AN: Mentions Season 6 Episode 13 and based upon Season 6 Episode 14. Poor Denise, it's so horrible. Only two episodes left... No... And Negan's coming... Can't wait. Thanks to everyone for following, favouring, and reviewing this story. Here's the next chapter, enjoy! Reviews are welcomed. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own The Walking Dead, It solely belongs to AMC and Robert Kirkman. I only own my own Character Timi.

A Pessimistic State of Mind

It's been a few days since we attacked the Saviors and got Carol and Maggie back. By the time we got to the slaughterhouse, Maggie and Carol pretty much took care of everything. They killed their captors and then burned the rest of the Saviors who came to the place.

Poor Carol looked shaken up after this whole ordeal, and it wasn't like her at all. I wondered what was going through her mind, but I mean, getting kidnapped is pretty frightening, but I think there's more going on with her.

It was early morning, and I laid in bed reflecting on these past few days. I didn't feel like this thing with the Saviors were over yet and I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Something was coming, but what? I didn't know, and honestly I really didn't want to know. If the past couple of years has any indication about what could possibly happen in our near future, I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

A small stream of light was coming through the light curtains hanging on our window and I watched as the dust particles floated around the room. Daryl was sleeping next to me and I wondered what was going through his head. He seemed to be a little distant for the past few days, and I didn't know why. But I rarely knew why Daryl acted the way he did.

I turned over and looked at the man that I loved. His long hair was in his face and his rugged goatee looked lighter in the early morning sun. I placed my hand on his scruffy cheek and rubbed my fingers across the stubble. His eyes fluttered open and he squinted his light blue eyes at me.

"What'cha doin'?" he mumbled.

"I'm just thinking," I said.

"About what?"

"Just the past few days… Months… Everything…"

"Mm-hmm… Ya should stop thinkin' so much. So, why'd ya wake me?"

"I really don't know…"

He pulled me closer and said, "There's gotta be a reason."

"Even though you're here, you seem so far away."

He lifted a brow and said, "Ya gettin' all cryptic on me?"

"No… I'm just saying, you've been distant lately."

"Got a lot on my mind. Same as you."

I nodded slowly and said, "Do you still love me?"

A sharp glare was thrown my way and Daryl said sternly, "The hell kind of question is that? Of course I still love ya, Timi. Maybe we haven't been as close as we used to be, but ya still the most important thing in my life."

"I guess I shouldn't be doubting our love."

"Nah, ya shouldn't. I'm always gonna love ya no matter what. So I don't want'cha askin' that question ever again. Got that?"

"Yeah, I got it."

Daryl kissed me tenderly and I could tell how much we still loved and cared for each other. I don't know why I'm even doubting it, but lately I've been questioning everything. Every moment that goes by, all I'm thinking about is who's going to die next. I know that's a terrible way to think, but it seems that every time we're happy and getting our shit together, something happens and we lose someone or more.

Daryl pulled away and leaned his forehead against my own. He cupped my face with his warm calloused hand and said, "No matter what happens, I'm gonna be here for ya. I know I don't speak my mind much, especially when it comes to feelings, but I love ya and I hope ya know that."

"I know… I love you too. I don't know why I always think of the worst."

"Ya worry too much, 'cause that's what ya focus on. All ya focus on is the worst, ya gotta stop doin' that to yaself."

"True and I used to be optimistic. Well sometimes… I guess since the world went to hell, my optimism started to dissipate."

"I understand, I ain't really been one for optimism anyway. I just try not to think about it and push forward."

"Yeah, maybe I should start seeing things that way."

"Good, now let's go back to sleep. We still got at least an hour before we gotta get up."


He turned onto his back and pulled me with him, so I my head was resting on his chest. I could hear his heart beating steadily and I smiled a little bit. This is all I need, to know that everything is going to be all right. Especially if I have Daryl around.

I was walking around the community and I nodded to people as I passed by. Since the talk I had this morning with Daryl, I've been feeling pretty good. Even though I wasn't fully over my worried state of mind, I still had more hope running through me. Rosita and Denise were walking towards me and Rosita asked, "Is Daryl around?"

"Yeah, he's working on his bike. Why?" I asked.

"We were thinking about going on a run. Get some supplies," Denise said.

"Oh, okay. So Denise, you're going with?"

"Yeah, I'll be able to ID the meds and I've been working with the machete."

"All right, you all be careful."

They nodded and went off to find Daryl. I didn't know if Denise was ready to go out there, but who am I to say anything. And as long as Rosita and Daryl has her back, what could go wrong? Eh… I probably shouldn't say it, but a lot can go wrong. I promised Daryl though that I wouldn't think about what could go wrong. I'm sure the three of them will be just fine and come back with some supplies.

"Hey there, Timi," Eugene said as he ate an apple.

"Hi, Eugene," I said.

"You doing all right?"

I raised a brow and said, "Yeah… Why?"

He shrugged and said, "You just had a look on your face that stated you were in deep thought. I assumed you were worried about something."

"I'm fine, Eugene. Thanks for looking out for me…"

"It's no problem. I reckon we all have something on our minds these days."

I nodded slowly at the guy in front of me, sporting a new look with a pony tail, and not his usual mullet. Abraham came up behind him and said in his deep voice, "You ready to go Eugene. Don't have all day."

"I'm ready. See you later Timi," Eugene said and started walking away.

"See you," Abraham said quickly and followed after the other man.

I let out a sigh and continued walking down the street. I saw Carol occupying her usual spot lately, sitting on the porch swing while smoking a cigarette. I decided to go talk to her since I had nothing better to do. I took a seat next to her and said, "Hi Carol."

She looked over at me and said, "Hi Timi."

I haven't really talked to her since she was taken along with Maggie by a group of the Saviors. Like I said earlier, she seemed really shaken up over that and I didn't really know how to approach her.

"How've you been?" I asked.

She shrugged and said, "All right, I guess."

"You and Tobin, huh?"


Okay, this has to be the most awkward conversation in the history of conversations I've ever had. Believe me, I've had some awkward conversations.

"We don't have to talk," Carol said as she took a drag from her cigarette.

"I know, but it feels like so long since we've… talked," I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

"You remind me of Daryl when you do that."

"We seem to have similar nervous ticks."

"I can see that. I'm glad you two complement each other so well."

"I guess we do."

"So, you came here to talk. What do you want to talk about?"

"I was just wondering… Are you… Are you all right?"

She looked blankly at me and said, "I'm fine."

I bit my lip and said, "If you say so… I really don't mean to pry, but I just thought… If you need to talk or something…"

She sighed and put out her cigarette, "You're almost as awkward as Daryl… But honestly I'm fine."

"Okay, glad to hear it."

"How about you?"

"I'm fine."

"Good. I'll see around."

Carol got up and went inside the house. I sat there for a few seconds, staring at the white door. I knew Carol didn't want to talk about whatever was going through her mind, but I hoped she was going to be all right. I sighed and walked off to find something that will keep me occupied until Daryl gets back.

Several hours later, word spread throughout Alexandria like wildfire, Denise was dead and Eugene was shot. Thankfully he was doing okay, but poor Denise. My heart was sinking deep in my chest from hearing what happened out there. There were still saviors out there and if they know where Alexandria is, we could all be screwed.

I was trying so hard to think of the best and of course, the worst case scenario out beats it by a long shot. Denise was a very nice person and she was getting way better in the medical department. I felt real bad for Tara, I wonder how she's going to take the news about losing her girlfriend. I couldn't even fathom if Daryl was dead.

Daryl walked by me on the steps after he put his stuff away. He nodded curtly before walking off to the small cemetery we've made in Alexandria. I guess it wasn't so small anymore, it seems to be growing rather quickly, and I couldn't stand it. We were losing people left and right, and there was nothing we could do about it. No matter how much we try to protect ourselves and the people around us, something comes to bite us in the ass. Can we ever go a year, or even a month, without losing someone? It might be a lot to ask for, but it would be the best thing for everyone.