I present to you an official corrected prouloge. Big applause to E3-FantasyandReality for making this chapter less shitty.

Age of the characters:

Hashirama - 6

Tobirama/Tsunade - 5

Kawarama - 4

Itama - 3



I still remember the day when I opened my eyes for the first time. I mean, I had my eyes opened before, but not like this. Not as the real me.

I was 6 years old at that time, when I went with my brothers to the lake near our house. Imagine a big lough surrounded by water lilies. The light blue sky reflecting in water's surface as the sun breaks through the shroud of clouds.

No noises audible.

Just peaceful.

Now imagine yourself and four other kids running towards that quiet sanctuary.

It's not entirely quiet now, is it?

"Nii-san! Not that fast! We can't keep up with you!" yelled the white, shaggy hair boy angrily as he tried to move faster.

The eldest one turned his head back with a grin on his face and yelled - "We are almost there, so don't worry! You won't get lost Tobi!" - without stopping. He finished with a cheeky wink, what only made the boy beside me more irritated than he was before.

"Come on guys! Whoever is first at the lake, wins a bite of today's cake!" Hashirama said in an encouraging tone. Of course, we were heavily influenced by our big brother's motivation. Who wouldn't want a cake?

Our legs changed gears and we ran full throttle after him.

"I will win this!" Itami enthusiastically claimed, speeding up as much as he could with his short, chubby legs. Unfortunately Kawarama didn't like the idea of losing to someone younger than him, so he decided to put his left leg in front of the smaller boy's feet to make him fall on his face.

"Hahaha! You wish!" he laughed when he saw his brother hit the ground. He was too occupied with the belief that he had beaten his sibling, that he didn't notice when a little hand grabbed his food in the last second and dragged him down.

"AUGH!" they've crashed into each other, "Idiot!"

Because of their hasty and clumsy actions, I couldn't contain my laughter any longer. In result, I lost most of my breath to the point that I couldn't keep up with Tobirama anylonger. I started choking up short giggles. I stood stagnant and watched my twin's figure faint into the distance.

Trying to hurdle back into the race would be futile. I knew it was already impossible to catch up with Tobi. Especially when he's in his competitive streak.

'Sheesh... Hashirama, will always be Hashirama.' I came to a realization, 'Cunning brother.. the only reason he wanted us to race against each other was so that he could rob us of cake!' I thought while glaring at his form when he stopped in the distance to look at all of his siblings.

"I won! Stop fighting little boys." He shouted from afar to Itama and Kawarama, as he placed his hands on his hips.

Immediately Kawarama leaped up from the ground. "Who are you calling little?!" He spurred towards his older brother with an agitated expression. "I'm not little!"

Itama stayed in his position on the grass trying to hide his tears from everyone. He always was too delicate, at least that's what father repeated all the time.

As soon as he had wiped his tears away, he walked over to us.

"Listen to me, my dear siblings!" Our eldest claimed as he deflected Kawarama's strike away from his face. "I, the great Hashirama, will show you something super cool. Keep your eyes on me and try not to gawk at my awesomeness too much, okay?"

He moved towards the lake and walked on its surface. He stood there with deep concentration to stabilize himself. After he balanced himself entirely, he smirked triumphantly. "What do you think, aren't I wonderful?"

I, together with the rest of my brothers, had our mouths opened wide in shock. We knew that it's possible to do a thing like this. Every respected shinobi should know how to do that. Hell, every shinobi should know. But to see Hashirama actually doing it was kind of shocking. His chakra wasn't anything exceptional. Actually, his chakra control was probably the worst of all children around his age. So... how?

Our shock was soon replaced by sheer embarrassment for our brother. After he took an unsteady step forward, he lost his concentration underneath his sandals and fell straight into the water.

Tobimara was the first one to chastise elder brother's cockiness and clumsiness. Itama and Kamawari continued to chuckle under their breaths. I stared at Hashirama as he was pouting childishly with his head just bobbing out of the water. Instantly, after regaining their breaths, the Senju brothers dove into the water to rescue our clumsily sibling. I then followed afterwards, eagerly.

"I was just waiting for that moment to come, you know." I plainly said, backstroking away from my brothers.

I was at a fair distance away from them when a throb in my head etched into my brain. The pain was so instinct, acute. I was too preoccupied with enduring the pain that I failed to consult my brothers from afar. The movements of my legs slowed, and I began to drown.

My head continued to swirl, to pound, to swell. It was as if something sharp has protruding into my skull with a sharp current. I screamed, but it was muffled by the denseness of the water.

I watched myself drift deeper into the water, weakly blinking at the sun which shone through the lake. Its light was getting dimmer and dimmer.

'Am I going to die?'

My body drifted apart from my consciousness. And I was greeted by the darkness.

'Where am I?' I thought as I surveyed the area. I saw nothing but black.

"Hello?!" I cried before I started to run in fear. As I ran aimlessly in the darkness, shards of silver formed ahead of me. I gritted my teeth and clamped my eyes shut, hoping that the exit wouldn't be so far away.

As I ran closer to it, the broken shards mended itself before me. I braked abruptly, startled. "What's that?" I looked closely, 'A picture?'

Once the shards has finished to piece itself together, a picture formed. It latched onto the dark surroundings and engulfed my sights entirely. I stared in a bewildered tone. I felt as if... I was there. In that village.

The time stood still - nothing moved. Not a person. Not a leaf. I was just there, surrounded by buildings and a crowd of people whose movements were frozen.

Curiously, I concentrated on the people before me. There was a girl with a younger boy in her arms. 'That girl.' I gasped, but nothing came out.' She looked exactly like me - well, more developed me. But those eyes, that hair: they shared an uncanny resemblance to mine.'

The blond girl hugged the boy next to her tightly, as if he was a treasure. "Come on Nawaki. Your nee-chan is going on her mission today!"

The boy in a blue poncho folded his arms and whipped his head to the side. "Why do you always have to go on missions? It's lonely without you.."

She knelt down in front of him, tipping his chin upwards before she pressed her lips on his forehead.

"Another time, okay?"

The memory froze, frazzled, before it reverted back further more in time. I found myself in the forest standing next to the same girl from before - younger this time, closer to my age. I gaped, she looked like my clone! My sudden surprise was replaced with another blend of curiosity when I saw a new set of people standing near us - three people. Two boys and one grown man.

The white hair boy in the middle stretched out his arm, "I'm Jiraya! It's nice to meet you. It's okay if you want to write a love letter to me later. For now, let's just get along." He cracked up a cheeky smile.

I watched my clone j*** back, surprised before her temper was put on a leash. She balled her hand into a fist as her lips trembled. The black hair boy on his right shook his head. Whilst the adult smiled as he crossed his hands over his chest.

Time flew as I watched all the scenes that showed and disappeared before me. I later found out that the cluster of children were known as Team Hiruzen, after their teacher's name. The white-haired boy was called Jiraiya and was a prominent pervert. While the black haired boy was far too fascinated by his own world and snakes. His name was Orochimaru - a proclaimed prodigy. I also found out that the blonde girl - my clone - was called Tsunade Senju. The best medical ninja in the Five Great Nations, with a strength that rivaled hundred men.

I witnessed as they fought together during a war - called the Third Shinobi War - which gained them the title of the Legendary Sannins. I saw the boy in the poncho from before - Nawaki - die during the war. And another man called Dan - Tsunade's lover - die under her treatment.

These deaths forced Tsunade to leave the village, with her lover's niece. I saw as the poison of alcohol and adiction of gambling took a toll on her sanity, but not her appearance. She remained as beautiful as before.

I saw everything that ran rampant in her memories. The pain from losing her loved ones and fights with her old teammates. The joy of fulfilling her loved ones' dreams. The hardship to protect the village she truly loved. The sadness of losing her beloved friend. And finally the triumphant feeling of winning the war.

I saw the life of that blond girl. I felt all her emotions. And at some point it hit me.

"Could-Could she be...?" I gasped.

A bright white light greeted me.

"Tomoko.. Please, just open your eyes already!" Hashirama yelled, shaking me furiously by my shoulders. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that all of my brother were huddled around me.

"Oh, thank you!" Itama hugged me before anyone could utter a single word. I felt wetness on my arm and I knew that he was crying. "I thought you were dead," he managed to add.

I looked at Kawarama as tears rolled down his cheeks. Tobirama just closed his eyes and sighed in relief as Hashirama ran around the room with overwhelming happiness.

"I'm sorry that I worried you." I tried to say softly but my voice came out hoarse.

"It's okay, Tomoko." Said my mother whom I didn't notice earlier. "Just rest now. We will talk about it later." She kissed my forehead. "Boys, get out. Let your sister sleep."

They showed no reaction to my mother's orders. They stood, frozen, and concerned about my well-being. Our mother shot a threatening glare at them which sent shivers down their spines. Reluctantly, they left the room. However, Itama remained sat, eyes clouded with tears. "To-Tomoko-nee..!" he gurgled out.

Mother patted his head soothingly. "Go sweetie, you will see her tomorrow. I promise."

Itama wiped his eyes and sniffed at me. "Do you promise?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yes.."

With that he left my room side by side with my mother and I was left alone. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.

'So, Tsunade Senju and Tomoko Senju are in fact the same person. They are me. I am them. Hashirama was once my grandfather, but he's now my brother.'

I irritably ruffled my hair, groaning out. "...I need my sake."


The time in the room stopped as soon as the palm connected with a cheek of the young child. The sounds of hit skin echoed through the place only ending near the doors which leaded to the exit of the mansion. Rough breathing left the month of the small, blond girl. She didn't yelled or react in any other way than just letting go of the air she had in her lungs. Her shaking body barely stayed in the standing position as she stepped back because of the hit. Closing her eyes to control emotions that were boiling inside her, she raised her head high. Clenched fists were hidden behind her posture as she tried to keep calm.

"I thought that you're more intelligent than this. You've disappointed me. Me, your mother and brothers." Said the tall man who was standing before the child. His voice was firm and emotionless showing how serious the situation was, "As a daughter of the clan head you mustn't make mistakes like that. You could have harm yourself or even die in that lake. The clan needs you healthy and alive." He turned away from her.

After a minute of silence he added, "Senjus might be strong but we need allies and as soon as you are in a proper age, we will choose a clan which you will be married into. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father."

"Then why have your brothers brought your almost dead body to our camp?" his head turned to the side so he could be able to see the small girl in the corner of his eyes.

The child fliched and looked down, "I'm sorry father. This won't happen again."

"You're right. It won't. From today, the contact with your brothers will be limited."