"You guys never told me you have MAGIC!" exclaimed Bill, holding his hand out while blue flames danced around his fingers. "The Pines family's bodies could NEVER do this!"

Bill had just emerged from BillDip's tent, and was surrounded by MaBill, WenDip, and Dipifica.

MaBill giggled at Bill's fascination with the flames. "Daddy says it's because BillDip and I have dream demon blood. We can actually use our powers in the real world, even though they aren't as powerful as a dream demon's would be in the mindscape."

"You should stop," pouted Dipifica. "Dad told you to never use them, it gives you an unfair advantage against the rest of us."

"Oh, lighten up, Dippy." retorted MaBill. "Dad also said we should never escape the forest either, and look what we're doing! Here Bill, let me show you something even cooler."

Bill had extinguished the flame and was now waving his arms, trying his best to create more magic.

"Check this out." MaBill held her arms out and raised them, trembling as if she was lifting some invisible heavy object. The forest floor shook, and a pillar burst out of the ground under MaBill's feet, made out of some sort of red, translucent matter, which lifted her into the air.

Bill, now completely focused on MaBill, followed her actions. His own tower appeared, a light blue color, and lifted him to the same height as MaBill's tower, fifteen feet in the air. "THIS IS AWESOME!" he exclaimed.

MaBill laughed. "You learn quickly!"

Bill pushed his hair out of his face. "I DO HAVE QUITE A BIT OF EXPERIENCE WITH MAGIC! SAY, CAN WE GO ANY HIGHER?"

"Nope! You can only create 200 cubic feet of material!" called Dipifica from the ground.

"Yeah, sadly we have our limits. We can also make small objects float."


MaBill started bouncing up and down with excitement. "Okay, we're going to fly up to the top of the force field. Daddy will never find the hole up there."

Bill widened his eyes. "FLY UP?"

Poof, poof. Two small, angelic wings popped out of MaBill's back, just like the Love God's own wings. "Let's go, lover boy." She leaped off the tower to soar, but her teeny wings made the flight looked rather pathetic, like a chicken struggling to stay in the air. Dipifica and WenDip followed her after a quick running start.

"WAIT FOR ME!" cried Bill, as he dove off the tower. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to deploy his wings, and fell flat on the ground. A few seconds after lying in the dirt, his wings popped out of his back. Bill quickly flapped his wings and caught up with the girls.

Dipifica had a look of both disgust and pity on her face. "Are you okay?"


"C'mon Bill, we can't let your face get messed up, you gotta impress Mabel." said MaBill.

The group flapped higher and higher, until they could see the forest miles around. It was currently dusk, and the sky was turning orange. There were mountains close by, and a river cut through the forest in the distance. Above them there was a shimmering glass ceiling.

"THIS SEEMS LIKE A RATHER BASIC FORCE FIELD!" observed Bill. His eyes rolled back into his head, and they intensely shone blue light. "OBICE CONFRACTUS! OBICE CONFRACTUS!" he chanted. A small hole appeared in the field, just wide enough for the group to fly through. Bill's eyes returned to normal, and he gestured to the hole. "LADIES FIRST!"

MaBill grinned at Bill and flew out of the hole. Dipifica went next, somewhat disturbed by Bill's incantation. WenDip went through, turning to Bill. "Such chivalry!" she teased.

"GOTTA PRACTICE, I HEAR IT'S WHAT THE LADIES ARE CRAZY ABOUT NOWADAYS!" he remarked as he finally flew through the hole.

Free from their home, the shiplings turned South. "That's the way to Gravity Falls." informed Dipifica.

"Great," said MaBill. She rubbed her hands together. "Time to set up my OTP!" The group flew off into the horizon. Soon, the Pines family's lives would be rocked by this strange, yet powerful group.