning routine when she heard a cat meow. For a few odd seconds she stood still, shocked by the noise. The cat meowed again and Lucy braved herself to inspect the feline noises, with only a toothbrush to protect her.

She stepped with hesitant feet to the door of the bathroom, and was met by a ball of blue fluff becoming acquainted with her feet. Luckily for the cat, Lucy was neither afraid of nor allergic to cats.

She retreated back into the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth and when she returned to her bedroom the ball of fluff seemed to have commandeered her bed, it had already moulted all over it and was currently settling down for a morning nap.

Lucy sighed and went to make breakfast. The smell of the bacon attracted the cat and she had a guest to share her food with. She didn't mind, having just moved here, she didn't have any friends or family to share breakfast with.

It didn't take long for the two to finish off the bacon, but it was obvious the cat was still unsatisfied. Lucy followed the cat to kitchen and it lead her to the fridge, urging her to open it. The second she opened it, the cat jumped up to the third shelf and caught her dinner between his teeth. It then proceeded to run away from her, not willing to give up the fillet of salmon. She chased it all around her apartment and failed to catch it.

However, just she had trapped it in the corner of her bedroom she heard a knock at the door. It was a hurried knock and it caused her to jump, giving the cat time to escape back to the kitchen.

She huffed as she watched it go, knowing she had lost this fight and went to the door and opened it to see a man with pink hair. His ruffled expression was nothing to laugh at.

Natsu was stunned when the person answered the door, he knew he had a new neighbour, but, woah, was she a beaut. Her hair was golden, her figure buxom, and her face was that of an angel. He took in her slightly ruffled appearance for a good few seconds before she cleared her throat awkwardly.

Natsu snapped out of his trance and remembered what he was looking for, "Sorry, have you seen a cat around? His name is Happy, he's blue, likes fish-" Natsu stopped speaking when he felt said cat brush against his legs. "Happy!" Joy overtook his features, making him light up like a Christmas tree.

He lifted Happy up onto his shoulders and turned back to the woman standing at the door, "Happy always wanders around the complex, but I wonder where he was this time?" He said, giving her cursory stare.

"Oh, he was in my apartment. I'm not sure how he got in here though." She said with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Thank you for looking after him, but I'm in a bit of a rush." Natsu said with a sheepish expression. He took a few steps away and then stopped and turned back, "I'm Natsu by the way." He grinned. She reciprocated the smile, "I'm Lucy."

Natsu gave her a 100 watt smile, "See you around, Luce."

Lucy returned the smile as he jogged off with his Russian blue cat on his shoulder, reminding Lucy that she had to buy more fish for herself.