Prince of the Fire Nation and of the Shadows

Yes. I am making a second fan fiction and I am very excited about it. Shikamaru is my favorite character from Naruto and I wanted to do a fan fiction where he is able to shine more. Remember that I own none of the characters from Naruto and Avatar the Last Airbender. (Sigh) I wish I did... Thank you for your support my dear readers and please enjoy.

Chapter 1: From the Shadows to the Flames

The situation was unbelievable. Shikamaru Nara. The man, who was able to accomplish so many great things once he got off his lazy butt, was only a few minutes from Death's door. Hidan, who had actually managed to somehow dig himself out of the hole he was buried in, had mortally wounded Shikamaru, but was apprehended before he could finish his disturbing ritual.

"Shikamaru! You need to hang in there just a little longer. Ino will have you healed up in no time, but you need to stay with us," begged Choji as Ino attempted to stop the bleeding from Shikamaru's abused body. Shikamaru could barely breathe and cursed himself for allowing Hidan, that scum of the earth, the opportunity to slice him up with that freaky scythe. At least Shikadai was safe...


Sunlight poured through the window and struck Shikamaru in the face. Shikamaru grudgingly got up when he heard Temari making a racket in the kitchen. Usually when Shikamaru got up in the morning, he would be in a hurry to eat and quickly leave to meet up with, Naruto, the Seventh Hokage. Not today. Today Shikamaru had the day off and was asked (ordered) by Temari to spend the day with their son, Shikadai. He honestly did not mind spending time with his son and had agreed the day before, but felt that he should probably reschedule this ominous morning. Shikamaru could sense that something unexpected and troublesome was going to occur. Not that he could explain that to his wife. She would just accuse him of being lazy and then kick his behind into next week. 'Maybe I'll just take Shikadai cloud watching today. Nothing dangerous or life threatening ever happened from watching a cloud.'

After breakfast they had been escorted (kicked) out through the front door by Temari and were told not to return till they had done plenty of bonding. That was how father and son ended up walking through the village to their cloud watching spot with lazy expressions on their faces. 'Why did I marry a scary woman who is so much like my Mom?' thought Shikamaru with a sigh.

"This is such a drag", Shikadai said in a bored and annoyed voice. "Why did Mom have to make us get up so early in the morning? Women! They always feel the need to tell you what to do." Shikamaru couldn't help feeling amused. His son reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. His amusement was cut short when he felt killing intent being directed right at them.

"Shikadai! Run!"

End of Flashback

Hidan and Shikamaru had duked it out as soon as Shikadai took off. Long story short, Hidan had dominated the fight. Hidan had shockingly escaped the Shadow Imitation Technique and dodged all his trench knives. Hidan had fought like a man possessed and his movements had been too unpredictable to predict. Hidan had also attacked him so relentlessly that Shikamaru did not have any time to think up any strategies.

By the time help arrived, Shikamaru was a mess. Both eyes bruised and swollen, and cuts were scattered all over his face. His knuckles were cracked and bloody from punching Hidan a couple times in the face. His shirt was shredded in the front and was bleeding heavily from the wound on his stomach and chest.

Shikamaru could already feel himself drifting away. 'After everything I have been through...After everything I have accomplished... This is the end... I kind of hoped I would die from old age... I'm sure Naruto will be OK... He still has Kakashi to assist him... Temari...I wish I could see you once more before I go...' thought a severely weakened Shikamaru. His beautiful wife, Temari, and his son appeared at his side with watery eyes. Shikamaru could not make out what they were saying and could not utter a word himself. There was so much he wanted to say to his family and friends, but could not dislodge the words stuck in his throat. And without warning...Shikamaru went completely still and was gone.