Disclaimer: not mine

A/N: So this is a simple T rated two-shot. Two chapters of Malec cuteness. Just a little idea I had randomly today… My other fics are still going btw, don't you worry… Enjoy, angels.


"Ha! You lose Alec! You suck! And i rule all! Mini wave in celebration of me!"

Jace cried as he straddled Alecs hip, punning him to floor and laughing in victory. Alec moaned and shoved Jace off of him, wiping sweat from his forehead and breathing hard.

He turned to Jace. "I demand a rematch."

But Jace just smirked at him with his superficial grin and shining golden eyes.

"Nope. We agreed. One sparring match, winner takes all. And the loser... Which is you, must suffer!"

Alec groaned and cursed himself for making that one tiny slip up that had let Jace gain the upper hand. Jace was smiling widely as put the swords back on the shelves and turned to Alec with a strip of blue material in his hands.

Alec huffed in annoyance as Jace sauntered towards him smirking.

"Don't get pissy, brother, you knew what was at stake when you agreed to this fight."

Alec groaned. "Yes. But i thought i would beat you. Therefore, it would be you suffering this infernal show of being a loser."

Jace grinned and slid the material through his fingers.

"24 hours, brother. You must wear the blindfold for 24 hours. You cannot remove it, you cannot get someone else to remove it for you, and you cannot cut eye holes in it. You must wear it properly for the whole time or I'm gonna start drawing in permanent marker in your precious comic books."

Alec huffed indignantly. "Do not touch the comics."

Jace smiled sweetly. "Then you know what you must do."

Izzy, Clary, Will and Jem were sat around them, exchanging money for their bets as to who would win. Will paid both Clary and Jem while Izzy paid out also. Clearly, betting on your brother / doppelganger was a bad idea.

Alec sighed and nodded. "Alright, Jace. Lets do this. Bring it on."

Jace grinned and wrapped the blue tie around Alecs head, smiling as he slipped it down over his eyes.

Now Alec wasn't going to lie, it made once been a fantasy of Alecs to have Jace blindfold him. Though under slightly different circumstances that usually involved hand cuffs, their clothes over the floor and screams of pleasure. Though that was a long time ago. Now it just feels kind of weird.

He sighed as the light went out and he felt the cool material over his eyes. Then he heard Jaces voice from behind him.

"It is 10pm. Which means this must stay on for 24 hours. So it will come off this time tomorrow."

Alec moaned. "That means i have to go the school with this on. How am i supposed to go to soccer practice?"

He heard everyone giggled and he moaned as Jace patted his shoulder.

"Well, ill tie a piece of string around your wrist and someone can guide you everywhere."

Alec groaned. "So you'll have to walk me around like a dog."

Jace laughed. Alec groaned.

"In that case, i want either Clary or Jem to do it. I know you, and Izzy and Will. You'll probably walk me into lamp posts or shove me into the wrong classroom and watch as people stare at me."

Everyone cracked up as Alec sighed a laugh and sat down, laying on the ground with his head in someone's lap. Will snorted.

"Yeah well, at least we'd only do that. Think of what would happen if say, Magnus got hold of you. He'd probably cover you in glitter and force you into leather pants and dye your hair."

Alec laughed. "True. Very true. Where is he anyway?"

Izzy spoke up and Alec deduced that it was in her lap that his head rested.

"He had to help Cat get ready for her date with Ragnor. He's coming over tonight though, along with, like, everyone."

Alec nodded and smiled. Magnus was his best friend in the world. Well, aside from Jace and Izzy. They'd been best friends forever. He was the first person Magnus had come out to way back when. He was honoured. And kind of happy that Magnus was gay. Though he'd never told Magnus that he was also gay. He meant to, but he wasn't out to anyone. Not even Izzy or Jace.

He pushed all thoughts of Magnus from his mind and curled up next to his sister, gradually drifting off to sleep.

Little did he know that the next 24 hours would change his entire life…


He woke up with something poking his face repeatedly.

"Get up. School in an hour, brother."

Alec sighed and groaned as he sat up, the darkness disorientating him briefly. He heard Izzy say hey and lead him to his room where she helped him get his clothes out his wardrobe.

He sighed as he pulled his shirt over his head. As he pulled his jeans off, he heard a low whistle from his door way. Turning towards the door, he bit his lip.

"Ah, who is that?" He asked awkwardly.

He heard a silky low laugh from the door way and he sighed a laugh.

"Magnus. Hey."

He heard the laughter come closer.

"Alexander. Its very nice to see you. And what a sight it is."

Alec shivered as he felt Magnus' voice wash over him. He knew he was blushing as he felt Magnus' breath on his skin and pulled a shirt on and yanked his jeans up his legs.

"You giving us a lift today?" He asked as Magnus ruffled his hair.

"Yeah i am. You need a hand getting downstairs?"

Alec sighed. "Yes please."

Magnus grinned. "So what's with the blindfold? Someone have some sexy times?"

Alec blushed hard and bit his lip before swinging his arm out and hitting Magnus.

"No. I lost a fight to Jace and this was the price of losing. 24 hours wearing a blindfold."

He heard Magnus laugh and he sighed as his friend took his hand and led him down the stairs.

He bit his lip as he felt Magnus' hand in his, the smooth skin and softness against his own.

Magnus smiled at the thought of Alec holding his hand and he even felt himself blush a little. He'd had a crush on Alec forever. His best friend. His straight best friend. It was a sorry tale as old as time. But it still sucked sometimes. Especially when he walks into a room and Alecs stood there in just his pants.


Clary held the string, guiding Alec into their English class. Her mother, Jocelyn, aka, Miss Fairchild, was their teacher. And when she saw the blindfold over Alecs eyes, she laughed.

"The price of losing, i see Mr Lightwood."

Alec sighed a laugh as he realised Clary must have told her mum last night. He nodded solemnly as Clary led him to his seat. It felt strange, being guided, not actually seeing. It was quite scary. And he hated Jace for it.

Getting through the day was awkward. He couldn't write. Or look at board or books. He couldn't even see his lunch so he just sort of picked at a bag of crisps and roughly aimed for his mouth. During the lunch hour, Magnus joined them and smirked as he quietly withdrew a small pot of glitter from his bag and began sprinkling it over Alecs head until his black hair shimmered pink and blue in the light. Everyone was laughing and no one would tell him why. It was infuriating. And then, to make matters worse, Clary got detracted on the way to their next class and he ended up smashing into some burly senior who smelled like weed and urine. He fumed as she giggled and swore not to tell a soul.

After his maths lesson, which he just sort of listened to and answered verbally as Clary wrote down his answers, he had soccer practice. And Clary passed him off onto Will, who was snickering beside him as they walked.

"What?" Alec asked exasperatedly.

Will giggled. "Oh, nothing. Its just that your hair is shining pink and blue."

Alec gasped. "What?!" He cried, shaking his head fast to get rid of the colour. Will doubled up with laughter at the sight of a blindfolded Alec moving spasmodically, blind and unaware of everything, shaking his head to be rid of the glitter.

"It seems Magnus got to you, dearest Alexander."

Alec growled. "Why am i friends with you people, all you give me is abuse."

Will put his arm around Alecs shoulders. "We do it because we love you."

Alec hit him in the face.

When they got to the soccer field, Alec heard their coach laugh.

"I heard about your little situation Lightwood. Your brother told me earlier. And i know you cant see right now, but lots of people are blinking at you."

Their coach laughed as he walked away and Alecs eyebrows furrowed. Turning to where he thought Will was standing, judging by the soft giggled he was emitting, Alec asked.

"What the hell does he mean by 'blinking at me'?"

Will snorted and burst into laughter as his hand rested on Alecs shoulder.

"You don't know?" He wheezed between breaths.

Alec shook his head. "Know what?"

Will snorted. "Your shirt."

"What about it?" Alec asked scared and confused.

Will giggled. "It say Blink If You Want Me on it, written in sequins."

Alec gasped and almost screamed as he ran his hands over the writing on the shirt, feeling the cool rings of the sequins. He moaned as Will laughed hard beside him and he fumed angrily.

"Izzy gave me this to wear today. I thought she was on my side! I'm gonna kill her! Give me your jacket now!"

Will just sighed. "No." He said simply, before grabbing Alecs wrist and dragging him through the laps and push ups and other activities of the days training session. Which included practicing their passes. Which was a problem because Alec couldn't see. Though he managed to catch all but 4, which hit him in the face, the chest, the groin and the arm respectfully.

Groaning in pain and humiliation and anger and exasperation, he let Will lead him to his car and they made their way back to Alecs house.


When they stormed through the door, Alec flew into the living room where he could hear everyone talking animatedly. He slammed the door and yelled indignantly.

"Isabel Lightwood. Seriously? You made me walk around all day in this glittery, sequinned devil spawn shirt?! You are evil and i hate you and i will get my revenge one day!"

He heard them all laugh and he growled angrily, though he was smiling slightly.

"And Magnus! Wherever the fuck you are! Glitter in my hair? Really? And did it have to be PINK?!"

He heard everyone break down into hysterics and he gave up as he heard Magnus talk.

"It suits you."

Alec huffed as Will and Jace hollered and Izzy and Clary giggled. Then he heard several snaps if a camera and swore at the lot of them.

"I going to attempt to take a fucking shower and then i will plot my revenge against you all. You've been warned."

He growled in his best 'im gonna kick your ass' voice before storming out the room. Though not before smashing into the doorframe and buckling up the stairs. He could hear everyone's laughter and sighed a little laugh of his own.

He'd been laughed at, tortured, injured, humiliated and covered in glitter. Many things that were new to him. Though none of that was what would come to change his world.

No, that came after his semi successful shower, if you don't count the head butting of the shower nozzle or the tripping over the floor mat.


Sighing as he dug through his drawer to find one of his many tank tops to go with whatever sweatpants he had found, he heard the door open.

"Oh sorry Alec. I didn't realise you were out. I'm just grabbing my jacket."

Alec smiled. "That's alright Cat, at least im wearing clothes. This morning Magnus walked in and i was in my pants. It was awkward to say the least."

They shared a laugh as she slipped out the door, though it didn't close as Alec heard a scuffle in his doorway.

"Sorry. Coat grabbing, them im out. I should be the last one. Everyone else has got theirs."

Came Ragnors voice. Alec smiled and nodded as Ragnor clicked his tongue and threw a jaunty "Good evening" over his shoulder and clicking the door shut.

Alec sighed as heard the front door open and close, knowing that Cat, Ragnor and some of the others were heading down the docks for a night time stroll.

Pulling his top over his head, he vaguely heard the door open again. But no sound followed.

Creasing his brow, he spoke.

"Hello? Did someone just come in here or have my senses just gone crazy?"

He got no answer and he sighed, laughing to himself as he adjusted the wet blindfold over his eyes, staying true to the rules of his forfeit.

But then he felt a tentative touch under his chin and his head was lifted up a fraction until he would have been staring straight ahead if he could see.

He gulped as he heard a shallow breath from right of him and he whispered.

"Um hey. What's going on?" He asked whoever it was stood before him.

But he got no spoken reply. Instead, a pair of soft lips pressed lightly against his own.

He gasped at the unexpected contact and froze as those lips moved against his slowly. In his state of shock, his body just reacted to the soft, silky touch and he kissed back. The light pressure passed between them and the world melted away. The person wasn't touching him anywhere else and he had no inclination as to who he was even kissing. For all he knew, it was Jace pulling another prank. But one thing he did know, was that it felt bloody amazing.

He moaned softly as his bottom lip was caught between two full plump lips and tugged on slightly, a tentative tongue tracing the edge as someone sucked on his lower lip. Then a light kiss was pressed to the corner of his mouth. Then there was nothing.

There was just silence. No moving. No breathing. No thudding heartbeat. It was just Alec, alone in the room.

He ripped the blindfold off his head and stared at the open doorway in confusion.

His mind was in fragments. But there were two things he was certain of.

1) That kiss was the best he'd ever had

And 2) he was determined to find out who it was with.

Though that may be problematic because there were at least 13 other people in his house at that time.
