Authors Note: Hi everybody! I'm new to this writing thing, and I finally built up the nerve to publish a story... sorry if it's kinda sad but I wanted to write something more serious before starting anything silly!

Chapter 1:

She didn't remember having most of her limbs blown off.

All she remembered was the sound of gunfire all around her, watching the back of a Krimzon Guard Bomb Squad agent, and the Metal Heads slowly surrounding her as she shot at them. Then a brilliant white light flashed, and all was quiet.

She was out for months after her accident. The first one or two, that was the coma; later on, her sleep became medically induced. The doctors and scientists were waiting to see if her vitals could become strong enough for surgery. Major surgery. Where they replaced the bits of her that were gone with metal.

In one of the earlier months, she woke up on her own. Blinking uncontrollably, a soft moan escaped her lips. Her body stung all over. Tears sprung from her eyes as her body began to throb. She heard a voice, muffled, but she was sure it was yelling. Why was it yelling? Don't be so loud. She yelped as something sharp was poked into her arm. Cold, cold fingers crept up her arm, through her veins. Then it was warm, and she slept.

Once it got to the point where they allowed her to wake up and stay up, she did so almost immediately. Blinking through crusted eyes, she felt her arms and ankles bound loosely to the bed she was laying on. A blurred figure sat before her. She felt a hand brush the hair out of her eyes.

"Hey, soldier," he said.

A guttural sound came from her, as she was too weak to form words. Her mouth and throat were dry, so very dry, and she licked her lips to tell the man so. A thick straw poked her lips, and she closed them around the plastic. Just water. She drank the whole glass.

"How are you feeling...?" The man asked. She wasn't sure if she could answer it, so she just shook her head across her pillow. He squeezed her hand gently. "I know it hurts... it will for a while. But, you're here with us, and that the important part."

Her eyes finally adjusted, and the man next to her came into focus. Thin faced, with dark, short-cropped hair. Tattoos. A red uniform shirt. Blue eyes.

She recognized him slightly. Her memory of up to half a year before the explosion was non-existent. The doctors would later tell her it may or may not come back, ever. But she had known him before that, since she was little.

"Brother," she croaked.

He smiled. Turning to the doorway, he spoke to a man that she had just noticed was leaning there. "She remembers me," he said. "That must be a good sign."

"Yes, how touching. Next question: does she know your name? Does she know HER name?" The voice was deep and gruff.

"It'll come to her, in time," her brother spoke. Turning back to her, he said, "Do you remember what happened?"

Before she could answer, however, a medic entered the room and asked for the visitors to leave. "We want to run a few tests to see how well our patient is adapting to her new limbs."

New limbs? Where? She lifted her head as much as she could, but it felt like it was full of water. Slowly she looked down at her body. From her chest down, a crisp white sheet with a red symbol on it covered her body. Her arms were above the sheet, but the her right arm felt funny. Looking closer, she realized what was different.

"W-what?" she groaned, pulling at her restraints. Wiggling her left arm free, she clumsily groped at the metal attached to her body. Her entire arm was metal; not cold, but not the temperature of flesh. Wrenching her other arm- her metal arm- free, she sat up completely and ripped the covers off. She wasn't wearing any clothes, but that was the least of her problems.

Her stomach, across the front and drifting to the right, was metal.

Her right leg, her entire right leg, was metal.

Whimpering, she grasped at what was now her body. The skin attached to her robotic side was heavily scarred. The medic had rushed to the bed as soon as she had removed the covers, her brother snagging the sheet as he popped out of the chair. He began placing it on her exposed body, saying something along the lines of "calm the hell down." The medic was busy bringing her arms back down to the restraints. Her sudden burst of energy was gone, and she was weak again. She succumbed to the straps as she cried.

"Shhh, don't cry, shhh... don't cry over this, little sis..."

And there's chapter one! Hope you all like it! Please review, ideas are welcome! And ideas for other stories you would like to see written as well!