
So here's the first chapter of a new fanfic I've started

Hope you enjoy and I'll see you at the end

Chapter 1


We touched down at McCarran International Airport; it was early in the evening, local time, and I was eager to the hotel as quickly as possible to get some much needed rest before our presentation tomorrow afternoon where we would be trying to attract some new clients to our rapidly expanding company. My father Carlisle had started it up nearly 30 years ago, always intending to keep it a small family run company, however since I had joined the company 5 years ago, I had convinced him that expanding was our only choice. We were a highly in demand company at the time, and once I presented my 5 year plan for the company he couldn't refuse. Since then, we had begun to attract many major firms to our company, away from some of the bigger advertising firms, and become the biggest advertising company in the entire United States.

I tapped my foot impatiently as we waited for our luggage to come around the carousel, wondering for the millionth time today why my brothers and I hadn't just taken the private jet. It seemed like everything had been going against us today, and I have no idea how all the normal people cope with such inconveniences.

First, my alarm didn't go off at 7:30am, or to be more accurate I turned it off and went straight back to sleep since I was far too tired after the activities of the night before. I was then rudely awakened by my brother Emmett banging on my door nearly an hour later. I was so late I didn't have a chance to get a shower, so needless to say I smelled of sex and alcohol.

Second, when I finally did leave my apartment, traffic had been an absolute nightmare and we only just made it to the airport with just minutes to spare before final check in for our flight closed.

And then to top it all off, the flight was delayed by nearly 3 hours. THREE HOURS! It was beyond frustrating. Thankfully there was a lot of entertainment in the VIP lounge, and I had been thoroughly serviced by one of the beautiful flight attendants who and I quote wanted to "make up for any inconvenience."

Needless to say, that was the only positive thing about our trip so far. The badgering and earache I had received from my brothers Emmett and Jasper afterwards however had made the bliss the hot blonde had given me disappear in a heartbeat.

So here I stood, waiting and waiting for my luggage. I sighed heavily as the crowd at the carousel slowly depleted.

"God dammit," I yelled, kicking my luggage trolley.

"Wow Eddie chill out would you!" my brother Emmett sighed next to me, as he dragged his duffel bag off the carousel.

Great, it was just me left, and my luggage was nowhere to be seen. The gate was pretty much empty by now, and Jasper had disappeared off somewhere to grab us all a takeaway coffee.

"Em, we've been stood here for the last dammed hour, I think I'm perfectly justified in my frustration," I whisper yelled at my annoying older brother, just as I caught sight of my suitcase. "Finally!" I muttered to myself as I grabbed it off the carousel and placed it onto the trolley.

What should have been a short 10 minute car journey to our hotel on the strip ended up taking the better part of half an hour. Stupid road works. It was just my luck that the weekend of our business trip ended up being the same weekend that it would be an appropriate time to do some road surface repairs. This was just one more thing to top off the shitacular start to our business trip. I just hope that this was not a foreshadowing of things to come on this trip.

We made our way up to the Lago Two Bedroom Suite in the Plazzo suites which was part of the Venitian Hotel and I was thankful that after such an awful start to the day that at least our reservation hadn't been fucked up by some incompetent employee.

I opened the door to our hotel suite and it met all the standards that it should. I was beyond relieved because with the way my day had been going, I expected the suite to look a complete and total mess. The last thing I wanted to be doing the moment I reached the suite was calling down to reception and complaining. All I wanted now was to have a nice hot shower, grab some dinner and go straight to bed.

I made my way straight into the master bedroom, "DIBS!" I called to my brothers, as I chucked my suitcase onto the bed. I heard Emmett and Jasper groan behind them in realisation that they would have to share the smaller of the two rooms and have to deal with sleeping in a Queen sized bed instead of the luxury of a King size that they were used to.

I walked over to the window and briefly admired the view. It was the most beautiful view of the mountains; my knowledge of Las Vegas was very limited outside of the business and gambling world, but if I was remembering correctly I believe it is Mount Charleston. I could be wrong though, I mean I studied Business and Advertisement at college, not Geography.

After spending much longer than I expected admiring the view, and wondering what it would be like to go hiking up the mountain one day, like we used to when we were children before my mother's illness, I finally walked into one of our two bathrooms in the suite and took a long and much needed shower.

"And that Ladies and Gentlemen is why Cullen International is the company for you," I concluded with much confidence, "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to come here today."

The crowd of what must have been at least hundred people from many reputable Las Vegas businesses stood up and applauded.

"Good job bro," Emmett told me, giving me a nudge in the ribs, as the crowd began to disperse and collect their complementary package that we had put together containing all the information we had just delivered. Jasper who was stood on the other side of me nodded in silent agreement.

As we cleared up the stage Emmett suggested that we go on night out along the strip to celebrate the successful presentation, and we could turn it into an early impromptu stag weekend. I agreed with Emmett; I couldn't think of a better idea than to go out and get pissed, ending this trip in a better way than it began.

"Hello ladies," Em said seductively, followed by a wolf whistle. I turned my head in the direction that Emmett was looking and saw three drop dead gorgeous girls; a tall, leggy blonde, a short girl who looked like a cute pixie, and a to die for brunette, with the deepest chocolate brown eyes.

"Can we buy you beautiful girls a drink?" Jasper chimed in, his eyes fixated on the bouncy pixie. I swear he was almost drooling all over her and she hadn't said one single word to him.

The girls stopped and looked at us, and then at each other. It looked as though they were having an argument with their eyes. Leggy and Pixie seemed to be all for us, but Brown Eyes didn't seem to be having any of it. She had this pleading look on her face as though she was literally begging them to go anywhere but here with us. After a few minutes of heated silent debate Brown Eyes appeared to give in, if the look of resignation on her face was anything to by.

Pixie bounced over to Jasper and draped her arm around him and whispered quietly in his ear, "We'd love to. I'm Alice by the way, and that's Rose and Bella," she informed us all in a perky voice as she indicated to each of her friends.

"A pleasure to meet you Rose," Emmett spoke from next to me, reaching out and taking Blondie's hand and kissing it. That's my brother, ever the charmer. It looked like I would be pairing off with Brown Eyes for the night. Not that I was going to complain, she was smoking hot.

"Hey," Brown Eyes whispered quietly, as she studied her friends with my brothers. She looked like she was a deer caught in headlights as she realised that her friends were paying absolutely no attention to her.

Emmett, the quick worker that he was, was already playing tonsil tennis with her friend Rose.

And Jasper and her friend Alice were locked in a discussion; I strained my ears for a moment and realised they were discussing classics.

I turned my attention back to the beautiful brunette in front of me, "Sorry how rude, I'm Edward. My brother Emmett is the smooth talker with your friend Rose, and Jasper, my other brother is with Alice," I informed her.

As the night drew on I was eventually left alone with Bella. After she got over the initial awkwardness and got a few drinks down her she really loosened up, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her. She had this impossible natural beauty about her, an intoxicating personality and the most luscious lips I had ever seen.

I leaned forward and captured them with my own, cutting her off mid sentence as she talked about her new job. I know I know I should have been a gentleman and listened, but my gosh that woman was making me want to do illegal things to her.

Bella responded to my kiss eagerly and when I swiped my tongue across her lips, practically begging for entrance into her sweet mouth, she granted it instantly. Out tongues intertwined and I swear if I didn't know any better I would have thought I had died and gone to heaven.

"Shall we take this somewhere a little more private," I suggested when she broke the kiss momentarily to come up for air.

As Bella nodded in agreement, I threw down a couple of hundred dollars to cover our drinks, and dragged her back to my suite. Whilst we were in the elevator, I fired off a quick text to Emmett and Jasper to find somewhere else to stay for the night which I figured wouldn't be much of a problem given how well they were getting on with Leggy and Pixie.

Bella continued to attack my lips, and began to unbutton my shirt. I pressed her up against the wall of the elevator pressing my hardness against her to implore just how much I needed and wanted her right now.

The elevator pinged, alerting me to the fact that we had finally reached my floor, and not a moment too soon as far as I was concerned. Without a second thought I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder like a caveman and carried her straight to the master bedroom, somehow in my lust induced state of mind managing not to bump into anything at all.

The offending items of clothing got quickly discarded and thrown to god only knows where in the room, I was far too captivated by the beautiful woman I had lying on my bed naked as the day she was born, her silky soft chocolate brown hair fanned across the pillow in a slight disarray, her pants and breathy moans as I touched her everywhere but where she wanted me only served to boost my ego.

"E-E-Edward," she begged, tugging on my boxers and forcing them down my body and throwing them away as she manoeuvred herself on top of me and began to take control of our encounter.

She slowly crawled down the bed, looking at me with a wicked glint in her eye. She licked her lips ever so slowly and seductively and then took my aching hardness into her mouth. The moment I was inside her hot mouth I let out a throaty groan, and for the first time in a long time I had to fight not cum like a prepubescent teenager getting touched up by a girl for the first time.

I grabbed two fistfuls of hair and guided this beautiful angel up and down my length; her teeth ever so lightly scraping cock eliciting sounds I didn't even know I was able to produce. What is this angel doing to me?

Soon it all got too much for me and I knew the only place I wanted to cum tonight was inside her; I grabbed her sexy little ass and flipped her over and began to pound into her like there was no tomorrow. The only sounds that could be heard for the rest of the night were moans, groans and skin slapping against skin.

The sun had just begun to rise before either of us got any sleep that night, but by the time I woke up the morning after she was gone.


So what do you think of the opening chapter?

Yay or Nay?

As always any and all feedback is great.

Reviewers will get a sneaky peak at chapter 2

Until next time.
