A/N: Thank you all for your support and reviews. They make me happy that you're interested and that I'm doing a good job. This will soon come to an end, but I am thinking of other stories for the future!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


For the next few days things were hectic to say the least!

Tasha was alive, and she would be prosecuted for attempted murder and misuse of elemental magic. The Queen was requesting a fast hearing, probably to get it over with.

The others compelled by Tasha were constantly being questioned and under tests to certify that they were under compulsion. Tasha refused to answer questions, and was to be subjected to compulsion by Adrian and Lissa.

I was waiting behind a one way mirror, to await the questions. The tension was filling the room. What was going to be asked? What were her answers going to be?

I was lost in thought when I felt a clap on my shoulder. I turned to the side where I felt the shoulder clap and gave Hans a curt smile.


"No, I have nothing to hide. I'm more nervous of what her motives were." I knew it had to do with her infatuation with me, but was she more crazy than we thought?

I looked at the woman I once thought of as a friend and didn't see the same person. She changed, and not for the better. Before my thoughts could go any further, Lissa walked into the interrogation room.

It was dead silent, everyone holding their breaths. Lissa held her head high, but you could see the hesitation in the way she approached the chair in front of Tasha.

Tasha let out an evil laugh, "They sent you to do this? Are you going to be able to do this? Poor little innocent Lissa?" She kept taunting.

"Shut up!" Lissa said with ferocity and command.

Tasha's composure changed, and her face went slack.

The interrogation started. Series of questions were asked, and most of them were questions we already knew. Things like her name, her birthday, her family, but what really caught my attention were when the questions moved to her feelings about Roza.

"Do you like Rose?"

"No. I hate her."


"Because she stole the love of my life."

"Who is the love of your life?" Me.



"He is everything to me. He's perfect. We could have had a perfect life with perfect children." There was only one woman I wanted to have kids with, and it wasn't possible.

"Why did you attack Rose?"

"She was a distraction."

"What kind of distraction?"

"A distraction for Dimitri."


"When she wasn't around, we were perfect together. We almost had the life I wanted."

The questions went on, and on about her plan. I felt myself getting angry.

I heard Hans whisper, "If you need to leave you can."

I just shook my head. I couldn't leave. This was important, it was going to help me get the truth.

"...I was going to make her throat melt under my hands. I liked it, you see. The pain on her face as she was losing her breath and her life was fading away. Until she stabbed me, that is. I thought I was going to get away with it. I was sure she was dead until I felt the sharp pain in my chest. I guess she didn't have it in her to kill me, though. I'm still here, she's still weak. I'd do it again if I could."

Hans lifted a microphone to his mouth and told Lissa that that was enough.

Once Lissa broke the compulsion, Tasha's face had emotion again.

"Did that hurt your feelings, Lissa?" She taunted. "Trust me, I truly did try to kill her. Life is easier when she isn't around."


That's when Lissa's hand made contact with Tasha's face and guardians were escorting her out of the room.

"Don't you care about the people you've hurt?!" Liss struggled against the guardians. "Don't you care that you've hurt Christian?!" That's when the door shut behind her and the guardians.

Tasha laughed with pure evilness and she looked up to the one way window.

We stayed quiet, waiting to see if she would answer but no answers came.

"What's next?" I turned to Hans and he started rubbing his chin.

"Well, we have to wait to see what the queen will do next. I mean, she confessed..is there any reason for a trial?"

No, probably not.

"Death penalty?" It was either death or Tarasov. Death would be kinder.

I'm sure death will be the verdict. Royals seem to favor that instead of Tarasov."



I dont know why they won't let me in, dammit. Okay, well, I can. But still. I wanted to be in there, for the love of God, it was about me.

I waited patiently and checked the bond every 10 seconds or less. I was getting frustrated and so was Christian beside me.

"It's only been an hour, Rose. Chill."

I gave him a dirty look. An hour too long that I don't know what's going on.

finally Lissa emerged from the room and looked shaken. I tried tapping into the bond, but it was blocked.

I let Christian comfort her first, and she cried.

After a few minutes she composed herself, "she's confessed everything. It's all over for her now."

Later on that night, I was laying down with Dimitri in bed, and it kept nagging at me to ask him what happened.

"I know you're not asleep, Roza."

"Not in the slightest."

"It'll be over soon." He said as he pulled me to his chest and placed a loving kiss on my forehead.

"But, I want to know what happened in the room." I said as I sat up. "No one wants to tell me and it's really pissing me off. What was so bad that no one wants to tell me?" I said it in frustration.

Dimitri sat up with me, I could barely make out his shadow in the dark room. He sighed, "it's more about the way she described it. That's what no one wanted you to see or hear."

"But, why? How did she say it? What did she say?"

"She has no remorse for what she did, and she said she would do it again. She's a sick woman that needs to get help and be put away. She's going to be out of our lives soon, and we can put her behind us."

"What about Christian? This has to be hard on him. Did she say anything about feeling sorry for hurting him?"

"No, she never said anything, but I don't think she cared if she hurt anyone. She had a goal in mind, and that was the end of it."

He pulled me down to the bed and enveloped me in his arms. I felt a sense of comfort and safety knowing I had him to protect me.