A/N: This takes place before "The Acolytes" when Katara and Aang were living with The Air Acolytes in the Eastern Air Temple. Katara and Aang are still young, but not too young :) Enjoy!

"You know what I really miss?" Katara turned to Aang. The sun was setting, and they were getting ready to eat dinner.


"Eating under the stars. Like, every night we would just cook something and eat it around the campfire and look up at the stars and—"

"Let's do it." Aang smiled.

"Really?" Katara's face lit up.

"Yeah! Let's have a picnic."

"Okay. Where?"

Aang searched the temple with his eyes, then pointed at a grassy area on a mountain, overlooking all of the temples.


Katara grinned. "Okay."

They cooked a large feast together, put it in a basket, grabbed a blanket, and headed up to the field.

By the time they reached it, the sky had faded, and the moon peaked out. It was quite full and large, and the light shone down on the couple as they ate their food. They sat above the temples, taking them in in all their splendor.

Katara looked up. "What's that constellation?" She said, pointing up to a cluster of stars above them.

"That's Aquila, the Eagle."

"Pretty. What about that one?" She pointed to left of Aquila.

Aang's brow furrowed. "I'm not sure…" He stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth. "The monks never taught me the name for that one."

"Well, make up one." Katara shrugged.

Aang smiled. "Katara."

Katara laughed, hitting Aang playfully. "Katara. I see."

Aang nodded, looking at her with immense love in his eyes.

"And why did you name it that, Great Constellation Identifier?" Katara asked jokingly.

"Because it reminds me of you."

"And why's that?"

"Because it's beautiful."

Katara blushed wildly and hit Aang again. "Stop it, you."

But Aang just stared at her.

"What?" Katara stopped laughing and tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Nothing." Aang blushed and looked down at the grass. The moonlight reflected beautifully off Katara's skin.

She frowned. "Was is something I said? I'm sorry. It's just kind of embarrassing that you named—"

"I love you."

Katara blinked, shocked, and speechless. "I-I-I…" She stumbled, unable to form words.

Aang looked down, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. That was stupid. I shouldn't put you in that kind of situation. It's rude and uncomfortable for you—"

Katara shut him up by pressing her lips to his. She placed a hand on his half-exposed chest and pressed herself into him, not letting him object. They fell back on the blanket together, taking in every last inch of each other. The desperation yet relief in the kiss was understood by both of them as they wrapped themselves around each other. Katara was the first to pull away, looking Aang deep in the eyes.

"I love you too." She said finally. Aang's eyes widened.

Of course, he knew this, but he never thought he would hear her say it.

So they looked up at the stars together, Katara pointing out constellations as Aang named them. There was so much love in their hearts, and every second they spent together that night, they could feel it. It lived with in them, like a beating heart, as was connected by their touch. Their love was stronger than a hundred armies, tougher than rocks, and more powerful than the Avatar himself. It was larger than life. It was better than any love that ever lived. It would be the best love of their generation, and for generations to come. It was powerful, beautiful, and most of all; Real.