Mechazard: hey guys good to be back!

Ben: it has been a while dude, what have you been doing?

Mechazard: you do realize I have a life outside the story right?

Ash: like what?

Mechazard: I have a job and school, plus friends and family

Rainbow Dash: yeah that makes sense

Mechazard: before I forget, there's also the Halloween special I published, and I'm an idiot for not doing it sooner

Mike: not you're fault man

Amber: and don't blame yourself, it was our fault for not reminding you

Mechazard: thanks Amber, now on with the disclaimer!

BlackAgumon: Mechazard01 does not own any of the characters in this story except for Mike and Amber

Mechazard: thank you BlackAgumon, ON WITH THE STORY!



(Authors note)



"okay guys it's time to go get our new team members" said the Omnitrix bearer as he looks at a small group of people consisting of his girlfriend Rainbow Dash and her Digimon partner BlackAgumon, the nanite warrior Rex Salazar, the Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum with his partner on his shoulder Pikachu, the ninja of the leaf tribe Naruto Uzimaki, the Bakugan battle brawler Dan Kuso with his Bakugan partner Drago on his shoulder, Avatar Korra, the Digimon/human hybrid in his 'human mode' Mike Lycoan A.K.A. TerraWolfmon and his Digimon partner turned girlfriend Amber A.K.A. ShiningRenamon.

"You know we're ready Ben" the rainbow haired girl said "and remember what you told us man" the goggle wearing hybrid added as he remembers the event that led to this moment


The team is sitting at a round table inside plumber HQ "okay team, I called you all here because our enemies are getting stronger and according to Professor Paradox their getting help from villains from other universes too." Ben explained "how are they doing it?" Henry asked "yeah does Paradox know?" Serena added.

"He said he'd look into it but my guess is Eon's behind it" the alien shapeshifter explained "that is a logical conclusion considering that other than professor Paradox, Eon is the only one capable of such a thing." Rook said in agreement "and if Eon IS involved he's probably working with someone, he's not smart enough to plan this all on his own" Korra added

"which is why I suggest we need to gather more team members, if our enemies are getting too powerful then we need all the help we can get" Twilight said "nice plan Twilight, alright everybody all in favor of getting new team members say aye" Ben said "AYE!" everyone said in unison "alright it's unanimous, but just to make sure some nut case tries to pull something while I'm gone, only one person from each universe will be coming with me" Ben explained

"Well you know I'm going" Rainbow Dash stated

"And wherever she goes I go" BlackAgumon added

"Same here" Rex said

"Just try and stop us" Ash and Naruto said in unison

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said which can be translated into "hell yeah!"

"You can count me in" Dan said

"And me as well" Drago added

"You couldn't stop me if you tried" Korra stated

"Don't count us out of the action" Mike said as he and Amber stood up

"Alright, looks like I got my team, so the rest of you are fine with staying here?" Ben said as he turned to the others "do not worry, we will make sure you have a home to come back to while you are gone" Rook assured his partner

"So how are we doing this?" TerraWolfmon asked "with this" Ben said as he pulled out a small remote control looking device with the Omnitrix symbol being the only button from his pocket "it's called a Dimensional Transport Device or D.T.D. for short" Ben explained "we all have one" Rainbow Dash added as she pulled her own D.T.D. from her pocket "this one is yours" Ben said as he put the device in the hybrids hand

*flashback end*

"Alright Mike, step forward and take us to the first universe" said the Omnitrix bearer, the hybrid following his orders steps forward and takes out his D.T.D.

As he presses the button a holographic H.U.D. or heads up display appeared, as Mike selected the first world the device spoke "Marvel universe, location, Liberty Island: New York City" the device said in a high pitched female voice as a green swirling portal appeared in front of them

"Alright guys let's move" Ben said as he walked through the portal with the others following close behind

Until Amber stopped to speak to her tamer/boyfriend, the ladder taking the time to fully appreciate his partners new outfit consisting of a violet V-neck t-shirt that allowed her golden mane to flow and stopped at her midsection showing her silver furred back and golden furred stomach, midnight blue skirt with a crescent moon on her right thigh and the same golden arm guards with the yin-yang symbols on the area on the back of her hands.

'damn she's beautiful' Mike thought in a trance until he heard her angelic voice snap him out of his stupor "this is really exciting isn't it?" the silver vixen asked with excitement in her voice "yeah, it is, I just hope Spider-Man, Static Shock, Max Steel, the Norrisville Ninja, Danny Phantom and Jake Long are willing to join us" the hybrid said as the couple linked hands and walked through the portal

*Marvel universe, New York City*

In the city of New York everything is peaceful until…


A loud explosion is heard coming from the statue of Liberty as two teams are fighting it out "okay team here's the plan, Nova take Electro, Power Man take Rhino, Iron Fist take beetle, White Tiger take Kraven, I'll take Doc Ock and scaly" said a male voice wearing a red and blue suit with web patterns on the gloves, boots, chest, shoulders and mask with the mask having white lenses and black edges for eyes and a spider insignia in the center of his chest.

"Maybe you can take us six but what about the other three? you forget you are greatly outnumbered Spider-Man" said a man with long black messy hair wearing what looked to be a breathing apparatus with four mechanical tentacle like arms coming out of his back.

"You will never defeat all of us" said an alien with a squid for a head wearing red armor (it's Vilgax' omniverse look, and I have NO idea what that thing on his head is, I'm still trying to figure out WHY they gave it to him)

To the squid faced alien's right a man with light blue hair and grey and black clothes with a yellow 'G' symbol in the center of his chest.

To the squid faced alien's left a dark blue and grey bipedal wolf type creature with a white mane and sharp metal claws.

All seemed grim until a green swirling portal opened up out of nowhere "Wrong Squidface!" said a new voice from within the vortex

Out of the portal stepped none other than… "Ben Tennyson!" Vilgax said in irritation as the others stepped out as well.

"Whoa, who are you guys?" asked a boy with a golden helmet with a four pointed red star wearing a black suit with three white circles on his upper body covered in a light blue aura as he flew over to team Omniverse.

"Not the time Nova" said the boy from earlier as he swings over to the group on a web.

"That big squid doesn't seem to like you very much" the red and blue suited hero said to the Omnitrix bearer "yeah, that's Vilgax an alien warlord from my universe" Ben said casually making the spider themed hero go wide eyed

"Yo spider any chance of you getting in on this fight?" said a man with African-American skin wearing a suit of yellow and black armor and sunglasses

"So I guess it's safe to say that you're Spider-Man?" Mike/TerraWolfmon asked as he pulled out his Digivice and cards "yeah and that's Power Man, Nova, White Tiger and Iron Fist, you guys are?" the now named Spider-Man said as he pointed to each person "not really the time for intros dude" Dan deadpanned as he pointed toward the villains ahead

"we'll talk after we beat these guys" Ben said as he accessed the Omnitrix and selected one of his powerhouses "it's hero time!" the Omnitrix bearer shouted as he slammed down the core transforming into a 8 foot tall red skinned humanoid alien with four muscular arms and four green eyes wearing a black tank top with a green stripe in the middle, black pants, black fingerless gloves and a green belt with a white stripe in the middle and the Omnitrix logo acting as a belt buckle "Fourarms!" the transformed teen shouted to the sky

To say Spider-Man's team was surprised is the understatement of the century as both they and the villains except for Vilgax froze with wide eyes "that. Is. AWESOME!" Spidey exclaimed with excitement "amazing, I will take that device from you after this battle is over" the octopus themed villain said "yeah we are definitely talking after this" White Tiger stated.

"What are you waiting for? Attack!" Doctor Octopus ordered as the other villains followed.

*with Rex, Naruto and Dan*

"well let's go Bio-wulf" Rex said to the wolf creature as his arms glowed with a blue circuit like pattern, suddenly his hands grew into two large orange and grey colored robotic fists he calls 'the Smack Hands'

"Shadow Clone jutzu!" Naruto shouted as he made a few hand gestures and suddenly two identical clones of himself appeared in a puff of smoke and both he and the nanite warrior charged at the newly named Bio-wulf

"Ready Drago?" the brawler asked the little red dragon on his shoulder "always Dan" the Dragonoid replied "then let's get in there!" Dan shouted as Drago reformed into a sphere and jumped into Dan's palm

"Bakugan Brawl! Baku-sky raider jump!" the Pyrus brawler shouted as he threw the sphere, Drago jumped into the air as he opened up and revealed his true form "Fusion Dragonoid!" Drago shouted informing everybody of his true name

"Dan take Drago and help Power Man" the nanite warrior said getting a nod in response as the brawler and Bakugan went to aid the yellow and black suited hero

*with Ash and Korra*

"Well, well, well if it isn't the boy who stopped my plans to create a perfect world" said the light blue haired man "Cyrus?!" Ash said in shock "I see you haven't forgotten me" the now named Cyrus said "you know this guy?" Korra asked the trainer

"Yeah, he's the ex-boss of an evil organization called team Galactic and he tried using Palkia the Pokemon that controls Space and Dialga the Pokemon that controls time to create a whole new universe and destroy mine" Ash explained

"well then I'd say this is a perfect opportunity for my revenge, don't you?" the ex-boss of team Galactic said with a growl "Houndoom go!" he said as he threw a pokeball which released a creature that looked to be a large sized dog with black fur with a red muzzle and underbelly with a skull and horns on its head and a tail with an arrow tip.

"well Cyrus I guess it's time to show you just how strong I've gotten" Ash said as he grabbed a pokeball from his belt and enlarged it "Greninja, I choose you!" the trainer yelled as he threw the ball releasing a bipedal blue frog-like creature with its tongue wrapped around its neck to give the illusion of a scarf

"well that's new" Cyrus said "you ain't seen nothing yet" the trainer said as both got ready to battle and Korra got into a battle stance "no Korra, I got this, go help the others" Ash said "okay then, good luck Ash" the young Avatar said as she ran off to help Nova

*With Spider-Man, Mike and Amber*

"so looks like our teams are getting along" the hybrid said as he dodged an attack from the large reptile "yeah, and we got the advantage" the spider themed hero added as he back flipped away from the mad doctor and shot a web onto his face "onyx rain!" TerraWolfmon shouted as he shot black stone shards at the Lizard much to the villain's annoyance "I need a second, you mind stalling for me?" Mike asked to Spider-Man "sure just make it quick" the wall crawler replied as the hybrid took out two cards from his pocket "what are those supposed to do?" the web head asked as he looked to the Digimon/human hybrid in confusion "you'll see" Mike said as he looked at the first card

"Digi-modify, digivolution activate!" the hybrid tamer shouted as he slashed the card "ShiningRenamon digivolve to…" Amber began as her data reconfigured causing her to transform into a large fox with silver fur a golden muzzle and underbelly with the yin-yang symbol on her forehead wearing a blue and grey bow on her back "SilverKyubimon!" she shouted as her evolution finished

"and now it's my turn" Mike said as a sphere of data surrounded him "TerraWolfmon mode change to…" he began as the hybrid transformed into a brown furred bipedal werewolf creature wearing ripped up black shorts and black goggles around his neck "TerraWolfmon battle mode!" Mike shouted as the cocoon disappeared, and then he grinned as he held up the second card

"Digi-modify, summon Data Blade!" the hybrid shouted as he slashed the card through his Digivice causing a sword with red circuit patterns on the blade appeared before him, he grabbed the hilt and took a battle stance.

"Whoa" is all the spider themed hero said as he regained his composure from what he just saw, at the same time the octopus themed villain ripped the webbing off his face and the lizard uncovered his eyes both paused as they noticed the transformed Digimon and human/Digimon hybrid "it does not matter if you transform into giants the Nefarious Nine will still defeat you" doctor octopus stated with a hint of rage

"Did he seriously name his team 'the Nefarious Nine'?" SilverKyubimon asked with a chuckle at the end "I know right?" Spider-Man added in agreement while the reptile villain tackled the hybrid knocking him into the side if the statue of liberty, while the spider themed hero dodged a mechanical tentacle.

*with Ben and Vilgax*

The alien warlord tried to punch the tetramand only to be blocked by Ben's upper left hand "nice try Vilgax but I saw that coming a mile away" Fourarms said as he punched the squid faced alien in the gut with his two right fists then threw the villain a good 30 ft. away as he slapped the symbol on his belt transforming with a green light, as the light faded it revealed a blue scaled reptile type creature wearing a black shell, white underbelly with the Omnitrix on its chest and blue fins/spikes going down it's back "Arctiguana!" the Polar Manzradill shouted

"It's time for you to cool off Vilgax" Arctiguana quipped as he took a deep breath and let it out creating a beam of blue energy which he shot directly at the Chimera Sui Generis freezing it in a case of solid ice. "That should do it." Ben/Arctiguana said before he looked at how the others were doing 'this isn't working, we need to finish this now…wait that's it!' Ben thought "guys herd them together I got a plan!" everyone nodded and did as they were told.

"time to put you guys to rest" the Polar Manzradill said as he slapped the Omnitrix on his chest transforming in a bright green flash into a small humanoid creature wearing a green dress and white gloves and boots with light blue skin slightly darker blue hair and fairy wings "Pesky Dust!" the Omnitrix bearer shouted in a high pitched feminine voice

"Seriously?" Spider-Man deadpanned while Nova laughed hysterically "don't be so sure about that" SilverKyubimon said as she reverted back to her Rookie level form "yeah, remember big things come in small packages" Mike added, Power man would've asked what he meant by that until he was interrupted "just watch" Rainbow Dash said which the other team did as they were told.

As the other heroes stood there, the Nemuina began flying above the villains while showering them with what seemed to be purple dust "um why is he just putting dust all over them?" Nova asked in confusion after he finished with his laughing fit "that's one of Pesky Dust's powers, he can put his enemies to sleep, and he can also control their dreams" the Avatar explained as Pesky Dust landed on the ground in front of the heroes just as the Omnitrix timed out bringing Ben back to existence with another green flash just as a black military jet landed letting out S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who came in and began to pick up the villains

"so I guess now is the time to" the alien shapeshifter began until he was interrupted by the device strapped to his wrist "genetic damage detected, would you like to repair?" the Omnitrix said in its higher pitched version of Ben's voice much to the native heroes surprise "did your watch just talk?" asked a new voice belonging to a African-American man with a black goatee and an eyepatch wearing a grey turtleneck sweater black pants black combat boots and a black trench coat.

"I'll answer that in a minute" the alien shapeshifter said "Omnitrix: identify genetic damage" the teen ordered to the watch "genetic damage includes a highly dangerous amount of reptile DNA within adult human male" the alien device diagnosed

"Reptile DNA… it's talking about the lizard, wait your watch said repair. Does that mean you can fix him?" the red and blue clad hero asked with hope in his tone "yeah, it would, why? Isn't he a bad guy?" Ben asked "no, he was my best scientist before any of this happened" the eyepatch wearing man answered

"alright then, Omnitrix: repair genetic damage" Ben ordered before a beam of neon green light shot toward the Lizard causing the reptile to change into a man with Caucasian skin with brown hair and ripped up pants "Doc Connors!" Spider-Man said in cheer as he caught the man before he hit the ground "Genetic damage repaired" the Omnitrix stated as the glow stopped

"I think it's time you all came with us" the man from earlier stated "alright but let's go somewhere a little more private" TerraWolfmon said as he pointed at the news helicopter flying above them "my thoughts exactly, Nick Fury director of S.H.I.E.L.D." the man now known as Nick Fury said "I suggest we take this to our base" Nick finished as he walked onto the jet with both teams following

*temporary S.H.I.E.L.D. base, New Jersey*

"So you're a team from another universe, consisting of people from other universes all with powers and you came here to recruit Spider-Man because you need all the help you can get to fight something that could spell doom for us all?" director Fury summarized after a very long explanation given to him by team Omniverse as not only them but Spider-Man, Nova, White Tiger, Power Man and Iron Fist are all sitting in a conference room

"Pretty much" Mike said back in his 'human' form with his partner/girlfriend sitting to his left

"But why bug brain and not the rest of us?" the helmet wearing teen asked, annoyance ever present in his tone

"The offer extends to all of you, Spider-Man would just be our representative for this universe" Rainbow Dash explained

"well considering it's okay with Fury, and the fact that people from other universes have already entered ours then I'm gonna say yes" Spider-Man said as he extended his hand toward the Omnitrix bearer

"Glad to have you on board Spider-Man" Ben said as he took the spider themed heroes hand and shook it, then parted as TerraWolfmon and ShiningRenamon walked over to the red and blue costumed hero "in order for you to come back to this universe we have to give you this" the hybrid said as he handed the hero a D.T.D.

"It's been fun guys but we need to get to the next universe" Rex said out of nowhere

"Why don't I come with you guys? You know get to know you a little better, plus who can pass up the chance to visit another universe?" Spider-Man asked hoping they would say yes

"Sure, but you might want to get into some street clothes first, no telling how people will react with you dressed like that" Naruto said with a chuckle

"well okay then but I guess if I'm gonna do that I think it's only fair that you guys should know my secret identity" Spider-man said until he paused "my name is Peter Parker" he said removing his mask revealing a teenage boy looking to be around 16 or 17 with Caucasian skin brown hair and blue eyes "nice to officially meet you Peter" Ben said as he laid a hand on Peter's shoulder

"Thanks Ben, I'm gonna go change now" the web head said as he went to change into some street clothes

*5 minutes later*

Ben, Rainbow Dash, BlackAgumon, Rex, Korra, Ash with Pikachu on his shoulder, Mike, Amber and Naruto are waiting for their newest team member

"alright, ready to go" they heard the wall crawler call as he came running to the group wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, black and white sneakers, a light purple over shirt and a blue backpack.

"Nice look Pete, they suit you" Ash complimented "thanks Ash, so where are we going to?" Spidey asked "we're going to try and get this guy called Static to join the team" Mike said as he opened the portal

"Already said goodbye to your team?" Korra asked to the spider themed hero as he walked up to her "yeah, but we know it's not for good" Peter answered as they walked through the swirling green vortex to another universe.

Mechazard: yeah baby chapter 10! Done and done! Woo!

Mike: don't get too excited man you still need to tell them to check out you're profile page for a good look at my 'human' form

Mechazard: that also reminds me that the descriptions for you and Amber along with Foxflare are also on my profile page

Ben: so don't forget to check that out

Rainbow Dash: so until next time

Mechazard: see ya later true believers *snickers* sorry couldn't resist